Power Pump

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-5-2017

/wp content/uploads/2011/03/powerpump1I have been reviewing dozens of products for the past few weeks now, and have tried lots of different products.  Every once in awhile, I review a product without actually testing it, simply because I don’t have the time to take all of these supplements.  Power pump is a product that I came across from a blog that says it can get you jacked and ripped in like 4 weeks.  So I decided, instead of personally trying it, I would read a little bit about it first, then present my findings to you.

To start, this supposed “blog” that I came across talking about this product I feel is a fake.  Actually, I know it is a fake, because it says “Advertorial” at the top of the page.  It also has a similar fake “like” feature, similar to that of Facebook, and the comments at the bottom are also fabricated.  How this particular blog owner gets away with it, one may never know.

Power Pump Facts

So anyway, I went to their official site to learn more about it and review their ingredients.  Apparently, power pump works by increasing the levels of nitric oxide using an ingredient called L-Arginine.  L-Arginine is a precursor to Nitric Oxide, which is something that is naturally produced in the body.  When these levels are increased, it is supposed help nutrients get delivered through your system quicker, and also enhance your muscle building performance.

The ingredients are as follows: L-Arginine, L-Alpha Ketoglutarate, and L-Citrulline.  All of these ingredients are apparently safe to take, and are recommended by leading researchers.

I decided to take a ride down to my local GNC to ask around if they know of anyone that has used power pump, and they said they haven’t even heard of it.  After researching throughout the internet, there appears to be absolutely no one who has physically tried this product out, and talked about it online.  I searched through discussion boards, blogs, third party sites, and came up completely short.

Medical Proof

The claims made by the maker of this supplement are that it is medically backed and doctor approved, but we could not find any info on their website that suggested they had conducted any clinical trials or anything.  They do reference a number of publications that back up the fact that L-Arginine does act as a vasodilator, which expands the blood vessels.

As a matter of fact, we researched it a bit and found that l-arginine, when used in a recent study on 50 males, actually did contain male enhancement qualities similar to that of Viagra.  It opens up the arterys and blood vessels that fill the cell wall of the penis, which allows for more blood to flow to the penis during an erection.

So Does Power Pump Actually Work?

It’s hard to say as of this review as to whether or not power pump actually does work to promote strength gains.  There are customer testimonials on the site itself, but no indication from any other sites like bodybuilding.com or menshealth.com that other guys have used it.  If you are that concerned about whether or not it works, we recommend that you order a one months supply and test it out yourself.  Once you are done, you can send us your results and we will publish them here.

Reviews We Have Received

“i ordered a months supply for powerpump no formula about 6-7 months ago and i did not see any results at all. all it did was block my ears. fail of a product do not recommend it at all! haha”
– Nathan

Our Top Choice For Muscle Building – Nitric Pure

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What’s even better is that it comes with a 30-day unconditional money back guarantee, which means if you don’t think it works, you get your money back, period.  This preworkout tablet is also available for a limited time only as a free trial, just pay shipping and handling.  Click Here To Learn More About Nitric Pure..

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

4 comments on “Power Pump”

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  1. I am taking power pump no formula and wondering Will it work…….I run track and play basketball but I have been searching for something to increase the enhancement of my muscles
    1. Hey AJ,
      I haven’t tried Power Pump myself, but from what I hear, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. If your looking for a good pre-workout supplement, go with Nitrocut instead.

  2. Hey,
    I’m 16 years old and wondering what products will help me burn fat more quickly, and pack on muscle as well. I’m not really overweight, I would like to just get stronger, faster.

    Would there or different pills work? An is there a problem with taking these at my age?

    1. Hey John,
      At 16, you are a little too young to start taking any of these supplements. A healthy diet and exercise should do the trick right now, sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear.


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