Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q Review
By: Rob Miller
Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q Overview
When it comes to losing weight, getting shredded, looking ripped, it’s real easy to get overwhelmed by all the advice that’s out there.
What I’ve learned to do over the years is take it all in, see what makes sense, give some of it a try, and stick with the methods that work for me.
The thing you have to realize is that while there are certainly simple truths (using more calories than you consume will lead to weight loss), there is also a lot of gray area.
For instance, we don’t all have the same body type so what works for this guy may not work for that guy.
Not to mention all the different psychological factors that play a role.
So when we’re looking at fat burning supplements, we want to keep all this in mind.
A reader recently asked me what I though about Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q.
This is a fat burner that specifically targets subcutaneous fat. This is the fat just beneath the skin.
It covers your muscles like a blanket, hiding them from view.
Developed for bodybuilders to look their best for competition, Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q zeros in on this fat, and it’s also a diuretic, making your skin look thin and your muscles dry, so they pop through, making you the very definition of ripped.
Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q Ingredients and How They Work
The marketing information for Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Qmakes a big deal about their use of Bullet Caplet Technology.
This means that the caplets dissolve from the center, distributing the ingredients more quickly than if it were to dissolve from the outside in like typical pills.
The ingredients are divided up into complexes:
- The Beyond Ripped Complex is mainly amino acids and Raspberry Ketones for increasing oxygen and nutrient deliver to your muscles when they need them.
This will provide for optimum muscle output and quick, complete recovery. - The Fat Incinerator Complex includes Green Tea which has been shown to increase fat burning through the presence of EGCG and Caffeine which is well known to be a stimulant and to produce a thermogenic response.
Caffeine is also a diuretic so you’ll be shedding that water just under the skin too.
When you lose that subcutaneous fat and the water that sits just under your skin, your skin appears thin and your muscles really show through.
It’s recommended that you take an initial smaller dose to acclimate your body to the it. You start with 1 pill twice a day.
After a couple days, you increase that to 2 pill at a time.
After 4 days, you bump it up to the max dose of 3 caplets in the morning before breakfast or your morning workout and 3 in the mid afternoon.
It’s recommended that you don’t take Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Qwithin 6 hours of bedtime.
Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q Pros and Cons
Advantages of Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q
- We found lots of Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q reviews from guys (and gals) who love this stuff and call it their go to fat burner, the one that made all the difference.
Disadvantages of Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q
- It’s expensive. A bottle only contains 120 pills.
At 6 pills a day, it will only last 20 days. - Lots of users report that it gives them dry mouth.
- There are plenty of reviews out there from people who say Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q did nothing for them.
Where to Buy
You can buy Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Qat GNC or online through a few different supplement retailers.
The 120-count bottle which is a 20 day supply at the maximum dosage sells for about $50 – $60, though prices vary so you’ll want to look around.
It’s like I said at the beginning of this Weight loss is different for everyone.
And the wide range of customer reaction to Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Qis proof.
For some, it’s the only fat burner they’ll use because it works.
For others, they wish they’d never spent the money.
What I can say for sure is that Fusion Bodybuilding Sub-Q does contain ingredients that can help you shred fat.
Whether or not it will work well with your unique body, I can’t say for sure.
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