MegaMagnum Review, Side Effects, Ingredients, and More

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 12-19-2013

Home » Male Enhancement » MegaMagnum Review, Side Effects, Ingredients, and More

/wpIt’s quite comical to see the sheer amount of blogs and male enhancement pills on the internet that make extraordinary claims to gain size, but they continue to sprout up.  One such supplement, called Megamagnum, promises gains of as much as 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth, by using their particular product.  Well, the manufacturer does not specifically make the claim, but they do have a testimonial on their home page that indicates so.  Claims like these should be considered carefully, so we decided to review this product for its claims, and see if guys like me and you actually did make gains.

Mega Magnum in a Nutshell

Their website is pretty straightforward, and talks about their reputation, including being involved in the industry for 8 years.  They say they are #1 in Male Enhancement, but what exactly does that mean?  Were they rated by some consumer reporting agency, or did they win some award from the Porn Actors Guild or something?

We searched through their FAQ section to find a list of ingredients, but came up short.  They do mention that their particular product contains yohimbe, but that’s it.  Determined to find an answer, we scoured the internet to see if anyone had a bottle on them which they could read us a list of the ingredients.  Again, nothing.  It seems that they do not want us to know what is in their pills i guess.

Update! 5-19-2011

MegaMagnum does not contain Yohimbe!  We have had several customers send us the ingredients on the bottle, and it does not contain yohimbe.  The full list of ingredients in megamagnum are as follows:

Niacin 50 mg (per serving) 250% (dv)
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 26 mg (per serving) 173% (dv)

Property blend 1145mg:
Meca (tuber), catuaba (bark), muira puama (bark), L-arginine(hci), barrenwort (aerial), tributes (herb), cola (seed), oatstraw (grassy stalks), stinging nettle (leaves), pumpkin (seed), ginger (root), cayenne (25,000 hu)(fruit), American. Ginseng (root), eleuthero (root), Asian ginseng (root), sarsaparilla (root), orchic substance (bovine), born citrate.

Since it doesn’t contain any harmful stimulants, it is unlikely you will get any mega magnum side effects.

Who Has Used it?

We posed the question on yahoo answers, as well as a few other forums and discussion boards, and a few guys said they actually ordered it.  Their are no reviews on their official site (other than the one on their homepage), and there are just a few other third party sites that talk about it, though no one has used it.  Take a look at the reviews posted below in the comments section of this page.

So Does It Work?

Good Question!  It’s hard for us to say, considering no one has claimed to use it.  Like alot of male enhancement pills, they have a good chance of helping you gain a harder erection, and last longer.  From personal experience, most of these pills give us a good quality erection, with very little side effects.  What does need to be noted is that Megamagnum does contain yohimbe, which by an large, is not a very safe product.  Read about the adverse side effects of yohimbe here.

Best Price and Where To Buy

Well it looks like megamagnum is only available on the internet, and you can only buy it on its official site.  It is not sold in stores, and the average retail price is, well $80 for a months supply.  The price gets cheaper as you order higher quantities, but tops out at $130 for a 90 day supply.  The official site is


No pill will make you bigger on its own, and that has been proven time and time again.  However, megamagnum does include a free enlargement exercise guide to go along with its pills, so there is a chance you may receive some desired results.  Its always best to check with your doctor before trying out any of these supplements, especially ones that contain yohimbe.  It’s not the cheapest male enhancer on the market, but there might be a chance it can work for you.  If you do decide to use it, please contact us and let us know how it worked for you.

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Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

45 comments on “MegaMagnum Review, Side Effects, Ingredients, and More”

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    1. Hey Trenton,

      Normally, you would go to their website and place an order, but I just checked and it looks like maybe the website has been taken offline. If you’re looking for performance enhancement, check out”>VigRx Plus.

    1. You’d have to visit their official site to order. Despite the claims, I really don’t think you will get permanent gains in size from Megamagnum (or really any supplement for that matter). If you are looking for something to gain length and girth, check out either an extender device like Size Genetics, or a water based pump called the Bathmate Hydro Pump. Check out my reviews here:

      Size Genetics –

      Bathmate Hydro Pump –

  1. hey guys,
    i bought nitropumpXL an magnum+ a few months ago an never tried them because i was satisfied with my size. but now i’m a little curious what they could really do an was wondering if anyone can give me some info on when to take them as a daily routine ? if anyone could write back with info or point me to a site that gives the info id appreciated it a lot.
  2. this is a scam they will charge you $63 with out you knowing dont waist your time or money bad people
  3. I’ve been taking Mega for about a month now and i’ve noticed about a 1/2 – 1″ gain and lot of girth which i’m really happy about…

    I’m big already so the girth now compliments the length…i’d suggest taking this product for another two months…also do your penis exercising on the daily…that keeps it stretching longer….good luck…
  4. Hey guys,

    I’m just as curious as all of you. I just received my shipment of 3 months supply of MegaMagnum. 3 bottles with 60 pills a piece, taking 2 pills once a day.

