ZYX10 Review – 3 BIG Reasons Not to Use It
By: Rob Miller
ZYX 10 Contents
What is itBenefits
Where to Buy
ZYX10 and Z Vital
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews
If you’re anything like me, you watch A LOT of porn.
We’ll, I don’t ACTUALLY watch the porn (most of the time), but visiting these sites gives me some pretty good insight as to which BS penis enlargement product is being pushed today.
As I visit one site, I see this enormous ad proclaiming “Only One Pill And He Was So Big!”, with a little button that said there was a free sample.
I tell you, nothing sells a penis pill better than a picture of an old guy ramming a hot young chick from behind.
But I digress.
When I clicked on the ad, it led me to a blog post style page that proclaims:
Ok, now I’m REALLY ready to buy whatever they’re selling 😉
This blog post goes on to explain how this woman, who goes by the name Kate, a 33 year old woman in search of the perfect sex pill for her aging husband.
In her search, she says she came across an interview with Johnny Sins from Brazzers, and how he can last as long as 2 hours using this amazing pill called…
You guessed it, ZYX10…
Long story short, she decides to order it, gives it to her husband telling him it’s “just a vitamin”, and BAM…
1 Hour later they’re screwing like 2 kids on Prom night.
And wouldn’t you know it, they actually offering ZYX-10 COMPLETELY FREE for the next 2 minutes and 23 seconds…
So, How Does This Amazing Pill ACTUALLY Work?
Well, according to the official ZYX10 website, it’s a “natural testosterone enhancement” supplement.
Testosterone is often referred to as the male hormone. It makes sense in a lot of ways.
Male bodies naturally make more testosterone than female bodies.
The characteristics enhanced by testosterone are all typically associated with being male.
Testosterone increases body hair, muscle, aggression, strength, and libido, while it decreases fat and water retention.
The first group are essentially male characteristics bolstered by testosterone.
The second group are typically associated with females and estrogen.
As men age, the unfortunate fact is that their body’s natural testosterone production begins to drop off, and these typically male traits begin to fade in the process.
Traits like energy, strength and endurance, and the one that matters most here: Sexual libido.
Some may see it as a natural and expected effect of aging.
Others don’t want to go down without a fight.
For members of the second group, there are natural testosterone boosting supplements.
They don’t work as well and directly as hormone replacement therapy which uses synthetic testosterone to replace and augment what you have naturally.
But they do help by increasing the natural testosterone your body produces.
What is ZYX-10 Pills?
ZYX10 male enhancement is one of these natural testosterone boosting supplements, and it’s recently become available online by signing up for a free trial.
Among other claims, some of the benefits of ZXY-10 include:
- Bigger, Longer Lasting Erections
- A surge in sex drive and energy
- Increased sexual confidence
Let’s dive right in and see if it’s worth signing up.
Benefits of ZYX10 Male Enhancement
Most of the information you’ll find about ZYX10 comes from its official website, and it places its focus almost exclusively on sexual enhancement.
They don’t go so far as to say it’ll make your penis grow, but they do state you’ll achieve:
- Greater sexual satisfaction.
- Improved erections.
- Being more impressive to your partner.
- Vastly increased confidence.
- Even though testosterone is as much about muscles as it is about sex, ZYX10 goes all in on solving sexual problems:
In fact, the entire website goes on in that vein, describing with titillating words and semi-explicit images how you can become the sexual god you were meant to be and have every woman you want begging at your feet.
ZYX10 Ingredients
The next thing we took a look into was the formula.
You can tell a lot about a supplement by what’s in it.
Unfortunately, ZYX10 doesn’t give amounts or show an actual label.
But they do let us know what the key ingredients are, and that’s something.
- Wild Yam Extract is used to maintain an appropriate balance between male and female hormones. (1)
- Orchic Substance is thought to boost natural testosterone, although this notion has been disputed. (2)
- Saw Palmetto supports prostate health which is important because increased testosterone in some men could cause prostate problems. (3)
- Nettle Extract also supports prostate health, including symptoms of BPH. (4)
- Tongkat Ali supports free testosterone by binding to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG).
SHBG binds itself to testosterone molecules, making them ineffective.
But with Tongkat Ali around, there’s less SHBG available to bind up the testosterone. (5) - Epimedium which doesn’t actually increase testosterone, but it does help enhance your sexual performance first by being a natural aphrodisiac, then by improving blood flow for better erections. (6)
- Sarsaparilla contains steroid saponins which are the building blocks of testosterone. (7)
- Boron has been shown to increase free testosterone by preventing it from converting to estrogen and also by inhibiting the action of SHBG, like Tongkat Ali. (8)
It looks like a fairly typical testosterone boosting formula – nothing terrible but nothing particularly effective either.
