Nuclear NO Supplement Review – Does It Really Work?

By: Rob Miller
6 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 5-30-2013

Home » Pre Workout » Nuclear NO Supplement Review – Does It Really Work?

If you’re determined to get big, ripped, toned, or all of the above in the gym, you may need a little help.  Most serious bodybuilders take supplements to help them achieve their goals, and a lot of regular guys just wanting to look and feel good too.  Which supplement to take, now that’s the million dollar question.

Nuclear NO belongs to the pre-workout supplement category.  It amps you up a bit and gets your blood going so you’ve got more energy at the outset, better strength for each lift, and more endurance so you can go farther and get bigger.

Nuclear NO is pretty new to the market so there’s not a lot of information out there yet.  We looked at a couple of links that were supposed to take us to the official website where we could find out more, but the links went nowhere.  Obviously, not a good thing.  And being so new, reviews are scarce as well.

Nuclear NO Ingredients 

nuclear no supplement mens healthSpeaking of scarce, the formula for Nuclear NO is apparently currently a secret.  The list is nowhere to be found.  But knowing that it’s a pre-workout supplement and judging from the name, we’ve got a pretty good idea of some of the formula basics.  Generally speaking, pre-workouts have a nitric oxide component and an energy component.  Nitric Oxide is probably boosted by something like L-Arginine which is an amino acid building block for NO.  Energy is probably taken care of by a mild stimulant like caffeine.

How Nuclear NO Works 

When you increase the amount of nitric oxide in your body, your blood vessels relax and open up, allowing more blood to flow through more freely.  This helps workouts by delivering more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles to nourish and replenish them as you work out.  Muscles are stronger, they work harder, and they repair themselves more quickly.

Where to Buy Nuclear NO 

At this time, the only way to get your hands on Nuclear NO is to accept their free trial offer.  Wait, not so fast.  An bit of explanation is in order.  When you sign up, your credit card is only charged about $5 for shipping and handling, and they send you a month’s supply.  If you do nothing, in a few weeks, your credit card will be charged $87.90 for the product you received, and you’ll be enrolled in an automatic shipping program, for which you’ll be charged $87.90 a month.

Benefits of Nuclear NO 

  • None

Drawbacks of Nuclear NO 

  • No ingredients list is provided.
  • It’s expensive.
  • We found no credible Nuclear NO reviews from customers.
  • The free trial offer is confusing and may easily lead to you paying for something you don’t want, repeatedly month after month.

The Final Word 

The bodybuilding supplement market is wide and deep.  There are so many real, legitimate products out there that you definitely don’t have to settle for some cheap marketing ploy put out there by a company only interested in separating you from your money.  Our recommendation is to leave Nuclear NO alone. 

Have You Used Nuclear NO Supplement?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

34 comments on “Nuclear NO Supplement Review – Does It Really Work?”

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  1. Hey everyone,

    I’m getting ready to return my bottle of nuclear no because i’m cancelling. My question: does it matter how many pills are left in the bottle?

    What if there are only a couple pills left, will they charge me?
    1. Hey Mark,
      Each of these companies have their own set of rules. When you call to cancel, find out what their particular policy is.

      Best of luck to you.

    2. Hey Mark,
      When you call to cancel, find out what their policy is. Most let you return at least one empty bottle, but you’ll want to make sure.

  2. Best to just check the ingredients of these online products and then purchase them from a health food store, or even better, from an online seller like Swanson. I think the main ingredients here are L-Arginine & L-Citruline.

    Both are available from Swanson way cheaper. You can save a bunch by shopping for these items.

    Vitamins, herbs and supplements from
    Whey protein from Sam’s Club (5 lb bag)
    Iron-Tek creatine from health food store
  3. I hate falling for the mail/online “scams”. Just wondering if there are other nitric oxide supplements on the market, that can be obtained without doing it via phone/online.

    I still enjoy paying cash, less headaches and it doesn’t give the “scammers” a foothold into my finances.
    1. Hey Andrew,
      I completely understand. Sometimes it seems like we never hold a product in our hands these days before buying it.

      I’d say stop in to a GNC store. They’ve got BSN and Cellucor products, and they both make NO supplements.

  4. Nuclear NO is a “Bait and Switch”. The so-called “free trial” doesn’t exist.

    I called to cancel and they stated I would be billed for the bottle I received unless i sent it back. Needless to say, I’ll be sending it back. It’s cheaper to send it back than pay for what is likely a useless supplement.

    1. Just wondering who you called to cancel the recurring payments and return the bottle? I neglected to take a number down when I first ordered, and none of their printed materials contain any contract information.

      The whole thing reeks of a scam.

      When I click on the “Free Trial” button now from the website to try to get info, it takes me to a completely different product site.
        1. Thanks Rob. I did finally remember I had a shipment email from them, and I thunk that is the number that was on it.

          However, when I called, they said they couldn’t access my account because the “system was currently down." They said I need to try again tomorrow.

          I bet if I was placing an order their system would be working fine!

  5. I looked into the product and made sure when I placed the original trial order took down the customer service number. After receiving the month supply and taking it for a few days I called to cancel before the 14 days were up.