    I’ve taken pictures and measurements just to be safe to see any enlargement whatsoever. I personally don’t care about getting harder erections because that’s not really a problem… But instead I’m looking for an increase in length and girth.

    I’ll be posting here frequently to track my progress.
  5. Hey I would like to know for those who already ordered it….When it came to your house was it in a unmarked box or did it have Megamagnum all over the box just asking for privacy issues.
    1. I ordered it, and it came in a discreet envelope, nothing to say what was in it. Practically all of these products come like this.
  6. do you need to continue taking the product in order for your growth to stay the new size or does your new size go away once you stop taking the supplement
    1. Hey Mitchel,
      The official megamagnum site states that you will indeed gain permanent size. From our experience, it is best to use these and other pills in conjunction with enlargement exercises.

      Hope this helps.

  7. I really want to gain about 2-3 more inches. im 6 inches now and i need more inces added. if anyone please can point me in the right direction i would appreciate it.!!
  8. Hey guys I’m only 18 yrs old and this is my third week on this amazing product!!! I did see 2inch in length and 1in girth woow this is amazing!!!! My girlfriend begs for more!! Lol, But!!!

    I’m also supplemented with VIGRX I’M NOW 9 INCHES!!!! Mybe its cuz I mixed it Idk but they both work to me handsdown to both fantastic supplements!!
    1. DC,
      I too am 18 years old. I am pretty self-conscience of my size and I was wondering does this stuff really work?

      I want it to be bigger and stay bigger. Im not to sure what to do! please write back!

  9. I’m not sure whether it’s because I’m skipping days, but I haven’t noticed an increase in size.. But it’s only been about a week, So I’ll be updating once my supplement is done.

  10. I agree im a bit of a skeptic as well. I ordered the month free of Mega Magnum.

    I am curious to know if I will see any results will taking it. It would be nice to have some feedback as well.

  11. I’m a skeptic but I would like to try this product so if any of you guys on here has actually used the product I’d like to hear about the results and your opinion
  12. I’ve been taking it for 4 months (they had a deal $129 for 3 months) and it’s working. definitely noticing my penis is a lot harder then it used to be…
    1. Nothing in the ingredients list suggests to me that it is dangerous to take Megamagnum. That being said, I would check with your doctor before starting any supplement regiment.

      Has anyone been getting results with this? Please post a comment here so we can all here about it!

      1. I actually kind of liked Megamagnum, but I did NOT see any major size gains from taking it. It did make me hard as a rock though!

        I don’t know where the company gets away with making these claims, but they gotta stop.
  13. Ingredient List for mega magnum..
    Niacin 50 mg (per serving) 250% (dv)
    Zinc (as zinc oxide) 26 mg (per serving) 173% (dv)

    Property blend 1145mg:
    Meca (tuber), catuaba (bark), muira puama (bark), L-arginine(hci), barrenwort (aerial), tributes (herb), cola (seed), oatstraw (grassy stalks), stinging nettle (leaves), pumpkin (seed), ginger (root), cayenne (25,000 hu)(fruit), American.

    Ginseng (root), eleuthero (root), Asian ginseng (root), sarsaparilla (root), orchic substance (bovine), born citrate.
    1. Thanks alot Oni. That was one of the major downsides of mega magnum, but now that we know the ingredients, at least we know what the heck we are putting into our stomachs.

  14. i just recieved this product in the mail only days ago and it has all of the ingredients listed on the bottle.
    i would be more than happy to list every ingredient if i could be provided with an answer as to whether or not it is actually safe for me to consume.
    1. hey thomas,
      yes please provide me with a list of the ingredients. The website originally did say that it contained yohimbe, but it looks like it has been removed.

      What does it have?

  15. iv used it for 3 months and only gained 1 inch long by and inch wide, but still worth it for the 129.99 i paid. 7 to 8 and 1 two 2 is a big diff to a girl.
  16. Has anyone used this for more than a month? I saw a blog about some guy that used mega magnum with nitro force max and he said he gained like 3 inches in his penis size.

    Is this legit or not?

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