NooFlux Axon And Flow Review
By: Rob Miller
Note:This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Nooflux website.
It’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted a review of a Nootropic supplement.
Due to the sheer amount of supplement review requests and products I get sent, it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.
Right now, there are TONS of Nootropic supplements on the market, many of which have similar formulas and essentially are intended to have similar effects as you may expect and as with anything, some are better than others.
I was approached by a representative of Nooflux about 3 months back, who sent over a 7 day stack of their flagship products.
They are none other than Axon and Flow, collectively known as The Infinity Stack.
They’ve been sitting on my desk for the last 2 and a half months or so, and I finally got a chance to try them out.
First, let’s talk briefly about each supplement.
1. What is Nooflux Axon?
Axon is a brain support supplement that’s designed to help improve memory, cognition, and overall brain health.
It’s made up of a proprietary blend of ingredients including:
- Vitamin B12: 5 mcg
- Vitamin B1: 3 mg
- Vitamin B6: 5 mg
- Huperzine Alpha: 10 mg
- Bacopa Monnieri Extract: 300 mg
- Ashwaghanda Extract: 300 mg
- Alpha GPC: 300 mg
- Lions Mane extract: 500 mg
Here’s a snapshot of the label:
Most of these ingredients are pretty common in the vast majority of nootropic supplements I’ve come across.
The exception to this is Lions Mane, which is an ingredient that REALLY stuck out to me for a few reasons:
- Barely anyone uses it in their formula
- It’s got a TON of non-nootropic benefits
Lion’s Mane is essentially a mushroom that looks like the scruff of a lion (hence the name).
In a number of clinical studies, it’s been shown to have a host of brain-boosting benefits, including:
- It’s Neuroprotective: This means that it serves to protect nerve cells against damage, and helps to preserve brain neuron structure and function.
- Improved cognitive function: In mice with neurodegenerative diseases, it improves both memory and cognitive function.
2. What’s Nooflux Flow?
Designed to be used in conjunction with Nooflux Axon, Flow is designed to help give you that kick in motivation and focus that you would otherwise get from prescription ADHD medications like Adderall.
While Axon is used more as a long-term solution to improve cognition and brain function, Flow is the short-term solution.
It’s made up of quite an impressive list of ingredients which include:
- Noopept: 15 mg
- Vinpocetine: 15 mg
- Natural Caffeine: 100 mg
- L-Theanine: 140 mg
- Rhodiola Rosea extract: 180 mg
- Alpha-GPC: 250 mg
Here’s a snapshot of the label:
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
People see caffeine added to the ingredients label and immediately start to say, “oh, so what’s that difference between this and a cup of coffee or tea?”
It’s hard to understate the importance of these other ingredients.
For example, Noopept has been shown to help improve mood and act as an effective anti-anxiety supplement.
It’s best when combined with Caffeine, which is the case in the Nooflux Flow formula.
Further enhancing the anxiolytic properties, L-Theanine is an amino acid that also works great at combating anxiety.
The typical dose for L-Theanine is 200 mg, but Nooflux only contains 140 mg. I believe the rationale behind this is that it already contains a anti-anxiety compound (Noopept).
3. My Personal Results
As I mentioned earlier in my review, I was sent a free 7 day supply of both Nooflux Axon and Flow.
I just started taking it last week, and finished up the 7 day test on Sunday.
I’ve take a good amount of these nootropics over the years, and can generally tell if they’re going to work well within the first couple of days.
This was DEFINITELY the case with Nooflux.
For the first day or two, I didn’t notice much of a difference from the Axon.
I DID, however, notice the cognitive-enhancing effects from the Flow within an hour or so of taking the first dose.
This was actually expected, mainly because I’ve taken similar formulas in the past.
Right around the 3-day mark is where I could sense the Axon starting to kick in.
It was subtle at first, but it seemed to REALLY have an effect on my short-term memory.
Normally my short term memory is decent. I can remember faces better than I can remember names, but this stuff seemed to work the opposite.
For example, about 5 days after taking it I ran into a girl I know who plays volleyball with my wife on the weekends.
I’ve only met her once in the past (maybe 6 months back), but immediately remembered her name.
Again, this is VERY unusual for me.
Another subtle, yet noticeable, effect I got from the Axon was I felt more energetic.
Now, I’m not talking about the type of energy that you get from a cup of coffee.
I’m talking about the type of mental energy that keeps you going throughout the day.
Like most people, I tend to crash around mid-afternoon.
Normally I’ll end up on the couch (I work from home) right around 2:30, and will lay there napping for at least an hour.
This was NOT the case when I was taking Nooflux Axon.
I wouldn’t call it a “wired” type of stimulation.
Just a smooth, “I feel like I can get a lot of things done” type of motivation and energy that I hadn’t experienced in a long time.
4. Where To Buy
As of this review, Nooflux is only available on their official website
A 30-day supply of Flow is $35 for a one shot deal, and $30 per month if you choose the “subscribe and save”option.
A 30 day-supply of Axon is $45 for a one shot deal, and $40 per month if you choose the “subscribe and save” option.
You can also choose the Infinite stack for a total price of $70. This entitles you to a 30-day supply of each supplement.
You can also choose the subscribe and save option and save 15% off your order, effectively pricing it out at $60 per month.
All of this is backed with an iron-clad 30 day money back guarantee.
I read through all of the fine print, and there are no hidden fees or charges.
- Improve memory and short-term retention
- Flow kicks in quickly
- Noticeable cognitive effects
- Reasonably priced
- Made in the USA
- Not available in stores
- Flow may not suitable for those highly-sensitive to caffeine
5. Recommendation
Nooflux has clearly hit a winner with this stack. I personally think this is one of the most effective nootropic stacks I’ve ever come across, and that means a lot coming from me.
If you’re looking for the best results, I would definitely recommend you get the Infinity stack.
Not only will you save more in the long run, but you’ll also get the best results by combining the two.
The effects will come on stronger and be more noticeable to not only you, but those around you that are able to pick up on your improved overall mental performance.
If you have any questions about Nooflux, be sure to leave them in the comments section below!