TEKMale Male Enhancement Review – 1 BIG Reason It
By: Rob Miller
What Is TekMale
TEKMale Ingredients
Where to Buy
Stacking TEKMale Male Enhancement
TEKMale Reviews
My Personal Results
Pros and Cons
Think about everything you want from a male performance enhancement supplement.
If you’re like most men, the list you came up with looks something like this:
- Bigger, harder erections.
- An end to premature ejaculation.
- Increased energy and stamina.
- More intense, mind-blowing orgasms.
- Greater confidence in your performance.
Truthfully, a lot of guys would add permanent size increase to their list, but the simple fact is that no pill can give you that.
A pill will help with performance, it can make your erections bigger and harder, but it cannot change the size of a body part in any lasting, much less permanent way.
So if we go with this list, it tracks pretty closely with what TEKMale Male Enhancement promises to do.
What Is TekMale?
It comes from TEK Naturals, a supplement company who’s stated mission is to provide real nutritional supplement solutions to their customers without resorting to cheap or shady marketing tricks to gain attention or sales.
On their official website, they even call out the free trial scammers that we talk about on this site.
If you’re not familiar with how they operate, check out our revealing expose on the whole scam here:
Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth
TEK Naturals wants to be known as the “NO B.S. Supplement Company, so chances are they’d be a decent company to work with in terms providing information and good customer service.
We’ll look into that end of things more closely after we check into the product itself.
Knowing we can rest assured that TEKMale Male Enhancement won’t screw us over with automatic monthly billing charges is a great start, but it’s not everything.
What’s most important is whether or not a product provides the benefits you want, so let’s take a look at the formula, customer feedback, price and value, and determine whether or not TEKMale Male Enhancement is something you want to spend your time and money on.
TekMale wants you to know that according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, if you take people with actual erectile dysfunction and lump them together with those who are unhappy with their size or some other aspect of their performance, you’re talking about more than half the male population, especially the over 40 population.
That sounds like a ton and yes, it is, but when you think about it, it really should not come as too big of a surprise because as humans we all pick apart aspects of ourselves that we would not mind changing and to a man, penis size and performance is one of the ultimate points of self criticism without a doubt.
The point of this is that there’s no shame in wanting a little help, and it doesn’t mean you’re a loser or a womanizer, just that you’re a man who recognizes there’s room for improvement in an important part of your life.
The problem and the solution may be as simple and uncomplicated as that.
That’s the way TEK Naturals is looking at it, and it’s the way they encourage their customers to look at it as well.
TEKMale Ingredients
Diving right into the TEKMale Male Enhancement formula, we have:
- L-Arginine (650 mg).L-Arginine is very commonly found in male enhancement formulas.
It’s a precursor to nitric oxide which acts as a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels, allowing increased blood to flow through and create stronger, harder erections.
The typically recommended daily dose, however is 5 grams per day, so TEKMale Male Enhancement falls short of this by quite a bit. - Organic Horny Goat Weed (300 mg).
Otherwise known as Epimedium, Horny Goat Weed also acts to increase the amount of blood creating and sustaining an erection.
It acts a little more like Viagra than like nitric oxide however.
It acts as a PDE-5 inhibitor, preventing blood from flowing back out once it’s become part of an erection. - Saw Palmetto (300 mg) which can help increase testosterone by inhibiting it’s natural conversion to DHT.
Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with some DHT, just that when testosterone converts to it, that means less testosterone, so when Saw Palmetto prevents it, you’re not only protecting your prostate health, but you’re also maintaining higher levels of testosterone, which will help improve your sexual performance. - Maca Root (250 mg) which is an herbal aphrodisiac from Brazil.
It boosts libido as well as mood and your overall feelings of well being.
This is due mainly to its effect on dopamine. - Tongkat Ali (200 mg) which can help increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG).
SHBG attached itself to free testosterone molecules, making them essentially useless.
By blocking this, Tongkat Ali can effectively increase the amount of testosterone free to do its job of increasing your virility and improving your performance, both in the bedroom and the gym. - Ginkgo Biloba (100 mg) acts as yet another enhancement for greater blood flow and better erections.
It acts as a libido booster as well. - Korean Ginseng (100mg) provides energy and stamina.
- Tribulus Terrestris (100 mg) may increase natural testosterone production by increasing the amount of Luteinizing Hormone released by the pituitary gland.
The LH then signals the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone. - Muira Puama (20 mg) is another herbal aphrodisiac that boosts sex drive.
