Hammer XL Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-15-2015

Hammer XL Overview
Hammer XL is an all natural testosterone boosting supplement with a direct focus on the sexual performance improvements that you can achieve.
They flat out tell you that while some testosterone boosters are meant to rev up your performance at the gym, Hammer XL works to rev up your performance in the bedroom.
If you’ve noticed a drop off in that department, this stuff can bring you back, make you the stallion you used to be once again.
The reviews on Amazon certainly seem to attest to this fact, so let’s dive in and take a look at this product and see what all the fuss is about.
Hammer XL Ingredients and How They Work
The all natural Hammer XL formula is proprietary.
This means they tell us what’s in it, but they don’t tell us how much.
It’s good information to have, but it would be much better if we had the complete information.
On the other hand, proprietary formulas are pretty common for male enhancement formulas. (They wouldn’t want to tip off the competition).
Here’s what’s in Hammer XL:
- Eurycoma Longifolia which helps to increase free testosterone.
It does this by going after SHBG (or sex hormone binding globulin).
SHBG binds itself to testosterone molecules, essentially taking them out of commission.
By decreasing SHBG, more testosterone is able to remain free and usable. - Tribulus Terrestris which increases your body’s production of testosterone by first increasing the release of Luteinizing hormone, which then signals the testes to produce more testosterone.
- Epimedium which increases sex drive and blood flow to the penis during erections.
- Cistanches which has been used to treat erectile dysfunction as well as premature ejaculation.
- Rhizoma and Saw Palmetto which support the health of your prostate gland.
- Panax Ginseng which is an herbal aphrodisiac.
- Ashwagandha which restores energy and vitality while improving sexual function and overall health.
The recommended usage is a little strange for a testosterone booster.
You’re supposed to take it only when you expect to need it.
So it claims to be a fast acting testosterone booster.
Trouble is, it doesn’t really work that way.
Boosting testosterone naturally is a gradual process, not one that occurs within an hour.
Hammer XL Pros and Cons
Advantages of Hammer XL
- The ingredients are all natural.
- There’s a money back guarantee.
- You don’t have to take it every day.
- You can order a trial size which lets you test it out without much financial commitment.
- There are tons of 5-Star Hammer XLreviews on Amazon.
Disadvantages of Hammer XL
- It clearly identifies itself as a testosterone booster, but everything else says it’s a fast acting male enhancement.
- The number of reviews on Amazon, all of them giving 5 stars, is a little fishy.
You’d think there’d be at least a couple guys who didn’t love it.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Hammer XL through its official website or Amazon.com.
It’s clearly priced like a supplement you take only when needed, not daily.
The 10 pack sells for $40. There’s a trial pack of 4 capsules that costs $18. And there are discounts if you buy several packages at a time.
The fact that Hammer XLcalls itself a testosterone booster is odd.Yes, it may have a small positive effect on testosterone levels, but it won’t do much because raising T levels is not something you can do on an “as needed” basis.
It’s an every day effort that achieves results over a period of time.
The bottom line is that with Hammer XL making promises that don’t make sense, you’re just plain better off looking somewhere else.
Have You Used Hammer XL?
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Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
You wrote a great article about Hammer XL.
I agree that it is not really a Testosterone Booster in the sense that most body builders are use to. I bought it based on the all the 5 star Amazon reviews also.I take it now then as a male enhancement pill and it really works good... I recommend it for male libido but not for working out.
12 out of 16 people found this review helpful.
Yup. Works.
Works REALLY well. Was surprised that something off the shelf would work so well. Not only did it work, but it lasted for about 3 days.
9 out of 13 people found this review helpful.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
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User Questions and Answers
if i take this pill when will this take effect? -herbert
It should be about a half hour to an hour.- Rob
9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
Can I take jack hammer xl and testo fuel together at the same time? -Adebayo
Not a problem at all.- Rob
5 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
I am IN Australia where can I buy Jack Hammer XL ? -Tom
It's only available online, and it doesn't look like they ship to Australia.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
recently had two stents put in and am on medication is this stuff safe for me to take as now my member doesn't get real hard tell me the real deal thanks -chip
Whenever you have a medical condition or take medications, you need to check with your doctor before taking medications. They'll be able to tell you if there are any negative interactions of effects.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
how can I return your product for a refund, this is like all of the oother products I have tride Thank you Quinn Spencer -Quinn
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We have no affiliation with Hammer XL. You'll need to get in touch with them directly. I checked their website and didn't find a phone number. Looks like you have to fill out a contact form to reach them.- Rob
3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
Check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus, and stack it with a supplement called Semenax. The Vigrx Plus will get you hard / keep you hard, and the Semenax will intensify your orgasm quantity and quality.
Check out my reviews of each below:
Vigrx Plus – https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
Semenax – https://www.supplementcritique.com/semenax-review/