NitroCut Review – My Real Results
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-27-2020

This is a review. Click Here To Visit The Official Nitrocut Website
If you have been searching around for an effective Pre Workout supplement, but are undecided on which one to get, you are in for a real treat. I recently had a chance to try out a product called Nitrocut, which is specifically designed to give you explosive gains in strength and endurance, as well as enhance lean muscle mass and libido.
We have seen hundreds of these pre workout supplements, and Nitrocut is by far the most effective at producing results, all while staying within anyone’s modest budget. Read more about how nitrocut works, whether or not it has side effects, the ingredients, and what makes this particular pre workout supplement different from the others. But first, take a look at my results from taking it below.
My Nitrocut Results
As a pretty active guy, I am always looking for something that will give me an increase in my stamina and endurance, both on the court and off. I was reading through some nitrocut reviews on a men’s health website, and decided to give it a try. I originally got 3 bottles of Nitrocut, as well as a testosterone booster called Testofuel, and decided to cycle them for 4 weeks on, and 2 weeks off in between. The results I saw were nothing like the ones I saw from using other Nitric Oxide Boosters, and I felt an immediate impact on my overall ability to workout longer and harder.
I originally weighed in at close to 200 pounds when I first started taking Nitrocut, and after about a week of being on it, I saw an immediate decrease in my fat storage.I could tell this because my friends were commenting on how much slimmer I looked. They commented specifically on my waist and my lower back, which originally had some love handles.
By the end of the first month, If I had to guess I lost about 8 pounds of fat, but packed on a few pounds of muscle, so while I didn’t see a huge difference on the scale, the results looked amazing. After 4 weeks, I felt like a completely transformed man, but also realized I had more potential. I decided to take a 2 week break so that I could “retrain” my system and start taking it again to see what the results would be.
I started taking it again, and it felt exactly the same as if I was taking it for the first time. The same burst of energy, the same decreased recovery times, and the same results.All in all, I ended up losing 15 pounds after taking both for 3 months. Check out my before and after photo’s from taking Nitrocut and Testofuel below:
In summary, the benefits for me from taking Nitrocut were:
- More prolonged workout sessions
- Faster recovery times in between workouts
- More Energy for the Gym
- Increased Lean Muscle Mass Dramatically
- Increased Libido
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What is Nitrocut?
Developed by a company of the same name, Nitrocut is an all natural dietary supplement designed as a pre workout booster. It uses a wide variety of highly potent ingredients to help you achieve sustainable muscle mass, as well as increased pump and endurance. I originally came across Nitrocut while reviewing a similar product in this category, called Force Factor.
There are a variety of benefits to using Nitrocut’s formula as opposed to the competitions. For one, it contains a high level of quality L-Arginine (about 3,000 mg per dose). For the average person, there is no need to take additional arginine, because it is already produced in the body. However, serious athletes and bodybuilders have been using L-Arginine based supplements for years to help sculpt an amazing physique.
How Does Nitrocut Work?
Based on years of research in the field, and personal experiences with products such as Nitrocut, the way it works is to help as a precursor to Nitric Oxide (NO) Production, which is necessary for the synthesis of creatine. This NO production allows for the blood vessels to relax, increasing blood circulation, which will lead to increased recovery time after a workout, resistance to muscle fatigue, and increase muscular work output.This is not something that happens overnight, and you need to cycle Nitrocut for several months to see the full benefits of NO production.
The good thing is that this process is totally natural, and does not show up on any drug screening tests. It also contains Rasberry Ketone, which has been featured on the Dr. Oz show to help in your weight loss efforts.
What Makes Nitrocut Different?

What sets Nitrocut apart from the competition is an assortment of things. Apart from the high quality L-Arginine blend in Nitrocut, it also contains powerful strength boosters such as tribulus terrestris, Fenugreek extract, Eurycoma Longifolia extract, and Avena sativa. These are actually very strong ingredients found in several male enhancement supplements, so you will also have the added benefit of increased libido from taking Nitrocut.
It also contains Vitamins B6 and B12, which are the primary ingredients used in many common energy drinks. This revolutionary formula is designed specifically to help you workout harder, recover faster, and give you that ripped body you’ve always been looking for. What’s even more important is that it does NOT contain any dangerous stimulants like Yohimbe, DMAA, or others. Supplements that contain these ingredients not only produce side effects, but in some cases can be deadly (see below).
Frequently Asked Questions About Nitrocut
Question: I never tried pre workout supplements, but your #1 Nitrocut sounds good, so, if I take that before workout, I would like to know what would be the best to take post workout?I am not going for size (maybe a little), just definition. I am 37 at 180lbs and 6’2″.
Answer: I agree about Nitrocut.
It’s really effective and without stimulants, so you don’t have to worry about side effects like jitters or crash.
As for dose and timing, the directions say you should take 2-4 capsules about 45 minutes before working out and or before meals.
I usually start with the low end of the dosing recommendation and adjust from there.
Can women use Nitrocut?
Absolutely, in fact it’s recommended for both men AND women. The ingredients in Nitrocut are not specifically formulated to any gender, and women should see the same benefits from using it.
Nitrocut Pro’s and Con’s
There are some major differences between Nitrocut and the competition, which we have listed below. However, we have decided to give you our opinion of the pro’s and con’s of taking Nitrocut.
- High Quality Formula
- Has added energy creating ingredients others don’t have
- Produced great results in our personal use
- Cheaper than the competition
- No free trial scam
- Cannot buy Nitrocut in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, or other retail chains
- The pills smell like curry
How Does Nitrocut Compare To Other Nitric Oxide Boosters?
We have tested out similar products, such as Ripfire, Xtreme NO, and Force Factor, and many of them worked for the first few days, but then we saw a decrease in their potency just a few days later. I think alot of that had to do with the fact that they do not contain any stimulants like NitroCut does, such as Vitamin B6 and B12.
Also, many of the competing products cost alot more, and don’t even offer discounts if you order larger quantities. For example, if you buy Force Factor from their official site, it costs a solid $70 per bottle, no matter how much you order. With Nitrocut, a one month supply is only $50, and the price goes down dramatically when you order larger quantities.
Nitrocut Vs Force Factor
I’ve tried both Force Factor 1 and 2, and the first version did nothing for me, while their follow up seemed to only help slightly. A one month supply of Nitrocut costs $50, while a one month supply of Force Factor 2 will run you $70, a pretty big difference. The biggest differences I noticed between Nitrocut and Force Factor, other than the price, was the effectiveness. While I was on Force Factor, I MAYBE dropped a couple of pounds, but I didn’t feel anything major, unlike with Nitrocut.
In my opinion, and in the opinion of many others I’ve spoken to, Force Factor is simply overrated and over priced. They have a very large marketing budget, and you will see their ads everywhere. This may bump up points in the popularity contest, but in the end you want something that works, right? Not just something that is being “trumped up” as the next miracle muscle building pill.
Nitrocut Vs. NO Xplode
NO Explode is no doubt one of the most talked about pre workout supplements on the market, and for good reason, because it works. I have personally used it a bunch of times, and can attest to it’s effectiveness. Aside from the horrible taste in my opinion, it gives you great, solid energy for the gym, and starts working really fast. My biggest issue with NO Xplode is its just a bit inconvenient.
If I want to take it later at night, I usually have trouble sleeping because of all of the caffeine in it (about 200 mg for one serving). I also get the typical rise and crash that you’ll get from pre workout supplements that contain stimulants, with that weird jittery feeling you get before and after your lift.
It is something that may be off-putting to users that don’t like stimulant heavy formulas or are not a fan or regular consumer of caffeine, but if you are tolerant to it, I would imagine it wouldn’t be too big of an issue.
Nitrocut Vs Jack3D
Jack3D is another pre I have tried, and I can also attest to it’s effectiveness. It gives you great, long lasting energy quickly, and works very well to help give you that pumped and jacked look your going for. However, just like with NO Xplode, it contains stimulants, so you get that worn down feeling once you come off of it.
Also, Jack3d contains a stimulant called 1,3 Dimethylanylamine, which is a VERY controversial substance that is on the verge of becoming banned by the FDA. This central nervous system stimulant can cause a wide array of side effects, including heart palpitations, headaches, and even some deaths have been reported with it’s use. Nitrocut doesn’t contain any stimulants like this, which is why I ALWAYS recommend it over the use of pre workout supplements like Jack3d and NO Xplode.
Where Can I Buy Nitrocut?
At this time, the only place you can buy Nitrocut is on their official website, The price for a one month supply is $49.99, and this includes free shipping in the US and is backed by a 35 day money back guarantee.
I am very happy that I finally came across an effective pre workout supplement that actually does what it says it is going to do.There are not too many of these supplements that can honestly say that they will produce meaningful results, but Nitrocut is definitely one of them.
The fact that they don’t suck you into a free trial program speaks highly of the company, and they even issue a full refund within 30 days of ordering, so there is practically no risk to ordering.
I highly recommend that if you do order Nitrocut, that you get at least a two months supply of it to get the best results.
As with many supplements of this kind, Nitrocut works best when taken consistently and the absolute best possible results come with time, patience, hard work and healthy diet.
Visit to learn more
Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure
4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.
Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.
If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Im on my third bottle of this stuff and its working awesome. Lost like 20 pounds over the past 2 months and I can def feel a difference in my overall strength and endurance.
9 out of 9 people found this review helpful.
I stakced this with a fat burner called OxiElite Pro and got amazing results with it. Would definetly recommend you take it with some sort of caffeine pill or something for quick results.
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
I have to agree with Rob, Nitrocut worked great for me too. It's much cheaper than alot of the alternatives out there too.
6 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
I've been using Nitrocut for about 3 weeks now and I gotta say the results have been great. Thanks for recommending it Rob!
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Works good
I've used plenty of pre workout supps in the past, and while most of them work well to get me going I always seem to get a huge crash from them.
I dont get this effect from Nitrocut at all.
It doesn't give me a huge burst of energy like NO explode does, but I can see what you mean when you say it has a subtler effect.
Will continue using!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Click Here to visit the official Nitrocut website
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
I get to the gym 5 days a week, do I take this product on my off days as well? -Kevin Moore
Yes, you should take it every day, even on your off days.- Rob
7 out of 7 people found this question helpful.
Will I have to continuously take this supplement for the rest of my life in order to keep the benefits? Or will I be able to keep them without life time use? -James
As is the case with any supplement, you'll get the benefits of Nitrocut for as long as you continue to take it. When you stop, you won't lose anything you've gained, but the effects of the supplement will drop off when the ingredients leave your system.- Rob
5 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
Is it OK to take 4 capsules of nitrocut and 1 capsule of Testo fuel all at the same time? -Leon
Yes, as long as you don't have a problem taking that many pills at once, It's totally fine.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Is it safe to take nitrocut if your blood pressure is high -James
The L-Arginine in it might actually lower your blood pressure, but you should consult with your doctor to be safe.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Hi ive ordered one bottle of testofuel and was going to order one bottle of nitrocut how long will that supply last me? 1-2weeks -Pav
Each bottle will last you a month.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Since I’ve already ordered the Phen, I’ll just alternate as you have suggested. Thanks!
IKO is working great, though. Is there a need to add the Nitrocut?
It wouldn’t hurt to add the Nitrocut. It’s a completely different kind of pre workout – boosting nitric oxide, providing more blood to your muscles for more oxygen and nutrients, whereas IKO is mostly about stimulant energy.
But you may be fine without it too. It’s personal preference really.
I’ll give it a shot since I’ve already ordered.
Working pretty well, but I decided to try Phen375(to get appetite control and fat burning in one) and Nitrocut to be able to workout longer and to see more definition in my abs, thighs and arms. I haven’t received my order yet, but I was wondering how fast will I see results stacking this with Phen375?
My first time using both. I work out about 4 times a week at home.
It’s tough to tell about Testogen since they don’t reveal ingredient amounts. Here’s a link to my full review: I haven’t checked out DHA Advance+ so I can’t tell you about that one.
I’m a 73 year old male, in very good shape, working out 5 days a week. The VA Doctor has me on 100 mg Testosterone injection a week, because my level is extremely low otherwise.
I do take Protein, Creatine, Six Star pre workout explosion, C4 Sport by Cellucor as a drink mix with fruit, before my workout. Do you think it would be of any benefit for me to take other, or different supplements.
I would like to loose some fat some around my belly and tone my muscles a little bit more. I have been working out pretty much all of my life, of and on.
Yeah I would recommend you check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout and stack it with a testosterone booster called Prime Male. The 2 work great when combined, and can be added safely to your existing supplement regiment.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Instant Knockout –
Prime Male –
I’ve been taking HyperGH14x for 6 weeks now. I know my body already produces a lot of GH at age 20, but I have been sleeping better, recovering faster, and gaining strength since starting the product.
However, I haven’t been shredding a lot of fat. With the goal of shredding fat and getting stronger, can I add Nitrocut to my stack of HyperGH14x and Animal Pak?
I was hesitant because Animal Pak contains a lot of the same ingredients as HyperGH14x and Nitrocut. I just wanted to be sure that Animal Pak didn’t negate the effects of the other two.
Yeah I would actually recommend you go with a fat burner called Instant Knockout instead. You’re 100% right on the money with the Nitrocut (, it contains many of the same ingredients as Animal Pak and won’t help in your case.
The Instant Knockout will do the trick, check out my review here:
I take the animal pak at night as a multi-vitamin, not a pre-workout. I play college baseball, so I want to stay in the same weight range that I’m in, while also cutting fat and getting the nitric oxide boost.
For these specific goals, is it okay to take the Nitrocut with the Animal pak and HyperGH14x? I’ve read that Nitrocut leads a loss of fat, and huge gain in muscle.
Whereas the IKO is more muscle maintenance and fat loss, leading to an overall huge weight drop.
I shouldn’t. There’s nothing in NitroCut that would cause you to fail a drug test.
Is that 1.5 grams per lb of overall weight or 1.5 grams per lb of “lean” weight?
If you’re referring to how much protein to eat on a daily basis, it’s 1.5 grams per pound of total current weight.
And yes, I was referring to how much protein should be consumed daily.
I’m 32, 6’1″, and currently 247 lbs. I’ve recently joined the gym hoping to lose some excess belly fat and love handles, and improve my overall health. I have a muscular build, large frame, but carry all my fat in my belly.
I’ve been thinking of adding some supplements to help speed up the weight loss and get some definition in my muscles, but I’m taking 80mg of Micardis daily for high blood pressure. I’m considering Testofuel, Instant Knockout, and Nitrocut, along with Gold Standard Whey, some creatine, and maybe some casein whey post workout since since I weight lift at night and do about 60 minutes of cardiovascular in the am about 4-5 days a week.
Any suggestions?
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals.
Supplements wise, I was going to recommend the Crazy Mass cutting stack, however it does contain yohimbe which is not good if you have hypertension. I think going with what you suggested (Nitrocut, Testofuel, Instant Knockout, and Gold Standard Whey) would be suitable for you.
Just watch out for the caffeine content in Instant Knockout and get all these cleared by your doctor.
Do these products contain anything similar, because I would like to cycle off of them at different times, so as to always be taking one or the other. Thoughts?
The only common ingredients they share are Vitamin B12 and Fenugreek, so you should be fine. I actually recommend taking them together, that’s how I got the best results.
I’m 360 lbs, you think that nitrocut work for me? and I want to get ripped too.
Well, nothing will beat a good diet and exercise, but Nitrocut ( can certainly help. Also, I would recommend you stack it with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. The two work great when combined to help shred the lbs.
Here’s my review of Instant Knockout:
Lastly, I’m sending you a copy of my “How To Get Ripped” ebook. Pay particular attention to the diet and exercise portions of the ebook, they’re the most important in your case.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Yeah you’ll definitely need to take in large amounts of protein along with the Nitrocut for the best results.
You want about 1.5 grams per pound of your current body weight. So in your case that’s about 288 grams of protein a day.
Nitrocut is effective for practically all ages, but I wouldn’t recommend taking it under the age of 18.
I got Nitrocut in the mail today.
I’m trying to lose some weight so I also got Phen375. I tend to do my cardio in the morning on an empty stomach as I keep on reading it works best to burn unnecessary stored fat. Should I take Nitrocut on an empty stomach before my cardio on my cardio days or does it work best with some food in the stomach?
Thanks in advance, man.
It’s fine to take on an empty stomach. It’ll actually work better, as long as your stomach does well taking pills without food.
It will really help you out with stamina for your cardio.
That’s a great question. It’s not recommended that anyone under 18 use most of these supplements precisely because they haven’t been tested for how they might affect your growth.
If you feel you’re still growing (and it’s very common for guys to keep growing past 18) then you should not take Nitrocut.
At your age, I don’t recommend taking supplements beyond vitamins, protein, and possibly creatine if you’re looking to bulk up. Most of these products and ingredients aren’t even tested on adults, much less growing teens. For your case, I recommend you use a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard along with a good, clean diet and a solid workout routine. Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for some great tips and advice when it comes to what to eat and how to work out.
Definitely go with Nitrocut. It’s great for gaining mass because it doesn’t contain any stimulants to speed up your metabolism or suppress your appetite. But if you’re going to put on weight, the most important things are that you eat a lot and lift heavy. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for some guidance with that.
