XGenus Review – Will This Work?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 1-8-2017

Home » Male Enhancement » XGenus Review – Will This Work?

XGenus Overview

XGenus is a massage oil manufactured by Primagenus, a Malaysian-based company. Primagenus states that this massage oil will enhance a male’s erectile function and increase the size of his organ when applied topically twice a day. Xgenus relies mainly on one ingredient and it’s an unusual one.

XGenus – Its Ingredients and How it Works XGenus

XGenus claims that regular daily use of this oil will soon have you ready for action. However, no product or manufacture’s website was found, so information for this review is sourced from other websites. That means little concrete evidence available – no complete ingredients list, no testimonials, no FAQ, no clinical trials. What we did learn, however, was interesting.

According to numerous sources, the main ingredient in XGenus is an extract of the Hirudo Medicinalis leech. It’s common knowledge that leeches were used as medicinal treatment for hundreds of years. What isn’t as well-known to North Americans is that leeches are still used frequently in Asia, especially in sexual enhancement formulas.

The leech extract is said to work two ways. The Hirudin in it acts as an anticoagulant so blood flow to the genitals is improved and the histimine it contains is said to dilate the capillaries and allow increased blood flow to the penis. Strong blood flow is necessary to achieve and maintain erections. The theory is that the combination of Xgenus oil and the twice daily massage will increase both length and girth plus help overcome erectile dysfunction.

XGenus – Pros and Cons

When there is no website for either a product or its manufacturer, it makes measuring its effectiveness difficult. We did get enough information to find some positive points in XGenus favor. They include:

  • Active ingredient commonly used in Asian herbal supplements
  • Manufacture reportedly established in 1991

The list of cons, however, is a bit longer:

  • No website for product or manufacturer
  • No complete ingredient list
  • No guarantee
  • No clinical evidence
  • No testimonials

Our Conclusions

Not only our we disturbed by the lack of website and credible information available for XGenus, we stand firmly in the belief that a supplement has not been developed that will make a significant size increase in the male genitalia. Nor have creams, that of which I’ve tried extensively, including my most recent one Man1 Man Oil.

Surgery is the only known process that can accomplish that. Although the Hirudo Medicinalis leech extract may indeed improve blood flow and even decrease the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, it will not make you physically larger. We feel we must advise North Americans to steer clear of XGenus and turn to one of the many male enhancement products that provide clinical evidence and a money back guarantee.

Have You Tried XGenus? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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