Top 3 Nootropic Supplements

By: Rob Miller


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If you’ve been researching Nootropics supplements for any length of time, you’ve probably run across a lot of lofty promises.  Claims like:

  • Controversial Limitless pill used by the 1%
  • Viagra for the brain
  • Miracle Brain Pill Stuns Hollywood

are not too uncommon, and can make it difficult to decide what to believe.

Well, you’re not alone.  In fact, that’s one of the main reasons why I started (Read more about that in this blog post)

Over the past couple of years, I’ve personally tested 30+ Nootropics supplements.

nootropics weve tested

Some worked great, some worked so-so, and some didn’t work at all.

Below are the very best of what I’ve tested.

Keep in mind that while I label these 1 – 3, they’re not neccessarily ranked in that order.  Each supplement (or stack) I recommend below has it’s own unique features and benefits, which I’ve broken down accordingly.

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if you want increased focus, concentration, and improved mood. Click Here
if you want to improve memory and slow cognitive decline. Click Here
if you want an improved mood, cognition, attention, and memory.

Increase Focus, Concentration, and Mood – Optimind and Phenibut

This particular stack is one of the first one’s I recommended to help not only boost focus and mental energy, but also to help improve mood.  Optimind is a nootropics based supplement that contains key ingredients and nutrients to help:

  • Boost productivity
  • Enhance Cognitive Function
  • Increase Energy Levels

There also seems to be some effect on influencing short and long term memory, however not as much so as with Mind Lab Pro (more on that one below).

Optimind is made up of high quality ingredients that include choline, DMAE, GABA, Vinpocetine, Phosphatidylserine, Caffeine, L-Tyrosine, and Vitamins B6, B-12, and D-3.

In short, it’s used to help stimulate your mental faculties and make you smarter.

The Combo Of Optimind and Phenibut

I write about this combo pretty extensively in my complete Optimind review here, but I’ll touch on it briefly here to give you an idea of what to expect.

optimind review     absorb your health phenibut

Optimind on it’s own is a pretty powerful stimulant.  It’s not the most powerful I’ve ever tried, but it’s in my top 5.

Now, what makes Optimind so effective is the combo of Caffeine, GABA, and Bacopa Leaf Extract.  The Caffeine and Bacopa are the stimulatory agents in Optimind, and the GABA is the molecule responsible for providing feelings of calm and a reduction in anxiety.

GABA is actually produced and released in the brain, and is essentially your brains “speed brakes”.

HOWEVER, GABA in the supplement variety is NOT very effective at crossing the blood brain barrier.

It will cross over into the brain to a small extent, but not in any real noticeable way.

This is where Phenibut comes in.

Phenibut is a central depressant and analog of GABA.  In plain speak, it’s a derivative of GABA.

Unlike GABA in supplement form, Phenibut has the amazing ability to lessen stress and anxiety, WITHOUT AFFECTING PERFORMANCE.

It does this because it crosses the blood brain barrier in sufficient enough quantities to have an impact.

I’ve personally tested Phenibut from well over a dozen vendors, and my personal favorite is the brand.

Not only is it relatively inexpensive compared to most of the other vendors out there, but they also offer free shipping and handling and a 100% money back guarantee at any time.

NOT a 2 week guarantee.

NOT a 30 day guarantee.

A LIFETIME guarantee.

That means if at any time in your life you don’t feel like this does anything for you, you can simply return the unused portion and they will give you a refund.

NO other vendor I know of does this.

Visit the official Optimind site here:

Visit their official site here:

Improve Memory – Slow Cognitive Decline – Mind Lab Pro

mind lab pro reviewDo you forget things easily?

Notice that you can’t solve problems as rapidly as you used to?

Do you find it hard to remember names, dates, or events?

For those that are looking for something to help improve short and long term memory, as well as slow cognitive decline, Mind Lab Pro is the right choice for you.

I highly recommend this supplement to older individuals who are suffering from age related diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, and even to victims of stroke or traumatic brain injury.

Mind Lab Pro is made up of ingredients like:

  • Citicoline – Which has been shown in studies to help with neural regeneration, mental energy, and attention span.
  • Phosphatidylserine – Proven in studies to help improve cognitive function in aging subjects.
  • Vinpocetine – Which is an effective nootropic that increases cerebral circulation.
  • Bacopa Monnier – Supports retention of new knowledge, and enhances brain chemicals and circulation.

I’ve also tested Mind Lab Pro with pretty surprising results.  Surprising in the way that I don’t suffer from an age related illness, so I’m not neccessarily the best test subject for the job.

It was even recently endorsed by chess grand master Nigel Short, watch his video review below:

as well as Dr. Paul Nussbaum, a clinical neuropsychologist and adjunct professor in Neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Visit the official Mind Lab Pro website here:

or Click Here to read more in my full review.