For the diet and workout side of things, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got loads of great tips and advice as well as meal and workout plans to get you in your best shape. For supplements, stack Nitrocut with a fat burner called Instant Knockout.
I am 33 years old, 5 ft 11 and weights 196. Quite a bit around the tummy.
My aim is to get are lean as possible safely while building strength and endurance. I have been working out at home and will going to the gym.
What do you recommend? Thanking you in advance.
For the diet and workout side of things, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips, advice, and plans to get you in great shape. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s exactly what you’re looking for.
Sure. The Crazy Mass Cutting Stack is my first choice, but Nitrocut is great, especially if you want to go without stimulants. Creatine will also help, but it’ll probably cause a little bloating, so you’ll need to come off it to get as lean as possible.
I hope this message finds you well! I tried the crazy mass cutting stack and it didnt work well with me.
I played around with the pills to see what will work best but apparently the clenn is too strong from either the Yohimbie or bitter orange. ( I am still taking Testosterone max and paravar only for now).
Instead, I purchased testofuel, Nitrocut and knockout fat burner.
May you advice me what is the best way to stack these products and see good results. Do you think Nitrocut is strong enough to give me the boost to go to the gym after feeling fatigue from work?I leave work at 5pm. and will start doing cardio at 7am.
Sorry the Cutting Stack didn’t work out for you, but at least you’re getting some use out of it. For your next stack, start by taking Instant Knockout and Nitrocut both pretty much as directed. For IKO, take one capsule 4 times spread throughout the day, and take 2 Nitrocut with breakfast and 2 with lunch or before a workout. As you know, you can change things up if you think something else will work better for you. I get plenty of workout energy from Nitrocut, but if you need something with stimulants, an Instant Knockout will work. Of course try not to take it too close to bed time. You may not be able to sleep.
Yeah, Nitrocut is a great pre workout for bulking cycles because it doesn’t contain any stimulants to suppress your appetite or speed up your metabolism. At the same time, it really helps boost your workout intensity, which means you lift more. You’ll want to add creatine and protein to your stack as well.
Been reading your reviews, first supplement reviewer I’ve found that seems legit. I’m a big guy, started the year at 298, dropped down to 260, with diet and minimal exercise but very active job daily, been using the supp. synendrex off an on for 6 months.
Never used a pretty workout, or ever stacked. Decided to try nitrocut with instant knockout, are these okay together, and would you take them as they recommend, or different cause taking together?
Also still on the diet, but stepped up in the gym big time, just wondering any recommendations, thx!
Great job so far, but you’re right that it’s time to shake things up to avoid hitting a plateau. Instant Knockout and Nitrocut is a great stack to keep taking the weight off while you start to place more focus on your workouts. Take them each as directed, though I would skip the evening dose of Instant Knockout to make sure you can sleep well at night. You should also sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook to help you get to the next step in your diet and exercise.
I’m rather new to supplements so im sorry if I seem clueless. I read you’re review and others and this seem really promising.
My biggest concern is if I take nitrocut, will I lose my gains if I stop? Will I be left with fat from no longer taking it?
Advice would be greatly appreciated
You won’t lose any of your progress as long as you maintain your diet and workout schedule.
I just recently started going to the gym (2 weeks now) to gain weight. I’m 5’11 and 130 pounds (VERY slim).
My goal is to gain lots of muscle mass and put on weight so people will stop calling me skinny! I have a very high matabolism as well and I’m currently drinking a weight gainer called Pure Mass (has creatine in it as well) that was recommended to me by a friend.
I have been looking for a pre workout supplement but I just don’t know what to choose. Do you think that stacking Nitrocut with Testo Fuel will help me achieve my goals?
Also your site has helped me a lot thanks man.
The two most important things to focus on are eating a lot and lifting heavy. With that in mind, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook designed for hard gainers like yourself. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack along with the mass gainer you’re currently using. You can do either a 4 week or an 8 week cycle and put on quite a bit of weight.
i wonder if this product will help.
thank you
It sounds like Nitrocut would be a good fit. I would also recommend stacking it with a t booster called Prime Male for the best results.
Im 33yo 5’11 180 lb I don’t look fat but I do have some belly fat that would love to get rid off and would like to get lean muscle but not huge.
As of now I just started to do this famous video exercises that claim to get you “insane” results (maybe you know now which one i’m talking about) but I don’t know if this alone is going to do the work as I want to.
I was looking for some energy boosters and/or some natural supplements to add up to this type of routines to see if they could help me get the results I’m looking for, and I came across your website.
I definitely want to get ripped and have defined abs but not huge muscles though. From what I’ve been searching around, this supplements looks like are the best way to go but I’m a bit unsure on what to buy if just NitroCut or just TestoFuel, or if I should stack them both like you said or not cause I don’t know if that is going to be too much then. If so, how’s the best way of stacking NitroCut with TestoFuel?
Do you think this is the best way to go with this type of exercises? or should I lift some weights too? cause this type of videos are mainly calisthenics, which is cool cause I don’t wanna get that big like I said before. So the question is, should I just go with NitroCut? or just with TestoFuel?
On their end, both seem to give me what I’m looking for but I don’t know if i should go for one or the other, or both.
Could you please help me get a reasonable decision here, I don’t want to spend unnecessary money if just one supplement is going to give me the results I’m looking for.
Thanks a lot for your time invested on reading all of this..
btw, you have a great website! Very informative
You’d do really well with stacking them both, but if you want to go with just one, go with Testofuel. A natural testosterone booster can help you accomplish a lot on its own. I’m also going to recommend you sign up for my “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got meal and workout plans to help you get into the kind of shape you’re talking about. You’re right, I think adding some lifting to your your workouts will help with all aspects of your program: fat loss, lean muscle gain, and muscle definition.
I though it was a good deal. I started out the video exercises i told you and already i’ve seen results, but i feel i need more energy.
I’m hoping this would help me on that too. I’m pretty excited.
I’ll keep you posted.
I think you’ll be happy with your decision. Keep me posted.
Yes you can. One of the great things about a non-stimulant pre workout like Nitrocut (besides the pumps) is that you can stack it with almost anything because you don’t have to worry about getting shaky or wired. Instant Knockout is a great choice.
Just placed my 3 month order for Nitrocut and cant wait. Have lost about 15 pounds on my own by dieting and exercising, like to lean down and drop another 15 lbs, have some belly fat, would it be better to stack Testofuel (am 43), Instant Knockout or nothing at this time?
*Been reading and implementing your ebook, again thanks for the help!!!
Great question! If your primary goal is weight loss, stack Nitrocut with Instant Knockout. If you want the additional benefits of a testosterone booster (increased muscle, better mood, better sleep), then go with Testofuel. The possible downside to this is slower weight loss. Your best option is to take Nitrocut/Instant Knockout until you lose that 15 pounds or so. Then switch to the Nitrocut/Testofuel stack after that.
I’m a high school thrower, I’m 6’2″ about 235 lbs and I need to cut down a pretty good size amount of body fat and then start to build more lean muscle. I don’t wanna drop more than 15 pounds because a state run is in my reach and I need the weight too.
I was thinking about nitrocut and instant knockout
Any thoughts? Thanks,
None of these supplements are tested on guys under 18, so I wouldn’t recommend them for you. It’s just not known what effects they’ll have on your body and your development. Sign up for my “getting ripped” ebook for great workout and meal plans, and take protein and creatine. I recommend 100% Whey Gold Standard and Muscle Advance.
I’ve been taking Nitrocut and testofuel for about a month now and have good results. My question is what you recommend for cylcling for these 2 products.
I am 41 years old, 5’9 about 175 pounds. I Would like to decrease my body fat and flatten my stomach a little more.
I work out 4-5 times a week for about an hour than 15 min of cardio.
Thanks for your help.
I like to take them together and take about a week off after every 4 weeks.
Nitrocut is great, and very safe. There are no stimulants to worry about, and it’s actually good for your heart and blood pressure.
Totally recommend it!
And how long would it take to arrive to ny cause it looks like is in London or something
It would be safe, but not very effective at your age. The effects of natural testosterone boosters are subtle, especially for guys who have plenty already, which I’m guessing is the case with you. I’d stack it with 100% Whey Gold Standard protein and Muscle Advance Creatine. No worries with shipping Testofuel, though. They have distribution centers in the US and the UK.
I’m 5 foot 11 and 178 pounds and I have 22% body fat and I’m going to try this new Nitrocut product very soon, I do gym every day of the week but do hardly any cardio, I also have Muscle Mass Protein Powder after workout sessions. Should I take any other supplements while taking Nitrocut?
And should I increase my cardio?
Sign up for my free “Getting Ripped” ebook for great tips and plans for eating and working out. I always add cardio onto the end of my workout. That way I’m at top strength when I’m pushing weight, but I still get the cardio in. It’s laid out that way in the book. As for supplements, stick with the Nitrocut and the protein and if you’re over 30, add a natural testosterone booster called Testofuel.
I’m an 18 year old collage student. I am 6′ 2 and weight 132 pounds.
Curious to know if this product would be right for me? And if so how many pills a day do you take?
It’s a great non-stimulant pre workout, and I highly recommend it, but I’d need to know a little about what your goals are to make a specific recommendation for you.
Since diet and working out are the most important factors for getting the body you want, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got advice and plans for how to eat and workout to gain muscle weight. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. It maximizes your workouts so you get all you can out of them, pushing yourself harder for better results.
I’m 27. I weight around 160.
I have been working out on and off for the past year. I’m trying to build more muscle mass but at the same time reduce my body fat.
I want to try Nitrocut but this there any thing else you would recommend with it?
Sounds like your stats and goals are more suited to the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s got a pre workout component, but it’s an overall more comprehensive program of supplements to help you get lean and ripped. For the diet and workout side of things, sign up for my free ‘getting ripped” ebook.
I have started to take the creative pre workout and am looking to gain size and healthy weight.
You definitely want to add Nitrocut pre workout to your supplement routine. It’s essential for getting your best workouts in.
I was just wondering if stacking Deer Antler Plus with NitroCut would be ok? Does Deer Antler Spray even work?
Stacking the two wouldn’t be a problem. On the other hand, I’m skeptical about Deer Antler Spray.
I’ve heard guys say it’s helped, but most of the companies dealing with it are pretty sketchy. If you’ve got some already, go for it.
In fact, let me know how it works for you.
I also have some Xtend left from a while back. How do you feel about it for post workout?
Xtend is mostly BCAAs which are exactly what you need post workout, so I’m all for it.
Trying diet adjustments now but want a supplement(s) that will help. Which of all these would you recommend?
Go with a stack of Nitrocut and Instant Knockout. You’ll want the Nitrocut to turn up the benefits on your workouts and the Instant Knockout to turn up the heat on your fat burning. You would also benefit from signing up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for tips and plans for diet and workouts.
I am 24 year old male with a fairly healthy lifestyle , eat healthy , workout 5 times a week with high intensity training and have a physical job. I am looking to cut down on body fat as my main goal while trying to maintAin the same weight if possible.
I have purchased nitro cut and been using for a week now. Is there anything else I should be trying.
Or should I be using something completely different. Cheers Pete.
Sounds like you’re doing everything right. I will recommend you sign up for my “getting ripped” ebook though. You may find some helpful meal and workout advice. As for supplements, stick with the Nitrocut and add in a good protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard. If you really want to turn up the fat burning, check out Instant Knockout as well.
If I am taking testofuel will this but just be overdosing with testx180 alpha. See it does have other ingredients but these toe combined with vigrx I think is way to much.
Do you think I should remove vigrx or testofuel. I like testofuel.
Vigrx been taking it for a week. Felt nothing at s yet but is early in my test.
Libido and noticeable increase in blood flow is what I looking for. Mainly blood flow.
Taking these three is way to much and too expensive.
Stick with the Testofuel and the TestX180 Alpha. There’s not enough overlap to cause an issue, so since the Testofuel is working, that’s the one you should keep.
I want a NO booster that works all day long. I need blood flow to be better particularly to genitals.
If it helps during a workout great but I am mainly looking for increased and positive blood flow.
I take testofuel which is great.
Just started with vigrx.
Looking for an NO product to increase this daily 24hrs. My stomach can’t have 5g if l-Arginine as it upsets it.
Plus l-Arginine is inefficient with most being wasted by the body
Welcome your comments.
Check out Test X180 Alpha. My results were impressive, and it uses L-Citrulline which boosts NO. You take it daily, so it keeps your levels up on a regular basis.
First off, sign up for my free weight loss ebook. It’s loaded with diet and exercise advice to help you get down to where you want to be. As for supplements, go with a stack of Nitrocut and Instant Knockout. The non-stimulant pre workout is the perfect complement to the caffeine-heavy fat burner.
Yep, it’s the most effective non-stimulant pre workout I’ve ever used.
Im 5’10 227lbs and want to get down to between 175-185lbs looking at Nitrocut and wondering if I should try it. Im a truck driver so I dont really have a very active lifestyle or real access to a gym though I have weights on the my truck.
Just wondering if stacking Nitrocut and Capsiplex would be a good start with the kind of life I lead…
As long as you can find time and space to exercise, go ahead and stack Nitrocut with your Phen375.
I’m 24 and weigh 84kgs and go to the gym 5 times a week.
I’m struggling to cut out my body fat and I’m after a supplement that will help me with this
I have been reading reviews on Nitrocut and Instant Knockout and I’m not sure on which one to get.
Also what is the best post workout supplement to have apart from my protein.
I’m taking casein protein before bed aswell, is this recommended?
While you’re working on cutting body fat, go with Instant Knockout. When you’re ready to move to maintenance or bulking, switch over to Nitrocut. As for post workout, you protein before bed is good, and check out Afterglow by BioRhythm.
I am a 17 year old high school student. I’m 6’2″ and about 190 pounds.
I’m athletic, but I have no definition and my muscles aren’t that big. I work out 3 times a week, but I don’t seem to be getting any stronger or bigger.
Are there any supplements you would recommend that I take?
At your age and with your goals, you shouldn’t really take anythng besides protein. The ingredients in supplements aren’t tested on bodies that are still growing, so you don’t want to mess with that stuff. If you work out hard, eat right, and supplement your protein, you’ll see results.
I am 27 years old and weigh 115 kgs. My height is around 5’9″.
I used to hit the gym regularly and since past two years, I lost all my schedule n put on a lotta weight. I have never taken any proteins or supplements till date but Nitrocut seems tempting.
I would also like to try out the PHEN 365 along with the nitrocut. Would I need to take the testofuel along with these two…???
Please advise…m on crossroads right now…
Congratulations on your decision to make a change. The first thing I recommend is that you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got great tips, advice, and plans for eating right and working out to get into the shape you want. You supplement choices are good ones. Start out with the Nitrocut/Phen375 stack. Then when you get closer to your goals, switch out the Phen375 and replace it with Testofuel. At that point, the Nitrocut/Testofuel combination will help you put on more lean muscle and keep it. Best of luck and let me know if you have any more questions.
I know I’m young but I’m really wanting more muscle mass and a more toned body. I figure I’m good on the testosterone.
But u suggested to stack it with nitrocut. Is there a better post-supplement out there?
Or are both of these products not for me?
At your age, it’s not a good idea to take either Nitrocut or Testofuel. They aren’t made for, and haven’t been tested on, bodies that are still growing. What you should do instead is take Muscle Advance Creatine which gives your muscles energy for better workouts. Creatine is the most tested bodybuilding supplement ever and has been proven safe. A good protein like 100% Whey Gold Standard is great for after workouts. Also, if you haven’t already, download my free “getting ripped” ebook for tons of great tips and advice about eating and working out.
I am 5’10” 188lbs (was 202 a month ago). My ideal weight is about 170lbs. I am doing weightlifting 3 times a week (seeing results!) and cardio eveyday 1hr+ run.
I want to get lean and built (don’t we all!!) my question to you is which should I do… Crazy Mass cutting stack OR nitrocut + Testofuel? Should I loose more weight before I begin?
Think I’ll do a 2 month quantity of either to start.. Thanks for the help!!
I had great results with the Nitrocut/Testofuel combination, and it’s the one I recommend you use. No need to wait, either. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll start feeling great and getting the most you can out of your workouts. If you haven’t already, download my free “get ripped” ebook. It will come in handy when you hit a plateau and need to change up your workout and/or diet.
I’m 23, 5′-10″, and 170 lbs. I bought Nitrocut, Creatine, and Protein powder. How would I stack these?
Great stack! Take 2-4 (start out with 2 to see how you’re affected) Nitrocut capsules before your workout (or before breakfast or lunch on non-workout days) Take the protein after your workout (and anytime you’re needing a snack on non-workout days.
For the creatine, follow these guidelines. Good luck with your new regimen, and let me know if you have any more questions.
I will likely stack it with PHEN375 for the first bit as there is some fat I’d like to burn as well. The question I have is, I am about halfway through a bottle of Kre Alkalyn.
I have seen some results with it for sure, but am very interested in NitroCut. Can they be taken together?
IS there a point to taking them together? Should I finish the Kre Alkalyn first instead?
