TMax200 Review – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 7-6-2015

TMax200 Overview

We all know that testosterone is king when it comes to bodybuilding. But there are also tons of reasons to consider taking a testosterone boosting supplement as you get older, say into your 40s. When we’re young, our bodies make tons of the stuff. But that slows down a whole lot year after year after, say, our mid-twenties. By the time you hit 35-40 is when you really start to feel a difference. It’s harder to put on muscle and drop fat. You get tired more easily. You lose interest in sex. All things associated with getting older, and that’s because testosterone levels drop as you get older. So taking a natural testosterone booster to combat that makes good sense.

Tmax200 is available online and claims to help you reclaim some of that youth you lost when your testosterone levels started to decline. It promises to help you build more lean muscle mass, decrease that fat around your middle, and give you back some of that sex drive you thought you’d left in your twenties.

TMax200 ReviewTmax200 Ingredients and How They Work

Even though Tmax200 has a fairly professional website, they only share one of their formula’s ingredients, and that’s Eurycoma Longifolia. Also known as LongJack and Tongkat Ali, Eurucoma Longifolia is a natural herb known to increase free testosterone levels. When you get your T levels tested, they give you 2 numbers: your total testosterone and your free testosterone. Both are important, though it can be argued that free testosterone matters more.

An enzyme called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG) attempts to attach itself to free testosterone molecules. When it does this and the testosterone is bound, it is no longer free to do its job. It’s basically rendered useless. Eurycoma Longifolia decreases the amount of SHBG you have, so more of your natural testosterone remains free and usable.

The recommended dose is 3 capsules taken daily.

Tmax200 Pros and Cons

Looking at both sides of the issue, we can more clearly get to the bottom of things.

Advantages of Tmax200

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s less expensive than some other options.
  • It boosts sex deive.
  • The Tmax200 website offers several customer testimonials.

Disadvantages of Tmax200

  • Only one ingredient is known.
  • There are no independent Tmax200 reviews from customers to help us determine whether or not this stuff works.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Tmax200 online through their official website. The 90 capsule bottle will last a month and costs $24.95. There does not appear to be a money back guarantee or a discount for purchasing multiple bottles.


While I completely support the use of a natural testosterone boosting supplement for maintaining youthful good health as you age, I don’t see that Tmax200 is the right product. With only one active ingredient they’re willing to talk about, there’s probably not too very much to this formula. Given the fact that there are several other options with more complete formulas, I’d opt for something other than Tmax200.

Have You Used Tmax200? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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