PES AnaBeta Review – Is It Worth It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 10-10-2013

PES AnaBeta Overview

When you’re looking at various testosterone boosting products on the market, you’ll have a choice in terms of what type of product you wish to take. In some products, you’ll find just one or two ingredients total in the entire product itself, while in others, you get a stack of ingredients, all working together in unity to have their effects.  With PES AnaBeta, you’ll reduce things even further with just one powerful ingredient in this testosterone boosting supplement.

It’s designed to help your body stay in the most anabolic state possible after completing your workout session, which then helps increase the total rate of tissue building while reducing the level of tissue breakdown going on.  This product is also going to help to improve strength levels as well, and as you see your weight lifted go up, you’ll also notice that your total muscle gains increase as well.

Because of the additional muscle mass you’re building, you may find that you burn fat faster as well, however especially with this product as it contains no other fat burning ingredients, it will highly depend on your diet as to whether you see the fat burning results as well.

PES AnaBeta Ingredients And How They Work

PES anabeta reviewsThe only ingredient in this product is nacyclus pyrethrum DC root extract, which will work alone to produce the results as described above.


  • Doesn’t contain any filler ingredients
  • Will help to boost strength levels
  • May help you show a faster recovery rate between workout sessions
  • Increases the anabolic state of the body
  • Helps prevent catabolism from setting in post workout
  • Doesn’t produce any bloating in most users


  • Won’t help to boost energy levels like some other testosterone boosting supplements will
  • May decrease natural testosterone release if used for a lengthy period of time
  • Some users have reported depression setting in when they stop using this product

Where To Buy

You can purchase PES AnaBeta online at most common supplement retailers from anywhere between $35 to $63 depending on where you buy. Make sure to shop around to get the best deals possible.


If you want to avoid a product that contains too many ingredients and go for something that’s far more basic and simplistic, this might just be the product for you.  It’s going to boost the overall anabolic state of the body, so from that standpoint is quite beneficial. That said, you do need to be careful while using it as muscle mass loss can be likely when you come off of it and some users have reported feeling quite depressed as well.

You also won’t get nearly the pre workout stimulatory and performance boosting effects that some other products can provide, so if you’re looking for those benefits as well, PES AnaBeta may disappoint.  By keeping your goals and needs in mind as you make your selection, you can choose wisely about whether this is a smart one for you to use.

Have You Used PES AnaBeta?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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