Testerone XL Review – Should You Try It?
By: Rob Miller
Testerone XL Overview
Natural testosterone boosting supplements have come a long way in the last several years.
It used to be they were a weak, sorry alternative to juicing… for guys who dreamed of being strong, muscular, and virile, but weren’t about to get involved with steroids for any number of reasons.
But these days, tons of guys go the natural route, and have real success doing it.
The trick is finding the right one.
Testerone XL is a natural testosterone booster available online. It makes some very specific promises about what it can deliver:
- 30% more muscle mass in less than 30 days.
- 35% decrease in workout fatigue.
- 42% increase in athletic endurance.
- 52% increase in how ripped you look.
I’m not sure about the exact percentages, but it’s true that increased testosterone levels will have these kinds of effects, and more.
There’s also an improvement in mood and and increase in sex drive.
So the next step is to take a good look at the ingredient list to see if Testerone XL has what it takes.
Testerone XL Ingredients and How They Work
Here’s where we run into our first problem with Testerone XL (yes, there are others).
They don’t provide a list of ingredients.
In fact, they don’t even mention any ingredients at all.
The closest they get is saying that Testerone XL uses a safe, all natural formula.
Some potential ingredients include Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali, Oyster Extract, and D-Aspartic Acid, but we really don’t know since they’re not telling.
Where to Buy
And here’s our second problem. Testerone XLis only available to purchase through their “free trial” offer.
We’ve talked about these many times before.
Basically, they charge you only shipping and handling for a 30 day supply.
From that initial order date, you have 14 days to decide if Testerone XL is right for you.
If the 14 days pass and you do nothing, you’ll be charged $89.95 for the “free trial botle” and automatically enrolled in their monthly shipping program where they’ll send you a new bottle every 30 days at that price.
There are several problems with this set up.One is that the terms are usually hidden in the fine print of the terms and conditions page, so customer literally have to go looking for it.
Another is that they give you 14 days from the day you place your order to decide.
It takes at least a few days for the product to arrive so you’re left with maybe a week to decide. That’s simply not long enough.
The last issue I have is that $90 is a lot to spend on a month’s supply of a supplement, especially when they don’t even tell you what’s in it.
Testerone XL Pros and Cons
Advantages of Testerone XL
- None that I can see.
Disadvantages of Testerone XL
- It’s only available through a scammy free trial offer.
- The ingredients are not known.
- It’s expensive.
Yes, there are some very good, legitimate natural testosterone boosting supp No, Testerone XL is not one of them.
Choose something with a great formula and choose something that doesn’t try to trick customers into repeat business.
Have You Used Testerone XL?
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Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
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User Questions and Answers
Hi, What are the ingredients and dosages listed on the Testerone XL label? -Cheryl
I wish I knew. They don't reveal the ingredients, much less dosages.- Rob
I wont to cansel my supplement now -Rhonda
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don't sell supplements. You'll need to contact the company you made your purchase from directly.- Rob
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Great site and reference material!
I got Testerone XL as a one-off trial (cancelled the ongoing subscription).
The product I received has ingredients and dosages. I’ve only been using it for a week but since the first day I’ve experienced a dull pain around the temple and back of the jaw.
Not sure if this is to be expected? Ingredients on label are listed below, any advice greatly appreciated!
* Tribulus terrestris extract (40% Saponins)
* Vitamin B6(as pyridoxine hydrochloride)
* Magnesium (as Aspartate)
* Zinc (as Monomethionine & Aspartate)
* D-Aspartic Acid
Really hard to find good analysis of this ingredient or evidence of side effects like mine.
Regards, Amin
I would discontinue use for now and see what happens. It might be the supplement, or it could be something completely different.
Greatly appreciate the advice! I used the process of elimination and it seems it is the supplement.
Strange. I’m looking through your reviews for better supplements.
Again, great site!! Much appreciated.
Cheers, Amin
Virtually every supplement ingredient lists headaches as a potential side effect, so it’s tough to pinpoint which ingredient it is. Have you ever experienced this effect with anything else you’ve taken?
If so, you may be able to cross match the ingredients to find the culprit.
In the last week, I’ve increased my exercise regime to daily weight training targeting muscle groups and HIIT every 2nd day which seems to have eliminated the headaches…hmm…curious??
I’m going through your reviews of other testosterone products and their ingredients but will keep using this supplement at least for a month and I’ll share observations of benefits (if any) for me.
Thanks again!! Nice to get a personal and considered reply!! That’s rare for any goods/service provider let alone a review site. Nice to come across someone dedicated, very encouraging!
Regards, Amin