Vega100 Review – Should You Use It?

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 12-24-2014

Home » Male Enhancement » Vega100 Review – Should You Use It?

Vega100 Overview

We usually talk about over-the-counter natural supplements here in this space, but occasionally, we come across, or are asked to review, a prescription pill, especially those that address erectile dysfunction. A reader recently requested that I look into Vega100, which falls into this category. It’s a relative of Viagra, but since it is available online, we thought we’d take a look.

The promise of Vega100 is that by taking it half an hour to an hour before your planned sexual event, you’ll have no trouble achieving and maintaining an erection. Vega100 doesn’t boost your libido or give you energy, it very simply goes to work allowing you to reach a hard, usable erection when you need it.

Vega100 ReviewVega100 Ingredients and How They Work

Vega100 uses the same active ingredient that’s found in Viagra – Sildenafil Citrate. This is what’s called a PDE5 inhibitor. PDE5 (or Phosphodiesterase) is an enzyme that blocks blood flow to the penis during an erection. By blocking this enzyme, Vega100 opens the gates and allows them to stay open so you reach and maintain the erection you want and need. You simply take 1 tablet 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. At that point, sexual arousal will lead to a firm, hard, usable erection.

Vega100 Side Effects

While Vega100 is certainly effective, its ingredients require a prescription for a reason. People taking certain medications, mainly nitrates for heart issues, may experience severe contraindications. It may also be a problem for anyone with blood pressure issues, diabetes, untreated heart conditions, and a host of other complications or conditions. This is why talking with your doctor is so important before you start taking Vega100. The ingredient is not dangerous for most people, but it’s important to know which conditions do cause issues and which do not.

In addition to the dangers, there are also side effects which are less serious, yet still concerning. You may experience dizziness, vertigo, flushing, heartburn, diarrhea, nasal congestion, vision problems, and a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Vega100 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Vega100

  • It’s available online.
  • It works.
  • It’s available in 100mg and 50mg strengths.

Disadvantages of Vega100

  • It’s not a natural product.
  • I haven’t been able to find any Vega100 reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • It may cause side effects, both mild and serious.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Vega100 online through its official website and others.


Without a visit to your doctor, I would recommend you don’t take products that contain Sildenafil or any of its closely related components.Vega100 can be very helpful for those who need it, but for most people, and certainly people prohibited from taking prescription erectile dysfunction medication, a natural supplement is a better answer.

Have You Used Vega100? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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