Best SARMS For Bulking (UPDATED 2022)
By: Rob MillerWho doesn’t want to get bigger muscles without the pesky addition of fat?
Wouldn’t you like to increase your strength and overall performance in the gym or in your chosen sport?
Outside of natural training, supplements have become almost a requirement if you want to push your results to the next level.
SARMs have become extremely popular as a way to achieve muscle building, fat loss, and performance enhancement without the horror story side effects associated with anabolic steroids.
Let’s review what SARMs are, and the 5 best SARMS for bulking that will help you get big, get lean, and get strong.
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SARMS 101How Do SARMS Work?
#1 – Ostarine
#2 – Cardarine
#3 – Nutrobal
#4 – Ligandrol
#5 – Testolone
SARMs 101
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are an effective way to get the anabolic benefits associated with common steroids without the androgenic side effects.
Anabolism refers to the size and definition of the muscle tissue. (Source) When you take a SARM, you’ll see increases in size and definition while losing fat.
Androgenic means the natural hormonal changes that occur in the body such as organ development and testosterone and estrogen production. (Source)
Illegal steroids, for example, have horrible androgenic side effects such as liver strain, hair loss, and gyno (man-boobs).

How Does a SARM Work?
The name reveals how it works once ingested.
SARMs are designed to seek out androgen receptor sites or places in the body that are responsible for controlling the production of hormones and important compounds.
Once attached to these receptors, the SARM gets to work to increase the production of specific anabolic compounds.
Once your body is flooded with these anabolic compounds, this is when you’ll see the increases in lean muscle mass, fat burning, and strength gains.
Here are the 5 best SARMs for bulking that have been shown to work, while minimizing the risk of serious side effects.
#1. Best SARM For Bulking: Ostarine (MK-2866)
Considered the ideal SARM for beginners, Ostarine is by far one of the best SARMS for bulking on the market right now.
It’s a foundational SARM that many bodybuilders and muscle-building enthusiasts start with or base their stack upon.

As described above, Ostarine works by attaching itself to androgen receptor sites and increasing the production of different anabolic compounds including testosterone.
Studies show that Ostarine is extremely effective for muscle mass.
One study saw subjects gaining an average of 3 pounds of muscle without implementing an exercise or specific diet program.

While it’s not considered a cutting SARM or a SARM that can help you get shredded for a competition, for example, you will probably see some fat loss in correlation with the gains in muscle.
Users of Ostarine also report higher levels of strength during their workout, and some also claim they experience fat loss.
Without a doubt, the primary use for Ostarine is to build size.
Very few noted any side effects, although some are possible. (VERY rare)

Ostarine Highlights:
- Ideal for beginners
- Great SARM to base a stack upon
- Best for building muscle mass
Where To Buy Ostarine
By far the highest quality producer of Ostarine is a company called Chemyo. They’ve been in the SARMS business for years, and are highly regarded as the finest quality SARMS provider on the market.
Click Here to read our Chemyo review, or visit their official listing for Ostarine here:
#2. Best SARM For Bulking: Cardarine (GW-1516)
Cardarine, also known as GW-1516 is technically not a SARM but a PPARδ modulator.

However, to avoid confusion, it’s often classified as a SARM in online forums and stores.
What’s the difference between a SARM and a PPARδ modulator?
While SARMs stimulate the production of androgen receptor sites, a PPAR modulator taps into something called the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) – more commonly known as a nuclear hormone receptor. (Source)

These receptors are found in muscle and fat tissue and they help to control fat burning, muscle metabolism, muscle development, and healing.
Cardarine links up to these nuclear hormone receptor sites and stimulates the production of compounds that increase muscle building, fat loss, and performance recovery. (Source)
Just like with Ostarine and other SARMs, you don’t have to worry about androgenic side effects because Cardarine only promotes anabolic benefits.
Studies suggest that Cardarine is better equipped to be a cutting and performance SARM than anything else.
It’s been shown to improve endurance-based performance in mice, increasing distance running by up to 68%. (Source)

In that same study, researchers confirmed that Cardarine also promoted fat burning and inflammation reduction.
Cardarine Highlights:
- PPAR modulator
- Safe for all levels of experience
- Great for stacking with a muscle-building SARM (e.g., Ostarine)
- Ideal for getting shredded and increasing endurance
Where To Buy Cardarine
As we mentioned above, our personal top pick for Cardarine is via a company called Chemyo.
Their brand of Cardarine is rigorously tested by independent 3rd party’s, and is by far the highest quality on the market.
Click Here to read our Chemyo review, or visit their Cardarine page here:
#3. Best SARM For Bulking: Nutrobal (MK-677)
Nutrobal (MK-677) is an injection-free way to support muscle building.