If you’re taking the original Kre Alkalyn EFX, that’s a creatine product, so you can use it with Nitrocut and Phen375 without issue. But there is a Kre Alkalyn Hardcore that adds pre workout ingredients. If that’s the one you’re using, you’d be better off finishing it up before starting with Nitrocut and Phen375.
I am also wanting to learn the weekly routine that will help me be more effective. Any supplements or tips for me?
I actually have a new “Getting Strong” ebook that’s perfect for you. It’s got lots of great meal and workout tips for putting on muscle weight. As far as supplements go, check out the CrazyMass Bulking Stack. It’s got all the components you need to help pack on the bulk.
If not what would you reccomend? I am a beginning lifter but I definitely want to lose fat and gain muscle.
Nitrocut is for anyone, male or female, who wants great workouts without stimulants, so definitely go for it. If stimulants are not a big deal to you then I would recommend you stack it with a fat burner called Phen 375. Also be sure to download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of tips and advice for meals and workouts that’ll get you great results.
I am a US Army soldier, have been for just over a year now, and want to be more than what I am. I am 19, range from 175-185 pounds, 5’8″ tall, 18% body fat, with a barrel-chest build and too much fat to feel healthy in the least, yes I have a gut.
I do pt every morning for an hour that is either upper body workouts or running, as well as occasionally hit the gym during the week. I’ve found myself to have a low metabolism and have weighed in the 180 lb range since the beginning of middle school.
I have tried numerous metabolism boosters, energy boosters, and am frankly fed up. I want to be able to drop to the 160 lb range with little fat and quite a bit of muscle.
Is this product for me, or do you have any that would be better in my case?
Nitrocut is a great pre workout that will get your body working harder during your workouts, so yes, it will definitely help. You should also check out a fat burner called Phen375. Alternatively, you can check out a product called the Crazy Mass cutting stack. The combination, along with your good diet and exercise will help you get to where you want to be. It takes hard work and commitment, and clearly you have those traits, so you can do it.
I just started using Nitrocut, two pills pre-workout 4 days a week. Would there be any benefit to taking a dose on the days I’m not in the gym?
Also, is there any benefit to taking two pills in the morning in addition to the two before workout?
Actually, there is. Taking it every day keeps your blood flowing and makes sure oxygen and nutrients continue to get to your muscles to help recovery.
As for taking 2 in the mornings as well, I don’t see any harm in it. The recommended dose is 2-4 pills each day, so if you’re only taking 2 at a time, you should be able to take 2 more a a different time during the day.
I’d say give it a try and if you feel you’re getting benefit, continue on with the additional dose.
Go with a product called the Crazy Mass cutting stack or a stack of Nitrocut for your preworkout supplement and Phen375 as your fat burner. If you also sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook, you’ll be all set. It’s got tons of great tips and advice for eating right and working out. I’ve also recently added a few additional bonuses to the package for helping to keep you on track.
Im trying to build some muscle and look more in shape, im 5´7´, 125 lbs. I started this week with muscle advance creatine and i also bought nitrocut. I was wondering if you can tell me if its ok to take both and how much of each one.
Thanks, you are amazing.
Thanks for the kind words. You can definitely use them together, in fact I recommend it as a great stack for putting on muscle. You can follow the instructions on the bottles for both and you’ll be fine. Though I would start with the 2 capsule dose of Nitrocut (The recommended is 2-4). I would also recommend you download my free “getting ripped ebook” for a lot of help with workouts and meals.
I use Combat after each workout but I’m not sure if i should try their pre workout line as well. I’m not too fond of pre workout powders
I don’t tend to go with just one brand, I like to rate each product on its own merits. For pre workout, I strongly recommend Nitrocut.
It comes in capsule form so you’re good there, and it has no stimulants, and still it’s the most effective pre workout I’ve tried.
Im 46 yo, 178cm, 105kg so I obviously wants to cut som weight.
atm im doing muay Thai 3 times a week together with my son which is about all I have time for training wise, and also to be frank my eating habits are well not good, though I try to eat healthy as much as possible but with my workschedule and being single dad and all im not consistant so to often it ends up with som junk food.
any ideas for supplements as I really need to get back in shape and cut some weight.
I recommend you download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got a great meal plan and workout plan to help you out. If you can’t find time for the workout part, the meal part will still help you out. One thing that might help is planning and prepping meals ahead of time. It’s hard enough staying motivated to eat healthy without adding the hassle of needing to plan and make dinner each night. As for supplements, try a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375.
I am trying to get back into working out since I have been unsuccessful after high school on different occasions. Using the right supplements would give me that extra motivation to keep going but I would like to have the right and best product.
There are plenty of critics who are critiquing products and I am reading different things about some of the same product. My question is how can you guarantee that your followers can count on your word on what can or can’t be used?
I’m not sure how I would offer you a guarantee since I don’t sell products. But most of the products I recommend (including Nitrocut) do offer money back guarantees.
I can only tell you my experience and the experiences of the hundreds of guys who’ve shared them with me. Granted, nothing works for everyone, so you’re always going to find differences of opinion.
And that goes for all products, not just supplements. Nitrocut is a great, safe, non-stimulant pre workout.
If it turns out not to work for you, you can return it within 35 days for a full refund. Hope this helps.
I appreciate your skepticism, there’s a lot of junk out there. To your first point, Nitrocut is a pre workout supplement, so its main purpose is to provide energy for your workouts and to increase vascularity so your muscles get what they need to work harder during workouts.
It’s through the improved workouts that you burn fat and build muscles. As a supplement, Nitrocut plays its part in the process, but there are other mechanisms at work and other supplements to facilitate those.
To your second point, I agree with you. For serious muscle gains, you would need to be in a bulking phase where you get a calorie surplus and lift hard.
What I experienced was a leaning out and strengthening up, more closely aligned with a cutting phase, but not a hardcore one. I lost fat and strengthened my muscles at the same time.
I hope that makes things a little more clear. Let me know if you have any more questions.
So could this be recommended to help with the workouts and muscle gain?
If by junior you mean junior in high school, I recommend you wait till you’re 18 before you take Nitrocut. These kinds of supplements don’t normally get tested on guys who haven’t fully stopped growing yet, so you just don’t know what effect it may have. In your situation, I would go with a protein supplement like 100% Whey Gold Standard and see where you can make improvements in your diet.
I have tried every N.0. product on the market and have never gotten any of the results People gush about. I have never gotten a good explanation Why. have you seen this before?
If so any ideas why? Thanks
Unfortunately, I don’t have any blanket answer for you. I don’t know what kind of diet and workout routines you follow, but I recommend you download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got a great plan along with some bonus materials to help keep you on track. You use the book along with Nitrocut and some 100% Whey Gold Standard Protein, and I think you’ll be happy with your results.
Great to hear about your results so far! Phen375 is a great fat burner, so it would definitely be the one I’d recommend. And because Nitrocut has no stimulants, you don’t have to worry about stacking in the Phen375.
It really depends on your current state, your goals, and your diet and workout routine. You may get great results using Nitrocut alone, but you would probably benefit from a post workout as well. The thing to look for in a post workout is muscle recovery. Check out a Biorhythm Afterglow. It works great. If you haven’t already, you should download my free “getting ripped” ebook with tons of tips and advice for eating right and working out.
I need to lose about 30 pounds and I have bad knees. Will this product work with a light training schedule or will the results only come if I’m in the gym 3-4 days per week.
Results come faster, of course, with more intense training, but you’ll still get them if you have to go light. Just make sure to come with a daily caloric intake that keeps you at a deficit, be as active as you can, and you’ll get results.
I am thinking of getting nitrocut as a pre workout, I am trying to cut fat while building muscle mass would this be the best supplement for me? Also are there any side effects with nitrocut?
No side effects at all with Nitrocut. It’s the best – everything you need in a pre workout with no jittery feelings or crash. I’d say if weight loss is your goal, stack in some Phen375 as a fat burner with the Nitrocut.
I understand and appreciate your skepticism. I guess you have to use your best judgement about what’s believable and what isn’t, and use the facts to help you.
I’ve personally used and had great success with Nitrocut, and with no stimulants there are no jitters and no crash. Nitrocut does not have an autoshipping program so you’ll never be billed for anything you don’t specifically order.
I recommend you look around at all the reviews you can find, and see if all the different stories add up. I do, however, get compensated when customers I refer purchase Nitrocut and some of the other supplements I’ve tried and liked.
I hope that helps clear things up a bit.
Just wanted to say you’re awesome an I appreciate that someone gives actual god honest reviews an goes into great detail about the products thanks bro. Plus Ive been trying to lose a lot of fat (Got kind of lazy) Weighing around 250lbs an 6ft exactly have muscle but the fats adding up.
Could ya give me some tips?
Sincerely Chris M.
Thanks, I’m glad you’re liking the website. The first thing you should do is download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips and plans for eating right and working out to get in great shape. When you get started, the best supplement stack for you would be Nitrocut for your pre workout and Phen375 for burning fat and suppressing your appetite to get some of that weight off. Get started with that and let me know if you have any more questions.
To be honest I didnt get that boost in energy that I have had from other pre workouts but muscle gain and especially fat loss was noticeable.
Yeah, it’s different in that it doesn’t contain stimulants so you don’t get that jittery kind of burst like you get with a lot of the others. Glad it’s working out for you.
Im 5’4″ 20 years old, about 125lbs, and have used Serious Mass as well as other mass gainers with creatine to not only gain mass but turn it into muscle. I haven’t tried a pre workout yet, but was wondering what you suggested.
My goal is to gain about 20-25 lbs but obviously turn it into muscle/stay lean.
I’ve noticed that no matter how long i workout, i just dont have any mass to turn into muscle which is my biggest problem – the reason for buying mass gainers.
What do you recommend
Sounds like you’re a hard gainer, and I do have a few tips for you. The first thing is that you have to increase your caloric intake. Eat. A lot. Make sure you get lots of complex carbs in the morning and plenty of protein throughout the day. Eat about 6 meals a day plus snacks. Basically as much as you can handle, but try to make it healthy. As for working out, make sure you lift heavy and limit or eliminate cardio. In your case I would actually recommend a product called the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, it’s perfect for guys like yourself that are having a hard time packing on the weight.
Do we have to take Nitrocut with testofuel. If so how can we take them together.
If not … which is one your recommend better?
I am 22 years old and about 170 to 175 LBS and i have some fat i want to lose and gain muscles instead.
You don’t have to take them together, but I had really good results when I did. If you do take them both, just follow the instructions on the packages. But truthfully, at your age, I’m not so sure you need the Testofuel. Your T levels are probably already quite high. You might be better off saving your money at this point.
Yes, you want to use Nitrocut as your pre workout, and if you want to put on muscle weight take Muscle Advance Creatine as well. It’ll help you pack on lots of lean muscle.
I’m 5’11”, 160 lbs, and looking to gain weight and tone my muscles more. Nitrocut has worked well in the past for me.
Do you recommend and products to stack this with? I am 18 so I don’t wanna stack with any HGH or Testo boosters.
I was thinking about using Optimum Pro Complex gainer. Your thoughts?
Go with Nitrocut and Optimum Pro Complex gainer, and also stack in Muscle Advance Creatine. If you want to pack on muscle, creatine will do it. You should also sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips and advice for working out and eating right to get ripped and strong, and I’ve recently added a few bonuses including a workout log, a sample meal plan, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.” You should remember to adjust your calories up since you want to gain weight.
Thanks for the advice. Getting the ebook.
Just as a side question, what are your thoughts on Glutamine?
Good to hear you have the creatine. Saving a few bucks is always a good thing.
As for glutamine, I’m finding more and more research pointing to the fact that 2 to 4 grams of glutamine post workout is a good idea for muscle recovery.
I’m 51 years old, 5’7″ and weighing around 165 lbs. I’m presently on maintenance medication, e.g., Lipitor, Ramipril, Metropolol and Aspirin. I do a regular cardio exercise 3x a week with some strength training if I still have some energy left. Do you think that Nitrocut would be safe for me?
I need something to keep my “energy” level and wish to have a leaner muscles.
Thanks for your advice,
With all your prescription medications, I really can’t advise you on what supplements would be safe. Here’s a picture of the label.
Share the information with your doctor, and he’ll tell you if it’s safe for you to take.
WHat combo and routine would you recommend for the nitrocut and testofuel set? I wanna slim down and build more muscle also.
Also i just graduated high school, will these products be right for me
At your age, you wouldn’t get much benefit from Testofuel. Your testosterone levels should still be really high. Go with Nitrocut and some protein. I like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. If you take those and sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook, you’ll reach your goals. The book lays out a meal and workout plan for you, and I’ve recently added some bonuses to help you stay on track.
I would stick with the Gold Standard. Pro Complex is more for guys who want to put on weight, not lose fat. It’s got 650 calories that you don’t need if you’re trying to lose fat.
Take Nitrocut as directed before a meal or a workout, and use the Gold Standard Whey as a post workout recovery supplement.
I am 18, 5’4″, 145 lbs. I am very dedicated to working out and soccer. I am at the gym 4-5 days a week.
Play soccer about 3-4 days a week, whenever time allows. Im looking to get ripped and stronger.
I am not sure this makes sense, but i want to be slim and ripped while having BIG muscles. Im new to supplements and scepticul about the whole thing, but working out like i do i know i need something.
Would Nitrocut be for me? Any other advice or suggestions?
Thanks a lot
Nitrocut is the best choice for a pre workout supplement, which is what you need most. You should also check out Muscle Advance Creatine. What it does is help you use lift harder so you build more muscle, faster. And I know you have your workouts all set, but you should sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for additional tips and advice for working out and eating right if you want to get ripped.
Yep, absolutely. That’s just how you would do it.
Absolutely. Nitrocut helps you work out harder so you’ll get bigger as long as you continue to lift heavy, limit your cardio, and eat enough.
Absolutely. I’ve heard from lots of women who use Nitrocut with great success.
Would you still recommend taking this before each workout? Or is there a better pre-workout supplement that would suit me better?
Thanks a ton.
Nitrocut is definitely the way to go. It does a great job at helping you improve your endurance during cardio.
I’d really like to buy this supplement, but purchasing it is a bit of a hassle for me since it’s not sold in any regular store or amazon. I also don’t really need the energy boost because I’m still 19 and have more than enough to make it through a really intense workout.
So my question is whether or not there’s something else I can take that would help me get the lean muscle mass building effect, the increased post workout recovery. Currently I’m thinking of just buying L-arganine, Glutamine, and Beta-Alanine and taking those, but is there anything that’s just one formula and more readily available.
PS. Also looking to get a bit more vascularity which I think the Arganine will help with.
There are plenty of pre workout supplements available at your local GNC. I have a review of my top choices here
Sounds like you’re looking for a pre workout, and Nitrocut is definitely the best one I know. You get all the energy and pumps and none of the jitters. And the results can’t be beat! At your age, the pre workout should be all you need in terms of supplements. Also, you should sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with workout and meal ideas for getting you in shape.
I would not recommend you use Phen375 or any other diet pill at your age. Instead, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook full of tips and advice for working out and eating right. Supplement-wise, I would stick with 100% Whey Gold Standard protein.
I work nights and only have time to see the gym 2 or 3 times a week. Should I stack these two supplements to get my test flowing again?
You’re right. I did stack Nitrocut and Testofuel. I got great results, and it would be a great fit for you. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook for great workout and eating tips.
Nitrocut is one of the safer pre workouts you’ll find, but with your high blood pressure, you should check with your doctor before taking any supplements at all. As far as dosing goes, I would stick with the recommended dose of 2-4 capsules a day.
I don’t recommend a pre workout supplement for someone your age. You’re still growing, and you don’t want to do anything to mess with that. Download my free “getting ripped” ebook for a great diet and exercise plan for getting in shape, and use a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard to help.
I was wondering if you could help me? I live in the Uk, only weight about 67 kilos but need to pack on some muscle and also mass.
I have always been very sceptical of supplements because it’s very difficult to find trustworthy websites on these, as they all share an economic bias.
That being said, I found your website and found that it was helpful to me.
Now my problem is, I don’t know what I should take, whether it be protein shakes, pills, you name it I don’t know it.
I was hoping you would possibly be able to help me with products that would help me gain weight, put on lean muscle but also look bigger so that I finally fill out my kit!!
Thank you ever so much,
I have a few tips for you on gaining weight and muscle. First of all, you need to eat a lot of good, real food. Eat about 6 times a day. Get lots of complex carbs in the morning and plenty of protein throughout the day. As for working out, limit or eliminate cardio, and lift heavy. For supplements, use a pre workout. Nitrocut is especially good for someone who wants to gain weight since it doesn’t contain stimulants. Add Muscle Advance Creatine to help you bulk up. And using a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard is a good idea for some extra protein calories.
I’m wondering about the drop off once you stop taking this?
No drop off at all, other than no longer getting the NO boost that you get while taking it. The nature of Nitric Oxide pre workouts like Nitrocut is not to inhibit natural production of testosterone or anything else.
Great job so far! I recommend you download my free “getting ripped” ebook for tips and ideas about working out and eating right (of course, you’d have to modify that part to fit your vegan lifestyle).
