Stimelex Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-27-2013

stimelex reviewWhen a male enhancement product begins its marketing effort by citing a “study” done about what “women want most” in a man, you know that it may not be the most scientific study on the planet. You also know to consider the information a bit questionable. This is why the Stimelex website didn’t immediately impress us with its “facts”. The study they cite indicated that 45 out of 50 women said that “girth” was significant in terms of sexual satisfaction.

The “Mysterious” Ingredients in Stimelex

The girth they are talking about is that of the man’s penis, and the Stimelex product indicates that it can not only help a man to gain thickness, but to also increase length and boost sex drive. The problem comes when you realize that the manufacturer does not provide a single detail about the ingredients used to accomplish all of these things and more. What it says is that it uses 15 of the world’s most incredible natural ingredients.

This failure to disclose the compounds in the pills is unfortunate because it means that those with allergies and those already using a formulation or medication for ED will be unable to safely begin using this compound too.

Where to Buy

Stimelex is available strictly through the manufacturer’s website, and this too is something we found a bit dubious. Rather than allowing a potential customer to purchase a trial size, they obligate the buyer to provide their billing information. They then pay the shipping on a single trial size, but are also enrolled in the auto deliver program too. This is something that they have to cancel via the telephone if they no longer want to receive the product.  Many consumers get sucked into these scams, and end up paying $70 every month for a product they don’t want.

Pros and Cons

We feel that there are more cons than pros to the Stimelex product. Consider the following negative issues:

  • There is no list of ingredients provided;
  • You must hand over credit card information to get the trial package;
  • There is no money back guarantee; and
  • There are no clinical trials demonstrating the efficacy of this product.

Best Price

A single month of this treatment is $80, and is not available at a discounted price because it is a monthly subscription delivery plan.


We cannot recommend Stimelex because of the lack of information given by the manufacturer of this male supplement. We also disapprove of the auto delivery system that locks a buyer into monthly purchases without any experience with the product.  To top it all off, the lack of consumer reviews of Stimelex both on their official site and third party sites leads us to believe this product does not even work.

Have You Used Stimelex?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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