ED Conqueror Review – Should You Use It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-4-2018

Home » Male Enhancement » ED Conqueror Review – Should You Use It?

Our main focus here at SupplementCritique.com is, well… supplements. But occasionally, we become aware of a device or a program that’s very relevant to the issues we deal with on a daily basis. ED Conqueror is one such program. It’s a comprehensive program used to fight back against erectile dysfunction, and it’s available online. So we decided to take a look.

What is ED Conqueror?

ED Conqueror is an online, text based guide to solve any and all erectile dysfunction issues you may have. It was created by a guy named Michael Steele when he decided to take his own ED problems into his own hands, so to speak.

ED Conqueror ReviewAfter doing some research, he developed a program based on the principles he’d learned. It includes a thorough explanation of why erectile dysfunction happens, dietary guidelines to combat the causes, exercise routines, and a whole lot or support for any guy who’s going through this.

Next, we’ll talk a little bit about the developer of the program, before moving on to the nuts and bolts of how it works.

Who Is Michael Steele.

It’s a familiar story. Guy has problem. Guy searches high and low for the solution. Guy solves problem. Guy shares his success with the world. That’s the short version of how ED Conqueror was born.

Michael Steele was a guy who suffered with erectile dysfunction. He felt like it was destroying his marriage. He was desparate to find a solution. He researched constantly for weeks, but found no answers.

One day, a terrible stomach ache sent him to the doctor. It turned out to be mild pancreatitis, an inflammatory disease. At that visit, his doctor discussed how recent research is finding that erectile dysfunction may be an inflammatory disease as well.

Steele continued his research, but this time, focusing on his new knowledge of why ED happens. Eventually, he found that the solution was in a list of foods that reduce inflammation. And the rest, as they say, is history.

How the ED Conqueror System Works

Chronic inflammation prevents the blood vessel and corpus cavernosa walls of the penis from relaxing, which needs to happen in order to get an erection. Solve the inflammation problem – solve the ED problem.

ED Conqueror uses a list of 12 foods that can be put together to make the ED Conqueror sandwiches. These sandwiches are the core of the program, but there’s more to it. It provides a comprehensive explanation of what’s going on in your body when you do and don’t get erections. It provides other food combinations to use and avoid. And it offers exercises programs to achieve and maintain optimal penis health all around.

What’s Included in the ED Conqueror System?

The ED Conqueror program is set up as three distinct modules:

Module 1 – The Truth About Your ED – explains the real cause of your erectile dysfunction and how to cure it with simple foods focuses on fighting inflammation. It goes into great detail on everything the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about ED and how to cure it.

Module 2 – The Blueprint to Conquering ED – provides the step-by-step instructions, good food lists, bad food lists, recipes, natural supplements to use, and lifestyle changes to make so you can finally put an end to the cycle of erectile dysfunction.

Module 3 – The Plan to Eliminate ED – sets you up with tips, tricks, strategies and techniques to ensure your success.

Each module is much more in depth than what we’ve laid out here, but we just wanted to give you an idea of what you get when you order.

Where to Buy ED Conqueror

You can only purchase ED Conqueror online. Once you sign up for it, you have immediate access to all the information it provides. It’s priced at only $39.95, and is backed by a 60 day money back guarantee. In order to enact the refund, you just need to send an email letting them know that you weren’t satisfied.

ED Conqueror Feedback

I wasn’t able to find any independent feedback from customers, but there are some testimonials presented on the website:

Tanner says: “Let me tell you – at 80 years old, my wife and I are having more fun in the bedroom than when we were 25!”

Jake says: “The worst part of ED was feeling like I wasn’t good enough… since I was failing at the number one thing that made me a man. But as soon as I tried the ED Conqueror, I became a beast in bed. You should have heard her moan!”

John says: “I was skeptical at first… I did my own research before trying out ED Conqueror. Well the medical research was all there, so I enrolled in the program and gave it my best shot. After just 1 day, I had the biggest hardest erection of my life! My only prolem now is getting hard when I shouldn’t!”

The thing about website testimonials is that there very likely to be exaggerated, cherry-picked, or just outright fake. One thing you’ll never see is negative feedback presented on the sales page for a product. It doesn’t mean there is none. It just means they’re not going to make finding it easy for you.

ED Conqueror Pros and Cons

Advantages of ED Conqueror

  • It’s all natural, using just foods and exercises, as well as herbal supplement recommendations.
  • There’s nothing you have to buy beyond the initial program.
  • It’s safe and based on scientific research – to a point.
  • It’s pretty inexpensive.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of ED Conqueror

  • If these goods could really cure ED, wouldn’t you already know about them? It would be awfully hard for Michael Steele and ED Conqueror to stay under the radar if something so simple worked as well as he says.


If you suffer with chronic ED, you’ve probably tried the prescription medications and at least a few of the herbal supplements. An if you’re here reading this review, my guess is those solution haven’t worked as well as you want them to.

If that’s the case, I don’t blame you for being willing to try anything. ED Conqueror comes in at a pretty low, one-time price point. No doubt it’s a little hokey, but for $39.95 with a money back guarantee, it might be worth it.

Have You Used ED Conqueror? Leave Your Review Below!

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User Questions and Answers

What are the 12 ingredients ? -Ted

I don't know. They don't reveal them unless you order the program, which I didn't do.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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