As for supplements, go with Nitrocut for sure and a vegan protein powder.
I would like to try this as I have been eating paleo and 3+ times a week at the gym (HIIT) and not seeing the results as fast/much as I would like.
Women can absolutely use Nitrocut, though I can understand your concern. Nitric Oxide opens up blood vessels all over the body.
It’s benefits your muscles during workouts, and it can also benefit certain “male muscles” during arousal. Not to worry though.
Judging by your routine, I think you’ll do great with Nitrocut.
It depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. The two are a great combination for losing weight and getting in shape quickly. If you have to go with just one or the other, if your focus is more about getting fit, toned, and in shape, then Nitrocut is preferred. But if you really just want to lose weight, go with Phen375. While you’re here, you should also download my free ‘getting ripped’ ebook for tons of tips and advice for eating right and working out.
If not, is there a supplement that you would recommend to a scrawny guy like me who is just trying to gain as much muscle as possible in the quickest amount of time?
I have a few suggestions for you. Add about 500 calories a day which means you have to eat a lot – like 6 times a day. Get lots of protein. Use a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard. Limit your cardio and lift heavy. As for supplements, I’d say skip the Nitrocut for now. Take Muscle Advance Creatine instead. I know it’s tough but as long as you find a way to eat more than you burn, you’ll gain.
I just started working out personally a week ago. Is this safe for me to use?
And do you have any tips for a beginner like me? Thanks
Yes, Nitrocut is safe to use and doesn’t contain any harmful stimulants. I’m guessing you’re looking to increase size? If that’s the case then you’ll need to increase your caloric intake, lift heavy, and decrease your cardio. I would also suggest you stack Nitrocut with a creatine supplement like Muscle Advance for the best results. Check out my review here:
I just bought Nitrocut because of your review and I’ve been taking it for a week so far. I haven’t noticed an intense change in energy but that might be because I’ve only been taking 2 pills even though the recommended dosage says 2-4 pills.
Do you think I should up the dosage? Also, if I have a rest day where I don’t work out should I still take Nitrocut?
Thanks, I’ve never taken a pre workout before.
Yes, I would recommend that you increase the dosage on your workout days to 4 pills, and 2 pills on your non workout days. Also, I would recommend you stack it with a fat burner called Phen 375, this will give you a major increase in energy because it contains stimulants. Check out my review:
I’ve always been slim and my gains in the past were limited by my diet more than anything. Over the past few months though i managed to up my daily intake to 3500-4000 calories along with an increased protein intake.
As a result i’m finally starting to see some decent gains.
Would nitrocut or some other supplement be useful to a guy in my situation? Taking into account that i do not want to be losing fat.
Also since I live in Europe i’d have to be able to access the product here.
You’re doing just what I tell skinny guys who want to put on weight. Great Job! The way Nitrocut would help is that it makes you work harder during your workouts. You can lift heavier and/or get in more reps, and the result is bigger gains. So I would definitely recommend it in your case. Muscle Advance Creatine would also help.
Definitely. For gaining, you want to make sure you get about 1.5 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight every day. A protein shake will help you get there. I like Gold Standard 100% Whey. You should also add creatine from Muscle Advance to your stack. It raises the work capacity of your muscles, you push them harder, and you gain muscle. Also, if you haven’t already, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of tips on how to eat and work out to get ripped. And I just added a few bonuses to help you keep on track.
Stack a creatine supplement called Muscle Advance with 100% Whey Gold Standard. The creatine increases the work capacity of your muscles, so you push harder and they grow bigger. And of course you need protein to recover and build muscle. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got great workout and meal plan ideas to help you get in great shape. I’ve just added some bonuses to the package too – a workout log, some sample meal plans, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.” Stick with this program and you’ll be ready come fall.
I’m currently 5’8 weighing almost 225 pounds, and its not muscle. I know I’m very out of shape and want to make a change in my life.
My goal is hopefully one day get a lean and toned body but I’m not sure where to start with regards to supplements as I know it will be very helpful. Do you have any suggestions?
Congratulations on making the decision to get in shape. The first thing you should do is download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and working out. It also comes with bonuses including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.” As for supplements, stack a pre workout called Nitrocut with a fat burner called Phen375. You’ll stick with these for a while until you get closer to your goals. Then come back here and I’ll help you reassess.
You definitely want to use Nitrocut, but I’ll help you get a little better understanding of how it will help. It doesn’t really tone you up, per se. What it does is get you and your muscles going so you can give everything to your workout. That way, you get everything you can out of it. You push harder, go longer, and get better results from all your workouts. Stacking in Phen375 will help you lose fat faster so I’d say go for it. Also, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s filled with tips and ideas for workouts and meals to help you reach your goals. And I just added extras including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.”
Good luck with it and let me know if I can help you with anything else.
I’m new to your website & I gotta say I’m loving it.
I was wondering if it’s recommended “or safe” to take Nitrocut with Testofuel. I can’t seem to find the nutritional facts on Nitrocut, however I notice on your review it increase libido which usually testosterone supplements do.
I’m 22, 6’6 and weigh 215lbs my goal is to lose somewhat weight but gain muscle mass.
I’ll appreciate the help.
Yes, taking Nitrocut and Testofuel is completely safe, none of the ingredients interact with each other from what I can tell. Did you sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook? It’s packed with ton’s of info to help you in your goals.
Im 25 yrs old 5’11 and 190-195lbs but i kno i gota lil gut on me and want to slim it dwn and want bigger chest and arms and legs ive always been on the slim side too i work out 4-5 days and like to box any recommendations?
First off, sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook. It’s packed with ton’s of tips on diet and exercise to get you going in the right direction. As far as supplements, I would reocmmend you stack Nitrocut along with a fat burner called Phen375. Check out my review:
Yup, that’s the right one.
I am 5’8″ and weigh 168 pounds. I am athletic and play football, baseball, basketball,cross country, and track.
I don’t have a six pack or pecks and that is my main goal. I am one of the fastest guys in my school, yet I don’t look that way.
I am very explosive and coordinated, and work out a lot, especially in the summer, but I just can’t achieve a six pack and pecks. Have any advice to what I could take that could help me achieve my goal?
The only supplement I’ve ever taken is whey protein, but I think it’s time to step it up a notch and try something else so I can go do things like go to the swimming pool and be able to take my shirt off without being ashamed. Haha if you could help me out that would be great!
In your case you’ll need to reduce your carbs, sodium, and sugar and increase protein. Keep it up with the explosive workouts (like High Intensity Interval Training), they will shed that last bit of fat. As far as supplements, I would recommend you stack Nitrocut along with a creatine supplement called Muscle Advance. Check out my review here:
I keep seeing recommendations for WHEY protein, but what about other proteins such as plant based? I have been using PlantFusion’s protein and love the taste and how it’s 100% vegan & organic, but if Whey is better for muscle gain, then I will switch.
Thanks for help!
The biggest different between animal proteins (like Whey) and vegetable proteins in terms performance is that animal proteins are complete while most vegetable proteins are not (with the exception of soy and hemp). If your protein is soy or hemp and you like it, there’s no reason to change. If it’s pea or rice protein, you might consider changing to something more complete. In case you do decide to switch to whey, I really like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition.
I’m 18, in college, 145 lbs and 5’8″, and in decent shape. However, as it is college, I’d like to get to the level of being visibly cut.
So I was hoping to make maximum progress over the summer this year, and I was looking into how to best do it (of course I’d continue to work out after the summer). I plan on doing Insanity (but am open to other workout suggestions) during that time.
Is this the best product for me to help speed up the toning process? And would you suggest other products such as the creatine and whey protein you’ve suggested to others?
Any other suggestions?
Yes. Nitrocut would be the first supplement I’d recommend to you. And yes again, if you want to bulk up with lean muscle, adding Creatine from Muscle Advance and 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition would definitely help in your situation. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of tips on diet and exercise and I’ve just added 3 bonuses including a sample meal plan, a big list of foods you can eat, and a workout log. You incorporate all these into your routine, and you’ll definitely see results.
I’m 5’8 180 lbs and I’m trying to work out consistently. I have to admit I’m not very fit, but I do eat healthy.
What can you suggest for losing pounds and building muscle quickly?
You’re on the right track looking at Nitrocut. Start out by stacking it with fat burner Phen375. Keep up your good diet and make time for the workouts, and you’ll start dropping the weight fairly quickly. (Download my free “get ripped” ebook for some great tips on diet and exercise!) Once you’re satisfied with your weight loss, keep the Nitrocut, lose the Phen375, and pick up some Muscle Advance Creatine for quick lean muscle gain.
I know exercise and diet are key, I’mjust wondering what I could take as far as supplements go. Been looking into Nitrocut and thinking of going that route.
I was also looking into hypergh 14x, but would like to cut down on some fat first then start that. My question is with Hypergh 14x after you cycle off are there any distinct side effects?
I know with some HGH supplements you have to do post cycle therapy, Hypergh 14x being a natural hgh is that necessary? Any and all information would be great, I appreciate it!
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Nitrocut would help you take the fat off by getting you working out harder, but you could go another way instead. Try Phen375. It’s a dedicated fat burner and appetite suppressant. When you’ve cut down that stubborn fat and start using HyperGH 14X to tone up, you won’t have any post cycle problems. It’s not actually HGH at all. It’s a select combination of mainly amino acids that stimulates the release of more natural HGH within your body. So no worries there. Hope this helps. Let me know if I can help you with anything else.
I’m 18, and I’ve noticed on previous posts you’ve made some recommendations to a few in this age group. In my case I’m 5’9, 5’10 ,and weigh approx 135 most of the time on and off the gym.
My body type is between that of an ectomorph and mesomorph. I have a rather difficult time gaining a respectable amount of weight.
Perhaps because of a very active metabolism and life style. I go to the gym a solid four to five days a week, with reasonable rest and healthy eating habbits.On the other hand, the little weight I’ve been able to put on has been in the form of lean muscle, not a “bulk." Are there any possible recommendations you could give for a situation like such.
I’ve tried a couple products but never have been convinced.
Thanks for the time,
Go with a creatine supplement called Muscle Advance for packing on bulk. Also, make sure you’re using protein. I like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. You should also download my free “get ripped” ebook. There are diet and workout tips in there that apply to your situation. And one last thing. Eat. Eat. Eat. A hard gainer like yourself needs to eat like 6 times a day, and make sure you get a lot of complex carbs in the morning. Good luck Luis!
I was wondering is it safe to take the Nitrocut along with the Phen375. I couldnt see the comments so I didnt know if you answered this question already
Yep. I know lots of guys who’ve stacked Nitrocut and Phen375. It’s a great way to lose weight and tone up quickly. Of course, if you have concerns for your particular situation, you should check in with your doctor.
I don’t know my height but I’m guessing it’s around 5’8 – 5’10 and I weight 128 pounds. That seems pretty low to me ?
But I do have kind of a ripped sculpted body. I just want to be able to lift more heavy weights at the gym I can currently bench around 110-125 & can curl 40-50 mostly 40 and a seated triceps extension with both hands at the same time I can usually do about 50-70 mostly 65 it all depends how tired and motivated I am but I feel I can never get out of that range.
You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about all this products so what would you reccomend? Also on January I ordered two free trial products that I saw from men’s health without any research first .
It was Maximum Shred and Xtreme Antler although i did kind of feel more energy and did lift slightly more i felt it was just a placebo effect (haha :b ) so I canceled my subscription before they started charging me enormous amounts what is your say on those two products ?thanks and I’m actually getting ready to hit the gym right now. P.S don’t recommend me proteins since I already have whey protein bottles as well.
I have a few recommendations to help you reach your goals. First of all, since diet and exercise are the most important factors, download my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s full of tips and ideas for what to eat and what kinds of workouts will get you where you want to be. And feel free to share it with friends and family members who could use it. For gaining weight, make sure you eat several times a day, like 6. And make sure you load up on complex carbs early in the day.
As for supplements, stack Nitrocut with Muscle Advance Creatine. Nitrocut will get you working on all cylinders during your workouts, and the Creatine will help you pack on that lean muscle.
I think it’s a good thing that you canceled those two products. You may have gotten some benefits out of them, but in my opinion, they are definitely not worth what you would have to pay for them month after month.
Since the start of the year ive only been doing cardio exercises. Like burpees, mountain climbs, running etc… was wondering if I should take this so i can get faster results and get to my goal weight which is 165, or something else because I dont go to 24 hour fitness.ey Rob,
It sounds like weight loss is your main goal right now. If that’s the case, go with Phen375 instead. It’s the best fat burner/appetite suppressant you’ll find. Nitrocut is much more workout dependent. Of course, you should work out as much as possible, but until you can fit it in more often, go with the fat burner.
You don’t specifically need to cycle Nitrocut, but lots of guys believe in cycling everything, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of it goes to personal preference.
When you’re taking Nitrocut, your body is able to make more nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels so your muscles get more oxygen and nutrients while you’re working out. This is the effect while you’re taking it, but when you stop taking it, everything goes back to hte way it was before.
No tolerance gets built, so you don’t have to worry about needing to up your dose or anything like that.
I hope that clears things up.
I play highschool football so I do intensive strength and cardio workouts 5 days a week and I drink a GNC pro performance protein shake post workout every day but I’m barely seeing any results In the gym. Is there anything I can take along with Nirtocut to help get my maxes about 50-60 lbs higher before next season rolls around, I’d really appreciate some advice.
Tough to recommend supplements to guys your age, but I would toss in a creatine supplement into the mix to get your max up. Check out muscle advance creatine, its safe and effective for guys your age.
I am currently 6′ 175 pounds and a senior in high school. I only have 7% body fat.
The more I read you responses to others I noticed that they are all trying to loose weight. I am looking to build more muscle and stamina.
Would Nitrocut work for me? I am lifting 4 times a week and eating healthy.
At your age and with your goal of bulking up, go with Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard Protein from Optimum Nutrition. Creatine is the best for bulking up, and it’s been proven safe for guys your age. I like Muscle Advance because the capsules are more convenient than powder. And of course you know the benefits of protein for bulking up and Gold Standard tastes the best! You may also want to download my free “getting ripped” ebook for some workout and meal plan ideas.
I was wondering if u could help me out with this supplement and also hive me some advice.
Thanks, Dave
Sure thing. Let me know what information you’re looking for, and I’ll help you out however I can.
Work out three times a week after work, I do heating and air so I’m dead tired when I get home to work out.
My work out: (everything 2 sets of 20) trying to be cut and all like everyone else.
And sorry if I say the wrong name for the work out
Flat bench flys
Plat raises with 45
Stand up flys for shoulders
bi with bells
Tri dips
Bi machine
Tri with bells
Last is 100 crunches
I don’t have time to run or bike bc of work and school
Thanks. For the amount of time you have, you’re using it well. What’s your goal? If you want to tone up and/or lose weight, add reps where you can. If you want to put on muscle, add weight. Download my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of workouts for you to check out and use where you can fit them in. As for supplements, definitely go with Nitrocut. Without stimulants, it gets you pumped and energizes your muscles for your best workouts. Hope this helps.
Adding protein to your stack won’t be a problem at all. My favorite is 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. Technically, you don’t have to cycle the Creatine and Testosterone Boosters. But you certainly can, and it may give you better results and/or make you feel better that your body’s not getting too accustomed to them. I would cycle on and off the every month or so (Either 1 on/1 off or 2 on/1 off).
I’m 16 and have really wanted to start bodybuilding. My buddy, Blade, is about 300 pounds of pure muscle and he was supposed to be my trainer but I moved out into the boonies so I can’t really get to a gym.
Also I’m not sure if supplements like Nitrocut will mess up my body in the long run or if I should take any at all.
Anything I should know/would you suggest?
Thanks pal,
At your age, I wouldn’t mess with Nitrocut or much of anything else. You’re still growing, and you don’t want to take anything that could interfere with that. That said, research shows that Creatine is safe at any age. So if you want to pack on the muscle, take Muscle Advance Creatine and use 100% Whey Gold Standard protein from Optimum Nutrition. Muscle Advance is great partly because it’s in pill form – no bulky powder. And Gold Standard is the best tasting protein I’ve ever tasted. But regardless of the supplements you take, you will definitely have to find a way to work out if you want to get big.
I just dont know what to take and if its safe thanks rob
Stacking a pre-workout supplement with a testosterone booster and creatine shouldn’t be a problem. If Nitrocut was working for you, you can continue with that if you want.
The benefit there is the lack of a central nervous system stimulant. That way, you don’t have to worry about possibly being over-amped if any of your other supps have stimulants.
Of course, if you have any particular concerns about interactions, you should run them by your doctor.
I have the same problem as dre, cant enter the link the side is just blank.
And whats the name of the Company who is making the product
Thank for your time
The Danish.
I just checked it here on my end, and the link worked fine for me. Weird.
Have you tried a different browser? I’ve had that happen to me.
Something will work one way in one browser do something totally different in another one. The company that makes Nitrocut is just called Nitrocut.
They’re in Atlanta. Give it a try with a different browser and let me know how it goes.
My name is Emanuel and I am 22 years old from Melbourne, Australia.
I have been wrestling (WWE type) for the past 6 months and previously played soccer for 10 years.
