Immutol Review – Should You Try It?

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 4-22-2020


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More and more people are turning to alternative medicine and herbal solutions to stay healthy. Along with all the clean eating programs, there’s been a real surge in the population of people who would rather support their bodies in staying health than treat diseases after they show up. Immutol may be one product that fits well within that lifestyle.

Immutol is an immune boosting daily supplement. It’s been generating quite a bit of buzz, and recently I had a couple readers as me to look into it. I did, and here’s what we came up with.

Immutol Benefits

Immutol makes a very simple promise to boost your immune system. By taking Immutol daily, according to their marketing materials, you’ll see fewer colds this winter, you’ll avoid the flu (even without getting a flu shot) and you’ll feel better and more energetic all year long.

Immutol ReviewImmutol Ingredients

There’s only one ingredient in Immutol. That’s Norwegian Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan (or NBG). You may be familiar with the idea that Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan can support your immune system. You may also know that it can help fight against cancer and lower bad cholesterol. We’ll get into all of that a little later, but it’s important to know that according to Immutol, their Norwegian Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan is the only truly effective kind of Beta-Glucan when it comes to supporting immune function.

What Are Beta Glucans?

Beta Glucans are sugars that are taken from the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and plants like oats an barley. They are present in foods such as oats, barley, an mushrooms. They can be used as medicine/nutrients in several ways:

  • There is some evidence to support the protocol of injecting certain types of beta glucans to prolong the lives of late stage cancer patients.
  • Taking certain beta glucans orally can reduce bad and total cholesterol.
  • Oral ingestion of specific beta glucans over 4 weeks may reduce the symptoms of an allergy to ragweed.
  • Certain blends of beta glucans injected intravenously may decrease the risk of post-surgery infections.
  • They may reduce canker sores.
  • Taking beta glucans from oats may improve diabetics’ insulin and cholesterol levels.
  • Intravenous use my boost the immune systems of patients with HIV.

Most research is at this point early and inconclusive, but it is promising. And how effective they are depends in large part on what kinds of Beta Glucans are used, how they are extracted, and how they are administered.

Why Immutol?

The makers of Immutol insist that they use precisely the right kind of beta glucan, processed in exactly the right way, and dosed at the perfect amount to get the best results for boosting the immune system. First off, that means Norwegian Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan taking from the cell walls of baker’s yeast.

But the most important part to note is that the substance is extracted fully intact. If this is not the case, you simply won’t get the benefits. Immutol manufacturers have the patent on their extraction method, so you know you’re getting only the purest, most effective immune supporting beta glucan.

How Immutol Works

The Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan in Immutol stimulates the activity of the macrophage, which is a white blood cell, one of the building blocks of the immune system. The macrophage provide resistance to disease and signal to other cells to go and attack whatever intruders it sees.

Because Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan is acid resistant, it remains unchanged as it travels through the digestive system. It’s picked up by the macrophages with beta glucan receptors, where it gets to work bolstering your immune system.

How To Use Immutol

The recommended dose is 2 capsules taken up to 3 times a day with meals. Since there are only 60 capsules in a bottle, that bottle could last you as little as 10 days.

Who Makes Immutal?

The company that makes Immutol is called Immunocorp, based in California., who’s goal is to provide products that support healthy immune systems. Their parent company, SanaPharma, is based in Norway. They’re the ones that have patents on the extraction process, so you know you’re getting the best beta glucan you can for your immune system.

Immutol Side Effects

While no supplement can claim to be completely side effect-free, here are no known side effects when taking Immutol according to the dosing instructions.

Where to Buy Immutol

Immutol is sold through the official Immunocorp website. A single botlle costs $59.95. They offer discounts if you buy multiple bottles at once. The deal for 3 bottles is $125.88. The deal for 9 bottles is $269.73, which is only $29.97 per bottle. Let’s say you went for the 9 bottle deal. That would last you 3 months at the max dose, leaving you with a monthly costs of $89.91.

A money back guarantee is offered for purchases made at the website. They don’t specify exactly how it works, but they say it’s with no questions asked and no time limit.

Immutol is also available at There, they charge $35.89 per bottle.