- Zinc (5 mg) is a crucial nutrient to the body’s natural production of testosterone.
A correlation has been noted between low testosterone levels and low zinc levels, so most T boosting supplements would be wise to add a little zinc to the mix. (LOOK FOR LINK TO PROOF) - Yohimbe Bark Extract (37.5 mg) is a stimulant that increases blood flow.
It has a great success rate in sexual performance enhancement supplements, but it also comes with its fair share of side effects.Source: WebMD.com Most are merely uncomfortable, sometimes very much so.
Headaches, dizziness, and nausea are the most common.
Though in some people, the effects are more serious, including potentially a serious drop in blood pressure.
The dose of 37.5 mg is about low to mid-range as measured by several sources.
Click Here to see a snapshot of the ingredients label.
How To Use TEKMale Male Enhancement
TEKMale Male Enhancement is a daily supplement.
The idea is that the ingredients build up in your system, allowing you to be ready anything the mood and opportunity arise.
The recommended dose is 3 capsules per day, spread throughout the day, each with a small meal or snack.
If this is inconvenient, it’s perfectly fine to take all 3 at once, just try to take them at the same time each day if possible, to maintain a steady amount of ingredients in your body.
Are TEKMale Male Enhancement Capsules Vegetarian?
All TEK Naturals products are made to be completely vegetarian.
Where to Buy
TEKMale Male Enhancement is not sold in stores, but you do have a couple different online choices to make it fairly easy to get it.
The first option is the TEK Naturals website which comes with a few options of its own.
If you want to by just one bottle – a one month supply – the cost is $74.95. If you buy in bulk, you’ll save on the per bottle price.3 bottles cost a total of $204.97, saving you about $5.50 per bottle. 6 bottles cost a total of $299.96, saving you about $25 per bottle, clearly the best choice if you know you want to continue using TEKMale Male Enhancement.
There’s yet another option, and that’s the “Subscribe and Save Discount Price” of $63.91.It’s basically an autoship program where you sign up for monthly shipments, saving you about $10 a bottle off the single bottle purchase price. (This is different from the free trial scam in that they’re not trying to entice you with something you think is free – but really isn’t.They don’t promise anything for free at all.
In fact they incentivize the program with a reduced price, but nothing for free.
Amazon.com is the other option.
There, you can buy a single bottle for $74.99 plus shipping.
One major problem I’m seeing after looking on Amazon is the reviews.
As you’ll see in the screenshot below, the average rating is 3.6 out of 5 stars, placing it in the average category.
HOWEVER, there is a HUGE discrepancy between the positive reviews and negative reviews.
In my experience reviewing supplements on Amazon, I’ve noticed over the years that when there’s a big gap in the overall rating like that, the positive reviews tend to be FAKE and the negative reviews tend to be the REAL ones.
You can read more about how I came to that conclusion here.
It seems the website is probably a better option since TEK Naturals does not charge for shipping and TEKMale Male Enhancement is not available for Amazon Prime 2 day free shipping.
What About a Money Back Guarantee?
TEK Naturals offers a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee on all their products.They note that you simply need to return the unused portion to them and they will refund your money.
They do specify, however, that they will not refund empty bottles, so you would not be able to use it for a full 30 days before deciding that it’s not for you.
They don’t specify how many pills need to be returned.
Stacking TEKMale Male Enhancement
TEK Naturals also makes a product called TestoTEK.
You can check out our full review for it here: TestoTEK Review – The Biggest Reason To Try It
TEK Naturals encourages you to take the two products together if you want the dual benefits of increased testosterone as well as boosted sexual performance.
It’s true the two products could be very complimentary in their benefits, as increased testosterone is one way to improve sexual performance, and the increased vitality that comes with boosted testosterone will certainly improve your sexual confidence.
They offer a combo pack where you can get the two products at a $25 total savings for $119.99.
TEKMale Reviews
Since TEKMale Male Enhancement is available through Amazon.com, there are a few independent customer reviews posted to the retail site.At this time, there are only 3 reviews, but they are all very positive.
Here’s an example:
My Personal Results
At the behest of MANY of my sites visitors, I finally got a chance to try out TekMale.
Unlike most of the other supplements I’ve tested in the past, I actually had pretty high expectations for this test.
I mean, most of the customer reviews I’ve read had nothing but great things to say.
The ingredients label is like a who’s who in the sexual enhancers market.
There was no shady free trial to buy it.