At the moment, I wrestle 3 days per week and go to the gym 3 days per week too. I weigh in at 82kgs and am 1.80m tall. I am hoping to gain some muscle and reach 85-90kgs.
I don’t take any supplements but I would like to start taking something like Nitrocut.
I recently saw the add of max shred and deer antler spray and was about to order it until I found info that you posted online.
I eat 95% healthy and I would appreciate if you can direct me on what to purchase.
Thank you very much, Emanuel
You’re right on track with Nitrocut. As far as pre-workouts go, it’s the best one I know, and because it doesn’t contain stimulants, it won’t make you jittery or set you up for a crash. I would be very careful with free trial products like Max Shred and Xtreme Antler. It can be very difficult to get out of their autoshipping programs once they start.
You’re right on track with Nitrocut. As far as pre-workouts go, it’s the best one I know, and because it doesn’t contain stimulants, it won’t make you jittery or set you up for a crash. I would be very careful with free trial products like Max Shred and Xtreme Antler. It can be very difficult to get out of their autoshipping programs once they start.
I am seriously out of shape and am ready to make drastic changes. At 29 years old, I am 6′ and weigh around 225lbs. I have about 30% body fat with the goal of being ripped.
I have never really been in shape, am not athletic, and have a slow metabolism. There is no certain weight I am setting for myself, but I want to transform my body and want to start today.
I have recently downloaded your free ebook and will start the exercise regimen tonight. I have a Bowflex Ultimate 2 and a treadmill to workout on, but I am looking into workout supplements.
Buying into the hype, I ordered Trig X2 and Elevate GF today.
After seeing your site, I may have chosen my supplements prematurely. What would you recommend for a full transformation?
Keep in mind I am lactose intolerant and most whey proteins I have seen contain milk.
First of all, congratulations on your decision and I know our site and ebook can help you reach your goals. As for supplements, here’s what I suggest. Definitely use Nitrocut as your pre-workout. Without stimulants, it gives you the power and motivation to work out to your full potential. This is one you’ll want to stick with throughout your program. To jump start the weight loss, use Phen375. I know you tried to order and couldn’t. Like I mentioned in my other response, I’m looking into that, and I’ll be in touch when I get an answer. You’ll also want something for helping to build muscle. For this, go with Muscle Advance Creatine. You can start it right away or wait till you lose some of your weight first. It’s really a matter of personal preference. It won’t interfere with fat loss, but you may gain a little weight from water retention while you use creatine.
So to recap, go with a stack of Nitrocut, Phen375, and Muscle Advance Creatine. And keep on top of the diet and exercise because in the end, that’s what matters most. Best of luck, Matt, and I’ll let you know what I find out from Phen375.
For someone your age, the best supplements you can take that are safe are protein and creatine. Check out Gold Standard Whey Protein (Best Tasting and effective) and Muscle Advance creatine. This should do the trick, let me know if you have any other questions.
im 20 years old fluctuating at 163-169 with about 6% body fat.
im currently stacking concrete creatine with some amino acids from N.O and muscle farms bcaa.
but im not sure if this would be the best idea to add while taking these other supplements. I don’t want a heart attack :p haha
what do you think I should do?
Safety-wise, it’s not a problem to stack in a testosterone booster like TestoFuel. But at your age, I don’t think you need it. If you’re looking to bulk up, I’d stick with what you’re doing and add in Gold Standard Whey Protein from Optimum Nutrition. Also, if you haven’t already, you should sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for meal plans and workout ideas.
Have been reading the website for the last day or two. Impressed by the honest reviews. I am very interested in getting Nitrocut. Now at the moment I am 5″11 and 186 lbs. I have 9.8% bodyfat so I am not in the worst condition. At the moment I supplement on Instant Mass and creapure creatine. I have been changing my pre trainer every 2nd tub because my body gets immune to the effects. I have used powered and Sci-Mx max which I thought were good. Loaded with caffeine and glucose muscle builder though. What I want to know is…Is Nitrocut safe to use with the test boosters in it if I am involved in alot of sport which involves lots of cardio??I go to the gym 4/5 times a week doing weights so I am kept going. What I want to do is actually put on a bit more weight but more lean muscle than anything….Should I continue with my current supplementation and just add more meals or carbs or what??Plus…Is there any point in taking the nitrocut with another pretrainer for energy purposes because I do notice a huge difference in my cardio/endurance ability when im on the pre trainer? Thanks
Sent you a personal email.
I have ordered the muscle Advance creatine and I have also got your get ripped ebook. I weigh 140lb and I’m 5’7.
My goal is to bulk up a fair bit and stay cut. I have a pretty high metabolism and I was wondering how I would go about my meal plans.
Can I eat too much when trying to gain weight? Should I double the amounts you have in the ebook for my weight?
Thanks for the help!
You want to make sure you’re eating 6 times a day. Load up on complex carbs in the morning, and get lots of protein, at least 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. As far as calories go, just keep track of what you’re eating and how your body is responding.
That way you can adjust up or down depending on your needs.
What stack would you recommend for me?
Thank you so much,
Stack Nitrocut with Muscle Advance Creatine. The combination, along with the right workout and eating routines will get you where you want to be. You may also want to check out my free “get ripped” ebook for some solid workout and meal ideas.
I am 55 yrs. old. I have been pretty fit my whole life.
I quit smoking about 3 yrs.ago, and gained some weight in the process.
I drive a truck for a living, however I go to the gym for about an hour in the morning 4 times a week.
I’m 6’1″ and about 240 lbs.
I would like to lose about 45 lbs and gain muscle (ripped).
What would you suggest?
I would start off with a Nitrocut/Phen375 stack. They’ll help you get the weight off pretty efficiently. Once the weight is off, keep using the Nitrocut, but trade out the Phen375 for Testo Fuel. It’ll help you tone up and add muscle. You should also check out my free “getting ripped” ebook for all sorts of workout plans and meal ideas!
If you are in your early 40s, which I am, which would be a better product to stack with Nitrocut – testofuel or hyper gh 24x?
I currently take Nitrocut on its own. Although I would not say I have a lot of excess body fat, a bit more toning and muscle size would be perfect.
Thanks,, KKK
It’s a close one, but I would go with Testo Fuel. I get great results when I use it, especially stacked with Nitrocut. Your age makes you a great candidate for a testosterone booster, and I just think the science is better established for supporting T-boosters than it is for HGH releasers.
I am 81 years old and 5.11.When I started working out 10 months ago, I was only 149 due to illness and in Hospital. I started with CrossFit I gained back 20lbs. I paid for a personal trainer (expensive) but after the last 6 months did not gain any more.
So I quit there and went to my local seniors gym I am now using Bowflex and other machines which are doing me more good than at CrossFit. I am up to 176 I would like your opinion of my starting to use NitroCut and another Testofuel, I ordered and received Muscle 1285 but had to cancel my visa due to them trying to charge $80+ each month.
Talked to other people, They don’t work
You can edit any of these comments you don’t find nesessary
First of all, hats off to you – I hope I continue to be as motivated to stay fit and healthy when I’m you’re age! A Nitrocut and TestoFuel stack would definitely help. But I’d definitely recommend you check with your doctor to make sure they’re safe for you to take.
As far as supplements go, stack Nitrocut and Muscle Advance Creatine. Also make sure to get enough protein. I’d use Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard. Make sure you limit your cardio and eat lots at least 6 tunes a day, lots of carbs and protein. You may also want to download my free “get ripped” ebook for more ideas on how to reach your goals.
I have been doing crossfit for about 6 months. I currently use progenix, any thought on this product?
I am wondering if there is something else that I should use. I am looking to cut down about 20lbs of fat.
I know some guys love Progenex, especially in the Crossfit world. But I just don’t know if I’d say it’s worth the price. If you’re looking for something different, stack Nitrocut with Testo Fuel.
great job here……I am a 45 yr old firefighter in decent shape…….I am about to start up the Insanity program again. What is something I can stack Nitrocut with ??
Glad you like the site. I’d go stack Testo Fuel with your Nitrocut. With your plan and this stack you’ll be great shape in no time.
Okay so after reading so many reviews I have decided to go with your recommendations. I am 5’5 with 150lb weight and 20% body fat.
So I am planning to take nitrocut + PHEN375 for 2 months to get rid of the bodyweight.
Then I am going to start taking Nitrocut + HyperGH 14X + Advance Muscle Creatine to build lean muscle.
My question is while I am talking creatine do I also need to take a protein supplement(protein shake)?
So I am planning to take nitrocut + PHEN375 for 2 months to get rid of the bodyweight.
Then I am going to start taking Nitrocut + HyperGH 14X + Advance Muscle Creatine to build lean muscle.
My question is while I am talking creatine do I also need to take a protein supplement(protein shake)?
Sounds like a great plan! Taking protein along with creatine is a sure way to build lots of muscles fast.
I’d go with Optimum Nutrition’s 100 Whey Gold Standard. You can get it at GNC.
Best of luck and let me know how you do.
None of these supplements is recommended for guys under 18. You want to make sure you’re pretty much done growing before you start using bodybuilding supplementation.
Leg lifts are 2350lbs /17reps. Go figure.
Why at my age with test. being low and being strong as a bull? I take no supplements and want to know what your advise is on the NitroCut, Testofuel and Phen 375 for me as well as getting stronger?
First off, hats off to you my friend. I hope I am in that type of shape when I’m 62! Is your goal to get even stronger, or to lean up a bit? If it’s the latter, I think a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375 would do the trick.
Thanks, James
Swole Stack is a comprehensive stack that includes a pre workout supplement as well as several other components for muscle building. Nitrocut covers just the pre workout part of that.
Swole Stack will do more to help you build muscle, but on the other hand, Nitrocut is a single supplement and much less expensive.
Yes. For building muscle, stack it with Muscle Advance Creatine. And for protein, go with 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition.
Just ordered a two month supply of Nitrocut. I loved your review and can’t wait to get started with it.
I’m somewhat new to the whole supplement game. I work out 4 times a week, should I be taking Nitrocut every day or only on days I work out?
The instructions are to take 2-4 capsules twice a day every day. On workout days, take a dose before breakfast and another dose before working out.
On non-workout days take the second dose before lunch. That said, I always like to start at the lowest dose that works.
So on workout days, only take 1 or 2 capsules each dose, and up it to 2 or more no those workout days. This is a schedule that works for me.
You may want to tweak it a bit for your own needs once you get started.
I was wondering how long I would need to take this for to obtain a somewhat muscular form, not bulging or anything. or at least what you could recommend.
I was also wondering if the muscle mass I accumulate while on this supplement would dissipate after I stop using it, if I continue to work out at the same rate and eat healthy. As a few people have told me about other pre workout supplements muscle gain that doesn’t really “stick” after you finish using it.
I’m not exactly comfortable with taking this for extended periods of my life, so using it up to a year is reaching the maximum i would want to stay on it.
Thankyou for your wonderful site and I hope you can answer my questions.
It’s hard to answer your first question about how long it will take to get your body where you want it to be. It all depends on your current circumstance, your diet, and your workout routine.
That said, I hear you about not wanting to take supplements forever. With Nitrocut, as long as you keep up with your diet and workout routine, your results should stick.
They did for me for the most part. Nitrocut doesn’t contain stimulants like most pre-workouts so a lot of the drawbacks you’ll find with the others just don’t apply here.
Good luck, and make sure to keep in touch about your progress!
1) Do you know how it works for women? I’m aware that it doesn’t have testosterone in it, but I don’t want to have it react negatively with my body!
2) What are your experiences with coming off of it?
It sounds incredible – fast fat loss and muscle gain, what more could you want? But if you stay on it for a few months and get incredible results, will those results remain after you stop taking it?
Or will they dissipate and you’ll go back to how you were before? It’s a big investment, so I want to make sure I don’t go into it unknowing!
Nitrocut’s primary ingredient is L-Arginine, which works just as effectively for women as it does for men. As far as coming down off of it, I have more or less kept the results since I have been off of it, so you should be good to go in that regard.
Thank you again man, your reply was really helpful.
Smoking will definitely slow the process of rebuilding collagen and elastin, since cigarette smoke destroys them both. You’re still so young, though.
Most of the damage is fairly easily reversible at this point. The sooner you decide to quit, the sooner you’ll lose the loose skin.
I was wonder if there are any products that won’t brake bank that will actually help me turn this loose fat to lean muscle and tighten the skin? Thanks for your time and reply in advance
Congratulations on your weight loss! Losing a lot of weight, especially fast, is bound to leave loose skin hanging around.
At your age, you’re right, things should fall back into place eventually. Unfortunately, it can take as long as two years.
It’s really more about skin elasticity than fat and muscle. There are a few things you can do, like drinking plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and eat plenty of protein so your skin can rebuild collagen and elastin.
While you wait for your skin to catch up, make sure you keep working out so under all that loose skin, muscle is building. Nitrocut can help on that end.
I wanted to ask you if I can stack Nitrocut with a GH product from Universal Nutrition that I currently take. My only concern is that just like Nitrocut it contains Arginine as well – 5gms of Alpha Ketogluterate per serving (with Orinthine).
I know that Nitrocut contains a different derivative of Arginine namely AAKG, AKIC & HCL. However wouldn’t it be too much Arginine for the body and therefore it should be any one of those 2 supplements?
Also would you know what should be a maximum dose of Arginine per day?
There aren’t any hard and fast L-Arginine dosage recommendations that I know of, nor is there a standardly agreed upon max dose. A common dose is 2-3 grams 3 times a day, so staying within that range should be fine.
Of course, if you have any concerns, you should talk to your doctor.
I’ve tried all different browsers.
Just want to double check, the Nitrocut you’re reviewing is a different product from the below with the same name?
[link removed]
I can’t find much information on Nitrocut anywhere on the internet, and with the link being dead… it seems a little off.
Yes, this Nitrocut is a pre-workout supplement. The Nitrocut in your link is a fat burner.
I’ve checked the links, and they work with all my browsers. I’m not sure why you’re having difficulties, but I’ll look into it and see if there’s something I can do.
In the meantime, you can go to the website directly at
I’m also looking to stack it with Nitrocut. How do I cycle Nitrocut or do I even Have to cycle it?
Great stack for muscle building! Unlike lots of other pre-workouts, Nitrocut doesn’t contain stimulants so you really don’t have to cycle it.
If you choose to, make sure you replace it with another pre-workout supplement while you’re on your break.
Keep up the work!
Just came across your site and have been reading up on it for about 2 hours now straight, like it a lot. I’m 29 about 145lbs, looking to basically gain lean muscle and she’d some of the unnecessary fat.
I currently have a solid healthy eating routine and, play hockey, and am getting back in the gym. I’m not huge on stims either, different ones affect me different ways.
Nitrocut sounds right up my ally, would you think so? And what else would you suggest I stack it with.
On the reg I take multivitamins, fish oils, and protein. Thanks.
Sounds like you’re on the right track already for the most part. Definitely go with Nitrocut. The fact that it’s non-stimulant is one of the best things about it. The other one is that it works great! You’ll really feel the difference at the gym. Given everything else you do, I’d only add one other thing, and that’s Muscle Advance Creatine if you’re serious about putting on muscle. Oh picking up a copy of my free “getting ripped” ebook might get you a few new ideas for meals and/or workouts.
Thanks for the info and quick response. I’ll definitely check out your plan.
I’m currently taking GNC’s Amplified Creatine 189. Is that a solid product?
And when is the right time/amount to take?
Amplified Creatine 189 is a great product, and I highly recommend it. You can see my review here. The recommended dose is 2 tablets a day, taken any time you want. Studies show that it doesn’t matter when you take creatine (before or after working out), so you can take it whenever is most convenient.
I am 22 years old 6 feet and around the 275 mark. I have always been a big guy hitting 250 when I was only 16-17 years old but at the time was in decent shape playing football with an active job.
I am now a truck driver and work long days. I don’t have a lot of time for working out.
What can you suggest to help me cut weight quickly? Hoping to get down around the 240 mark by spring time.
Phen375 is a great fat burner that works against the body’s fat storage capacity. It also suppresses appetite, so it can definitely help you lose weight quickly. If you really want to be successful in the long term, though, you’ll definitely need to find some time to work out and you’ll need to eat right. I suggest you download my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of ideas for workouts and meal plans. If you are able to add workouts to your routine, Nitrocut would help make sure your muscles get all the benefit they can.
Am I correct about that or would taking it still help me to increase muscle mass without getting super lean at this point?
Nitrocut actually supports both of those goals depending on how you use it and what you use it with. It basically makes you work out harder so you get better results. It also helps get oxygen and nutrients to your muscles so they respond and recover better. So if you’re cutting or maintaining, you take Nitrocut and maintain a good cardio and light lifting regimen and a maintenance diet. If you’re bulking, use it with Muscle Advance Creatine, or the rest of your bulking cycle supplements. One thing about Nitrocut that’s different than other pre-workouts is that it’s not stimulant based, so it won’t suppress your appetite or make you feel speedy. Hope this helps!
I am 23, 5’11, an 230 pds. I seen you comment on Nitrocut, phen375, muscle advance creatine, testofuel, an hypergh 14x..
