Vim 25 Reviews

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-1-2018

vim 25 reviewWe see and hear so many claims from manufacturers of male performance products, but we don’t often hear the term “sexual dysfunction”. Instead, we hear all about the penis, performance, and enhancement. So, we were intrigued by the language used to describe the Vim 25 product from US Natural Supply. This is because it stated that it was a good product for those struggling with symptoms of sexual dysfunction, and this led us to believe that it might be a good “all around” product. We decided to look at the ingredients, customer responses and comments, and checkout the pricing to see if we could advocate using the product.

How Vim 25 Works and Ingredients

The first thing we noticed about Vim 25 was the fact that it relied almost entirely on natural and herbal ingredients. We saw Ge Gen, Lycium, and a handful of other exotic ingredients. We spent a bit of time trying to research some of the materials in order to see if they were valid treatments for many of the most common male sexual complaints. For instance, could someone with PE (premature ejaculation) find support using the product? What about those living with ED (erectile dysfunction)?

We did learn that one of the primary ingredients, Cnidum Extract is known to dilate blood vessels in the same way that the most popular vasodilators worked. This means that increased blood supplies would be available to the penis tissue, so a lot of the guys living with ED might find a good cure. We also learned that the Chinese Yam Extract included in the compound was an ancient Chinese remedy long known for alleviating many cases of premature ejaculation too. We were intrigued that the dosage was a single pill and that it only needed to be used shortly before sexual intercourse.

User Reviews of Vim 25 and Side Effects

So, we saw that the ingredients could live up to the claims, but what about the customers using it? Did they agree? We found that a lot of men with a range of sexual dysfunction issues were delighted by their experiences with Vim 25. One customer said that they were simply “happy” with their results, one said taking it on an empty stomach gave great results, and one even said that he consistently got “very hard” using the product, and that the results lasted for a long time. We also found that some men had absolutely no results from the product, and one reviewer we found even said that this was not something for a guy with the same kind of ED that he was struggling with. This let us know that, though the ingredients really are designed to treat many complaints and issues, it may not be as broadly applicable as promised.

Where To Buy

Naturally, this takes us to the price for this all around solution. We found that Vim 25 ranged from $25 to $55 depending upon the vendor. Generally, the count was for 24 pills in their individual packages. We found the lowest prices through some of the vendors using, but there were also good rates to be found at eCrater and even through eBay sellers too!


We do recommend Vim 25 for those looking for a broad treatment for sexual dysfunction issues. What we do have to say, however, is that it does pay to consider precisely what your form of dysfunction involves before investing in this treatment. We would say that Vim 25 is good for men with PE and those who have ED related directly to their circulatory conditions. Other underlying causes may not be compatible with this product, and it would be best to consider this before giving it a try.

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I like to about vim25. -Mohamed

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

2 comments on “Vim 25 Reviews”

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  1. Used to use this product but sporadically the pills were loaded with just flour. (I analyzed it in my lab.)
    After a while I began to have a rapid heart beat and noticed blind spots in my vision while using VIM.
    I switched to another pill that works without side effects and is made with consistency.

  2. Vim is AWESOME I mean for me its a marriage saver. I have ED problem and tried just about anything and thats like jumping in to black ocean of side effects but at the end of the day I found Vim which works and only comes with a little extra need for water but hey the act requires burning energy so I am not complaining.

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