Optimal Acai, Cleanse, and HCG Drops Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-27-2013

Acai berry for weight loss has taken the internet by storm in recent years, and there has been no let up in the amount of ads we come across. Recently while browsing the weather for our area, we stumbled across an ad that talked about combining optimal acai, optimal colon cleanse, and as a way to lose 20 pounds in a month. As always, we are highly skeptical of ads that proclaim this, but people still get sucked into the marketing behind these products. We decided to review optimal acai, and see what kinds of results Americans were getting, analyze the ingredients, and see if this diet really works.
Optimal Acai Facts
According to the official company website, optimal acai promises to help you lose 1-2 pounds a day, without exercise, and reduces hunger. They also say that it is doctor approved, and we did a little bit of research to prove this. Dr. Kendra Pearsall, the brains behind this product, has been practicing alternative medicine since 2001, and has worked for several reputable offices.
You can buy the full system online for $70, and that includes bottles of Optimal Acai, Optimal Cleanse, and Optimal HCG Drops. According to the main site, it is backed by a 100% guarantee that if you have not been completely satisfied with the product for 30 days you can return it for a full refund. It also includes a full recipe list (over 1000 recipes) to help you lose weight, as well as an online health portal which gives you complete access to articles and tips for living healthy.
The ingredients behind optimal acai were hardly available, and we scoured various forums and discussion boards to find them. It’s obvious that the main ingredient is the acai berry, but there has to be something more to it. We even visitedDr. Pearsall’smain site to shed some light on the subject,but felt that there was alot of information missing about the products themselves.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
There are numerous testimonials on the optimal acai products website, but we like to see if we can find unbiased reviews on independent websites that stand no financial gain from talking about the product. There are literally thousands of reviews for a completely different product, called Acai Optimum, which is another berry product that says it works. Here is some user feedback we came across:
“I have been using optimal acai for several weeks now, and have lost quite a bit of weight. The best part about this diet program is it feels like it is specifically tailored to my needs. I have tried practically every fad diet under the sun, and I can attest to this one and it works.”
Linda, Virginia
“When i had my third child, I noticed I had gained over 25 pounds, and wanted to do something about it. Getting motivated for the gym was virtually impossible when you have very little free time, so it was hard to get rid of the pounds. I cam across Dr. Pearsall’s formula on the internet, and was excited to hear about how effective it was for other women. I ordered a trial package of this optimal acai, and I would say it worked ok for me. Not great, but not horrible. I lost about 5 pounds, but it almost felt like it was just water weight, because when i was done with it i gained it all back.”
Michelle, Tennessee
So Does Using Optimal Acai with Optimal Cleanse Really Burn Fat
It’s kind of hard to say, because there is very little clinical proof that the acai berry even helps you to burn fat. While many users have reported it curbing their appetite, and also feeling alot lighter, we feel that this was many due to the products anti-oxidant properties. In order to get effective results from products such as these, you need to keep taking them for years, and this is just not practical for some people.
Deceptive Advertising
A Quick note on how we found out about this system. On weather.com, you have undoubtedly seen the ads that proclaim:
New York Alert: 1 Tip For a Tiny Belly
Cut 12 pounds a month off of your belly
using this one weird tip.
Which led you to some page which looked like a news report. In this supposed news report, their was a reporter that did a special investigation on some acai berry product, and even provided proof in the form of pictures and customer testimonials. Does this sound familiar?
Well, we see these products, like optimal acai, being promoted like this all the time, and it’s about time it stopped. If you visit weather.com on a regular basis, click on these ads and you will see that they change practically everyday, sometimes even hourly. And they are not real news reports, they are actually Fake News articles designed to make you think you are reading a legitimate review. Please don’t fall for this, and be wary when they tell you something is free, and then you have to put in a credit card number.
Does This System Work?
The short answer is, maybe. There are hundreds of these acai berry products being touted throughout the internet, but the simple truth is, there is no scientific evidence that they will help you lose weight. The Optimal HCG drops, as well as the Optimal HCG cleanse are also designed to help reduce parasites and cleanse your colon, but the simple fact is they will not make you lose weight.
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