Apex IP Review – Free Trial or Scam?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 6-1-2015

Home » Pre Workout » Apex IP Review – Free Trial or Scam?

Apex IP Overview

If you’re looking for the perfect pre workout formula, you are not alone. It’s pretty much the holy grail of bodybuilding supplements. It’s the one that gets you going, keeps you motivated, enables you to push further and harder, and gets you those results you work so hard for. For that reason, guys put a lot of effort into finding the right one. And for that reason, we get just bombarded with options from reputable and not-so-
reputable companies all the time.

Apex IP is the pre workout companion to the Apex T testosterone boosting supplement. The two are advertised both separately and together, as offering the perfect complement to your workout. The IP stands for “Incredible Pump” and what it promises actually depends on where you look.

APEX IP ReviewPhony Advertising

Most guys will come across Apex IP in what looks like a Men’s Health article. It’s not a real article, and it’s not Men’s Health. If you look closely, you’ll see that the “article” is really an advertisement, and the “magazine” is “Men’s Life & Health”, and it really isn’t a magazine at all. In this “article”, it says that a stack of Apex IP and Apex T is the secret that celebrities use to get into shape quickly for upcoming acting roles. The specific one I read today is that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Mark Wahlberg have used this combination. It goes on to say that the dual purposes of Apex IP are fat
burning and detoxification. Wait, what? I thought this was a pre workout. Now I’m
really confused.

You see, it’s all a scam. This “article” was written long ago. Every couple of months,
they plug in a new couple of supplements and don’t even bother changing anything else in
the article. This month they say Apex IP is the fat burner and detoxifier. Next month
it’ll be another product, all using the same fake article in the same fake magazine.

Apex IP Ingredients and How The Work

You can’t really trust anything you read about Apex IP, and here’s another example to
demonstrate that. They say the number one ingredient in the Apex IP formula is Nitric
Oxide. No supplements actually contain NO. It’s produce in the body. There are
ingredients that can help you produce more NO, but NO as an ingredient just isn’t real.
After that, they say there’s Vitamin B12, Arginine, AKG, and BCAAs. Remember how that
article said Apex IP is a fat burner/detoxifier? That formula would not help
significantly with either goal.

Where to Buy Apex IP (Free Trial Scam)

Like all the other supplements marketed in these phony articles, Apex IP is only
available through a free trial offer. This means that you pay only shipping charges up
front and they send you a full bottle. If, after 14 days you haven’t called to cancel,
they’ll charge your credit card the full amount which is usually somewhere in the
vicinity of $80. Not only that, but you’ll also be sent a new bottle every month for
that same $80 charge. That’s pretty pricey for sure, but if you agreed to it that would
be one thing. But they bury the information deep in the fine print of the terms and
conditions so almost nobody knows ahead of time what they’re getting into.

One thing I’ve noticed about Apex IP is that currently, it seems like you can’t even sign
up for the free trial. If you click the link to place an order, it takes you to the
order page of a supplement called Power Precision. This is further evidence that these
supplements are all pretty much interchangeable to the marketing company.


Where there’s a market, there will be people trying to take advantage. It’s human nature
I guess. Apex IP is a product put out there to take advantage of guys who want the
latest and greatest supplement to help them reach some of their toughest goals. Don’t get
caught up in the scam. Stay away from Apex IP.

Have You Used Apex IP? Leave Your Review Below!


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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

One comment on “Apex IP Review – Free Trial or Scam?”

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  1. What a ripoff. I’m going through the exact same thing.

    I fell for this and missed the 14 day detail.
    The Customer Service is nonexistent. Rudeness and misinformation is their forte.

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