What could go wrong?
Well, for me, a couple things.
The instructions on the label state that you should take 3 capsules a day for at least 2 months.
For me, that was practical, both from the standpoint of having to test out so many different pills, plus I really just wanted to see if it worked.
Well, in fact it DID work.
I got a pretty raging hard-on, could definitely sense an increase in my overall orgasms, and even felt like I may have gotten a tad bit bigger.
So what was the issue?
The side effects.
According to the label, TekMale is pumping 37.5 mg of yohimbe into a full dose of 3 capsules.
Just like with anything I test that contains yohimbe, I usually start off with the lowest possible dose, in this case 1 capsule on an empty stomach.
Since I’ve tested so many products with yohimbe over the years, I’ve felt like I’ve built up a little bit of a tolerance to it.
So instead of my usual “low dose” test, I just said F$%k it and took 3 capsules.
Well that turned out to be a big mistake.
I sure had an erection all right, but I also felt like I was going to throw up at any moment.
Just like with my Libido Max experiment years back, I felt like I had a stomach bug.
Raging nausea, fever like symptoms, heart palpitations, and drooling…
Yup, all the classic signs of the typical side effects you would see with yohimbe.
And all of the things that TOTALLY make you not in the mood fort sex at ALL.
It took about 5 or 6 hours for the feeling to subside, and the next morning I actually felt like I woke up with a massive hangover.
At first, I swore to myself that I wouldn’t take another dose of TekMale ever again.
Then I decided that, in the interest of fairness, I would give it another go.
Instead of being a complete moron and taking all 3 capsules at once, I decided to just take 1 capsule on a full stomach.
BIG difference this time.
I didn’t have any of the classic signs of yohimbe overdose, but I could definitely sense an improved erection quality and increased stimulation.
The only downside in this case was, for me, it actually seemed to cause me to orgasm a bit earlier than I usually do.
This is in direct contrast to their stated goal of “eliminating premature ejaculations”.
Pros and Cons
Advantages of TEKMale Male Enhancement
- They publish all the ingredients along with their amounts so you know just what you’re getting.
- The ingredients are all natural.
- They don’t use shady gimmicks, no surprise sign up for monthly autoshipping.
- The reviews so far are very favorable.
- You can bring the cost per bottle way down if you buy in sufficient bulk.
Disadvantages of TEKMale Male Enhancement
- Terrible side effects for me on a full dose.
- There’s not a lot of customer feedback yet, so it’s tough to tell how well it’s working in the real world.
- A few of the ingredients are dosed to low to be very effective.
- At $75 for one bottle, it’s rather expensive.
After finally having tested TekMale, I’m a bit torn.
On the one hand, I felt like total shit when I took a full dose.
On the other, it seemed to work fairly well at a much lower dosage.
In any event, different guys will respond in different ways to the EXACT same dosage I took, so I can’t predict with any accuracy that you’ll have the EXACT same result.
Do I think it’s worth the $75 price tag?
Not really.
There are plenty of products out there that contain many of the same ingredients, work equally as well, and cost half the price of TekMale.
The 30 day money back guarantee is “nice”.
However, considering the fact that they say you should take it for at least 2 months to see the best results, this hardly gives you the option of getting your money back if it ends up not working for you.
Ingredients wise, I’m a little concerned about the low dose of L-Arginine not being effective, but there are several other blood flow boosting alternatives ready to pick up the slack.
I’m also clearly concerned about the yohimbe content, but that goes without saying for literally ANY pill that contains yohimbe.
Literally each and every week it seems like you hear more and more within the male enhancement supplement community that makes me lean more towards yohimbe being way more trouble than it is worth.
All in all, it may be worth a shot if money is no object and you don’t mind the potential side effects.
If you don’t have the extra dough to spend, and are looking for a “safe” option, look elsewhere.
Have You Used TEKMale Male Enhancement?Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
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Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
I just got a bottle in and I did so before reading your review (sorry found it late). My question is did you do the entire test on one pill? I too am sensitive so I would love it if I could use one pill a day to get results.
When I took one pill, it worked very well for me. I didn't continue using it, though, because, I test so many supplements, I can't keep taking each one for 2 months at a time.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
If it’s just libido / erections that’s your problem, I would actually recommend you check out a supplement called Hardon Helper. It’s the best fast-acting sexual aid I’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested A LOT of these supplements. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/hardon-helper-review-dr-seltzers-awesome-formula-and-my-results/