Advocare Thermoplus Review – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 3-31-2020

Home » Fat Burners » Advocare Thermoplus Review – Does It Work?

Advocare Thermoplus Overview

If you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you will lose weight, right? Theoretically, this is true. But what often happens is we lose weight for a little while, then we plateau. We’re practicing the same good habits (for the most part), but the weight just stops coming off. This is because our metabolisms adjust to the new regimen. It’s called “going into starvation mode”. Our bodies know they are getting fewer calories, so they use less energy in order to conserve. And we hit a plateau. One way to jump start our fat burning mechanisms is to supplement with a fat burner like Advocare Thermoplus.

Advocare Thermoplus ReviewAdvocare Thermoplus Ingredients and How They Work

Unlike many hardcore stimulant fat burners that give you jitters and keep you up at night, Advocare Thermoplus contains natural herbal supplements meant to gently enhance your body’s fat burning processes. The primary ingredient in Thermoplus is sage extract. With its antioxidant properties, it helps boost energy levels and increase fat oxidation, the way our bodies convert fat cells into energy. It also works on brain cell receptors to reduce appetite so you eat less without feeling deprived. A second ingredient is oolong tea extract which releases catechins, the same antioxidants found in black and green teas. They stimulate metabolism to burn more calories. Thirdly, Thermoplus contains guarana extract for the proven stimulant and thermogenic effects of caffeine. It also contains B vitamins niacin and thiamine.

One capsule, taken twice daily 30 minutes before meals, Advocare Thermoplus is said to give you a sustained increase in energy while revving up your metabolism so you can eat less, work out more efficiently, and better burn the calories you take in.

Pros and Cons of Advocare Thermoplus

There’s a lot to consider when deciding on a fat burning supplement.


  • Advocare Thermoplus is a safe, botanical supplement that won’t cause negative side effects.
  • The niacin and thiamine in this product are essential B vitamins, though not particularly helpful for weight loss.
  • Advocare offers a money-back guarantee whether you buy it directly from the company or from an independent distributor.


  • Thermoplus doesn’t contain any groundbreaking ingredients at the levels needed to produce results.
  • The Advocare business model is basically MLM which doesn’t necessarily mean that the products are no good, but it does make it hard to trust the information you hear about it.
  • It’s difficult to find positive reviewers who have actually used Thermoplus that aren’t trying to sell other Advocare products as well.

Where to Buy Advocare Thermoplus

Advocare Thermoplus is available online and through independent distributors. You can find it on Amazon and Ebay as well as many other online retailers. Prices range from about $25 to $43 for 90 capsules, which should last about 6 weeks.


Overall, Advocare Thermoplus is a pretty lackluster product in the wide and varied fat burning supplement market. It’s ingredients may provide some benefit in terms of energy and appetite suppression, but there really isn’t anything groundbreaking to be found here. That said, the caffeine dose is low, so if you’re sensitive to caffeine, but still hoping to find something that works, you might want to give it a try. It’s pretty safe and pretty cheap. If you shop around, you should be able to get it for a small investment. We all know that different ingredients work for different people. Maybe Advocare Thermoplus will work for you.

Given the low risk, reasonable price and overall relatively trustworthy, if safe, formula that is full of bits you have probably at the very least familiar with I would say that trying Advocare Thermoplus is worth a shot and has a chance to work for you.

Have You Used Advocare Thermoplus? Leave Your Review Below!

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User Questions and Answers

Do this product affects organs inside the body such as heart lungs intestinal movement -Terence

There are no reported side effects with Advocare Thermoplus.- Rob

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Can you take a thermoplus before bed -sonja

It does contain caffeine, so it would probably keep you up.- Rob

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Do you have to eat before you take the pill or is it safe to skip the meal and take the pill -Tori

The instructions are to take a pill before meals. If you happen to take the pill and skip a meal, you should be fine, though it's possible you might feel a little queasy.- Rob

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Does it contain caffeine? -Edith

It contains Guarana, which is a natural source of caffeine.- Rob

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So by using thermoplus and slim will I loose weight -Tara

If you exercise, eat a healthy reduced calorie diet, and take Thermoplus, you should lose weight. If you're looking for a stronger fat burner and more energy, go with Instant Knockout.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

14 comments on “Advocare Thermoplus Review – Does It Work?”

