Lipo 6 Black Video Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-31-2018

Thinking about trying Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Lipo 6 Black review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about lipo 6 black. Lipo 6 black is a fat burner that popped up in my radar a few months ago, and I finally got a chance to test it out. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, including stuff like the ingredients, how it works, their claims, etcetera, all that kind of stuff. But if you’d like to skip ahead to my review, you could just click on the link in the description box below. It’ll take you to my website, where you can read all about it instead of watching this video here. Anyway, lipo 6 black is a fat burner made by a company called Nutrex research. Nutrex actually makes a bunch of other supplements, including a sexual performance enhancer called Vitrex, and a known booster called Nayak’s, and a lipo 6 black hers, which as you probably guessed, is geared mainly towards women. This particular fat burner uses a ton of stimulants, almost too many. In it, you’ll find caffeine, theobromine, synephrine, and an herbal extract called Yohimbine. Now, if you’ve ever watched any of my other video reviews, you may have heard me talk about Yohimbe before. I kind of have a sort of a love-hate relationship with Yohimbe. It can give you a great boost of energy, and it’s actually really effective as an all-natural aphrodisiac. On the other hand, it also has a tendency to produce a ton of side effects, and it includes upset stomach, increased anxiety, headaches, all sorts of other problems. So it definitely works but not without a price. Anyway, lipo 6 black is marketed as a powerful weight loss supplement formula, which is kind of a fancy way of saying it’ll help you lose the weight, but it’s not gonna do, you know, do the work for you. You can’t sit around your ass all day and eat Cheez-its. But Lipo 6 black could definitely help you get, you know, get you along with your goals at least. With that said, if you ever do decide to try it out, I can definitely guarantee you that you will not want to be sitting around on your ass all day, and you’re gonna find out why in a minute. Anyway, they also mention on their official website that lipo 6 black helps to ramp up your metabolic rate. And according to them, it does it through the addition of an ingredient called adventurer Z, which is basically a fancy word for bitter orange or synephrine, which I kind of mentioned earlier. Synephrine is actually a pretty powerful substance. I’ve actually used it personally and several other weight loss pills I’ve tested over the years. In fact, it’s so powerful that it’s actually on the NCAA’s list of banned supplements. So if you’re a collegiate athlete, I would definitely recommend against using Lipo 6 black, you know, at least while you’re in season. Synephrine has also been proven in a clinical study, which I’ll put in the link in the description box below, to help increase metabolism and energy expenditure. Especially when combined with other ingredients like caffeine, which of course lipo 6 black does. You could find lipo 6 black pretty much all over the place. I’ve seen it in GNC for like 40 bucks, Vitamin Shoppe sells it for roughly the same price. But after doing a little bit of research, I could definitely tell that the best, your best bet is to buy it on the official website, and on there they sell 120 capsule bottle for like 55 bucks. So you’re definitely getting it much much cheaper, it’s almost like half off. If you order on their website. As for my personal results, I’m not gonna lie, I was a bit hesitant when I first started off with Lipo 6 black. I’m pretty sensitive to products containing stimulants, typically I’ll start off with the lowest possible dose to avoid any kind of side effects, and assess my tolerance from that. According to the label here, one pill contains about 70 milligrams of caffeine, and 1.4 milligrams of Yohimbe, which as I already mentioned is in and of itself a pretty powerful stimulant. I could start, I could basically start to feel the effects from Lipo 6 black kick in after about like thirty minutes, and I would say that it probably peaks somewhere around the two-hour mark. I was actually pretty surprised, I didn’t get any of the usual jitters, that I get with stimulant and heavy supplements. You know, this could have been due to the fact that it only took one pill, probably was. So the next day I decided to take a full dose of three capsules, and that was definitely a bad idea. It started to kick in, same deal, it was probably like 15 maybe 30 minutes later, but right around the 100 mark I started sweating like a motherfucker, and got anxious for really like no apparent reason. Typically if I’m experiencing an economy anxiety, uneasiness, I’ll just do like a quick 15-minute workout, jump rope, push-ups, that kind of stuff. But instead I decided to hit the gym for like a full one-hour workout, and what followed was probably one of the most intense workouts I think I’ve ever had. I was physically crushing the weights, I ended up doing like a 5k in the treadmill in like 22 minutes, which is like a personal record of mine. What I do remember though, is after my workout I felt like complete dogshit. I got this huge crash, basically left me laying on the couch for the rest of the day. I figured I would keep taking Lipo 6 black for like another couple of weeks, and over time the effects seemed to kind of even themselves out, so it got easier as time went on. In the end, I ended up losing a little over six pounds, over about a two-week period. I would say that a couple of those pounds were probably water weight, but nevertheless, I was definitely looking more trim, and just felt slimmer overall. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I got for lipo 6 black. If you’d like to learn more about the supplement, check out my written review, which I’ve linked to in the description box below. And if you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment section or send me an email to And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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