Beyond Human Testosterone Review – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller
8 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 8-20-2015

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Beyond Human Testosterone Review – Does It Work?

Beyond Human Testosterone Overview

It’s no secret that once you get beyond a certain age, the amount of testosterone your body naturally produces starts to decline. Really, you’re at your peak in your late teens and early twenties, but when you start hitting those mid thirties, it starts to get noticeable. You get put on fat and get tired more easily, you lack energy to get through the day and motivation to get things done. Workouts that used to produce results just don’t have the same effect they used to. And the one symptom you probably never saw coming – your sex drive plummets.

None of this necessarily indicates a need for serious hormone replacement therapy. It’s just the natural course of things. But that doesn’t mean you want to take it lying down. That’s where natural testosterone boosters come in, and I was recently asked to take a look into Beyond Human Testosterone as a possibility. Beyond Human Testosterone is only available online through an informative, yet very hard-selling website. The claim is basically that while taking Beyond Human Testosterone, your body will start the production process back up and reverse the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

Beyond Human testosterone reviewsBeyond Human Testosterone Ingredients and How They Work

Included in the informative website is a list the two main ingredients in the Beyond Human Testosterone proprietary formula. They are:

  • Cordyceps Sinensis which is known as a “magic mushroom” with aphrodisiac properties that transform sexual thoughts into hormonal impulses. A recent clinical test in Japan showed that use of Cordyceps improved the situation for 64% of the impotent men who used it.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which provides energy by increasing your body’s own natural production of testosterone. It signals the pituitary gland to release an increased amount of luteinizing hormone, which then signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone. Studies have indicated that the use of Tribulus provides and improvement in both energy and libido, both direct results of an increase in testosterone.
  • Zinc plays a major role in helping to produce more testosterone, and is naturally found in many of the foods you eat everyday.
  • Fenugreek Seed Extract, which is actually commonly used to help with symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men, has also been shown anecdotally to help increase testosterone levels in healthy men.

Click Here to see a photo of the label.

Beyond Human Testosterone Pros and Cons

Advantages of Beyond Human Testosterone

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • Your order may come with free gifts.

Disadvantages of Beyond Human Testosterone

  • The ingredient list is very small.
  • The claims are extremely exaggerated.
  • There are no independent Beyond Human Testosterone reviews, unrelated to the website, to help give an indication of how this stuff is working for real guys.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Beyond Human Testosterone through the website. There are a number of different packages available. If you just want a one month supply, it will cost you $67, but you’ll pay $199.80 for 4 bottles. Both orders come with free men’s health ebooks. The money back guarantee is explained in 2 very conflicting ways. It’s advertised as a 90 day money back guarantee that includes an extra $100 just for trying, but the terms and conditions page of the website explains that you must call and return your product within 30 days, you’ll be charged a $10 restocking fee, and there’s no mention of the $100.


We’d all like to find that fountain of youth, and the people that sell products like Beyond Human Testosterone know this. That’s why they make exaggerated claims in the hope of luring you in. Don’t be fooled. This 2-ingredient concoction is not likely to boost your testosterone production, and the confusing terms don’t instill a sense of trust.

Have You Used Beyond Human Testosterone? Leave Your Review Below!


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User Questions and Answers

How do I stop the automatic billing / automatic shipment of Beyond Human Testosterone? -john

You'll have to send them an email, here's their address: Rob

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7 out of 7 people found this question helpful.

What is the dosage and is there a best time to take the supplement? -Joe

Follow the instructions on the bottle.- Rob

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1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.

If a man has heart conditions and takes many pills for pain and blood pressure, is it safe for me to take? -Michael

That's really a question best reserved for your doctor. I have a picture of the label here. Next time you visit your doctor show him the photo and he'll let you know.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

26 comments on “Beyond Human Testosterone Review – Does It Work?”

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    1. Don’t you guys read the comments haha. Let’s try this one…more…time…We do NOT sell Beyond Human Testosterone.

      We just reviewed it. If anyone else places a question regarding an order it will be deleted.