Immutol Reviews

One good thing about Immutol being available through is that we get to see some customer feedback. In this case, the positive outweighs the negative by quite a bit. Here’s a sampling:

“This is my third purchase of Immutol capsules and I feel great. My neighbor even commented on how good I looked, as opposed to how I looked prior to taking Immutol… I can really feel the difference in my energy level, and overall health, and I’ve been taking less than the suggested dose.”

“I never realized how good Immutol was until I stopped taking it. I started getting sick more often and catching colds all the time. I am totally convinced this product works. “

Immutol Pros and Cons

Advantages of Immutol

  • It’s a single ingredient, so you know what you’re getting.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are clinical studies to back up the effectiveness of beta glucans to some degree.
  • Most Immutol reviews are positive.

Disadvantages of Immutol

  • It can get expensive, especially if you use the max dose.


If you feel as though you could use an immune system boost, and your downing of Vitamin C tabs isn’t cutting it, it may be time to give Immutol a try. There’s science backing up how it can help you, and even though it’s not conclusive or directly involving Immutol, it’s a good start. Just keep the original packaging because if it doesn’t work for you, you’ll want to take advantage of the money back guarantee.

Check with your doctor to make sure that you are not allergic and that it does not interact with any medications you are on just to be totally sure if you have any doubts.

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User Questions and Answers

I have stage 4 cancer. Has any research been done to determine it's effectiveness in fighting the actual cancer besides it's help with chemo side effects/ -Beth

As far as I know, it doesn't directly fight cancer. It boosts your immune system generally, but doesn't actually fight cancer.- Rob

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Can you stop taking Vitamin C if taking Immutol? -Lou

I don't have the inside track on it, but I would continue taking Vitamin C if you're finding it useful.- Rob

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ibs pain and burning in stomach and intestines. Would this product help? -george+

You would have to talk to your doctor about this. I don't see anything in the product information to indicate that it would help.- Rob

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isn't yeast a highly allergenic food? Can't it increase candita albicans thus undermining the immune system? -william

Not necessarily. Just like bacteria in the body, there is good yeast and bad yeast, and actually eating too much sugar is more likely to increase candida albicans in your system.- Rob

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Has product been effective in treating HIV Aids -jack

Not that I'm aware of, and I think this is something that would be big news!- Rob

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My best friend suffers from leaky bowl syndrome. He has to eat over 8 times a day since he can't keep any food down. Do you feel that immutol could help this condition? -Vincent

It's not listed as a benefit, but you should have your friend consult with his doctor.- Rob

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Does Immutol have any effect on arthritis -Flora Gustafson

I haven't seen arthritis mentioned as a potential benefit, but since Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, it may have an effect.  I recommend you discuss it with your doctor if you have RA.- Rob

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I have a biventricular pace maker, have afib, on thyroid medicine, diuretics, Lipitor & i am 84 years old. Would this not be for me for any reason? -Joanne

Since what you're talking about are medical conditions and prescription medications, you'll need to talk to your doctor about what may or may not be safe to combine.- Rob

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Is Immutol safe to take during pregnancy? -Georgie

When you're pregnant, you need to check with your doctor about supplements you're considering taking.- Rob

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Can't yeast allow candita albicans to proliferate and make a person sick? -William

Yes, but in general, you don't get a proliferation of yeast from eating it.- Rob

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What are the ingredients in Immutol? Please let me know if "salmon" is one of them. -Sandra

The ingredients listed on the label are Norwegian Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan (Derived from Baker's Yeast cell wall), Gelatin, sucrose fatty acid ester, silicon dioxide and water. I don't know where the gelatin comes from. You would have to contact the company for that information.- Rob

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Can immunoglobulin be given to a child -James

You should check with a physician before giving any supplement to a child, as they are almost universally recommended for adults 18 and over.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

6 comments on “Immutol Review – Should You Try It?”

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  1. The research scientist claim they discovered Immutol in trying to cure a salmon disease in Norway. If you spend millions of dollars and discover a cure, how can you administer the cure to millions of Salmon in the ocean and what profit would be in that even if you could.

    Sounds suspicious to me.

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