Procomil Spray Review – The One Big Thing To Look Out For

By: Rob Miller
2 User Reviews
MD Reviewed By: Helen Okoye, MD What's This?
Fact Checked On: 6-16-2023

Home » Male Enhancement » Procomil Spray Review – The One Big Thing To Look Out For


Fake Procomil Spray
Does It Matter
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
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1. Procomil Spray Overview

Procomil Spray Overview

Procomil Spray is male enhancement spray for men who wish to prolong their sexual experience. You may be suffering with premature ejaculation issues, or you may just want to provide a longer period of enjoyment for your partner.

In either case, a few sprays of Procomil Spray to the penis will desensitize you enough to last longer, for you and for her.


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Procomil Spray is made by a German supplement and herbal tonic company called Walter Ritter Pharmaceutica. Their website identifies Procomil Spray as one of their products, but doesn’t go much further toward explaining or promoting it. It’s sold by independent retailers, and the information they provide is also very brief. They’ve got the basics, but no testimonials, clinical tests, or ingredient information. Without these, it’s difficult to get a full, fleshed out picture of Procomil Spray, but we’ve put together what’s out there to come up with the best informed opinion we could.

Procomil Spray Ingredients and How They Work2. Procomil Spray Ingredients and How They Work

There is only one ingredient mentioned in connection with Procomil Spray, and that is Lidocaine. Lidocaine is a topical analgesic that prevents electrical impulses from being passed along to the brain. (Source) What you’re left with is a numbed sensation that makes you less able to feel stimulation. When you feel less friction in your penis, you will able to withstand more sexual activity before reaching climax.

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You should spray 2 or 3 sprays directly to the penis, rub it in, then immediately wash your hands so they don’t feel numb as well. There is no information available about whether or not Procomil Spray works with condoms, but there is no known interference between lidocaine and latex, so it shouldn’t be a problem. You’ll want to verify that with a doctor or on the packaging.

3. Fake Procomil Spray

Fake Procomil Spray

The biggest thing to note about Procomil Spray is that apparently, there are a bunch of retailers selling a fake version and trying to pass it off as the real thing.

I’ve heard that what they’re selling on ebay is fake, but truthfully, it’s tough to be sure.

Here are a few of the things to look for:

  • The real Procomil Spray has a stripe across the box that is dark yellow in color, almost like a mustard brownish yellow. while the fake version’s stripe has more of a bright yellow color.

    Though it’s tough to tell when you are not comparing the two side by side.

  • There is an image of a man’s head and shoulders on the box.

    On some packages, the man’s head and shoulders is all there is in the image.

    On other packages, there’s an image of a women laying under sheets in the distance over the man’s shoulder.

    I haven’t been able to determine which image is real and which is fake, but that would be a good clue if we knew.

The fake version also has a tell tale sign on it’s sprayer.

The real Procomil Spray has an all-white sprayer with no markings.

The sprayer on the fake version has a black dot on the side and a triangular shaped indentation on the top.

You’d have to open the box to spot these differences, so make sure you do so carefully so as not to void any money back guarantee that might be in place.Basically, a good rule of thumb would be not to get too excited when you see some Procomil Spray at a deeply discounted price. That’s probably your best sign that the stuff is fake.

It should at least be a red flag that gets you looking for the other signs.

4. Does It Matter If You Get the Fake Procomil?

According to the feedback of guys who’ve used both the real Procomil Spray and the fake stuff, the difference is that with the real Procomil, you don’t get actually numb, but with the fake stuff, you can’t really feel anything at all.If that’s true, that alone makes it worth getting the real stuff if you plan on mutual satisfaction.. and I know you do.

5. Procomil Spray Pros and Cons

There is good and bad to consider about every product you’re thinking about using. A quick comparison of the two is always an easy way to help make the right decision.

Advantages of Procomil Spray

Advantages of Procomil Spray

  • It is simply to use.
  • It numbs your penis so you should last longer.

Disadvantages of Procomil Spray

Disadvantages of Procomil Spray

  • There’s not a lot of information about Procomil Spray available.
  • It is not conducive to oral sex.
  • It is unclear whether or not it will work with condoms.
  • There are a couple of Procomil Spray reviews out there on PE forums, and a common complaint is that it makes you too numb to keep an erection.