Improve Mood, Cognition, Memory, and Attention – Nootropics All Star Pack

While Optimind and Mind Lab Pro do contain a few nootropic ingredients in their formulas, they’re not completely solely nootropics.

The Nootropics All Star Pack by is.

This stack is made up of 4 different supplements which include:

  • Adrafinil
  • Noopept
  • Alpha GPC
  • Sulbutiamine

over the counter adderall alternative

I’m not going to go into a deep, complicated discussion of exactly how this stack works in this post.

HOWEVER, I talk about it extensively in my review which you can read here.

I have used many of the products that Absorb Your Health sells, and I can tell you that not only do they provide the best value, but also the highest quality supplements I’ve used.

Out of all of the nootropics stacks that I’ve tested over the years, this one was by FAR the best in terms of all around effectiveness.

Visit the official Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack here:

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User Questions and Answers

Do you recommend anything for an essential tremor that affects my hands mainly when I write? Alcohol is the only thing I have found that works but I have to have too much of it and don't like the hangovers. -Wade

Check out a substance called Phenibut.  It relaxes you in the same way alcohol does, without a noticeable effect on coordination.  If alcohol works for you, then Phenibut should almost certainly help as well.  If you wish to try it, I would recommend a very low dose to start (like 100 mg). You should also check with your doctor to make sure it's safe for you to take it.  Here's a link to where you can purchase Phenibut online: Rob

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Have you tested Lumonol I'm interested in the combo for seniors which include : Lumonol Wisdom for seniors + Lumonol Nova + Luminol Luna -Mireille

I've used Lumonol, and have had a great experience. Here's a link to my review: I haven't tried the senior combo though.- Rob

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I have a 50 gram container of one phenibut and need to know how to measure out doses in milligrams. -Wade

Your container should come with a scoop either marked for milligrams or with a card that does the conversions for you. I can't really tell you what the conversion is because it varies depending on the density of the powder.  That's why generally, containers will give you the means to measure out milligrams.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

20 comments on “Top 3 Nootropic Supplements”

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  1. I’ve spent several hours over the phone and online from Friday until now (probably close to 6 hours) to try to place a simple order from Toronto, Canada. Although friendly and tried to solve the issue ( not sure what the issue should be if they are selling internationally) it was basically a “sh#$” show.

    If I owned the business I’d be appalled and certainly as a previous customer with an international Visa and Am-X and they can’t process my order I would no longer be a customer. I guess they’re not taking their own product for brain clarity.

    1. Hey Michael,

      Sorry to hear about your troubles. This review discusses several supplements.

      Which one were you trying to order?
      1. Hello Rob, I was trying to order optimind which I’ve taken before with positive benefits. For some reason they can’t process international orders (I was told my International Visa card had “freud” which of course alarmed me and I called Visa right away and they told me definitely not).

        The customer service was excellent but I don’t have the time (several calls and wait times with both Visa and Optimind, it’s not worth it). I’m creating a new business and suffered some memory issues from TIA’s and mini strokes and thought this supplement would be great but they’ve now lost my business.

        Thought you should know. I love your website and refer it to like minded people all the time, you definitely provide a valuable service and thank you.


        1. Thanks for the info, Mike. Sorry you had to deal with that, but I totally understand your decision.

          I know I’m too busy to be running around tracking down problems like this.
    1. Hey Sam,

      I haven’t checked it out yet, but come back in about a week and I’ll have a review posted. I won’t have a chance to try it by then, but it’ll include benefits, ingredients, customer feedback, any clinical trials, and where you can buy it.

  2. Is this correct that Fasoracetam can be useful for Phenibut withdrawal/tolerance? Due to GABA(B) receptors upregulation effects.

    Phenibut tolerance builds very quickly….
  3. Hi Rob, I love your website and have gone to it several times to seek your opinions, specifically with regard to Nootropics and I’m curious in this instance if you’ve tried a Nootropic called NeuroVibran and if so what you thought of it. I’m presently taking Lumonol regular and nova and I’ve ordered Neurovibran and if you haven’t tried it, I’ll let you know my results.

    Thanks Rob
    1. Hey Mike,

      I hadn’t heard of it before, but I plan to review it in the next week or so. Look out for my review, and it would be great if you’d add your experience in the form of a comment or review.

    1. Hey Alex,
      Good choice. Dosage wise, I would recommend you start off at the low end with 300 mg. An improper dose for a first timer like yourself would be anything above 600 mg. Start low and work your way up, you’ll quickly be able to determine the right dose for you.

      Go with the Absorb Your Health brand, it’s the highest quality brand I’ve used and it’s reasonably priced. Here’s a link:

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
  4. If I am wanting adderall stricly for its strength in appetite loss, which alternative have you tried suppressed your appetite the most?
  5. Hi, how are you? What’s your take on Ciltep by Natural Stacks?

    Any experience with it?

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