Enoxide Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-27-2013

enoxide reviewsBodybuilders and athletes are beginning to understand the functions in the human body like never before. Sports medicine and the many different kinds of supplements are bringing an all new vocabulary into the world of competitive sports and everyday fitness. This is the reason that so many athletes and bodybuilders know the term “nitric oxide”.

This is because it is a substance that naturally occurs in the human body and it works as a vasodilator that helps increase blood, nutrient, and oxygen delivery to the muscles. There are some nutrients and minerals we can consume in order to increase the amount of NO in the body, but we were surprised to hear of a product that delivered NO to the body in a pure form. This is what eNoxide from MuscleMeds claims to do. We decided to investigate this product to determine the ingredients and to also find out from actual bodybuilders or athletes if they felt any unique or improved effects when using it.

How Does Enoxide Work?

As stated, eNoxide claims to bypass the use of ingredients like Arginine or Beta Alanine and instead feed the body a direct supply of NO. This is done through the use of a “nitric oxide promoting molecule – 2-(nitrooxy)ethyl 2-amino-3-methylbutanoate”. The list of ingredients proves that this is truly the only material in the product. No fillers, no additional minerals or nutrients…just 40 tablets each holding pure nitric oxide. How is it done?

The manufacturer explains that they went around the use of NO precursors and simply turned to Exogenous Nitric Oxide Molecules (called ENOMS) instead. This approach delivers NO immediately into the bloodstream rather than waiting for the bodily processes to break down nutrients or minerals and convert them into NO.

User Reviews and Feedback We Found

So, does it work? When we began to look at consumer reviews we saw straight away that a lot of the users found it to be nearly flawless in its performance. Those who left positive feedback for eNoxide, however, did not always say that it was an ideal product. For one thing, almost all users hated the taste. In fact, some said that the flavor was so bad, and that the need to dissolve the tablet beneath the tongue, ensured that they would not stick with the product. The real question, however, was in the “pumps” and eNoxide did tend to receive a consistently high rating in this area.

People commented on enhanced intensity, fast absorption and effects, and “unbelievable” results. As a pre-workout supplement many bodybuilders advocated for its use. Some, however, complained of the absence of a stimulant such as caffeine and the fact that there is a strong recommendation against using any additional supplementation along with the eNoxide formula. One of the comments suggested that a workout using this product should be followed up by a protein shake of some kind to help with any lingering soreness.

Where To Buy

The price of the eNoxide supplement was also a bit of a problem for many of the people who left reviews or feedback online too. A single box contains 40 tablets, and has an average price of $60. A single serving, however, will vary according to body weight and all people over 200 pounds have to use two tablets at a time. This is a reason that some people actually hesitated to try the product. The upside is that it must be used for only 8 weeks at a time before a “break” is required.


We would say that the eNoxide supplement does deliver on its claims, but that we would not recommend using it until some of the “glitches” have been worked out. When we read a review claiming that it tasted like bleach on the tongue, we knew that the manufacturer would have to “rethink” this one before they could develop a strong market.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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