6. Where to Buy

Procomil Spray is available through a number of online retailers. The ½ ounce bottle sells for anywhere from $12 to $18. It’s not sold from the manufacturer’s website, so any money back guarantee would have to come from the particular retailer you use.

Exercise caution with which retailer you choose to get it from.

7. Conclusion

Premature ejaculation procomil spray

Premature ejaculation can be a difficult and embarrassing issue to deal with. Numbing creams and sprays have become a popular way to help keep it under control. There are a vast number of competitors offerings similar topical “slow down” solutions for premature ejaculation.

It would seem that Procomil Spray is no better than any other spray you might try, and with the limited information available, there really isn’t any reason we can come up with to choose Procomil Spray over anything else. If this is a persistent problem for you, you should visit your doctor to rule out any underlying problem that may be causing this particular symptom.

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User Reviews

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King's Review

By King,  Jul 5, 2015

I have used Procomil Spray before. I have no idea what these people are talking about.

I just sprayed twice (a little bit) on my penis head and that was it. It was straight magic.

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28 out of 32 people found this review helpful.

Procomil spray

By Danny,  Jun 26, 2014

I have used the Procomil spray for some time now but is not 100% reliable.

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17 out of 21 people found this review helpful.

Need A TRULY Effective Desensitizing Cream? Check Out Our Vigrx Delay Spray Review Here!

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User Questions and Answers

Where and when I can spray Procomil at my dick, because it works for me sometimes and at times it doesn't work? -Victor

Spray 2 or 3 sprays and rub it in about 10 minutes or so before having sex.  Make sure you wash your hands right after so they don't go numb too.- Rob

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I have Procomil spray, it was expired 15 days ago, shall I use the same bottle? -Srinic

I wouldn't think it would be a problem, but it's your call.- Rob

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16 out of 18 people found this question helpful.

Is it safe to use Procomil during the third month of pregnancy? -Kamal

According to the company web page, you should not use Procomil Spray during pregnancy.- Rob

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Where and how do I buy Procomil online? What is the price? Any contact to buy through a phone call? -Mr. Wong

Procomil Spray is available through a number of online retailers.  Do a Google Shopping search and you'll find them. The ½ ounce bottle sells for anywhere from $12 to $18.- Rob

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What are the possible outcomes when you use Procomil more often? -Ibraheem

As far as I know, it hasn't been tested in a clinical setting in that way. The ingredients are believed to be safe, but if you feel any discomfort using it, you should cut back.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

Medical Reviewer: Helen Okoye, MD

Dr Okoye

Dr. Helen Okoye is an American Public Health Physician, Health Care Executive, Researcher, Entrepreneur with a Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD), an MBA in Healthcare Management, and a Masters in Epidemiology/Public Health). Her specific responsibilities for Supplement Critique including reviewing previously published articles for accuracy and relevancy. Her expert opinion was featured on NBC News for the President’s physical exam. Learn more about Dr. Okoye here. Follow here on Twitter and Instagram.

37 comments on “Procomil Spray Review – The One Big Thing To Look Out For”

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  1. I have questions about Procomil. We will apply 2-3 times, wait some time.

    In the meantime, the penis will be numb, how we will get an erection then?

    1. Hey Riz,
      Procomil spray is intended as a premature ejaculation spray, so you should be able to get an erection like you normally would (ie through masturbation/stimulation).
    1. Hey Adam,

      The label doesn’t mention a warning not to, so chances are it’s fine, though I don’t know for sure.
  2. I have used Promocil 3 times and it didn’t fulfill my requirement, and my wife got a severe infection on the vagina, don’t know what to do.
    1. Hey F,
      I would recommend you check out either a supplement called Prosolution Plus, or a spray called Vigrx Delay Spray. The Prosolution Plus is the best pill I’ve ever tested for PE issues, and the Vigrx Delay spray uses a totally different active ingredient called Benzocaine that won’t cause infections or other side effects.

      Check out my reviews of each below:

      Prosolution Plus –

      Vigrx Delay Spray –

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
    1. Hey Sanjewa,

      There are no side effects with Procomil Spray, just that you may get more numb than you want. You’ll have to experiment with how much to use until you get it right for you.

