Vacurect Review – Does It Really Work?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-26-2020

Home » Male Enhancement » Vacurect Review – Does It Really Work?

Vacurect Overview

Though we usually talk about pills, there are lots of other ways to combat erectile dysfunction and improve your sex life.  There are exercise, there’s surgery, there are topical formulations, and then there is vacuum therapy, which is the one we’re going to talk about today.  More and more, we’re hearing that vacuum therapy is a safe, effective way to solve your erectile problems and increase your confidence.

It has slowly but surely made a name for itself in the male enhancement community and some have gone so far as to say that it is one of the top methods available today.

Vacurect is a vacuum device that’s getting lots of praise from its users for its simplicity and effectiveness.  We’ve heard that the success rate is as high as 96%.  Reviews on Amazon are mainly positive, so if you are someone with erectile issues who doesn’t want to take pills or go with the expense and invasiveness of surgery, injections, or implants, then you may want to read on about Vacurect.

Vacurect ReviewWhat is Vacurect

Vacurect is a vacuum device that uses suction to help you produce a hard erection.  Vacuum devices work, and they are safe.  This is not in question.  But the trick is to make it work as quickly, efficiently, and comfortably as possible without being cumbersome or drawing attention to itself. According to the website, Vacurect has accomplished that with its:

  • Simple, one piece design which can be used with just one hand.
  • Ease of use that allows both hands to be free after pumping.
  • Easy fitting tension system with a wide range of sizes.
  • Prevention of air leakage throughout the entire process, so you get an erection quickly and efficiently.

How Vacurect Works

In a nutshell, you attach the tension ring to the tube, apply a little lube, slide the penis partway into the tube, and pump 4 or 5 times.  After the erection is produced by the vacuum, slide off the tube, leaving the tension ring in place to prevent the outflow of blood from the penile chambers.

Vacurect Pros and Cons

There are good and bad points to all things.  We think listing them out together is a good way to see where are opinion really falls.

Advantages of Vacurect

  • It’s an effective alternative to more invasive erectile dysfunction solutions.
  • It doesn’t require taking pills.
  • The simple design makes it easier to use than other vacuum devices.
  • Most Vacurect reviews are positive with guys citing ease of use as a big plus.

Disadvantages of Vacurect

  • Some customers say it’s too small, making it difficult to remove once you achieve an erection.
  • It’s expensive (though it is mainly a one time expense)
  • You can’t hide it, so you’ll have to be comfortable enough with your partner that using Vacurect won’t be awkward.

Where to Buy

Vacurect is available through several online retailers, but not through the official product website.  It usually sells for about $200.


If your are struggling with a real erectile dysfunction issue, and it’s getting in the way of having a fulfilling relationship, there are a number of ways you can attempt to solve the issue.  If you’ve ruled out surgery and pills, vacuum therapy may be a great solution, and Vacurect a great option.

Have You Used Vacurect?  Leave Your Review Below!

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User Questions and Answers

why does vacurect pull my groin in its the only way i get a full erection .and i cant hardly get the sealing ring off -lynn

I haven't used it myself so I can't really advise you about this. You might find the information you need in the manual or by contacting the company directly.- Rob

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Sir I am hernia operated patient, may i use vacum erection device for ED -Mohideen

I've been told you should wait 3 months post surgery, but you should check with your doctor to be sure.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

2 comments on “Vacurect Review – Does It Really Work?”

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    1. Hey Sachin,
      Sorry for the late reply. Vacurect will NOT increase your penis size. No pill will, despite the nearly dozens of them claiming to do so. If you’re looking for size increases, you’ve got a few options.

      First off, I would recommend you pick up either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called Phallosan Forte. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.

      Here’s my reviews of each:

      Bathmate –

      Phallosan Forte –

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.

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