4 BEST Legal Adderall Alternatives
By: Rob MillerIn this video, we are going to go over the best over the counter Adderall alternatives that money can buy right now!
Read our official written OTC adderall alternatives post here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/closest-thing-to-adderall-over-the-counter-otc/
Video Transcript
Hey guys, Rob here again with supplement critique dot com, and in todays review we’re actually going to be talking about some over the counter alternatives that I’ve personally used in the past that work well as an alternative to prescription ADHD medications like Adderall, Ritalin, and so forth.
If you’re NOT interested in watching this video I would invite you to click on the link in the description box below or just run a search on google for something like “supplement critique adderall alternatives“, it will take you to my website supplement critique.com where i go into great detail about how all of these products work.
I want to start off this review with a couple of disclaimers:
1. I’m not a doctor, so don’t construe any of this as medical advice.
2. Some of the products on this page may not be legal in your area of the world, so double check before ordering.
3. I also want to mention that these products are NOT ranked in any particular order. They are all pretty much equally as effective, but they will provide slightly different benefits which I will get into throughough the review.
So anyway, for those who aren’t aware, Adderall is a prescription ADHD medication that’s used by millions of Americans. Adderall is basically a combination of Amphetamine and dextro amphetamine, both of which are central nervous system stimulants that affect chemicals in the brain as well as nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.
It’s available in an extended release and instant release form, and of course as with any ADHD medication it requires a prescription from a licensed psychiatrist.
If you’ve already tried it or are currently using it, you know it’s VERY effective at helping increase focus, concentration, and motivation, however, it also has a wide variety of side effects that sometimes outweighs the benefits.
Those side effects include changes in mood, increased heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, dry mouth, and a whole host of other problems we’re not going to get into here.
I’ve personally used both the extended release and instant release versions, and I can tell you from experience that it works.
I can also tell you from experience that those side effects I mentioned are real, and can be kind of annoying.
So, anyway I’ve tried dozens of these so called Adderall alternatives over the years, some of them worked really well, some of them didn’t do shit, and some of them worked fairly well but caused a bunch of side effects that didn’t make it worth it.
#1 – Phenibut and Optimind
This particular combo that i have here is one of the best nootropics I’ve ever used called Optimind, and a substance called Phenibut from Absorb Your Health.
I’m going to talk about each one of these briefly and explain how they work, and see if I can give you sort of an overall idea of what you can expect from taking these 2 supplements.
So I’ll start with Phenibut…If you’ve never heard of it before, Phenibut is actually a substance that was discovered by Russian scientists close to 30 years ago, and is a central nervous system depressant and derivative of y-aminobutyric-acid.
It has been shown in clinical studies to help produce feelings of calm, euphoria, and works GREAT as an anti-anxiety supplement.
It actually even acts as a very potent aphrodisiac and can help DRAMATICALLY with performance anxiety, which is why I recommend it in conjunction with a supplement called Extenze if you’re having problems in the bedroom.
So, I’ve had a few guys ask me in the past, how could something that works as a central nervous system depressant work like Adderall?
Well, from my personal experience, phenibut in LOW doses (so somewhere in the range of 500 mg or less) spread out over the course of the day AND combined with a stimulant (like Optimind), seems to have the OPPOSITE effect.
It’s not a hyper, jittery, “I feel like I’m on an amphetamine” effect, but rather a calm, cool, collected, and dialed in type of effect.
Now Optimind on the other hand, contains about 100 mg of caffeine, and a unique blend of ingredients that include Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bacopa leaf extract, Huperzine Alpha, and Taurine, amongst a few others.
From my personal experimentation, the combo of Optimind and Phenibut is defintily one of the best combos to give you a feeling close to that of Adderall.
It made me much more focused, helped to increase my concentration, and seemed to even have an effect on memory and my overall mood.
Now, there is a very particular way that you should take this combo to get the best results, and there’s also a few warnings about Phenibut that you should be aware of.
I’m not going to talk about it here because I have a ton of other alternatives to show you and it’s sort of complicated, but if you click the link in the description box below, or again just do a google search for something like Supplement Critique adderall alternatives, it will take you to my site which explains in great detail how you should take these two.
#2 – Absorb Your Health
Next up we have a product called the Brain boost power pack from Absorb Your Health Nutrition.
This is a combination of Nootropic supplements, which are sometimes called “Smart Drugs” or “Cognitive Enhancers”, that help to improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, motivation, and focus.
I’m not going to get into a detailed discussion about what Nootropics are, I actually have a really comprehensive (and FREE) ebook on my site that goes into pretty good detail about what they are, what they do, how they work, and all that fun stuff.
I’ll put a link to sign up for it in the description box below if you’re interested.
So anyway, the Brain Boost Power Pack is a combo of 4 different supplements.
You have Adrafinil, Noopept, Alpha GPC, and Sulbutiamine.
Adrafinil is essentially a precursor to the drug Modafinil, which is scientifically known as a “wakefullness promoting agent”.
Adrafinil isn’t like your typical stimulant….it doesn’t make you hyperactive or jittery, it basically just wakes you up.
When you take Adrafinil, as it passes through the liver it’s actually metabolized into Modafinil, which is a fancy way of saying it turns into it.
Related Article: Afinil Express Review (UPDATED 2018): My Personal Results
The effect of this is that it helps to improve mental clarity, focus, and retention, but the main thing that I noticed was that it helps to lift the fog so to speak.
The next supplement in the stack here is Noopept.
Noopept is a substance that produces effects similar to that of Piracetam, but it’s not actually a racetam.
