Target Xtreme Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-26-2014

Target Xtreme Overview
Target Xtreme is a male enhancement supplement we found on Amazon.
It’s available through a few additional sites as well, but does not have a dedicated website.
One thing we noticed right away is that this is a product that covers its basis in terms of promised benefits.
It alternately calls itself a performance enhancer and a penis enlargement pill.
I think they figure this way, every guy , no matter what his focus, will want to use it.
Specifically, the promise of Target Xtreme is that:
- You’ll find you’ve got an increased libido.
- You’ll get bigger, harder erections.
- You’ll last and last.
- You’ll have great orgasms.
- And you’ll have a bigger penis in term of both length and girth within a few months time.
Target Xtreme Ingredients and How They Work
We were lucky enough to find a Target Xtreme product label that included all the ingredient.
The formula is broken down into two sections.
The first section lists the individual ingredients in focus.
The second section is a proprietary blend.
The components of this are kind of like the supporting case in a movie.
They matter, but they’re not the focus.
The primary ingredients include:
- Zinc which is an essential component in the body’s production of natural testosterone.
- Tongkat Ali which helps free up natural testosterone that otherwise gets bound up in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
- Maca which is a powerful herbal aphrodisiac from Peru.
- L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide which opens up blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to enter the penis during arousal for better erections.
- Ginseng which also improves blood flow to the penis as well as elsewhere in the body, providing energy and stamina.
The proprietary blend contains:
- Muira Puama which is an herbal aphrodisiac.
- Pumpkin Seed which supports prostate health.
- Licorice which is a natural way to increase testosterone.
- Cayenne Pepper which improves blood flow.
- Tribulus Terrestris which is involved in signaling the testes to produce a greater amount of testosterone.
- Boron which has been shown to increase testosterone.
Instructions for use seem to vary depending on where you look.
Some sites say to take 1 pill two times a day.
Others say to take it 30 minutes before sexual activity. Some say to take it with a meal.
Others don’t specify.
Target Xtreme Pros and Cons
Advantages of Target Xtreme
- The ingredients are all natural.
- It contains L-Arginine.
- The formula is well rounded.
- The only Target Xtremereviews we found were vary favorable.
Disadvantages of Target Xtreme
- It promises penis enlargement.
- There is some confusion as to how best to take it.
- I am not aware of a money back guarantee.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Target Xtreme through or a few other online retailers.
The 30 count bottle (which will last only 2 weeks) sells for $29.95.
It would seem that Target Xtreme has gotten almost everything right.The formula is pretty comprehensive and covers all the bases. The reviews are good.
The price is a little steep, but not too far out there. But I’m just not sure.
The great reviews are on Amazon, and I’m a little skeptical of their authenticity.
If you were covered by a money back guarantee, I’d say go ahead, but since you’re not, go with something more tried and true.
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I Really Like Target Extreme
I quickly read the review and I have been using Target Extreme for a little over 6 Months and it has worked great for me. I take two pills twice per day, morning and night. I noticed that you said that there is confusion on how often to take it, On the bottle that I get form it has the directions "Take 2 tablet once a day, for Faster results take 2 tablets twice a day. Do Not take more than 4 tablets a day" Anyway, it has worked for me and I hope this information helps.
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