I was wondering which supplements you suggest for me.. when should I take them an how many.. also if you can elaborate a bit om when I should cycle which product as I think I saw some talk of it on the nitrocut?? An do u have a certain Protien that you would suggest??
Also for workouts, do u suggest two a day or one a day workouts?? An should i alternate cardio an strength training or does that matter?? I have no problem putting forth the effort just want the right guideline to get in the best shape as I can as fast as possible.. thank you for your time..
You don’t really say what you’re goals are so it’s hard to say exactly what you should use. If you let me know what your aiming for, I’ll help you find a supplement routine that’ll help. In the meantime, download my free “get ripped” ebook for all sorts of ideas on meals and workouts.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Also just downloaded ur book so ill start reading into that right after I cancel my optimal stack…
I want to get ripped as possible while loosing any fat. Im a bit of a wider/build so people suggest I go for size.. id like to do both though.
An people suggest to not do as much ab workouts cause it will just build more mass?? I got quite a few of my other answers from your book..
I got Phen375, but it says do not use it with other stimulant, does that mean i can not use it with nitrocut, if yes which one should i use Phen375 or Nitrocut.
One of the great things about Nitrocut is that it does not contain a stimulant, so they’re fine to use together. I’m glad you checked though.
You wouldn’t want to combine supplements that shouldn’t be combined.
I also take multivitamins in the mornings at breakfast. I wouldn’t say I need to lose much weigh, just lose a little fat and gain muscle.
Would Nitrocut be good for me? Also if I take it, will I still need to take my Primal Pro and/or multivitamins?
NitroCut would definitely be right for your purposes. It’s perfect for getting you the most out of your workouts.
I’d keep taking the protein and multivitamins too. The NitroCut won’t replace those.
And thanks for the fast reply. On other sites i’d be waiting days for even another post.
You can help us out too by liking us on Facebook and telling your friends. Best of luck and keep in touch!
I am active to a degree and have been most of my life.
I recently went from 176 to 130 with diet and excercise (and hard work). I ran across a Force Factor ad on my computer and have done a lot of
research about NO3 which led me to you.
I don’t trust a lot of the ads, so would anything like this be beneficial for me? If not, give me your best opinion.
I’m aiming for 85.
With your goals of increased energy and libido, I’d go with a testosterone booster like Testo Fuel. With higher testosterone levels, you’ll get more energy, increased lean muscle mass, and that boosted libido.
What suppliments would you reccomend and what kind of workouts should i focus on? Thanks!
Since diet and exercise are the most important step, sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook. You’ll be able to get started right away. Since you want to lose weight and gain muscle, you’ll want to combine a significant amount of cardio with some lifting. Go with NitroCut for a pre-workout supplement. It gives you natural energy, focus, and stamina as well as helping with recovery. And use Phen375 to burn fat and suppress appetite. Best of luck!
I’m 30 years old, I just ordered a supply of vigrx and I was wondering if I could take also the pre workout or I should wait after I’m done with vigrx. Also, what do you recommend between a fat burner, a pre workout and a hgh?
Basically I just want to be ripped and have more energy.
Thanks and I love the site by the way.
It’s hard to give you specific advice without knowing a little more about you and your particular situation. You can definitely take VigRx Plus and NitroCut at the same time. No need to alternate. And without knowing your details, I’d say go with the preworkout to help you get in your best shape. Also, sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for help reaching your goals.
NitroCut would be perfect for you. It brings your workouts to the next levels without using a CNS stimulant.
Definitely what I would recommend!
Im 38 & 5″11. Recently changed my life drastically. Dropped from 225 to 185. This was done by diet and running. Looking to start lifting again.
I just ordered testofuel looking to stack with an optimal fat burner. My energy levels are ok but really want something that pushes me for the next several months.
TXS. Chad.
I have been reading your post about Nitrocut and Phen375 and it sounds great. I do have a lot of weight to lose and would like to try this combo.
I am just worried about the blood pressure going to high. It is under control with meds but does the supplements raise it a lot?
Could you recommend something if this combo is not fit. I am working out 5 days a week now and really want to make a good healthy me.
Please help. Thanks
NitroCut and Phen375 are a great combo for losing weight and getting in shape, but if you take blood pressure medication, you’ll need to discuss any supplements you’re looking at with your doctor. And it would be a good idea to take an ingredient list with you so the two of you have all the information you need.
Getting back in shape. Changed my diet and started running.
I’m down to 185 from 225 @ 5″11. Now looking to cut and get really lean. I just ordered testofuel.
Wondering what would work best to burn off fat while building muscle. Looking for the best supplements as I start to lift.
I won’t go into the lecture about diet and exercise because clearly you’ve got all that under control. Congrats on a great job!
As for supplements, you’ll want to stack NitroCut with the Testo Fuel. They’ll work together – NitroCut making your workouts count and Testo Fuel helping to build lean muscle – and you’ll e where you want to be in no time, especially with the kind of commitment you have.
I am 24 years old. I am 6’2 and weigh only 165 pounds.
I have been working out extensively for the past 4 months and, although I see results in terms of strength, I’m having a really difficult time actually gaining weight and looking bigger. I have been taking an advanced creatine from Body Fortress before working out and a high calorie pro complex gainer after.
Since I obviously have such a high metabolism, would Nitrocut be a good choice for me or do you have any other suggestions? I feel like I have been working too hard to see such minimal results.
I was about to suggest Muscle Advance Creatine, but then I see you already are supplementing with creatine. You must have a super high metabolism. NitroCut could help by getting more oxygen and nutrients to your muscle while you work them, but I’m not sure how much successful it would be at adding the bulk you’re looking for. Continue with the creatine (switch to a different brand if you want) and the Pro Complex Gainer. Other than that, you’re going to have to eat more food – mainly lean proteins and carbs. Try to avoid fats and sugars as much as possible. Add about 500 calories at a time to your daily intake. And keep adding till you see results. Also cut down on the cardio and up your lifting weight. It’s not easy, but keep at it, and you’ll get there.
Like I would like to loss lots of pounds to look lean in a month or so?
If you want to lose a good amount of weight in a month, stack Phen375 with your NitroCut. It’s expensive, but just using it for a month wouldn’t be so bad. After that time, go with either the NitroCut alone, or add Muscle Advance Creatine if you want to put on the muscle.
You can access their websites using these links – Nitrocut and Phen375. No worries about free trial BS. Just buy what you need.
Very helpful! I’ll be 50 next month, 5’11, 160, and workout 3 times a week.
I would like to put on some lean mass and lose around 2 inches in the waist area. I ordered the HyperGH14x after reading your review, and thought about adding the Nitrocut.
Will this be way too much L-Arginine? Thanks for the help!
I recently purchased Nitrocut (2 month supply) and was wondering if taking 2 per day is ok? Also, should I take on my off days (non training days) as well?
2 a day would be fine. The instructions on the label say to take 2-4 pills before breakfast or lunch, or 2-4 pills before a workout.
Basically, they’re telling you to take between 2 and 4 a day, and letting you choose whether it’s before a meal or before a workout.
Thanks for the last response. I appreciate it.
Another quick questions, I have seen some results with Nitrocut, however I would like to take it with ON’s Essential Amino Energy as I get a pretty good amount of energy using this.
Do you think taking both supplements is ok to do?
It’s probably okay as long as you don’t feel too jittery or anxious when using them both, but it’s a little unnecessary overkill. Why don’t you shoot me a post about what your goals are, and I’ll help you find a stack that’s fits?
Thanks again for your reply.
My response may get a bit lengthy, so I apologize in advance.
I workout in the early morning before work, usually I start between 5-6am. When I started taking Nitrocut (NC) 4 weeks ago (I’m cycling off now) I did not take any other “pre-workout” supplements. I felt taking NC would be enough based on what I’ve read as well as what it is made up of.
I started out taking 2 NC’s to test out my tolerance before my WO and did not noticed anything. I eventually bumped it up to 3 and then 4 pre-workout with minimal results from an energy/focus perspective.
While I do feel NC has helped “tighten” or “tone” my body up a bit the lack of energy was just not there…hence my last question about taking ON’s Amino Energy which does kick in quickly and provides the energy/focus.
I’m an old Jackd3d guy, but I’ve been trying to lay off that due to the issues I’ve heard about with dmaa.
So, to answer your question about my goals. I would like to continue to tighten things up (need to lose maybe 3-5% BF) and try to put on a little size.
I know this is a common question and quite hard to do at the same time (lose weight/add muscle) but that’s my mind set at the moment!
I’m coming back from a shoulder injury so slow and steady is going to win this race for me!
By the way, I’m 43 y/o and not in all that bad of shape, I just let the injury get in the way of me hitting the gym like I used to (sad excuse)!
Any thoughts, suggestions, etc. are certainly welcome!
Thanks again Rob!
I see now. Yeah, if you find value in using both because they both serve their purpose, then absolutely, go ahead and use them. Think about adding creatine to your stack/cycle. Try Muscle Advance Creatine. It’ll help with putting on the muscle.
I’ll be 50 next month, 5’11, 164 lbs. and would like to increase lean mass and lose the spare tire.I recently ordered the HyperGH based on your review, and thought about adding Nitrocut to the mix. Is this going to be way to much L-Arginine?
Thanks for the info!
Thanks. And no, there’s no problem stacking HyperGH 14X with NitroCut, but in your case, I’d go with Muscle Advance Creatine instead of the Nitrocut. The Nitrocut would give you some unnecessary overlap with the HyperGH, and on the flip side, the Creatine will get you that lean muscle increase you’re after.
I’m 31 yrs old, 6’1 245 lbs and looking to lose 30 -40lbs ….by looking at your reviews I’m thinking I should go with nitro cut and stack that with Phen375…. I was a former athlete and just lost my way!! Any other suggestions?
Good call! That’s exactly what I would recommend in your case. These two are a great combo for losing weight and getting in shape. My free “get ripped” ebook will help a lot too. You should definitely check it out.
I’ve been taking C4 Extreme for the past 10 months. I’ve seen some amazing results since I’ve been in the gym for the past year straight but I’m…well lets just say I like to see faster results because I feel like I’m in a slump.
I”m 5’7 and 160 lb but I still have some love handles I guess that is what u call it. I like to lose a lil more weight around my stomache area and gain more muscle mass.
I can see my pack but I would like to define it more. Now my problem is that I”m in the military and we do get random drug tests and I don’t want to pop on one so I want know is it a safe legal supplement.
Plus I’m really skeptical on taking a supplement I don’t know anything about and does it really work. Any Suggestions.
Thank you!
If you’re in a rut after using one supplement for 10 months, switching it up will definitely have a pronounced effect. I love NitroCut for pre-workout, and think it would be perfect for shaking things up a bit. You might also consider adding Phen375 just to mix it up even more. It would really recharge the weight loss. And don’t worry. They’re both totally legal and safe.
Just received my Nitrocut shipment. I’m working out with weights on Mon,Wed & Fri and do cardio on Tue, Thur & Sat.
What would you recommend I take on a daily basis?
Let me know what your fitness goals are, and I’d be happy to tell you what supplements I think you should be taking daily.
My name is Brandon I am 510 and 190 pounds I am 23 years old I am pretty active I work oust side five days a week I am trying Flatt get back in the gym but it is very tiring to do so because of work. I want to be ripped I used to lift in highschool until I was injured.
I want to be able to get ripped and turn heads as fast as possible do you have any help and I site for me?
Thank you for your time.
Nitrocut is a good choice. It’ll help you get back to the gym, and once you’re there, you’ll start really feeling the pumps. Add Muscle Advance Creatine and you’ll pack on the lean muscle for sure. You should also check out my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s full of helpful info perfect for guys in your situation.
I want my wife to look at me and get inspired to workout through my hard work. I recently purchased insanity and want too know what are good supplements like nitro and I forget the muscle one you mentioned but what can I take with doing insanity that will make my body like a sex symbol to attract more female fans because they buy albums lol???
I’m definitely serious by the way.
You’re definitely on the right track with Nitrocut. It’ll give you energy, endurance, and efficiency for your intense workouts. As for muscle, use Muscle Advance Creatine. There’s nothing like it for packing on lean muscle, and it’s the most convenient creatine supplement I’ve found.
Ive liked my results, but want to burn more of my stubborn belly fat, which I am really close to completely burning it off. I also want more energy in the gym.
I also want to pack more muscle and increase my athleticism and reduce my soreness. I was wondering which would be a better supplement to take.
Keep taking nitrocut or hypergh 14x? Or do you recommend a different supplement for my wants?
If you like the results you’ve been getting in terms of energy and stamina for the gym, you should stick with the Nitrocut for a while longer. Add some Advance Muscle Creatine for packing on the muscle. After another cycle or two, keep the Creatine and switch out the Nitrocut for some HyperGH 14X. You’ll get a lot of the same benefits, but switching to something new will kick you back into high gear.
I’m 51, 5’11”, 175 lbs. I carry all my fat around the middle. As you could guess I hate it.
I workout three times a week and have for years. I recently went on a higher protein lower fat diet for a few weeks and dropped 15 lbs to get to 175. I’ve never taken supplements – and have always wanted more muscle. I have a bad knee and lower back so the high intensity stuff, like the Insanity workout, is out.
What supplements would you recommend?
If you’re looking to get more muscle, but not necessarily wanting to bulk up, I’d go with a pre-workout supplement like Nitrocut. It’ll help you get more out of your workout because you’ll be going longer and stronger. You could also go with Phen375 for appetite suppression if you decide that that’s the direction you want to go. Good luck and keep in touch.
Generally speaking you should take them about 45 – 60 min. before your workout for the best results.
I’m 57 years old and am getting back to the gym after 7 years of inactivity. I have been doing a high intensity interval training workout both weights and cardio for the past 3 months.
Although I’m seeing some results, I seem to have hit a plateau and would like to try some supplements to help the cause. What would you recommend?
Congrats on your decision to get back on the wagon! As far as supplementation, I think a stack of Nitrocut and a fat burner like Phen375 would work best for you. For your workouts, you need to vary things up a bit to “shock” your muscles and get better results. I have plenty of examples in my free “get ripped” ebook if you haven’t signed up already.
I am 44 and I am currently doing crossfit twice a week. I am taking MNSMax and drinking Spark Energy from advocare.
I am 5′-9″ and weigh 215 with all my weight in my midsection. I have read all the reviews & testimonials and I am still very skeptical to take a supplement like Nitrocut.
I want to lose the weight and gain muscle mass to get lean again. Is Nitrocut going to be something that will help me with what I want to accomplish?
Also, is there anything I can take with Nitrocut to help burn the fat so that I can get the lean body I am looking for? Thanks in advance.
Yes, Nitrocut would be very beneficial in your case. I would recommend you stack Phen375 with Nitrocut and sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for the best results.
Great to hear! I think using Phen375 will help to suppress your appetite and help to get that last bit of fat off.
My question is, I’m a 49yo guy that is on testosterone supplements (doctor administered, pellet injections every 3-4 months) been doing this for about 6 months now. I’ve noticed more muscle mass which is a good thing!
I’m not a hardcore weight lifter. I only do the weight machines maybe twice a week and then cardio 3 times a week.
One big issue I have with the weight lifting is I do this first thing in the morning and I notice after I’m finished my blood pressure drops to the point that I start feeling sick and have sometimes fainted. Not sure what’s going on with that, no doctor can tell me anything is wrong.
I’m 5’7″ and weight about #160. Would the Nitrocut be beneficial for me although I’m not a hardcore weight lifter and do you think it would help with my too low blood pressure after my workouts?
I want to increase my muscle mass while eliminating some belly fat. My testosterone is now at optimum levels so I’m thinking maybe the Nitrocut along with my increased testosterone would give me the results I’m looking for.
Your thoughts? Thanks!!
Geez, that’s a tough one. I’m not sure what’s lowering your blood pressure, but one thing is for sure in your case I would DEFINITELY recommend you NOT use Nitrocut or any products containing L-Arginine.
I say that because Arginine actually lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and improving circulation. Your fainting is undoubtedly from low BP, so lowering it even more could have worse results.
Is there some other pre-workout supplement that you would recommend to help decrease fat and increase muscle? Thanks!
I see, well in that case I would recommend you try Nitrocut, but try to take it later on either late morning / early afternoon. Also, take half the recommended dosage to assess your tolerance.
I’m trying to gain muscle, do I still follow the book’s guidelines? Or do I take a different approach?
Please let me know, thanks.
In your case you would want to change things up a bit. For starters you would want to limit the amount of cardio you are doing, but still focus on lifting heavy. Following the ebooks calorie guidelines, in your case you would want to aim for an increase of 200 – 300 calories per day. I would also recommend you checkout a creatine supplement, like Muscle Advance, to help you gain some weight.
Is Nitrocut enough to help me, or do I need a lose weight supplement instead/as well. I don’t currently work out, and have had a hard time being motivated to work out since a car accident took me completely out of my routine for over three years.
I’m cleared to do what I want now, but don’t have the money for a gym. Can I do work out enough on my own for Nitrocut to work, or should I look into something else?
Yeah you should definitely be able to work out on your own, using mostly your body weight for the exercises (various styles of push ups, pull ups, chin ups, ab exercises, etc.) I think a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375 would be best for you, along with proper diet and exercise.
