Bioquest Myozene Review
By: Rob Miller
With most post-workout supplements, it can take hours for the amino acid content of a supplement to make it through the digestion process and into the muscles. While these supplements can still offer benefit, bypassing these hours would certainly prove even more beneficial. With MyoZene, the makers promise a different approach that will, in effect, help almost completely bypass the digestion process for the key ingredients, meaning faster muscle development and increased strength. The product also claims to help increase insulin to help boost mass building and to really make the most of the well documented anabolic window, during which 90% of muscle growth takes place.
How Myozene Works and Ingredients
We decided to take a deeper look at the product to determine if and how it accomplishes these goals. We found that the product is designed to provide immediate protein synthesis and to help ensure that insulin secretion and amino acid release happen simultaneously. The product contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, as well as whey protein. There are surprisingly few fillers, with the majority being colors, flavors, and preservatives, which is certainly a good thing to see in an industry where fillers often make up more of a product than beneficial ingredients.
The product didn’t seem to have its own website, but we found a number of bodybuilding product reviews and online market sites that still sell Myozene for varying prices.
User Reviews
In terms of user reviews, they have been remarkably positive.
Most have catchy titles such as “great stuff” and go on to promote remarkable gains and increases. The taste certainly seems to be the biggest drawback and a surprisingly popular benefit of the supplement has been that it is designed for females as well as males, which is quite uncommon in terms of supplements. All in all, user opinions are highly favorable and many believe that the product lives up to all of its claims.
Myozene is certainly a recommendable product, and we find that the ingredients are well thought out and well designed. Helping to increase the availability of amino acids during the anabolic window does indeed help boost growth considerably, and great science combined with absolutely stellar user reviews makes this an easy to recommend product. Myozene seems to live up to all of its claims and has a very large fan base, which makes it a good fit for people seeking a supplement to help increase their overall mass gains.
Give it a try and I hope that it works out well for you.