Virmax T Video Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-29-2018

Thinking about trying Virmax T?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video to learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read my written Virmax T review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about VirmaxT. Virmax T is an all natural testosterone boosting supplement that I recently got a chance to test out and I figured I’d post my results here. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, as always, but if you have a question or you want to just skip ahead to my personal results, you can just click on the link, right below the video there. It’ll take you to my website, where I go into my personal results. Anyway, VirmaxT is kind of a relatively new product. It’s made by a company called Natural Product Solutions. It’s the latest release in the Virmax line, which is basically dedicated to enhancing the sexual experience of both, men and women while helping to support overall sexual health. As you already pretty much know, most guys start to see a reduction in testosterone, right around the age of thirty. Typically that reduction happens at about 1% per year, but there are a lot of guys that experience a much more rapid deterioration. When that happens you start to feel all the symptoms of low testosterone, and one of those being low libido, which is a really big issue for guys that start to hit their mid to late thirties. Anyway, you can see the ingredients label here. VirmaxT contains a number of different ingredients that are supposed to help boost your body’s overall natural production of testosterone. One of the key ingredients here is magnesium, and it’s stacked with zinc, which is a very popular combination that’s been used for a really long time. It also contains a proprietary herbal blend, as you can see here, it’s Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek extract, Korean Ginseng, and epimedium extract. These are ingredients that you’ll find in a wide variety of testosterone boosting supplements. I’ve probably tested, anywhere between like fifty, fifty to sixty or so testosterone boosters over the years, and almost every single one of them will contain, probably like two or three of these ingredients. So, there is nothing to write necessarily about the ingredients label here. But I think what really comes down to is what kind of effects you get from it. If you look at some of the other websites, some of the other people that are talking about VirmaxT, you’ll see a lot of positive results. As far as my personal results, I would probably put VirmaxT in the average category. It seems to work for me but the effects were, they weren’t really pronounced. Not as much as I thought they would’ve been, at least. I could tell that it helped to increase my sex drive and libido a little bit. But as far as physical endurance, and any kind of like athletic performance, anything like that, you know, energy, stamina, I didn’t really see a huge difference in that regard, but needless to say, I only really took it for about, I think it was for about a week and a half, almost two weeks, something like that. So I would say that if you’re looking to get the most benefits from VirmaxT, you probably wanna take it for a much longer period of time. They don’t really notice, rather mention, on their website, as far as I can tell if you need to take it for any length of time before you start to see the best results. Usually the longer the better. You can find this in a wide variety of stores. I know CVS carries it, Walgreens, I’ve even seen it in Circle K, and of course, you can buy it online. I think sells it, and as well as Amazon. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or just send me an email to, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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