True Testo Review – 3 BIG Reason to Stay Away
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-23-2020

What Is True Testo
True Testo Ingredients
True Testo Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Where to Buy
Return Policy
True Testo Pros and Cons
With so many natural testosterone boosters being sold in today’s market, it makes sense that many of them choose to specialize in terms of the kind of results they focus on.
The easiest and most common division is that between those that boost your sexual performance and those that boost your athletic performance.
But the distinction turns out not to actually be necessary.
Boosting testosterone will naturally improve BOTH your athletic and your sexual situation.
What ends up happening, however, is that supplement companies will use additional ingredients in the formula that focus on either muscles or sex, giving the final product either one or the other focus.
Related Article: 5 Amazing Testosterone Boosters at GNC
True Testo take a whole other approach.
What Is True Testo?
This testosterone booster claims post workout recovery prominently among its benefits.
Again, while boosting testosterone will automatically improve your muscle tone and workout energy and stamina, True Testo claims to use additional ingredients to help with post workout recovery.
Of course, that doesn’t mean the sexual benefits are completely neglected.
They are simply included in the fact that this is a testosterone booster.
As a result, you get:
- Better erections.
- Greater stamina and endurance.
- Increased libido.
- All in addition to the improvement in muscle tone, workouts, and post workout recovery.
True Testo Ingredients
In order to understand how True Testo goes about getting the job done, the first thing we need to do is take a look at the formula, which we did.
Unfortunately, one of the first things we noticed here was that ingredient amounts are not revealed.
While True Testo provides a list, it does not break the list down to reveal individual amounts.
Any information is better than none of course, but without knowing ingredient amounts, it’s difficult to make a true assessment of how well we can expect a product to work.
Nevertheless, here’s the list they provide on their website, with a brief explanation of how each one furthers the cause:
Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) which increases blood flow to the genitals during arousal, so you find yourself with a better, longer lasting erection.
Horny Goat Weed as long had the nickname, Chinese Viagra.- Tongkat Ali (aka Eurycoma Longfolia) which may increase free testosterone by decreasing the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG.
SHBG attaches itself to testosterone molecules, effectively binding them up and putting them out of commission.
With less SHBG allowed to serve its function, there’s more free testosterone allowed to do its job. - Saw Palmetto which can increase testosterone by decreasing the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
Again, this is effectively an increase in useful testosterone by preventing its loss or conversion to something else. - Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and may increase testosterone naturally.
- Wild Yam which is known to help balance the male and female sex hormones and increase energy and sex drive.
- Sarsaparilla which is believed to help boost testosterone.
- Nettle which can help support the health of your prostate, which improves sexual performance.
- Boron which is believed to increase natural testosterone levels and help build and maintain muscle mass.
The most important thing to note about the formula at this point is the absolute lack of any ingredient designed to improve post workout recovery.
The most important component of any post workout recovery supplement is Branched Chain Amino Acids, or BCAAs.They help jump start the muscle repair process and provide what muscles need to rebuild.
These are not present in the True Testo formula, which makes it hard to take them seriously when they talk about post workout recovery.
We mentioned earlier that the above list is the one provided at the True Testo website.
We should add that there’s a completely different list that appears on several review websites.
The other list includes: Zinc, L-Arginine, Boron, L-Citrulline, Creatine, and several vitamins and minerals.
If this were indeed the list, it would be better for post workout recovery indeed, but it wouldn’t be much of a testosterone booster.
In the end, I have to think the official website has the correct list, and that’s the assumption I’ll go on unless and until I get a chance to see the label on the bottle.
True Testo Reviews
Customer feedback is another key way to tell if you’re looking at an effective product.
Unfortunately once again, True Testo does not have any customer feedback posted online. I didn’t find any from the company directly, nor is there any posted to independent websites that I could find.
This is too bad because again knowing about the experiences of others with a product can really give you a good idea of what you can expect if you give it a try.
Frequently Asked Questions
Was True Testo Max Featured On Shark Tank?
Surprisingly, I get this question a lot. My guess is no, it was not bought up on the popular show “Shark Tank”.
There’s a fake ad floating around reporting that celebrities like Conor Mcgregor, Floyd Mayweather, and others are taking some miracle testosterone booster.
This is simply not the case, click here to read my investigative report on that.
They also run a similar scam for weight loss pills, check that out here.
Did Matt Lauer try it out?
Again, not likely. This is somewhat related to the question above.
Where to Buy
True Testo is not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens; you’ll only find it for sale through their official website.
They good news is, however, that they offer two ways to buy, and the choice is yours.
- Option 1 is a straight sale.You simply choose the amount you want to buy, you buy it, and you’re done.
If you only want 1 bottle, the cost is $97.99 with free s This will be a one month supply.