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  1. I would like to confirm if you are to only take one capsule a day or if you take one capsule before each meal meaning you can take up to 3 daily?
    1. Hey Jennifer,

      The instructions provided by Thermoplus Advocare are to take 1 capsule two times a day, 30 minutes before meals. So you’d take it before 2 of your meals, presumably the first 2, so you don’t interrupt your night time sleep schedule.

      1. Thank you for confirming this, the instructions were not clear on the bottle I have and the distributor I have wasn’t able to clarify that information.
  2. I must be extremely sensitive to caffeine these days. I found a bottle of Thermoplus left from the time I did the challenge over a year ago and decided to finish it before it expired.

    I took one capsule this morning and within minutes started to get jittery and weak in the legs – exactly the way I feel when I consume coffee or tea. By the time the symptoms started, I completely forgot that I took the supplement and was wondering how I got caffeinated.

    Then I realized that the only thing that was different today was the Thermoplus, which prompted me to search for “thermoplus caffeine”, which lead to this review.

    The morale is, the side effects might be very common, but they do occur.
  3. I exercise daily, and I just started using thermoplus and slim from advocare. I’m trying to loose weight.

    Will I??
    1. Hey Tara,

      As long as you stick with a good diet and exercise program, you should. Sign up for my free weight loss ebook for guidance on eating and working out.

  4. everybody’s body is different. What works for one doesn’t work for another.

    I found a wonderful lost several inches and lots of fat. find something that works for you and go with it don’t base it on other people’s experiences. I don’t sell AdvoCare but do you buy it from a distributor and get it at a discount.

    Would probably not buy it if I had the posted price online because of the expense. Get what you pay for and it’s pretty good stuff

    1. Hey Leah,

      I completely agree. That’s why we review so many different supplements.

      There’s something for everyone, but not necessarily the same thing!

  5. I did the 24day, loved it! And decided to add the thermo plus with it.

    I have used oxy elite before and it literally gave me the same results. But oxy elite cost more and has a very bad side effect that made me stop taking it.

    This product as well as the 24 day challenge helped me lose fat , not weight, I work out on a regular basis and kinda hit a plateau. this product helped me lose some body fat with out hurting my muscle growth safely, now I can see more definition. To many people go by the scale when they need to go by the mirror, and don’t fully understand a supplement is meant to supplement, not replace or perform miracles.

    You need diet and a good workout routine. My buddy sells advocare I trust him, and the products are made by real doctors you can look up and read their credentials , and is backed by pro athletes.

    The products worked for me. You get what you pay for. weather you want to admit it or not. why be cheap with your health the stuff literally goes inside you.

  6. I also bought into the Advocare “group” mentality. Did the cleanse and tried all their products.

    At the time the cleanse and barrage of products work because hey you are most likely going from a unhealthy diet to a cleanse. Yes you are going to lose weight.

    Now on to thermoplus. Yes it gave me a small appetite suppressant but with other people in my group It didn’t so they gave me theirs.

    Other than that I didn’t see any benefit overall. I’m going to finish off this last bottle and move on.

    Out of ten I give this a five. I would not buy again.

    Not matter how charismatic the girl selling it is 🙂
  7. Good overall unbiased review of Thermoplus. I have take other fat burners before like OxyElite Pro, the old 1.3 dmma version, and loved the results but pretty narly side effects. I think Thermoplus gives me a slight boost without the sides.

    Going to be posting some before and after pictures for my next bottle.
  8. I have been using Advocare products since November 2012, starting with the cleanse. Since then, I have not found them to help aid me in my weight loss efforts and Advocare products are not cheap.

    When I finish the products I have, I will not continuing Advocare.

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