Paravex Review – 3 BIG Reasons to Stay Away
By: Rob Miller
I first heard about Paravex listening to talk radio.
It was one of the those over the long commercials – not quite infomercial length, but the guy went on and on about how with Paravex, he was a new man, and his wife barely recognized him.
At the end of the commercial, he rattled off a phone number and website address, and told about how you could try the stuff “risk free”.
That’s when I knew I had to look into this stuff, and that’s what I did as soon as I got home.
What Is Paravex?
Paravex is a male sexual performance enhancement supplement that puts most of its focus on boosting testosterone, claiming that this is what you need to get back the mojo you used to have, but lost somewhere along the way.
In general, testosterone boosters focus on one of two things.Either they promote the lean muscle building effects of boosting the male hormone, or they promote the sexual benefits.
Most actually give a little screen time to both, but choose one or the other to highlight.
Right on the label, Paravex calls itself a “Testosterone Male Enhancement Supplement” so that tell us which camp it’s in.
It’s further solidified as you browse through the website, which is covered with images of couples in various stages of undress in playful and suggestive poses.
Paravex Benefits
Even though we’ve determined it’s a sexual performance enhancer, they’re not all the same.
Some promise size increases, some focus on libido, while others are all about harder erections.
Paravex promises:
- Maximized Erections.
- Longer Staying Power.
- Greater Energy
- Boosted Sex Drive.
There’s only one commonly touted benefit that’s missing, and that’s size.Trust me, though, this is actually a good thing.
Dozens of products promise to make you bigger – longer and wider.
But the truth of the matter is they can’t. No pill can.
If they promise they will, they’re lying.
Pills are great for upping your libido and for helping you get and maintain a super hard erection, but they won’t cause any of your body parts to grow bigger. They simply can’t.
So the fact that Paravex doesn’t claim to just means they’re being more honest than some of the other products out there.
So let’s focus on what Paravex says it can do, and see if they’re telling the truth about that.
Paravex Ingredients
Now this turned out to be much trickier than it should have been. In a perfect world, all supplements would disclose their ingredients on their website.
An image of the back of the label would work just fine.
After all, what’s in a supplement is precisely what we need to know. Customers need to know so they can conduct useful research on particular ingredients, Doctors need to know so they can best advice their patients about what’s safe and effective, and reviewers need to know too, so they can pass along valid and useful information to their readers.
But this isn’t the case with Paravex.In fact, there is so much conflicting information floating around, it’s basically impossible to know what’s actually in this stuff, until you buy it and see the actual label.
The Paravex website should be the definitive source, and maybe it is.
But if it’s true, then the formula is quite weak.If we’re to take the website at its word, there are only 2 active ingredients: Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) and Tongkat Ali (aka Eurycoma Longifolia).
- Horny Goat Weed doesn’t really have any effect on testosterone, but it is a popular performance enhancer because it boosts libido and increases blood flow for better erections in a very similar way to Viagra.
It basically prevents a certain enzyme from doing its job of restricting blood flow, opening up the flood gates, so to speak. - Tongkat Ali does actually affect testosterone by increasing levels of free testosterone.
It works by inhibiting Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), which attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, preventing them from functioning.
With Tongkat Ali, there is less SHBG floating around your system, doing its damage, leaving more testosterone, free to provide its benefits.
My educated guess is that while Horny Goat Weed and Tongkat Ali might be the two highlighted ingredients, they are probably not the only ones.
We must not be alone in this belief, because as my research continued, I found no less than 4 complete ingredient lists, each at least somewhat different from the others.
In other words, it’s anybody’s guess.
Here’s what one very reputable review website lists:
- L-Arginine
- Muira Puama
- Ginger
- Saw Palmetto
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Horny Goat Weed
- Bioperine
It would be one thing if this were just a fleshed out version of the bare bones they offer on the website, but this list doesn’t include Tongkat Ali at all so I’d say it can’t be right.
Truthfully, finding this list really left me in a quandary because I do generally trust the site it came from to provide thorough reviews.
One potential explanation is that the formula has changed.
It’s not uncommon for supplements to change their formulas every so often. This could be what happened here, though I wouldn’t bet on it.
You’ll understand why as I share some of the other lists we found.
