Forma Stanzol Review – Should You Use It?

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 7-15-2014

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Forma Stanzol Review – Should You Use It?

Forma Stanzol Overview

One of the things you’ll notice if you start digging deep into the world of bodybuilding supplements and products is that there are lots of different levels of legality. And one of the most interesting things is that some products move through levels over time. This is the case with the topical anti-aromatase product, Forma Stanzol. It used to be sold as a prescription drug in the US, and it still is in some countries. But in it’s a legal, over the counter topical spray form now, and we’re going to look at whether or not it does what it claims.

Forma Stanzol can be used as a stand alone fat burner or as a compliment to a testosterone boosting cycle. When you increase testosterone, you run the risk of also unintentionally increasing estrogen. This is what guys mean when they talk about gyno. It’s one of the many side effects you can get from too much testosterone. We’re not talking about herbal testosterone boosting supplements here, this is more about injections and gels containing actual synthetic testosterone. In order to prevent these kinds of side effects, you can use a product like Forma Stanzol to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

Forma stanzol ReviewForma Stanzol Ingredients and How They Work

The primary active ingredient in Forma Stanzol is Formestane which used to be available by prescription to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It also decreases SHBG by 34% which means more free testosterone, and increases IGF-1 levels by 26% which helps build muscle and strength.

Additional ingredients are DIM, Benzoflavone, Chrysin, and Horse Chestnut Seed.

How to Use Forma Stanzol

Forma Stanzol comes in a spray bottle. Your dosing schedule depends on what you’re using it for. If you are on a testosterone cycle and you want to control estrogen, apply 3-10 pumps to your back, shoulders, arms, and abdomen twice daily for 10 weeks. If you’re using it alone for fat burning, use 7-10 pumps twice a day for 4-6 weeks. If you’re doing Post Cycle Therapy, use 3-7 pumps twice daily for 4-6 weeks.

In each case, you’ll want to start with the lower dose and see how you’re affected before raising it to the higher levels.

Forma Stanzol Pros and Cons

Advantages of Forma Stanzol

  • It’s a formerly prescription strength product that’s now more easily available.
  • It can be used for several different purposes.
  • There are lots of positive Forma Stanzol reviews from guys who’ve had real success.
  • It’s been clinically studied and found to work.

Disadvantages of Forma Stanzol

  • There’s no money back guarantee.
  • You need to check with a doctor if you’re on any other medications.
  • According to several reviews, the pump spray tends to clog up and become difficult to use.

Where to Buy

You can find Forma Stanzol online. A single bottle sells for $59.99 with no money back guarantee.


If you’re using a natural herbal testosterone boosting supplement, there’s no need for the estrogen blocking effects of Forma Stanzol. On the other hand, there is a growing body of research indicating that the increased amount of estrogen in our environment is having a negative effect on men, and Forma Stanzol can also be used as a PCT product or fat burner. As a multipurpose bodybuilding product, I would recommend trying Forma Stanzol.

Have You Used Forma Stanzol? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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