I’ve seen much better, that’s for sure.
ZYX10 Reviews
We searched through supplement websites and forum discussions and found absolutely no independent feedback regarding ZYX10 male enhancement from guys who’ve actually used it.
The only thing we found that even comes close is the testimonial section on the product website:
Up to this point, ZYX-10looks like a lot of other supplements out there – nothing great, nothing awful. It may work for you, or it may not.
But it’s not likely to turn the industry on its ear.
And while all this remains true, there are a few other key pieces of information you need to understand all that’s right and all that’s wrong with ZYX10 male enhancement.
Where to Buy
ZYX10 is only available through their website, and only by signing up for their free trial offer.
This may sound like a good thing, but trust me, it’s anything but.What happens is, you sign up for the free trial by paying only a small shipping fee of $1.99.
Most customers think this is where the story ends.They get their free sample in the mail, they try it out, and if they want more, they buy it.
But that’s not even remotely close to how it goes from here.
Check out the small print about what actually comes next:
Basically what they’re saying is that unless you call 855-349-3811 and cancel within 14 days of ordering, they’ll charge your credit card $94.99 for the trial bottle, then they’ll send you a new full price bottle each month until you realize what they’re doing and call to cancel.They don’t mention having to return the free trial bottle to prevent being charged, but you’d want to check with ZYX10 to be sure.
You don’t want to have to find out by finding the $95 charge on your credit card.
ZYX10 and Z Vital
I noticed something very interesting when I began looking into ZYX10. About half of the websites that popped up in the search weren’t for ZYX-10 male enhancement at all.They were actually for a product called Z Vital, also a testosterone booster.
What you’ll notice about the two products is that the websites are basically exactly the same, the only real difference being the product name and the look of the bottle.
Take a look at the 2 websites one after the other:
They are just about exactly the same.Clearly there are companies that make more than one supplement, but that’s not what’s going on here.
They are presenting these two as exactly the same, with the same ingredients, same benefits, same everything.
And they’re using the exact same marketing for each.
Right down to the testimonials.
Remember the ZYX10 male enhancement testimonials I listed up above?
Take quick look at them again, then look at what I found on the Z Vital website:
The only change they made was to switch out the product name.
That’s proof positive that this company will fabricate customer reviews.
After all, they can’t be real for both products.
ZYX10 Pros and Cons
Advantages of ZYX10
- It contains natural ingredients. (probably)
Disadvantages of ZYX10
- They don’t list ingredient amounts on the website, so it’s difficult to know if they are present in effective amounts.
They could just be dustings – enough to claim they’re in there, but not enough to do anything. - There aren’t really any powerhouse ingredients in the list.
- The website and marketing and everything else is exactly the same as for Z Vital.
- You can only order by signing up for the free trial offer, which is not free at all, and will have you paying every month.
- If you don’t cancel in time, the stuff costs $89.95 plus shipping every month.
- There are no customer reviews, just testimonials on the official website, which by the way are the same ones they used for Z Vital, so you know they’re not real.
The Bottom Line
Even if you ignore the free trial and the copycat website issues, ZYX-10 male enhancement still isn’t anything to write home about.It’s a mediocre testosterone booster that costs way too much for what it is.
But we can’t ignore the free trial issue.
So many guys get roped into these scammy free trials, and it’s no accident. The print is small for a reason.
They want you to sign up thinking you’re trying something out for free because if most guys realized the terms, they’d never sign on.
This scam is all too common and quite frankly, it is insulting that these companies even continue to try it, but the fact of the matter is that trusting and hopeful customers keep on falling for it so I see no end in sight anytime soon.
And the fact that ZYX10 is basically the replacement product for Z Vital is just icing on the cake.
It’s a pretty common thing actually.
Companies don’t want to hang around too long selling the same free trial scam with the same product because after a while, that product gets a bad reputation.
So they move on quickly and seamlessly to the next.
It’s very likely that’s what’s going on here.
Their claims are just as unbelievable as the fake reviews that you can find on every corner of the internet and they quite simply are not fooling me, and hopefully won’t fool you.
In the end, ZYX10 isn’t vital at all.
There are much better testosterone boosters out there.
Check out one of those.
Have You Used ZYX10?
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Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
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User Questions and Answers
The only way to order it is by signing up for their free trial, but be careful, its not even close to free. SupplementCritique.com is a review website, we are not related to this product in any way. You will have to contact them through their website to order or ask a question.- Rob