MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 8-3-2014

Home » Pre Workout » MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout Review

MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout Overview

MMUSA is a group of athletes, coaches, and scientists who began researching and developing products in 1995 and have never looked back. Their philosophy is that you can improve your performance through supplementation, but you don’t have to sacrifice your health or risk forming a habit. Their MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout formula is an example of that. It seeks to provide all the benefits of the best pre workout supplements in the business, without using all sorts of questionable stimulants and ingredients.

You would use MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout before working out if you want to push your muscle performance to the max, grow lean muscle quickly, increase muscle energy and muscle endurance, and improve your focus. A look at the ingredients can help us determine whether or not MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout lives up to these goals.

MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout ReviewMMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout Ingredients and How They Work

The MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout formula includes:

  • Vitamin C which is an antioxidant to help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.
  • Niacin which helps produce cellular energy.
  • Vitamin B6 which helps metabolize carbohydrates into energy and muscle.
  • Folate which repairs DNA and feeds red blood cells.
  • Vitamin B12 which you need for healthy blood cells an aerobic performance.
  • Creatinol-O-Phosphate which increases muscle energy and strength so you an lift more and harder.
  • Beta Alanine which triggers muscle strength and growth.
  • Calcium HMB which improves muscle contractions and increases bone strength.
  • Coenzyme A which helps the metabolism of fat and carbs.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which enhances your mood.
  • Coenzyme Q10 which is an antioxidant to fight free radicals and also supports high energy metabolism.
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.

The recommended dose is 21 grams taking with water about 30 minutes before working out.

MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout Pros and Cons

Advantages of MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout

  • It’s ingredient profile is comprehensive.
  • There are 38 servings in a tub, that’s more than a month’s worth.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout

  • It’s expensive.
  • There are no MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout reviews from customers so it’s tough to tell how well it works for regular guys who’ve used it. This is unusual. You can usually find tons of customer feedback for pre workouts.

Where to Buy

You can purchase MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout though the MMUSA website. The 38 serving tub costs $79.99. It’s also sold through other online retailers, and the prices are usually lower.


One of the best ways to get a good idea of how well a pre workout supplement will work is to see what guys who’ve used it have to say about it. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any of this kind of feedback for MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout. With that said, and the high cost, I would say there are better choices for you than this.

Have You Used MMUSA Massive Dynamics Pre Workout? Leave Your Review Below!


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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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