Universal Animal Stak Review – Should You Use It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 9-19-2013

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Universal Animal Stak Review – Should You Use It?

Universal Animal Stak Overview

Universal Animal Stak is what you’d call the grandaddy of testosterone boosters, but it’s actually more than that.  It’s been around for years, though recently reformulated.  And in addition to testosterone, it also boosts HGH and IGF-1 levels too, making it the complete anabolic support stak.

All of that sounds great, but none of its claims matter a hill of beans unless it works.  And here’s the kicker.  Most people who’ve used Universal Animal Stak  say it does work.  Imagine that.  Well with that, we went right to the formula to see what we could see.

Universal Animal Stak ReviewUniversal Animal Stak Ingredients and How They Work

I like the way Universal Nutrition divides up the ingredients into sections according to what they are used for.  It does mean you’re left without knowing exact milligrams of each component, but each complex has relatively few ingredients so you can get pretty close:

  • Pro Testosterone Complex (Tribulus Terrestris, Eurycoma Longifolia, Fenugreek, Stinging Nettle, and Maca) is a combination of herbal extracts that promote the body’s natural testosterone producing capacity.  Some of the components also help free existing testosterone from SHBG so your body can use it as well.
  • Growth Hormone Support (Arginine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Mucuna Puriens, Immunolin, Humanofort, Alpha GPC) is a combination of amino acids and herbs that each in their way contribute to the production and use of Growth Hormone in the body.
  • Anti-Aromatase Complex (Polygonum Cuspidatum Root or Resveratrol, Calcium-F- Glucarate, and Di-indolylmentane) all work to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, helping to maintain the correct and healthy hormonal balance.
  • Hormone Amplifying Blend (L-Carnitine Fumarate, AgmaPure, GlycoCarn,Quercetin, AstaPure, Bioperine) is a combination of nutrients that help support the production and use of male hormones.
  • Restorative Support Complex (Milk Thistle extract, Astragalus Root, Ashwagandha, Na-R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q10) is a combination of nutrients to optimize your internal environment.

The recommended dose is one pack daily for 3 weeks.  If it’s a training day, take it half an hour before working out.  If not, take it on an empty stomach.  You should take it on a cycle of 3 weeks on and 1 week off.

Universal Animal Stak Pros and Cons

Advantages of Universal Animal Stak

  • It’s made by one of the more reputable and popular supplement companies.
  • Most Universal Animal Stak reviews are very favorable, with most guys saying it makes their lifts stronger.
  • All ingredients are listed.
  • It approaches hormonal balance as a whole.

Disadvantages of Universal Animal Stak

  • It’s a lot of pills to take at once.

Where to Buy

You should be able to pick up Universal Animal Stak at your local GNC.  It’s also available online.  Prices vary quite a bit, but usually hover around $35-$45 for a 3 week supply.


Universal Animal Stak has earned a reputation as a solid testosterone boosting supplement with overall anabolic benefits that you can feel.  If you’re looking for your next product, this may be it.

Have You Used Universal Animal Stak?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

6 comments on “Universal Animal Stak Review – Should You Use It?”

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  1. Does Animal Stak make you faster and Can you use it at the age of 16,when your weight is more than 60kg?
    1. Hey Mallcon,

      At your age, you shouldn’t need testosterone boosting supplements. You’re already pretty much swimming in the stuff. I’d stay away from most supplements until you’re at least 18 when you not likely to do much more growing. If you want to use something, go with 100% Whey Gold Standard protein. And if you want to build more muscle, try Muscle Advance Creatine. Focus more on working out and eating right. I’ve got some great plans in my free “getting ripped” ebook.

  2. I have been on harmone therapy for 2months..i also take phen 375,nitro cut,creatine pill, are these supplement s ok to take with harmone replacement therapy.
    1. Hey Khalil,
      That’s really a question for your doctor. Any time you’re taking a prescription remedy under the supervision of a medical professional, you should check with them about any supplements you’re taking or thinking of taking.


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