Ive been working out for 11 months and I do see some changes in my body but I am not getting past that stage..It seems like I am stuck at my current physique for quite some time now..I am 32 5’9 175 lbs.I am very active in sports and do lift 3-4 times a week..I am not able to get rid of that stubborn lower abdomen fat and love handles.My overall chest is not improving also..Currently, I am taking NitroTech twice a day(with3%creatine)..pre and post workout…Should I buy Nitrocut or phen375 to help me lose that stubborn fat and lift heavy? and if its okay to take Nitrotech along with nitrocut or 375?
No problem, glad I could help. I know the feeling, that last stubborn layer is often the most frustrating. You need to do that high intensity interval training I keep talking about, lift heavy, and maintain a calorie deficit diet. I think in your case the Phen375 would be better because it will help you eat less, and you can certainly take Nitrotech with either.
Thank you for your prompt reply. Just one more thing, I have never taken any supplements before and I’m very hesitant in using fat burning pills like phen 375. You have suggested to maintain calorie deficit diet and do high intensity interval training along with heavy lifting. My question to you is, if I can take nitrocut instead of phen 375, so I can do heavy lifting and perform these activities more efficiently and lose that stubborn fat more naturally.
Thank you again for helping me.
No problem, glad I could help. Yeah you can stack the 2 for the best results, or just use Nitrocut and it will take a little bit longer to see the best results.
But yes it would be more naturally.
First off, sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook, it’s your starting point for a solid diet plan and exercise routine. As far as supplementation in your case, check out a stack of HyperGH 14X and Phen375.
I need to lose weight and increase my stamina. I have 313 days to be able to do a warrior dash in a respectable fashion!
I also want to lose weight and get healthy so I can keep up with and be a good example to my twin boys. I am 30 years old 6’7″ and about 400 lbs. I’ve lost about 20 lbs in the last month just reducing my calories to under 1,200 and walking/jogging 3 miles in the morning before work.
I’m on a budget having the babies, so I need the biggest bang for the buck. Suggestions?
First off, sign up for my free get ripped ebook. It’s generally for more advanced users, but it also has some great tips for your case. As far as supplements, check out a appetite suppressant Proactol Plus. I think the key for you is reduced caloric intake (which it sounds like your in the right direction on).
She’s 5′-6″ and around 140lbs. and she wants to be around 125 and healthy. Also I’m thinking about using it too.
Another question, when I get to my target lbs. goal would taking NitroCut, MuscleMass and an HGH Supplement be good. Didn’t know if taken all would be good for me of course cycling them on and off.
What do you think.
Yeah its tough to really lose solid weight when you can workout effectively. Essentially your diet needs to be perfect, and I think in her case the Phen375 would work well to suppress her appetite. For yourself, I would actually recommend a stack of a T-booster called Testofuel and an HGH releaser like HyperGH 14X. Both are designed to get guys like yourself ripped very efficiently.
I was taking Ripped Freak and the pills did not make me feel good. I was way to hyper and kind of nausiated.
Does the Nitrocut has the same effects as Ripped Freak or Hydroxi cut?
Sent you an email response, but figured I would post here too in case anyone else had similar questions. Ripped Freak and hydroxycut contain stimulants that enhance side effects, Nitrocut does not have that.
Thanks for all the reviews you have been a big help. But I still have a few questions on what I should use.
I am about 5’10 160-165. I have played sports all my life so I have a six pack and I am toned but I want to get shredded. I only want to be in 170 to 175 range.
How will I go about this. Thanks in advance.
In order to get the results your looking for, your gonna need to bulk up first, then shred down. I would recommend you first bulk up using creatine, like Muscle Advance, and then shred down with Nitrocut. Let me know if you have any more specific questions.
I am 5’10”, 160 lbs and I was wondering about using nitrocut. I am already in shape from being active and lifting weights, but I want to gain a little bit more mass and gain thicker muscle mass.
But i definitely dont want waterweight that will come out if i stop using it. Would nitrocut work for that?
If your looking to gain mass, and get ripped, I would suggest taking muscle advance creatine for a couple of months, and then shred down with Nitrocut for a few months.
I’ve your review on Nitrocut and also taking it.
I recently started going to the gym and started lifting again.
I prepare my own diet food, eat five times a day. My gym time is Mon-Fri (evening for 3hrs due to work schedule), Sat 2x morn/night 3hrs, rest on Sun.
I want to gain more mass and lean,trying to get that symmetrical shape. I’m currently on Ammino2222, Muscle7Gainer Protein.
Problem is that stubborn belly and side handles. Planning to hit up a competition by next year if things goes well.
You also mentioned Phen375. Where is this available at?. Thinking about taking Nitrocut,Phen375 and Muscle7gainer.
What do you think? Any suggestion.
To get rid of that stubborn layer of fat, you need to combine heavy lifting with High intensity interval training (you’ll see several examples in my other comments). Phen375 I think would be a great supplement in your case, as it will help burn that stubborn layer of fat, as well as help suppress appetite. It’s available on their official website, which I have linked to from my review. I tried looking up Muscle7Gainer but couldn’t seem to find any info about it, do you have a link you can share?
The protein drink is by VITASPORT called Aminogen 7gainer Synthesis. If i were to start using Nitrocut and Phen375. Which should i discontinue using. Ammino2222 or Vitasport.
What would recommend me to use to gain more mass faster, get that symmetrical shape and definition.
Is Nitrocut good for woman looking to lose the layer of fat on the leg muscles??
Thank you!
Yes, Nitrocut can help women as well. You may want to consider stacking it with a product called Phen375 for optimal results.
Page is very informative but I have a few questions:
I’m 5’5″ around 148-150. I’m not really trying to pack on mass and i lift 3x/ week and been doing the Insanity routine 5-6days/week for some higher intensity cardio…i don’t take any sort of supplements or whey protein just mostly eat chicken breast, brown rice, and some source of fruits/veggies.
Thinking maybe i need to start using some supplements to help burn more fat and get rid of the belly fat.
My frame itself is fine but it looks like I can tone my arms and chest and everything else, but it’s been really hard to flatten the belly. Any ideas?
Yeah I know how it can be to get rid of that stubborn layer of fat. When you are doing your routine, are you lifting heavy or light? Believe it or not if your looking to lose weight/tone up you need to lift heavy, despite some bad advice I’ve seen out there. Your diet looks good, but maybe you are eating too much. For this, I would recommend Phen375, it will help suppress your appetite. For getting cut up I would recommend you give Nitrocut a shot.
As for the amount of food I eat, Im using the myfitnesspal app to track my calorie intake and im actually eating at a calorie deficit
Or is there anything else you’d recommend?
I think in your case a stack of Testofuel and Muscle Advance Creatine would be your best bet. The testofuel will help with increased muscle growth and fat burning, and Muscle Advance will help with post workout recovery.
I am currently taking creatine, amino acids, and protein (I know, I am a crazy man) and am looking to take a more aggressive supplement and am leaning toward the Nitrocut but have a couple of questions. Question One: When I start taking the Nitrocut do I stop taking the above mentioned supplements?
Question Two: Can I take a HGH supplement and the Nitrocut at the same time or would you recommend cycling on and off of one and onto another? I only ask this because I am 42 and want the results that I think I can get using the Nitrocut, but would like the benefits of the anti-aging that you get with HGH.
Any input would be appreciated and thanks for the website, I have found it to be informative.
Yeah I would definitely stop taking the creatine if your going to take Nitrocut along with an HGH supplement in your case. You can take Nitrocut along with an HGH supplement at the same time, and most HGH supplements contain plenty of amino acids, so you could probably stop taking the ones your on now. Check out a product called HyperGH 14x, it seems like it would be the most effective in your case. As far as cycling, I would recommend a 6 week on / 1 week off schedule. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for having this site around and helping people in need. Also, I would like to ask for your help to lose weight mainly and gain some muscle.
I’m 5’4 220lbs. I go to gym 2-3x a week mostly do Zumba. what can you recommend for me to lose weight and gain muscle? i would also like to lose my belly. thank you!
Your welcome, glad I could help. Yeah you need to lift weights as well (preferably heavy) and do High Intensity Interval Training. Sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook, that will give you the best results possible, Given your dimensions, I would say a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375 will work best for you.
What products do u recommend
Check out a stack of Nitrocut and Testofuel, should do the trick for you.
I also have CLA 1000mg , can i take them too or is the above enough?
I’m 38 6′ and 195 pounds
Thank you
While I don’t have any experience with CLA 1000mg, I did take a look at it just now and I think you would be fine. It actually looks like it may benefit you, but I would check with your doctor to be sure.
Just take the stack as described on their directions, but I would cycle Nitrocut and Testofuel on a 6 weeks on / 1 week off schedule to avoid building a tolerance. Keep me posted on your results!
Hi Rob,
What is your opinion about this product in comparison to nitrocut?
Thank you for your prompt responses.
I would really have to look into it a bit more to give you the best recommendation. Give me a week or so and I’ll see if I can get a review of it up.
Also wondering if it is safe to take creatine and NO supplements on non-training days, thanks.
What is your opinion about this product in comparison to nitrocut?
I am 5’7” and 170 pounds. I would like to lose 15-20 lbs of fat and gain some muscle.
I started going to the gym a couple weeks ago. I’m going 3 times a week and plan to keep this up.
Reading your articles I plan to purchase some Nitrocut and Phen 375. My question is how many pills should I take of each and how often? Sounds like I should take 2-3 Nitrocuts each day (and on days that I work out I should take them about an hour prior to the workout) and one Phen 375 pill every morning.
Is that accurate?
For the Phen375 your spot on, take 1 pill every morning. For Nitrocut, what I do is take 2 capsules on my days off in the AM, and 3 – 4 capsules 45 min. prior to a workout. But, you can change it up to suite your needs.
Great stuff! I appreciate the time and effort you take in educating consumers on the dangers of specific “comes-with-free-trial” regimens while providing excellent reviews on what works.
My question: Can you take Phen375 and Nitrocut at the same time while also taking Muscle Advance Creatine?
I’m 5’6″ and weigh 178 lbs. I’m a pretty active person.
Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!
No problem, glad I could help! I can’t stand these free trial scams, and that’s why I am getting the word out. Because Phen 375, Nitrocut, and Muscle Advance all work differently, you should have no problems taking them at the same time. Given your dimensions, that seems like a pretty solid stack, so you should be good to go. Just remember to eat right and follow the tips in my free “Get Ripped” Ebook. Also, start slow with the supplements to asses your bodies tolerance. By that I mean take half the recommended dosage for the first few days.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Are you able to workout?
What is your diet like? I need a little bit more info to help.
Within the last 2.5 months I’ve lost 35lbs mainly by cutting out a lot of food items from my diet which include potatoes, corn, rice, pasta, bread, cereal, oats, sweets, fried anything, tortillas, chips–all that delicious but bad for you stuff! I am 34, 5′ 7″ and my goal weight is 135-140lbs. I’m currently 215lbs.
I noticed that my complexion and skin has tremendously improved since I stopped eating all that food, so I really don’t want to integrate them into my diet unless I REALLY have to.
I need something to boost my energy during my workouts and I read your review on Nitrocut.
I’m just a bit confused because you told one of your female readers that it was only for men, but you told another that she could take it. Can you clear this up for me?
Is there anything that compares to it geared for women?
Thanks so much for your help !!!
Yeah I just went back and saw that post. I think at the time I was unclear as to whether or not Nitrocut could be used by women. After researching NO production a bit more, I realized that it is possible that Nitrocut can help with women, so that’s where the confusion was. While it can be used by women, I think that Phen375 is geared a bit more towards helping achieve their goals.
As far as your specific situation, it’s great that you cut out all of that bad stuff! That’s the first step toward attaining a more lean physique, many people don’t know or follow that. I’m gonna add my workout guide to this page, sign up for it and it will give you a complete list of foods you should and should NOT be eating, as well as a workout program tailored for your needs.
I’m writing you because I want to gain 10-15 pounds of muscle and my wife wants to lose 10-15 pounds of fat, can you give me some suggestions? And thank you for being honest goes a long way!
Glad I could help! In your case, I would stack a creatine blend (Muscle Advance) with Nitrocut. The nitrocut will help with pre workout energy, intensity, etc. and the muscle advance will help you with post workout, gain size, etc. For your wife, check out a product called Phen375, it’s a proven fat burner that will help get rid of stubborn fat.
I play basketball and i was wondering if Nitro cut could also help increase your speed and vertical jumping?
It doesn’t really work that way. But, it can help you with your plyometric training regimen, which in turn can help with speed and vertical.
I am starting to lift weights again on the advice of my doctor who said that women lose muscle as we age and that I need to do weight bearing exercise to prevent osteoporosis. So I’m doing this for all around fitness and health, but also to lose weight.
Should I stack Nitrocut with Phen375 to lose weight and gain some lean muscle?
Yes, Nitrocut can be used by both men and women, and would certainly help in your case. Did you sign up for my free ebook too?
It’s packed with tons of meal plan and workout tips.
I’m 55 yrs. old, 5’7″ 254 lbs..Been figthing this weight for 2 years. July 2011 it seems my body shut down.
Gained 56 lbs. in 45 days.I’m on Levothyroxine for a slow thyroid. Testosterone is dead.
Metabolism is non existant. My son suggested taking Symbiotripin.
I am on a non carb diet, workout at the gym first thing in the morning everyday. 20 to 25 minutes on the Elliptical and half hour weights. Im thankful for your website and have forward to family and friends.
Doctors approve for me “try” supplements, but as many people know doctors don’t have much knowledge or faith in diet, excercise and supplements. Im an ex athlete never ever had weight issues.
Old age is taking over. I see you suggest various products.
HyperGH 14x, Testofuel, Nitrocut, VigRx Plus and Phen 375. I need all, but I don’t think I would be taking all of these at once. Your suggestion would be appreciated.
First off, you need to switch your workout routine. Lift weights first, then do cardio. Weight lifting will burn up all of the stored glucose in your system, and when you start your cardio you will be burning your fat much more efficiently. Doing cardio on it’s own is ok, but not recommended. Also, do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). You can do this on an elliptical, start off slow, then do as fast as you can for 1 minute, then slow for 1 min. Rinse, repeat. The key is to get your heart rate up, then down, up, then down, up, down…this will reignite your metabolism.
Second, at 55, I’m willing to bet your suffering from Low testosterone. The most effective in terms of your immediate results would be to stack Testofuel and Phen 375. If your suffering in the bedroom department than Vigrx Plus is your best bet. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the direction. I will start tomorrow.
Weights first then cardio on the elliptical. It’s funny that you mentioned my heart rate.
When doing my 20 to 25 minute routine my heart rate would rarely hit 110 or 120. As far as supplements just go with Testofuel and Phen 375?
If needed I can also add VigRx Plus. Thanks so much!
And if it is a steady 90-100 beats a minute you’re not optimizing for fat loss. It’s ok, all it takes is a few small changes in workout and diet and the results can be drastically different.
Yeah Testofuel and Phen375 is good for now, go with Vigrx Plus if your needing that bedroom kick.
I am a newbie when it comes to this.
At 42, you are probably suffering from Low testosterone levels. You can get a blood test to be sure, and I would recommend stacking (taking both at the same time) Testofuel and Nitrocut. And if you haven’t already, sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook, it will get you on track for your diet and exercise regimen.
I got some beginners questions here. ive been a very athletic guy my whole life but the gym was never my thing, however im in the worst shape of my life 5’8 @ 180 I want to lose fat get trim-abs- and gain some muscle. I plan on taking nitrocut should i also get phen375?
Im not sure if i want to have my appetite suppressed im only about 10-15lb overweight and phen375 seems too extreme for that, but if phen375 has more positive functions in the body than supressing appetite and burning fat ill give it a try, what are they? I dont want to suddenly start giving my body so many new things since im new to the gym scene and i believe i can lose the fat on my own- not easily tho .
Second, is there a best time of the day to work out? Third I was going over your ebook and it says that I should eat 1 protein and 2 carbs after each session however most of the times I work out late at nite does this affect anything? keeping in mind I wanna lose fat and I always thought you shouldnt eat right before you go to bed if you wanna lose weight.
And third do you recommend a protein?i always thought you should get a prework out and a protein or is eating right throughout the day, after sessions, and nitrocut enough?.after work out sessions should i eat your suggested meal in your ebook AND drink some protein (in case protein is necessary)?
Thanks for what you are doing…
I think in your case you should be good with taking Nitrocut alone. If you are not getting the results your looking for, then I would suggest adding Phen375 to the mix.
The best time of the day to workout is first thing in the morning, as this will kick start your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day. If you want the best results, I would recommend that you switch up your routine to a morning workout.
I know it sucks to wake up early, but it is what it is.
Finally, yes you should definitely use a whey protein supplement.
I recommend Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard protein. It’s cheap, tastes great, and can be found in many places online and in stores.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Do you think this Nitrocut its okay for women? I am thinking of giving it a try…
Thank you for sharing this information!!!
No problem, glad I could help. Yes, Nitrocut can be used by women, but what are your exact goals?