Unlike Ostarine and Cardarine, Nutrobal is classified as a growth hormone secretagogue (HGH-S).
What’s the difference?
SARMs hook up to androgen receptor sites while PPARs latch on to nuclear hormone receptors; both crank up the production of anabolic compounds.
A growth hormone secretagogue can move past something called the somatostatin barrier.
Somatostatin regulates your growth hormone production and an HGH-S works by stunting the growth hormone-limiting actions of somatostatin.
Nutrobal increases the amount of growth hormone production in the body.
Growth hormone is responsible for muscle recovery and growth as well as fat burning and cognitive functioning.
Nutrobal has been shown to prevent muscle catabolism (muscle breakdown) while increasing protein synthesis, growth hormone, and IGF-1 – All three of which are essential for muscle development.
I’d argue that given Nutrobal’s anti-catabolic nature, it’s best for those people going on a low-calorie diet in order to get more defined.
It can protect your hard-earned muscle mass while supporting your goals for definition and vascularity.
If you’re looking for the best SARM for bulking, Nutrobal just might be the ideal choice for you.
Nutrobal Highlights:
- Growth hormone secretagogue
- Safe for all levels of experience
- Great for stacking with a muscle-building SARM (e.g., Ostarine)
- Ideal for getting shredded and preventing muscle breakdown (e.g., during fasting or low-calorie diets)
Where To Buy Nutrobal
Just like with the SARMs listed above, we recommend you go with the Chemyo MK-677 brand.
It’s the highest quality version on the market, and in short, it works!
Read our Chemyo review here, or visit the official Chemyo website listing for MK-677 here:
#4. Best SARM For Bulking: Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Also known as LGD-4033, Ligandrol is a classified as a SARM.
Just like Ostarine, it promotes anabolic properties in the body without the worry of androgenic side effects.
Ligandrol is a unique SARM in that it does not aromatize or promote the conversion of testosterone intro estrogen. What’s more, it’s been shown to be selective in the muscle tissue that it benefits.
Ligandrol has been used for some time as a way to halt and reverse muscle wasting.
It has been shown to be so effective at stopping muscle catabolism and promoting muscle growth, that it’s used with cancer and AIDS patients.
It’s also been used on healthy and young volunteers looking to build muscle mass.
The results shouldn’t surprise you: Researchers found that Ligandrol was dramatically effective in increasing lean muscle mass in just five short weeks – A common SARM cycle length.
Ligandrol is a great SARM if you want to build more muscle and protect the muscle you have during fasting workouts or low-calorie diets.
Ligandrol Highlights:
- Safe for beginners
- Great for stacking with cutting / shredding compound (e.g., Cardarine)
- Ideal for muscle mass and avoiding muscle breakdown (e.g., during fasting or low-calorie diets)
Click Here to read my full Ligandrol review.
#5. Best SARM For Bulking: Testolone (RAD-140)
Rounding out our article on the 5 best SARMS for bulking is a product called Testolone.
Also known as RAD-140, Testolone is another unique SARM in that it helps to promote androgen receptors in both bone and muscle tissue.

The result is greater bone density as well as muscle growth without any impact on reproductive or essential organs such as the prostate and liver.
If you’re looking to gain some serious size and don’t care about that dry cut definition, Testolone is the SARM for you.
It is the mass-building SARM, producing dramatic results in a short amount of time.
One study found that Testolone triggered lean muscle growth in a big way using only a small dose.
Even when researchers increased the dose 10 times the normal amount, liver enzymes stayed within a healthy range.
But don’t get too excited: Increasing the dose to insane levels did not produce more mass than what a lower dose did.
If you use Testolone, follow the instructions, and do NOT use more than the recommended amount.
The best way to use Testolone is if you’re going for straight up size.
Hardgainers, listen up: This is the SARM for you.
Testolone Highlights:
- Safe for all levels of experience
- Great for stacking with cutting / shredding compound (e.g., Nutrobal)
- Ideal for muscle mass and avoiding muscle breakdown (e.g., during fasting or low-calorie diets)
Where To Buy Testolone
Just like with the others, you can pick up Nutrobal from the official Chemyo website.
Here’s a link:
Have You Used These SARMs? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure
Is Ostarine the perfect SARM? You bet your ASS it is!
Read more here.
Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today.
Read more here.
Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.
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