It’s been shown in numerous clinical studies to help improve memory, learning capacity, focus, and concentration, but it’s actually most effective as a neuroprotective agent, which essentially means it protects your brain from stress.
In my personal experience, Noopept seems to help calm you down and increase attention.
Next up we have Alpha GPC.
Alpha GPC is a choline containing supplement that helps with new memory formation and learning, and from what I’ve read has been widely accepted as an effective nootropic.
Choline is actually found in many of the foods we eat, however, most people don’t get enough of it in their daily diet.
So basically, Alpha GPC is supposed to help make up for that choline deficiency.
It’s main purpose is actually to reduce cognitive decline, which of course is inevitable as we get older.
There’s also been a few studies that have shown that it can help DRAMATICALLY with attention span and focus, and I’ll put a few links to those studies below.
From my personal experience, Alpha GPC seems to get you dialed in and focused, without give you a hypersensitive state of mind.
The last supplement in this stack is Sulbutiamine, which is basically a derivative of Vitamin B1, or thiamine.
I’ve noticed over the last few years of testing these Brain boosting supplements that practically all of them contain Vitamin B1, usually in really high doses.
That’s great and all, but there’s one major problem.
It doesn’t actually cross the blood brain barrier in effective doses.
Basically what that means is that you’re not getting it’s full effects.
With Sulbutiamine, the effects are WAY more pronounced, and the reason why is because it actually DOES cross the blood brain barrier.
It’s primary benefits is to enhance energy and mood, which obviously helps when you’re trying to get stuff done.
From my personal experience, I can defintely feel the effects of the improved mood and energy when I take this stuff.
Just like with the Optimind and Phenibut combo, there’s a pretty specific way you should be taking this stack, and I’m not going to go over it here because it will take too much time.
Again, just click the link in the description box below of search google for Supplement critique adderall alternatives and I go into really good detail about how you’re supposed to take this stuff.
#3 Kratom
This next substance I’m about to talk about is a bit controversial. I actually was debating with myself to include it in this video, but I figured it was worth it to those who are pretty desperate to find something that works.
It’s called Kratom, sometimes pronounced Kray tom, and if you’ve never heard of it before it’s basically a plant that’s native to Southeast Asia and Indo China.
It’s been used for HUNDREDS of years by the people living in those regions to help produce feelings of euphoria, boost energy / endurance, and help with focus and motivation.
One of it’s primary functions is to actually help as a very effective pain reliever, but I’ve noticed that certain types of Kratom actually help with motivation and mood pretty substantially.
I wouldn’t characterize Kratom being essentially the same thing as a drug like Adderall, but it can definitely produce euphoric effects similar to it.
Now, there’s varying strains of Kratom that all produce different effects.
They’re basically divided up into slow, moderate, and fast strains.
The slow strains produce a more euphoric state, give you a sense of well being, and can help with both anxiety and pain relief.
The Fast strains are largely used for energy, physical labor, attention, and pro social behavior.
The moderate strains are basically a blend of the 2.
All of these strains will give you some sort of an effect, so it really depends on what kind of effect you’re looking for.
In my personal experience, the moderate strains seem to produce the best “adderall like” effect.
They will give you the kind of motivation your looking for to help get stuff done, but without the nasty side effects and over stimulation.
I’ve tested probably a dozen different vendors who sell Kratom, and in my personal experience the best one is from a company called Top Extracts.
They sell basically every strain, and for me the most effective ones are Red and White vein Maeng Da, Red Vein Borneo, and Red and White Vein Bali.
However, one thing I want to note about Kratom is that it can be kind of funky to find just the right strain.
Different people seem to respond varyingly to different strains, so a strain that works “fast” for me may be “slow” for you aand vice versa.
The guys over at Top Extracts actually have what they refer to as a “beginners pack”, which contains 3 different versions of Kratom, which I’ll put a link to in the description box below.
I would suggest you pick up one of those as a starting point so you can see for yourself which ones work the best.
Just like with the other substances I talked about earlier, there’s a few warnings regarding Kratom usage, and a very specific way you should be taking this, which I talk about it in great detail on my site Supplement Critique dot com so check it out there.
#4 1,3 Dimethylamylamine
The last supplement I’m going to talk about is actually an ingredient that you’ll find in a handful of different types of weight loss pills and fat burners.
Just like with Kratom, it is also somewhat controversial.
It’s called DMAA, and it was actually originally developed as a nasal decongestant back in the mid 40’s by a pharmaceutical company called Eli Lilly.
It ended up being voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 1983, However, since 2006 or so it’s been sold as a dietary supplement when the substance Ephedrine was banned.
I can tell you from experience that this is defintly some powerful stuff.
I’ve taken dozens of supplements over the years that contain DMAA, and it will DEFINITELY increase your energy, mood, focus, and concentration.
However, unlike most of the other substances I talked about previously, it does have a tendency to cause some side effects.
Those side effects include increased heart rate, blood pressure, arrhythmia, and there was even a few cardiac related deaths that were attributed to DMAA use back in the day, so it’s definitely something you want to keep in mind if you’re deciding to try it out yourself.
DMAA is actually structurally similar to amphetamines, and can actually give a false positive in drug tested competitions for amphetamines, so if you’re a competing athlete I would highly recommend avoiding it at all costs.
There’s only a handful of supplements out there that contain DMAA at the moment, and those include EPH 100, Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Black Widow and Fastin, and Hydroxy Elite.
I’ll put links to all of them in the description box below.
That’s pretty much all I have for this review. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comments section below, or send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
I’ll be back soon with another review, take care.