Maxirex Pills Reviews

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-9-2018

maxirex reviewsWhile there are many men who like to say that size doesn’t matter, if you take the time to ask women to answer this same question honestly, you will find that they will tell you that it most certainly does.  Increasing penis size is not as easy as product advertisements lead you to believe, however, and most of the supplements that claim to offer this benefit don’t do very much.  Yet there are herbs out there that are proven to offer this effect, so we decided to at least look into Maxirex.  The name itself was pretty clever, but it was the product’s promises of size increase that made us want to learn more.

How Maxirex Works and Ingredients

Maxirex promises up to four additional inches of size as well as increased girth and the ability to even control ejaculations and experience increased stamina.  What really stood out to us at first when it came to Maxirex was the fact that the product was completely natural.  Pharmaceutical options are laden with dangerous potential side effects, so an herbal solution would certainly seem ideal.  Maxirex is made with a number of fairly common herbs, including ginseng and balsam, as well as cayenne and oats.  Surprisingly absent are ingredients like maca and horny goat weed, which are almost a staple of male enhancement products.

How Can We Pay if We Don’t Know The Price?

In looking at the ingredient list, we were surprised to see these omissions, but the science provided by the company seemed sound.  We did note that the company website asks you to input credit card information before they tell you the price of the supplement.  User reviews seem fairly enthusiastic, however, with most men admitting initial skepticism about the product.  Most have been using it for at least six months now, and phrases such as “changed my life” are incredibly common.


If asked whether or not we would recommend Maxirex, we certainly say yes.  We are still a little skeptical over the company’s hesitance to provide a price up front, but testimonials both on and off of their website are overwhelmingly positive.  The supplement is free of side effects and completely natural, which is certainly a good thing, and users overwhelmingly state that they have seen inches of additional growth and that the results are permanent.  For men seeking a safe way to increase penis size without the need for drugs or penis pumps, Maxirex seems to be a good choice.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

One comment on “Maxirex Pills Reviews”

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  1. Well I researched a lot about this before going for the buy and frankly every website I visited spoke high of the product so I gave it a try and all it did was give me diarrhea. I was pretty unsatisfied since the side effects just started after the first dosage.

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