Here’s one from a review website I’d never heard of:
- Tongkat Ali
- L-Arginine
- Maca Root
- Ginseng Blend
- Fenugreek Extract
- Antioxidants
Two sites list the following ingredients:
- Tongkat Ali
- Maca Root
- Horny Goat Weed
- L-Arginine
- And still another:
- Yohimbe
- Horny Goat Weed
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Tongkat Ali
- Vitamin and Mineral Mixture
The upshot is we really just don’t know for sure exactly what’s in Paravex, but whichever list is correct, it’s a pretty typical and basic formula – nothing too special but pretty in line with a lot of similar supplements.
Paravex Reviews
With all those review websites, you’d think there’d be lots of great customer feedback shared online, but that’s not actually the case.
These kinds of review sites don’t usually represent anyone who’s actually used the product.
They exist mainly to funnel readers to a link where they then make a purchase.
They’re not independent, and even if they have used the product, they’re not offering their real, unbiased opinion.
It’s all about making the sale.
The truth is, I only found one real review from a customer, and it wasn’t pretty.
Let’s take a little detour and talk about how and where you can get Paravar.
It’s important that you know about this because it’s puts the very negative review into context.
Where to Buy
Paravex is not sold in stores, nor is it available through the big online retailers like
The only way you can order this product is by signing up for their “Risk Free Trial”.
But don’t let the name fool you. It’s .
In fact, the chances of you spending money you have no intention of spending are very high.
Here’s how it works:
You sign up by paying $4.95 shipping costs for a 30 day supply.Most customers think this is the en But it’s far from over here.
Hidden on the second page of the terms and conditions, in very small print, you are informed that by signing up for the trial, you are also signing up for their “Customer Preferred Program.
This means that if you don’t contact them and cancel your membership (a membership you likely had no intention of initiating in the first place) within 14 days of the day you place the order, you will be charged $93.95 for the bottle you already have – the “free” And that’s not all.
You’ll continue to be charged that same $93.95 plus shipping every month until you do cancel.
Paravex isn’t the only company that do There are many others.
We’ve got a great article about this kind of scam.
So don’t feel to bad if you’ve been caught up in the scam.
It happens all the time.
Is There a Money Back Guarantee?
Paravex does offer a money back guarantee, but it’s not particular useful.
They give you 30 days, but they don’t give refunds on trial offers, and they don’t accept used bottles as returns.
So you can only receive a refund if you don’t open the bottle, and if you get burned by the free trial, you can’t get a refund for that, even if you haven’t opened the bottle.
Back to That Paravex Review
The one review we found from an actual customer that’s purchased Paravex is a scathing indictment of the whole “free trial” scam.
It comes from Michael, and his headline is simply a warning: “Beware”
Michael’s full review is as follows:
“Paravex has over the radio commercials for a FREE sample.
There is no mention of the 14-day cancellation nda the $93 charge, so if you go to the website, BEWARE of this condition.It is VERY deceptive.
I have requested a refund for my UNOPNED BOTTLE and have had no such luck to this point.
My advice is to avoid this!
Bottom Line: No I would not recommend this to a friend”.
I’ve seen many reviews like his before, all associated with these free trial offers.
People don’t know they’re signing up for them, and they only find out when they get their first charges of ALMOST $100!Paravex is just another in a long line of scam supplements.
Paravex Pros and Cons
Advantages of Paravex
- Hmmmm… I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
Disadvantages of Paravex
- We don’t know what the ingredients are.
- It’s only available through a free trial offer that turns into a nightmare of monthly billing.
- There’s no effective money back guarantee.
- The only real customer feedback is from a guy who was scammed by the free trial offer and can’t seem to get his money back.
There’s nothing anywhere about the actual product or how it works.
The Bottom Line
I see male enhancement supplements like Paravex all the time.
We don’t know exactly what’s in it, but all the possible formulas are pretty weak anyway.
There are dozens of others that are very similar in that regard.
To make matters worse, you can only order it by signing up for their free trial offer that starts a process of monthly billing without the knowledge of the majority of customers.
That’s two strikes and here’s the third.
There is no customer feedback online specifically addressing how well Paravex works.
This is also pretty common with these products, and there’s a good reason for this.
It’s because once most people see the bill, they’re done even caring about how it works, it’s just plainly not worth what they’re charging… or the hassle.
Paravex does not get my recommendation.
In fact, my recommendation is that you run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
Have You Used Paravex?
Leave Your Review Below!
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