Maybe I could point you to something more effective.
Hmmm, not sure if it would work for that. Nitrocut is mainly for increased performance in the gym, but I would imagine it could help increase your training results, therby making your 40 time faster.
I believe you had a 2 lbs. net gain, not net loss (lost 8 pounds, gained 10). 🙂 Or are there additional factors involved in your calculations?
Overall, an interesting article. Thanks!
I am 24, 6’10” and 250lbs. I Constantly workout, being in the Army, but also because I like to look good and feel good as well. Now, does Nitrocut have any ingredients that would make me come up positive on Urinary Analysis?
Also, I can’t seem to gain any more mass. I would like to see myself get bigger and ripped. do you have any suggestions for me?
No you should be ok on the urine tests. If you want to gain more mass you need to take creatine. At your size, your gonna need ALOT of it too, haha. Check out a product called Muscle Advance Creatine. Take that for about a month, then shred down with Nitrocut.
Yeah you should be ok with very moderate drinking.
Well, using Nitrocut in combination with a healthy diet and exercise will certainly do this.
The results I’m looking for are loss of fat and build more muscle(of course).
Good question. The main difference between these types of supplements is HGH releasers are intended to use your bodies natural production of HGH to build lean muscle mass, while pre-workout supplements stimulate your workouts through all natural ingredients.
Hope this makes sense, let me know if you need clarification.
I’m 5′ 9″ and actually weigh 180 pounds, I work and travel a lot, usually I try to train MMA 3 or 4 days in a week, I’m looking for a supplement to help me drop a few pounds (175 is my ideal) get rid of my “love handles”, help me get ripped, and also give me energy to train after a 10-12 hour shift, do you recommend nitrocut for me? Any other advice will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
The ebook on the right hand side of the page will give you some great info, but yeah I think Nitrocut could be right for you. Getting ripped is really a matter of a healthy balance of diet, exercise, and supplementation.
You have probably answered this already, but Nitrocut is described as a pre-workout supplement. Does this mean it should only be taken on workout days, or once you start taking it should you take every day for the 3 week cycle?
For best results you should take it everyday, as it will accumulate the ingredients into your system over time.
I purchased the 3 months supply of Nitrocut and today the order arrived and I took 3 tablets before doing workout at my house.
I am 32 years old, weight 135 pounds and I am 5’10” tall. I am very skinny, but I dont have diabetes.
I have done my annual physical (more than 6 months ago) and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health and was told that I was the healthiest patient that he has seen since.
I mostly eat organic or all natural meals, in the morning I prepare a “Raw Meal” organic meal replacement blended with lots of baby spinach and at night I eat brown rice with beans and all natural meat as my dinner.
I would like to know if I will be able to develop my heavy muscles taking 4 nitrocut with water right after I wake up before any meals, use the bathroom (to get me ready for the day) and then prepare my Raw Meal with the Baby Spinach Mix. Wait about 30 minutes and then go out to my local community college outdoor running track to run some heavy laps, or go Bikeride (alternating each day – one day the running, the next day bike ridding).
At home I have the pull up machine that I plan to use heavily each day and alternate that with push ups daily.
I would like to know if this is a good plan to give me heavy muscle definition as quickly as possible?
I have always been very skinny all my life and I would like to be very strong and define and build my running distance.
In order to gain heavy muscle definition you need to eat, alot!! Haha. It sounds like your diet and exercise is extremely healthy, but unfortunately that is what is keeping you skinny.
Eat to bulk up, and then you can trim down to your desired size. Sign up for my get ripped ebook on the right hand side of this page, has tons of meal plan ideas to get you bigger.
Thanks for your reply. Lately I have been eating more, like sometimes getting a second dinner serving because I made a little more rice than what I had planned or for other reasons.
You are saying that because I am eating healthy that’s the reason why I am skinny.
I can eat more and see what happens. However, I have no intentions of compromising with unhealthy foods as I am following my own code of organic health food eating (yes, I am that guy at the super market that reads the ingredients list of the merchandise before putting it on the shopping cart).
I stay away from things like artificial colorants, artificial flavor, chemicals, hormones and antibiotics on meats and more.
There has to be a way to bulk up all naturally, again I have no plans to compromise my healthy food choices.
I purchased this Nitrocut because it said that it can get the job done (according to their website) so maybe if I just eat more along with taking Nitrocut early in the morning and doing heavy exercise, would I build my muscles that way?
Also, how am I to take the dossages.
My current idea is to take the 2 to 4 tablets all at once in the morning, before eating anything and then about 30 minutes later prepare my food blends and then about 40 minutes later go outside and do the exercise followed up with occasional indoor exercise through the day.
No problem, glad I could help. You don’t need to sacrifice your diet, I think your doing the right thing by eating healthy.
Im just saying that in order to gain size, you need to consume more calories than your body is burning. So yes, eating more would be necessary. 2 – 4 capsules first thing in the morning should work, keep us posted on your results!
Yeah you should have no problems, protein is just protein. As long as you’re not taking a protein with any funky stimulants or anything in it you should be good.
Check out Gold Standard Whey Protein, tastes great and is affordable.
If your looking to bulk up I would recommend creatine, such as Muscle Advance. You will also need to eat…Alot…But that doesn’t mean eat 4 cheeseburgers at Mcdonalds. You need to eat heavier meals, comprising mostly of lean meats, fish, and pasta. Once you achieve the size your looking for, then shoot for definition.
Abs back, while gaining muscle. I’m 26 and I weigh 210, how can I do thay while getting quick results
Signup for my “Get Ripped” ebook on the right hand side of the page, it’s packed with tons of tips to get you going in the right direction.
You have also mentioned nitrocut. Which would be the better combo- nitrocut or ripped muscle combined with sytropin.
My current pre workout supplements are muscle milk with pure creatine monohydrate added to the shake. I’m 26 6′ tall, weight 175 lbs and a former SEC athlete (platform and springboard diving) but have since been out of shape after graduation.
I am now back at the gym 5-6 days a week- heathly combination of intense cardio and serious weight lifting. Ideally I have about 2-4 inches to loose in my waist, about 12-15 lbs overall I’d like to loose and about 30-35 lbs of lean, solid muscle I’d like to gain.
Any advice or guidance wold be much appreciated!
– Christopher
30 – 35 pounds of muscle is gonna be tough, but it is achievable. First off, your gonna need to bulk up. I recommend using a creatine supplement, such as Muscle Advance Creatine, along with a strict diet. You’ll probably need at least a few months of cycling creatine to get the size your looking for. Once you gain the size, you’ll then need to trim down.
I would stay away from ripped muscle X and Sytropin, there not gonna do much in that department. Instead, I would recommend a stack of Nitrocut and a diet pill called Phen 375. Sign up for my “Get Ripped” ebook on the right hand side of this page to get actionable strategies and tips to get ripped.
Thanks again.
With Testofuel, you should take 4 capsules a day, 1 with each meal. Keep me updated on your progress and good luck!
Have problems with having enough energy to get intense workout. Would you recommend nitrocut, testo fuel, phen375 or a combination of them? thanks for your help
At 47, I would say your probably suffering from low testosterone. A combination of Testofuel and Nitrocut would probably be the most appropriate for you. Sign up for my ebook on the right hand side of the page for helpful tips and workout advice!
I have been taking C4 Extreme as my pre-workout. During my workouts I feel sick to my stomach because of the water you have to chug with it 30 minutes before going to the gym.
Nitrocut would clearly help with that. Now, I am 23, 5’10, and 190lbs. Most of my life I have struggled with losing belly fat/gaining abs and building a great amount of muscle.
These are my goals and Ive been searching for a product that will work for me for what seems like forever. I am currently serving in Afghanistan and have about 6 months before I come home.
Will this product help me reach my goals in this amount of time and is there anything more (besides Nitrocut) that I can do to increase my gains faster and more effectively?
First off, thanks for your service. Without guys like you protecting our freedom, we wouldn’t have the choices we do today. Second, I think you could also use Phen375 fat burner to get faster gains. Let me know if you have any other questions.
So I am allergic to Whey and have always had difficulties finding supplements. I seem to get nausea when I take One-A-Day Men’s as well.
I currently have been using Carnivore (a beef protein post-workout). I am 5′ 11″ and weigh 165. I am a pretty skinny guy but want to be a trim cut guy. What supplements would you recommend?
I am a pretty active guy but have failed to get the gym lately. I play soccer and softball practically every night.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
Try stacking Nitrocut with a T-Booster like Testofuel. Also, if you want to get ripped, your gonna need to hit the gym. No excuses, get your A%# to the gym…
Im 5’10, 19 years old, and 220 pounds. I’ve always been a pretty stocky kid my entire life, but I’ve always dreamed of reaching my goal of 180 pounds.
I know nutrition and cardio is the key to weight loss, but is there any supplement that can help burn fat? I do workout on a daily basis and I live an active lifestyle.
However, I do wish to retain the muscle I do have. IS there anything you can suggest for me in order to reach my goal of obtaining both a better body and putting me closer to my target weight?
Check out Phen375, that would probably be the best supplement for you.
I just bought Nitrocut and I was wondering if Phen 375 would be a good combo with it? Is Phen 375 the best rapid weight loss supplement or should I look at other products?
It really depends on what your goals are, can you give me some more details?
In the last two years i have lost over 40kg and in the last 3 months i have been the same weight at 92-94kg and cant lose any more weight. I wanted to try something just to help me out alittle, i wanted to take off another 10kg and start getting some muscle.
I have been looking at lots of different supplements and its just getting me more and more confused. I wouldn’t mind trying nitrocut and see how it goes.
Is there anything else you can suggest to use with it or you think that should be alright. Thanks rob.
Check out a product called Testofuel, it is a great T-booster to stack with Nitrocut.
As a tennis player, you probably don’t want a supplement that will “bulk you up”. I would recommend that you check out a fat burner like Phen375, let me know if you have any other questions.
I play high school football. I’m 15 years old and only 5’6 and weigh 135 pounds.
I was wondering if using Nitrocut will affect my weight gain. I need to gain 10 healthy pounds over the next 2 and a half months.
Is this the right product for me? what else should I use with it to maximize weight gain and strength. I lift at least 5 times a week, and I want to be able to gain healthy weight while decreasing body fat (i dont have too much of that) and maximize strength.
At your age, I would suggest you do not use Nitrocut. Your still in the growth stages, so stick with a health diet and keep up with your workouts.
Try to avoid cardio too if you’re trying to bulk up. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
The best way to take it is to cycle it on and off. One way to do this is to take it for 3 weeks, then take a week off, and repeat this until you hit desired results.
This helps to get the best benefits from it, sign up for my free “How to get ripped” ebook on the right of this page, it will also give you some pretty good tips.
Carl . ps your site is just the best .
Any suggestions? And the other questions, I’ve heard some good things about this product Nitrocut, how good would that work for me?
And would a 2 month order be good to start out with just to try it? Will I see any results at all with that?
Thank you kindly Rob, get back to me when possible.
– Chance Matthew
I think Nitrocut would be great for you, and a 2 month supply could be a good start. I would recommend that you cycle it to get the best results in your case.
So take it for 3 weeks, then take a week off. Follow this regimen for a couple of months and you’ll see great results.
Just be sure to workout hard too man, no pill is gonna magically give you results, you gotta work hard for it.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
When you’re taking Nitrocut on its own, take it before breakfast and before workout. If you don’t work out that day, take the second dose before your workout instead of before your meal. If your stacking it, take the Phen375 before your meals and just take the Nitrocut before working out. As for the TestoFuel, the dose is 4 per day, and you can take those at night before bed. This is a good schedule to start with, but if you need to tweak it a little after you get going, by all means, go ahead. I find that everyone’s different, and we need to listen to our bodies as hear what they’re telling us.
Is it safe or OK to take Nitrocut at the same time as HyperGH?
I took them at nearly the same time and had no problems.
As far as post workout, I would stack with Muscle Advance Creatine and a post workout casein protein shake.
I’m trying to put together pre and post work out supplements as well as what gear to use, I am thinking of getting a total Gym (because I’m a sucker for chuck norris and I don’t think he would lie, not even for money. he seems to be a man of ethics)
I’ve quit smoking, I’m watching my food intake and forcing myself to love things that are green on my plate.
I used to believe, if it never mooed than it wasn’t food.
after a heart scare, my thoughts on life and what goes into my body changed rapidly.
I have a bit of (when I say a bit, I kinda do mean it’s big) of a gut.
I’m making my mind and insides healthy and I want to start working on losing fat and gaining some real guns. (not the ones that go BANG, but that ones that goes ohhhh yeahhhh!!!)
so I thank you for anytime, comments and advise you can offer.
It looks like your taking steps in the right direction to help shed those pounds, congrats! Never used the total gym, but have heard good things about it.
You may also consider the P90X system, I have heard great things about that as well. I would also consider using Nitrocut to supplement your workouts, it will really help with motivation and workout intensity.
I’ve been reading up a lot on this stuff recently and was wondering if what your view was on the use of this type of product combined with a fat burner such as Androsolve.
I’m not a fitness fanatic (now 54) and the weight is now starting to annoy me. I’ve been fairly active most of my life but the last 5 years have seen a serious decline in activity and weight gain.
I just love my curries and Cobra lagers too much:)
Thanks in advance for any reply
Haha, I know the feeling! Yes, combining Nitrocut with a far burner is a great idea, and highly recommended.
Just be sure to stick with a low dose to asses your tolerance, and of course, consult with your physician prior to taking any supplement.
It will def take a bit of testing on your part to find the right amount, so I suggest you start off with the lowest dosage possible and see how it affects you.
I got out of all of my credit cards.Could i recieve this product,by getting me a Debit-Card ? If i could get ur product?How could i stop recieving this product if i needed to ?
I have lifted weights for some years,now.I have tried lots of defferent products.I have never found any results from these , in my past. I have never smoked,chewed,and dont drink.But i look kike a have a big beer belly?
Will this help me find results? Byliftinf weights,and being on my tred-mill once or twice a week?
Thank u for any feed back, or responce, to my questions. Your friend, Gregg
Not sure if you are referring to Nitrocut or Ripped Muscle Extreme, but you could use a debit card for either I would assume. But yeah, I would recommend taking Nitrocut, along with a healthy balance of diet and exercise.
It’s a pleasure to see information form someone who at least has used the product. My question is geared towards older men. I’m a 57 year old military member. 240 lbs with a 39″ waist.
I was inquiring with regard to the effective use of the product to 1. decrease my waist size by at least 3 inches and assist in dropping my weight by 10-15 lbs. I’m not as active as I’d like due to a knee injury and quite concerned about the affects of taking this type of product at my current age. Any feedback is appreciated.. thank you in advance!
Great question. Yes, at your age you should be ok to take Nitrocut.
I have spoken with several guys even older than you who have take it and they said they had no problems. Of course, it’s prudent to check with your physician to be absolutely sure.
I saw this yesterday and would like to give it a try because everybody loves to lose some weight around the waist… I do a lot of crossfit so i’m active everyday… Will this give me that little bit extra?
Yes, Nitrocut works very well for that purpose specifically. I noticed a huge increase in my workout intensity, and as a result got great benefits from it.
Since I can not do heavy lifting, would this product help me loose this fat
I don’t see any issues with mixing, but you may want to check with your doctor to be absolutely sure. I mix pre and post workouts with sleep aids all the time and have no issues.
Thxs Rob for hearing me out and for ur responses
Here are a couple of simple examples of small meals that can be eaten throughout the day:
An apple with a piece of cheese and light popcorn
Egg, slice of whole-wheat toast, and half a grapefruit
Grilled chicken sandwich with veggies
Whole-grain roll with peanut butter and banana
Hummus, whole-grain crackers, and baby carrots
Smoothie made with yogurt, fruit, and juice
Waldorf salad and half a turkey sandwich
Hope this helps, good luck!
Thanks for reading….Any opinion is welcome im desprate!!!!!!
Thanks for your comment. Sure I can throw a few tips to you.
First thing, if you want abs, forget about crunches, forget about some elaborate ab machines, the #1 key is diet and high intensity exercise. And by high intensity exercise, I mean short bursts of fast cardio exercises.
Start with a slow jog, then go into a fast sprint for 30 seconds, then jog again for a minute, then sprint for 30 seconds, etc.
Repeat this over and over for 20 – 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. Also, diet should consist of mainly complex carbs in the morning (think fruits and no sugar) with protein, 6 small meals a day, and avoiding alcohol, sweets, and high fat foods.
Do this for about 4 – 6 weeks, and you will be well on your way to getting ripped. The whole point of a supplement like Nitrocut is to give you the energy to do all of this.
It really is a matter of mindset…what is more important to you?
Eating fatty foods and sitting around on your ass all day, or getting ripped and looking attractive to women? The choices is yours, glad I could help.
I’ve already determined that Prime Male is better for me than Testofuel based on your site. Now I’m trying to gauge between these other two.
Both Nitrocut and HyperGH 14X work in different ways. Nitrocut is a pre workout supplement that’s really designed to help kick your workouts into gear. HyperGH 14X on the other hand is primarily for recovery from your workouts.
I would actually recommend you use both if you can afford it. They work great in combination and will amplify your results.