Ramagra Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-31-2020

Ramagra Overview
Ramagra is a concentrated herbal aphrodisiac which claims to help boost your libido and get you ready for sex in as little as 30 minutes. We received a sample of this product from the manufacturer, and wanted to test it out independently to give you our results and conclusions. Like most male enhancement products, this one in particular is an all natural remedy, and supposedly doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients. What we learned about Ramagra is particularly shocking though, and you may want to think twice about taking it after reading our review.
What is Ramagra?
Distributed by a company called Natures Cures, Ramagra is a single capsule that is taken 30 – 60 minutes prior to sexual activity. Made up of all natural ingredients such as L-Arginine HCL, Saw Palmetto, Magnesium Stearate, and Ginseng, this formula is said by many to work very effectively at treating erectile dysfunction issues.
So whats the catch? Well, after some investigation, we learned that Ramagra is actually made by a company that sold a similar product called Kamagra. This particular product was banned because it contain an ingredient similar to that of Sildenafil, which is the leading active ingredient in prescription pharmaceutical ED medications. Well, it was found that Ramagra also contains the substance, and it to has been under much scrutiny by authorities worldwide.
This would not make them the first company to pull a sneaky move and try to slip Sildenafil into their formula, but it is a true indicator anytime a manufacturer does such a thing that they are far from trustworthy and should be avoided like the plague.
Full Ingredient List For Ramagra
On the package of Ramagra, the list of ingredients includes: Magnesium Stearate, Saw Palmetto, Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Zinc Gluconate, Kola Nut Extract, Mauira Puama, Guta Kola, Epimedium, Tribulus Terrestris, Damiana Aphrodisiaca, Rhodiola Rosea, Avena Sativa, Horney Goat Weed (same as epimedium), Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Pumpkin Seed, Ginger, Rosemary Leaf, Fennel, Cinnamon Bark, and Nutme.g.
Most of the ingredients in Ramagra are actually used in several competing products, but you should be aware that the sources of these ingredients cannot be identified. This is important because many overseas companies will not test these ingredients for dangerous ecoli and other potential harmful substances.
Our Results From Taking Ramagra
Ramagra works great, but the reasons why are pretty clear. Like Viagra and other prescription drugs, it contains a similar ingredient to Sildenafil, which could be dangerous if you are taking any heart medications of medications for Blood pressure. After first taking the pill, it worked almost exactly as advertised and gave me a pretty hard erection after about 40 minutes. I did feel a vague sense of euphoria, but also noticed that my blood pressure was through the roof! I have taken Viagra before, and I can say with absolute certainty that it is nearly identical to the effects that you will get with that.
Where To Buy Ramagra
It is difficult to find Ramagra for sale now, mainly because India’s version of the FDA has put a ban on the substance, and this is where it was manufactured. There are a few retailers online that still appear to have it for sale, but we can’t be sure if they are legitimate sellers, therefore, we cannot recommend any at this time.
There are many reasons why Ramagra is not a safe alternative to many of the other products we have tested. Not only does it contain dangerous chemicals and ingredients that are only available as a prescription, but we feel that the manufacturer of this product has not done anyone justice by selling a generic version of their product. You also have to take into account that they have deliberatly lied to their customers in order to get you to buy their product over and over again, which says alot about the makers behind Ramagra.
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2 Star User Reviews
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Mac's Review
I have taken Ramagra for all most 6 months. but did not work. What a waste of money. But mind you there were no side effects.
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User Questions and Answers
I have not received Ramagra yet but I have started taken heart tablets and would like to find out how to get rebate. -Thomas
You'll have to contact the company you made your purchase from directly. SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We're not affiliated with Ramagra.- Rob
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