You can save money per bottle if you buy multiples at once. 2 bottles (a 2 month supply) cost $156.79 with free shipping.If you really want to save, there’s the Buy 3 Get 1 Free deal.
That’s 4 bottles (4 months) for $205.75 and free shipping, bringing the per bottle cost to just over $51. - Option 2 is a “free trial” offer.You sign up for a “Trial Order” for just $3.99 for shipping and $1.95 for shipping protection, and they send you 1 bottle representing a 30 day supply.At the time of your order, you are automatically enrolled in their membership program which means that 18 days following the day you place your order, they will charge you the full price of $97.99 for the trial bottle, and another $97.99 each month for the bottles they’ll continue to send you.
This Free Trial Option is extremely common in the online supplement business.It’s always at least a little shady, and True Testo isn’t one of the worst offenders I’ve seen.The terms are displayed “above the fold” on the order page, and you are required to click a check box stating that you’ve read them.
Some companies don’t even give you that.
But truthfully, the Trial Option, even if it is more upfront than most, is a bad deal.
It locks you into the highest per bottle price for the stuff.If you want to keep using it, you’d be better off buying in bulk and paying a little more than half the price you’d be paying each month with the trial option.
Return Policy
The Terms and Conditions document stipulates that for straight sale orders, refunds are handled on a case by case basis with the following stipulations:
- You may have to return any unused items.
- A refund may not be available after 30 days have passed since your purchase.
- Only one refund per customer.
For Trial Orders, the return policy is pretty much the same.
To cancel future orders and/or request a refund, contact customer service at 1-855-486-6039 or
True Testo Pros and Cons
Advantages of True Testo
- The ingredients are all natural.
- It’s available with under a trial order agreement as well as through a straight sale procedure.
- Their free trial is a little more honest than most.
Disadvantages of True Testo
- There’s confusion about what ingredients are actually included in the True Testo formula.
- The ingredients listed on the website contradict the statement that it’s made specifically with post workout recovery in mind.
- On the website, there’s a section where they refer to the product as “Dominant Testo” instead of “True Testo”.
This is a sign that True Testo is merely a “plug-n-play” supplement used by the company that sells it.
It’s a pretty common practice, especially with free trial offers.
The free trial pisses off enough people that a bad reputation may begin to build.
So they change the name, rework the bottle and marketing a little, then start out fresh again.
In this case, it looks like they didn’t proofread their new website closely enough:
Presuming the ingredients in the True Testo formula are what they say they are on the website, you can feel pretty confident that you won’t experience side effects if you use this product.That’s the good news.
The bad news is you probably won’t see much in the way of benefit either.
The website specifically touts its post workout benefits, but there are literally no ingredients in the formula that have any direct effect on post workout recovery.
There is no proof that any of the ingredients are directly correlated to protein synthesis, building muscle or general recovery at all and are no studies to point to their effects on bulking up.
Like so many of its competitors, True Testo is a mediocre supplement that may have you feeling a little better, but it won’t provide anything approaching mind-blowing results.
If you go into it with this kind of expectation, you will be disappointed.
This is especially true if you sign up for the trial and end up paying almost $100 for the stuff.While like I said, there’s a chance you’ll get some benefit, there’s no chance that benefit will be worth $100 a month.
The last nail in the coffin for True Testo is the realization that the company itself accidentally refers to it under a different name on their website.While mistakes happen, this is an indication that the folks who make True Testo have so little real interest in their product that they can’t even keep its name straight.
Essentially, there is nothing about True Testo to suggest that it is any better than other alternatives, and some of their business practices make it seem like a better idea to avoid it altogether.
Will True Testo hurt you?
No. Will it help you.
Not much. Better to choose something with a proven track record from a company you can trust to have your best interests at heart.
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Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
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User Questions and Answers
I have high blood pressure. Almost every product that I have found that is supposed to increase your testosterone level contains nitric oxide or ingredients that change to nitric oxide in your body which increases your high blood pressure to dangerous levels. . I have checked with my doctor on several products, and each of them he advises against taking due to this high blood pressure problem and aggravation of the problem. Does your product containing nitric oxide or ingredients that change in the body to nitric oxide that increases blood pressure? I don't see any precautions or things you need to look out for with your product prior to taking. Please advise as soon as possible. -Lyle
Nitric Oxide actually has a lowering effect on blood pressure, but I advise that anyone with blood pressure issues get the approval of their doctor before taking any supplement. That said, check out Prime Male instead. It's a much more effective testosterone booster. Here's a link to my full review: Just check with your doctor before deciding to take it.- Rob
Thank you for the great info on TruTesto. You have saved me from getting scammed any further than the shipping costs on the free trial offer.
That company is very pushy when it comes to canceling the subscription.