    Stating it made me irritable and crashed hard after the workout.(Most NO Pre-workout supplements do) They gave me a RMA number and stopped all recurring payments. I called back a few days later after failing to obtain a box and mail the product back.

    With the recurring payments stopped I asked what I could buy the original order for and avoid the run around. They gave it to me for $35.(more appropriate price). Just have to read the fine print whenever something says “FREE”.

    Nothing is free anymore…
  6. Unlike Ernesto I didn’t receive an email response instead I received an email, 2 days later, saying my product is being shipped, even though I emailed a couple minutes after placing the order to cancel my shipment. I called in and the lady, won’t mention her agent number or name, is now saying that it’s my fault that I didn’t call in to cancel when i emailed them to cancel their order.

    Then she blames me for not going further to call, when emails nowadays are sufficient. She even tried to say that she doesn’t send out emails informing customers on the return process because it’s a personal email.

    All online business i’ve dealt with can send emails to people’s personal emails about the return process. Apparently she doesn’t know their system well at all because after I got off the phone I received two emails.

    One email was a cancellation email and the second email was an email with return instructions.
  7. Tried this “free trial” and was just as surprised as everyone else of the charge to my account so I called customer service 866-677-6101 and they gave the standard run around so I got a bit angry and demanded my money back. They then offered to either send me some info so I could return the pills and then they’d refund a portion of the cost or I could opt to just take a 50% refund right away.

    I got a bit angrier, informed them that I knew their business practices were less than legal and informed them that I was going to call the BBB and a lawyer. After being put on hold for a bit I was told I’ll receive a full refund.

    1. Thanks for your comment and advice. I was also duped into this scam.

      I called the next day to cancel the entire account, and after they repeatedly tried to get me to keep the order at a discount, asked if I was sure that I didn’t want to get in the best shape of my life, etc., they finally offered to cancel the autoship and send the bottle to me for just the $4.95 shipping charge. I mentioned the word “scam” and “tricked” a few times and that seems to scare them a bit and prove you are serious and basically that you’re on to them.

      I will be on the lookout for the cancellation email they stated would be sent to me within 24 hours. Will update if this actually happens.

  8. Thanks for the advise I ordered some nuclear but will be cancelling, they were also offering free trial of prolexin can u offer feedback on this
    1. Hey Miguel,
      Sorry I haven’t heard of Prolexin, will need to look into it to give you a better opinion. Check back in a week or so.

  9. Surprisingly, I just emailed them and told them I wanted to cancel my subscription(this was after they charged me the $79). A few days later I received an e-mail thanking me for taking the first charge and that any ongoing charges would take place.

    Then I received an e-mail with a refund confirmation. I checked my bank account and I had my $79 dollars back.

    Now, I’m going to call customer service to see if I have to return the product which I haven’t
  10. You all have to learn a quick lesson in how to con the con… First and foremost. Go out and grab yourself a prepaid visa credit card, now load it with let’s say $7.

    Order your shit from the cons.. Get your free shit… Then laugh as they try to run your empty CC..

    Chuck the CC in the garbage and enjoy.. I use these types of CC’s all the time if I’m unsure of who I’m giving it to..

    1. Hey Curt,
      Good suggestion, but it doesn’t always work. Alot of times these companies have built in filters on their credit card processors that weed out pre-paids and don’t allow the order to process.

      I’m not saying this is 100% of the time, but it is in alot of cases.

  11. It is 4:51 pm on thursday, June 20, 2013, I just got off the phone with Jason, a rep from Nuclear NO. I called to cancel my recurring orders of the product.

    I was advised I had already been charged full price for the bottle I was told I would only have to pay shipping for. My order was placed on May 30, 2013. I was told I was sent an email on June 17, 2013 notifying of the pending charge. I told Jason, the product has done nothing for me in terms of the company’s claims.

    And furthermore, the time allowed to test the product is not sufficient enough to have wether or not the product actually works. I was told the charged of $79.00 and some change would still apply.

    I am outraged at the company for its false claims and also there way of getting over on customers in the “small print." I read the small print, but never did it say the trial period starts from the day you order the product. Not the day you receive it.

    I received my product approximately one week after ordering it despite the company’s claim of delivering within two-three days after ordering.
  12. as well as once i finally found the phone number.i called and asked why i was charged 80 dollars when i never received anything but the first free sample just pay shipping and i was told the charge was for the free sample.this company is a rapist.
  13. i was dumb enough to get the sample of nuclear n.o. and the styropin spray.
    its a scam…it is almost impossible to cancel once you receive your ‘free’ sample.
    i cant find a phone number anywhere.i was billed on 5/22/13 and its 6/6/13 i still havent seen a product.
  14. You referred to A-Arginine in your review of Nuclear NO. While I have never used this product and your assessment of the product was what I suspected, your use of the term A-Arginine seriously compromised the validity of you knowledge of this subject. 19 of the 20 amino acids are present in two forms: D or L and the L being the version with activity within the body.

    I have seen Arginine AKG, which is a combination of the Arginine with Alpha-Ketogluterate. This strictly meant as being constructive as I feel you are offering good info.

    Just thought you should have the info in your description correct even if it happened to be a typo.

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