      You’ll have to clarify your second questions as I don’t understand what you’re asking.
    1. Hey Goatta,

      It’s not recommended because the numbing would transfer to your partner.

    1. Hey Dab,

      No. You need to wash it off your hands and anything else you don’t want to be affected, but it absorbs into your penis and you leave it there while it works.

    1. Hey Abraham,

      No, but you will want to wash your hands right away. Let it absorb and dry before having sex, but don’t wash it off.

  3. Hi, I have already sent you my detailed comments about my personal experience of use of Procomil Spray for decades. The only problem is that its not available in USA, and the one available at eBay is fake, as described by other guys here.

    Even Stud 100 is not available. Today, during a visit to a pharmacy, I showed one procomil spray to the pharmacist and asked he has the same or any of its substitutes.

    He offered me Hurricane Spray. When I read about it, I didn’t find a single mention anywhere that it can also be used for the purpose we use procomil.

    So, I am not going to use it until it is confirmed from some reliable source that it is safe. What’s your opinion Rob?

    1. Hey Sunil,

      I couldn’t find much information, but I did see that it has the potential to cause a very serious side effect where your blood doesn’t have enough oxygen. I think you’d be smart to stay away from Hurricane Spray. Amazon sells Stud 100.

  4. I tried buying Procomil on eBay but all 4 times were knock-off, fake products. Is there a specific eBay retailer you recommend?

    1. Hey Tony,

      Sorry, man. I’ve never used it, and I’ve never bought it, so I don’t have any first hand knowledge about retailers. You may want to try Stud 100 instead. You can buy it at CVS and Walgreens.

  5. Hey Mhak,

    The recommended dose is 2-3 sprays. I’m sure a few more would be fine.

    1. Hey Mhak,

      It takes just a few minutes, and make sure you wash your hands right after rubbing it in, so they don’t go numb as well.

      1. I tried to use the Procomil Spray three times but there is no effect. How many times do I have to spray it to have an effect?

        1. Mhak, try “massaging” your penis a little right after you spray Procomil on (as for when you apply a lotion on your skin); doing so will let the substance penetrate the skin’s tissue and have an effective result.
          I would recommend you to clean your penis before you spray the Procomil on it to prevent any dirt from obstructing your pores; also, for a better (really better) result, I would suggest you apply 3 more sprays 10 – 15 minutes after the first ones.
          (There are no side effects as far as I know from my own experience using it).

    1. Hey Bob,

      My quick search shows that it’s not harmful to swallow lidocaine (the main ingredient in Procomil). The only effect should be a little numbing in your mouth and throat, which is probably passed by now.

  6. I used procomil in the past for 1 year, when I was in my country. It is really effective and, as far as I know, there are no side effects to it.

    As you use it, you get to know how many sprays you need to have the right effect for you; but I would say 2 series of 2 sprays are enough (the 2nd serie can be applied 10 – 15 min after the first one).
    Now I live in the United States and I can’t find where to purchase it (a genuine procomil – there are lots of fake). proposes Stud100, which has lidocaine also but not as strong as Procomil.
    Does somebody know a trustworthy webside where I can purchase Procomil?

      1. I tried eBay once. The Procomil I received was a made-in-China Procomil which, I would say, was a fake rendition of the Procomil I used before.

        The smell, the texture of the product, and even the writing on the flask were so different.
  7. Hi there,

    Is it safe to use the Promicil spray without condoms, because sometimes my partner does feel like a little burn.
    1. Hey Kev,

      You should always practice safe sex, but it is unclear whether or not Procomil Spray lessens the effectiveness of condoms. You might be better off using something that explicitly states it’s safe to use with condoms.

  8. I use Procomil Spray when I have sex. I would like to know if it is safe to use Procomil spray if my partner and I are planning to get pregnant?

    1. Hey Ray,

      Lidocaine, which is the active ingredient in Procomil is described as being in:
      “FDA pregnancy category B. This medication is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby.

      Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment."
      According to the experts, Procomil should probably not cause a problem while trying to conceive, but you should have your partner talk to her doctor about it first.

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