Who is Rob Miller?

I was born in October 1981, Rob grew up in suburbs of central New Jersey, about 30 min. outside of NYC.

He graduated from the New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2004 with a Masters of Business Administration degree.

Shortly after college he held a couple of relatively dead end jobs, including a copier salesman (for about 2 months) and an outside sales rep for a large beverage distributor.

However, ever since he was a kid, he wanted to be a pilot.

After working as an outside sales rep for about a year, he decided he’d had enough and ventured to Stuart, Florida to attain advanced pilot ratings and become a commercial pilot.

About a week in, he met the woman who would ultimately become his wife at a local bar.

rob miller and rachel

After graduating flight school, he spent the next 2 years bouncing back and forth between New Jersey and Florida working as a flight instructor.

What qualifies me as an “expert” when it comes to supplements?

In short:

  • I have a diploma as an Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, registered with the Health Sciences Academy. (you can see my diploma here).  This means I’m qualified to give advice on supplementation.
  • I worked at GNC for 3 years when I was in college.  I learned the ins and outs of the business, what supplements work and which don’t, etc. (more on that below)

In long:

I’ve always had an interest in fitness and supplementation since around the age of 17 or so.

Because of this passion, I actually got hired by GNC as a rep in my freshman year in college.

I worked at GNC for the next 3 years, and learned a lot about the ins and outs of the supplement world.

What supplements REALLY did work, what supplements did NOT work, and which ones were worth trying.

I also spoke with various brand reps and learned more about the business, and even thought about starting up my own supplement brand.

At the same time, I decided to start documenting my personal results with various supplements.

I started off simply writing my results down in a notebook, but then one day you won’t believe what happened…

I lost the notebook!

Eventually, that scared me enough to start my own website, and subsequently Supplement Critique was born.

As time went on, he noticed a lot more people were visiting his blog and congratulating him on his detailed reviews.

What started off as hobby ultimately became a living, and to this day he continues to test a wide variety of supplements using the money he earns from this site. (See affiliate disclosure)

He currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 2 1/2 years.  He enjoys playing beach volleyball, lifting weights, and target shooting.

rob miller playing volleyball

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