Spartagen XT Video Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-29-2018

Thinking about trying Spartagen XT? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Spartagen XT review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob Miller here again with And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about spartagen xt. This is an all-natural testosterone boosting supplement. It’s made by a company called edge bioactives, and essentially what it’s intended to do is help give you more energy, boosts your sex drive and libido, as well as help you push through your workouts more, and basically make you more, give you better performance in the weight room. Anyway, I’m going to talk a little bit about the product first, like the ingredient’s, potential for side effects, and things like that. But if you’re interested in my personal results, you can just scroll down below this video. If you’re on my website, you’ll be able to find a section called my personal results, and you can read about them there. If you’re off my website, then if you just go below the video, you’ll see the description box, and I’ve posted a link that’ll lead you to my website, where you’ll be able to find it. So anyway, spartagen xt. I came across, one of my visitors had brought up to me, and asked me if I could give it a shot. Actually had a few people come to me and recommended, so I said okay, let me give it a shot. It took me a few months to actually get around to it, but I finally ordered a bottle. The ingredients in this are very similar to a lot of other testosterone boosters, and it’s got a few vitamins, D, E, and B6. It also contains magnesium and zinc, but the chief ingredient seems to be Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali, and Asian ginseng extract. Again, those are found in a lot of other testosterone boosting supplements, so it’s not uncommon, and basically it’s a fairly expensive supplement, when you stack it up against a lot of the other testosterone boosters that are out there, especially in like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, it retails for like 69 bucks. Now, you can’t find this in stores like GNC, you can’t find it in any stores, as matter of fact you can’t even find it online. The only place that you can find it is on their official website, and they don’t have an official website like spartagen xt. I believe it’s or something like that, but it’s very hard to find. You might find somebody selling it on eBay, but I would never recommend anything like that. The reviews are pretty mixed on this one, there a lot of guys that have left for reviews on my website, and I’ve read them on other people’s websites. And a lot of them are saying that there, it’s not very good. It hasn’t really done much for them, the majority of reviews talked about the auto billing nightmare, which I’ll get into a little bit further in this review. But um overall I got a chance to try this. I took it, for I think, it was about four weeks. It was one month supply, so yeah, it was just under four weeks. And for the first two or three weeks or so, I definitely felt a little bit of a difference. I would say that my endurance went up a little bit. My libido went up a little bit, there was nothing earth-shattering about it, but I definitely, there was a noticeable yet subtle effect from it. But after that, towards the end of my trial with it, I felt practically nothing. It was almost like I was taking a sugar pill. I don’t know how else to describe it, but um I definitely did not see any results in the fourth week. I don’t know if you’re supposed to cycle this. It says on the label that you don’t have to, but um, if you’re looking for it to continue working, at least in my opinion, then I would say you should take it for like two, maybe three weeks, and then take a week off, and then try to get. I didn’t try that, so I don’t know if that’s actually gonna work, but um, yeah, that’s what I would recommend. So, going back to the auto shipment or billing thing, when I originally had purchased this, I went to their website and what it looked like, was basically that I was supposed to be buying a one-month supply. And that’s, like I said, 69 bucks, so I put in my, my information, my credit card information. I got it like three or four days later, and then I noticed, after like two weeks, I had another charge from that to bioactives, and I think it was around eighty bucks or so. So I’m like, you know, what the hell is this? I didn’t sign up for an auto shipment or a rebill, whatever you want to call it. So I gave them a call and sure enough, they said that when I had originally purchased this, that I had agreed to their terms and conditions, which basically stipulated that I would be put into an auto rebill, auto-shipment program. If you’re not familiar with what that is, it’s essentially a program that will put you, it’ll, they’ll keep sending you a bottle of this stuff every month, and keep charging your credit card monthly, until you cancel. And what most companies do, like this one, is they hide it in the fine print. They put it way below the fold so that you don’t even really see it, and I’m the kind of guy that actually looks for stuff like that, like I’m, that’s part of my job, is to warn people like yourself about those types of things. But I, I totally missed it, I didn’t even see that they were going to do that. So I was definitely caught a little bit off guard by that, and I mean, unless you’re really getting great benefits from it, I don’t see any reason to sign up for something like that. Anyway, if you have any other questions, there’s a lot of stuff that I cover in the review, my written review, so if you just scroll below the video here, you’ll be able to see it. But if you find something that hasn’t been answered, then you can just shoot me a comment or send me an e-mail to, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Alright, and I’ll be back with another review soon. Take care.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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