Ultra Male Rx Review
By: Rob Miller
Ultra Male Rx Overview
Most natural testosterone boosting supplements use one or more of the same few ingredients.
There’s Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali (aka Eurycoma Longfolia), and Fenugreek to name most of them.
But sometimes, a product goes in a completely different direction. Sometimes it’s a good thing.
Sometimes it’s a flop. Ultra Male Rx is a product like this.
It’s a testosterone booster that uses a whole different ingredient concept.
So let’s find out which category – success or flop – it belongs in.
The promises made by Ultra Male Rx are very specific and include:
- A decrease in Estrogen levels of up to 35%.
- An increase in Luteinizing Hormone Levels of up to 169%.
- Increased stamina, energy, and libido.
So just what’s in this formula and does it work?
Ultra Male Rx Ingredients and How They Work
First, there are a couple of old standbys.
There’s Vitamin D and Zinc.
These are both essential to the process the body uses to produce testosterone.
In other words, if they are not there, or not there in high enough levels, the body can’t do is job of testosterone production.
Then comes the proprietary blend that includes ProLensis, Fenusterols, Urica Dioica PE, and Maca Root.
- ProLensis is the primary ingredient in focus.
It contains Saponins which are known to increase testosterone production as well as alkaloid phytochemical to increase blood flow through blood vessels.
ProLensis works by signaling the pituitary gland for the release of an increased amount of Luteinizing Hormone.
This LH then goes on to signal to the testes that more testosterone is needed.
ProLensis also increases cholesterol in the testes, which is necessary for adequate testosterone production.
Additionally, ProLensis acts as an aphrodisiac to boost libido. - Fenusterols come from Fenugreek Extract, so again, a familiar testosterone boosting ingredient using Saponins.
- Urtica Dioica is also known as Stinging Nettle.
It binds to SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) so testosterone can’t.
This means more free testosterone available for use. - Maca Root is a familiar aphrodisiac that also improves mood.
The recommended dose is one Ultra Male Rx capsule per day with food, but you can take up to 2 a day if you prefer.
Ultra Male Rx Pros and Cons
Advantages of Ultra Male Rx
- Lots of Ultra Male Rx reviewers say it’s great to take when they come off of a pro-hormone cycle.
- It’s reasonably priced.
- It decreases the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
Disadvantages of Ultra Male Rx
- It doesn’t use tried and true ingredients.
- There are a significant number of reviewers who say it does absolutely nothing.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Ultra Male Rxat the Iron Mag Labs website or through Amazon.
The 60 capsule bottle can last 2 months if you take only 1 a day, or 1 month if you take 2 a day.
A bottle sells for less than $35.
I like the price, especially if 1 pill a day can work for you.And the number of positive reviews is encouraging.
If you need a test booster and you have a chance, give Ultra Male Rx a try.
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User Questions and Answers
Saludos. He leído que el prolensis es muy bueno para la producción de testosterona. Tengo algo de problemas con mi colesterol en sangre y quisiera saber si este también es afectado por prolensis o solamente es en los testículos. Gracias por su atención y excelente página -Jose
Creo que es sólo colesterol en los testículos, pero usted debe consultar con un médico, farmacéutico o fabricante para estar seguro.- Rob