      For anyone with a question about their order, here is there contact info:

      PHONE #: 1-800-996-5122
      Customer Support email:

  1. Please cancel my future orders the product does not work for me .
    On the 9th July you charged me for product i did not order ,no more .

    Please respond that you will cease charges and deliveries.
    Roger Allsop.

  2. One star is too high!! I used this product for approximately 3.5 weeks. I saw no increase in any of the categories stated in the advertisement.

    I did develop minor heartburn and indigestion direct after consuming the product. I do not believe that it is worth the money. the return process is questionable, I sent emails that were answered with “we will send you the return info” but never saw anything, I called again and he said it was sent but he would re-send it, poof magically it appeared in one minute. (was it ever sent?) I returned the product at a cost to me.

    Called 4 days after the USPS tracking said it arrived. talked to Mark and he said he would start the refund process and I should see a credit to my card in 3-5 business days. still waiting for my refund. I guess my point is… they will do nothing for you unless you get in their face.

    Unless you have a lot of time to invest do what Betty Ford urged you to do in the eighties and “just say NO”. have fun and enjoy your life.
    1. Hey Stephen,

      I don’t see an email from you, but if you resend your question, I’d be happy to answer. I don’t have any connection, however, with Beyond Human Testosterone.

      If you need to speak with them about their product, you’ll have to get in touch with them directly.

  3. I cancelled order #36155151 and requested you confirm same…I have not yet received your confirmation…please reply to email
    1. Hey Robert,

      Sorry, but we’re a review website. We don’t sell anything.

      You’ll have to get in touch with Beyond Human Testosterone to see if they’ve gotten your cancellation. I don’t have any contact information for them.

      Hopefully you’ve got that. You should be able to find it on your credit card statement.

    1. Hey Greg,

      Based on the feedback I’ve seen, I don’t think so.

    1. Hey Louis,

      We are a review site. We don’t sell Beyond Human Testosterone or any other supplements.

      To cancel your order, you’ll need get in touch with Beyond Human Testosterone. I looked up their number for you.

      It’s 1-800-996-5122. Good luck.


    1. Hey Gerald,

      We are a review site. We don’t sell Beyond Human Testosterone or any other supplements.

      To cancel your order, you’ll need get in touch with Beyond Human Testosterone. I looked up their number for you.

      It’s 1-800-996-5122.

  5. my name is Emmanuel Agyei i purchased some of product two months i took advantage of the promotion you were making and did ordered $239.00more but up to date i’ve not received myorders. I called customer service and i was told they will contact shiping and get to me but up to date no one has dare called me. please if you are going to sell the stuff kindly credit back to my card the amount.thank

    1. Hey Emmanuel,

      We don’t sell products here. We are a review site, and we don’t recommend this one.

      I’m sorry, but you’ll have to get back in touch with the Beyond Human Testosterone company.

  6. dont bother , its desiccated cardboard in capsules, should of realized as when trying to purchase , kept prompting me 5 times to buy more of the stuff before i came to the page where i could pay , just a con a cheat or what ever you want to call it , but chaps dont waste your time or money
  7. i think you guys are very dishonest because keep charging people even they only bought ones from you also charging extra for something else ,i only bought 3 items and i have been charged extra for the fish oil why would i buy a wish oil from usa new zealand makes the best of it and cheaper ,,so please stop taking money from my account ,i had to contact with bank to stop to payment ,regards ozgur new zealand
  8. hello,rob,i am gratfull to find youre website.
    i was about to try all caan of stuff to get my thing going better,like beyondhuman so i decide to try..testfuell insteed
    give you some news later,i am going to recive it next week.
    thank you for youre website,it help a lot.
  9. Sorry Rob, I’ve just found you’re review of Beyond Human Testosterone Booster, and thanks so much for doing what you do and help me from losing some well earned $. I’ll be trying another of your recommendations.

    Cheers john
    1. Hey John,

      Thanks John. That’s great to hear.

      Let me know if I can help you out any further.

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