Muscle Review Guide

Fact Checked On: 4-5-2018 By: Rob Miller

muscleThe human body has roughly 700 muscles. Each one is responsible for a different movement in the body. However, they all work together to help people walk, talk, gesture, and more. Muscles make up 50 percent of the body weight of humans, so take a look at why they are so important.

What Are Muscles?

Muscles are tissues in the body that work together to make the body move. However, there are several different ways in which this is done. There are three types of muscles – skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Skeletal muscle is responsible for movement of arms, legs, and all major bones and joints. Smooth muscle is responsible for internal organs and the digestive system. And, cardiac muscle is responsible for the heart, which pumps blood throughout the body.

How Muscles Work

What Are Muscles by Medical News Today

Muscle Composition

Muscle Tissue

What is the strongest muscle in the human body?

Skeletal Muscle

Skeletal muscle is attached to the bones. It is made up of small units called muscle fascicles that are connected together by tissue called fascia. This makes skeletal muscle look like several strands of string all lined up next to each other. As each muscle fascicles contracts, the fascia tissue makes different areas of the body move by applying force to the bones and joints.

Skeletal Muscle

Science Daily Skeletal Muscle

Penn Medicine Skeletal Muscle

Differential response of skeletal muscles to mTORC1 signaling during atrophy and hypertrophy

What Is Skeletal Muscle?

Smooth Muscle

Smooth muscle does not have the same striated structure as skeletal muscle. Instead, it has spindle-shaped cells that are connected by a nucleus. It contracts automatically and slowly. Smooth muscle is responsible for the movement of the digestive system and internal organs. It is also found inside the blood vessels.

Smooth Muscle

Earth Physiology

Think Qwest Smooth Muscles

Merriam-Webster Smooth Muscle

Proliferative aspects of airway smooth muscle

Check out my Nitrocut review, a supplement that uses an ingredient called L-Arginine which helps to relax the smooth muscle tissue, allowing for increased blood flow.

Cardiac Muscles

Cardiac muscle serves one purpose – to make the heart contract and pump blood throughout the body. As a matter of fact, cardiac muscles makes the heart beat about 100,000 times per day. Cardiac muscles contracts rhythmically and automatically and is essential to life. The structure of cardiac muscle looks different than both skeletal muscle and smooth muscle. It is shorter with Y-shaped connections.

Cardiac Muscle

InnerBody Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Cardiac Muscle Contractility by Cytokinetics

Molecular beacons light path to cardiac muscle repair

Cardiac Muscle Society

Muscle Functions

Muscles generate force by contracting and pulling. Their elasticity causes them to elongate and then contract back into place, causing movement in the body. Muscle fibers take different shapes throughout the body to contract in calculated ways. Muscles are responsible for producing movement, maintaining posture, stabilizing joints, assisting in blood circulation, and generating heat.

Muscle Structure and Function

The Functions of Muscles

Function of Muscle Tissue (PDF)

Muscle and Muscle Tissue Functions (PDF)

Overview of Muscle Functions

Energy Consumption

People can’t run forever because muscles don’t have unlimited energy. This energy is called ATP and it is gained from high-energy phosphates that are stored in the body. People need to eat to replenish these energy sources, and both carbohydrates and proteins are essential to this function. The body also needs all sorts of other nutrients to produce energy. Oftentimes, this energy is referred to as calories.

Work and Energy in Muscles

Energy consumption in static muscle contraction

Muscle Contraction: The Energetics

When Does the Body Start to Use Muscle Tissue for Energy?

Energy Sources for Muscular Contraction (PDF)


How Muscles Work by Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph.D.

Muscle Twitching by MedlinePlus

Muscle Physiology Types of Contractions

How many muscles are in your face?

Bones and Muscles: An Introduction to Human Anatomy

Superficial Muscles of the Back

The President’s Challenge: Strengthening Muscles & Bones

Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw) (PDF)

The Muscular System

The Anatomy of Your Leg Muscles

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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