Ageless Male Review – My Personal Results
By: Rob Miller
The supplement industry has exploded over the past two decades.
There are supplements for everything under the sun, and then some.
However, one specific area of the supplement market has really grown in recent years, and it’s the sexual enhancement area.
Products like Ageless Male fuel this growth.
But what is it?

Ageless Male is a male enhancement product that claims it can boost testosterone and reduce the amount of testosterone that is converted to estradiol and DHT.
However, the Ageless Male website also states that this product has the potential to boost energy production, increase sex drive, promote lean muscle mass, and give users a more positive mood.
So, now for the burning question… how does Ageless Male work?
How It WorksCustomer Reviews
My Personal Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Pros And Cons
Where To Buy
How Ageless Male Works
Ingredients in Ageless Male include Saw Palmetto and Astaxantin.
There is mention that a published study of one of these ingredients in humans shows that the ingredient did help to increase the levels of testosterone to a range considered normal.

One of the major ingredients found in Ageless male is Testofen, which is nothing but standardized fenugreek seed extract.
Fenugreek is a medicinal plant and is used for many conditions, including digestive problems, gastritis, heart conditions, high blood pressure level and cholesterol.
Fenugreek is also used for kidney problems, mouth ulcers, infection and tissues, tuberculosis and even conditions like erectile dysfunction.
Breast-feeding women sometimes take fenugreek to increase milk flow.
It is also used as a poultice, which means it’s wrapped in a soft cloth, warmed and directly applied to the skin to treat swelling and muscle pain.
The extreme advantage of using this particular medicinal ingredient has been shown in lowering diabetic conditions including type I and type II diabetes.
It also has been shown to lower cholesterol and high triglycerides.
Here are the ingredients in Ageless Male:

Other conditions and symptoms relieved by fenugreek are:
- Constipation
- Stomach disorder
- Sexual problems
- Constipation
- Fever
- Gout
- Baldness
Fenugreek taste and smell closely resembles Maple syrup and is usually used to hide the bitter taste of medicines.
In normal foods, fenugreek is used as an ingredient in spice blends, mainly in Asian dishes.

The key ingredient in Ageless Male has been medically shown to help men to maintain healthy testosterone level and improve their well-being.
The product has helped men since ages to lead active and healthy lifestyle.
Fenugreek has been chemically proven to boost free testosterone levels and help support healthy energy metabolism, active sexual energy and muscle boost.
Not sure if you have low-testosterone?
Take our low testosterone test!
Ageless Male Reviews
So, we’ve established that the main ingredient in Ageless Male, fenugreek, is pretty powerful medicinally speaking.
But what are people saying about the product as a whole?
Apart from their official website, which naturally has numerous positive reviews, finding information on people who have ACTUALLY used it was easy.
The hard part, however, was determining which testimonials were actually truthful, and which were flat out fake.
Case in point, I ran a quick search on YouTube to see if I could find anyone who has used Ageless Male and I came across this:
This sounds… scripted. And in all likelihood, it probably is.
First off, the guy looks like he hasn’t worked out a day in his life.
Second, he talks a little bit about how Ageless Male changed his life, but doesn’t get into anything specific.
He keeps referencing another site as well as being instrumental in determining whether or not he should buy Ageless male, which seems like it’s more or less just a ploy to get you to visit their website.
The guy in this next video also seems like he’s been paid to do a review of Ageless Male:
I also came across several reviews and testimonials of Ageless Male on Amazon, and in the majority of cases, they weren’t so good.
You can see the breakdown of the reviews below.
You’ll see that 32% of the reviews were 1-star, opposed to a measly 22% of 5-star reviews.

This user below was hoping for testosterone gains of 40%.
But after 4 bottles of Ageless Male, he’s experienced less than a 5% increase in t-levels.
Here is another negative review of Ageless Male from a man of fewer words…

Users mostly complained that, despite manufacturer claims of elevated testosterone levels, they noticed no significant difference in their testosterone levels after getting a blood test.
That’s no surprise, as I don’t think there is ANY t-booster on the market that can REALLY increase your baseline testosterone levels.
More often than not, that is really only going to come as result of a particularly strong booster that is prescription strength or from hormone replacement therapy which not all men are able to do and can pose several side effects for some people.
If you try to find an objective review on any other site (apart from Amazon), you’ll likely be disappointed.
This bothers me because what I am looking for when I am deciding whether or not trying out any given male enhancement supplement is a little bit of information from those who have already experienced it but good luck finding that with this one.
For example, one site rates Ageless Male a 3.0 out of 5, citing that they couldn’t come to a conclusion because of inconclusive information regarding the ingredients.
They say, “Any supplement that reduces a decline in hormones will have a positive effect on the user, but without knowing exactly what the ingredient amounts are, it is impossible to make an informed judgment.”
They go on to say that Ageless Male may “slightly improve” things like energy, endurance, and muscle. “But it is certainly not to be relied upon for problems with erectile function or severe hormonal deficiency.”
Fair enough, but my question to them would be, “did you try testing it?”
As a matter of fact, looking around their site it doesn’t look like they test ANY of the products that they are talking about.
That’s a red flag and a credibility issue in my book.
Lastly, there’s a scathing review of Ageless Male on the Peak Testosterone forum, which is almost hard to read.
The gentlemen, who goes by the handle “BlueMetroid” admits that while he was on Ageless Male, he felt pretty awesome.
Or in his words. . . “For the month I was on Ageless Male I felt like a bull.
Great sex drive, lots of energy, frequent erections, positive outlook, and just that general ‘manly’ feeling.
I had a couple ED problems, but I dismissed it.
Life was looking up!”
And then the wheels fell off. . .
The problem was when he STOPPED taking Ageless Male, he came down with some pretty wicked symptoms:
- Severe depression
- Extreme Muscle twitches
- Constant Fatigue and Tiredness
- 100% inability to get an erection
- Loss of appetite
He was even lead to ask questions like. . .

I mean, the guy was getting married soon and didn’t want his penis to remain “cold and lifeless.”

Can you blame him?
As men, we want to feel vital and feel like we have what it takes to keep our partners happy.

In all honesty, other than the whole “dead meat” hanging between his legs, the symptoms he describe sound similar to the flu.
So I’m not 100% sure that stopping Ageless Male was the primary cause of these symptoms.
My personal results were MUCH different from those of the testimonials on Amazon and other sites.
So. . . is it really worth buying?
My Results With Ageless Male
I have used several dozen supplements, like Pro Testosterone, that make a lot of the same promises as Ageless Male (see below), but this is actually one of the first I tried that almost lived up to it.
First off, I am hitting my mid thirties now, and am starting to feel the effects of aging.
I was getting more winded at sports, my sex drive started to decrease, and my overall energy has just been going down the tube.

I know to be wary of boasting claims, so I approached my experiment with Ageless Male with a little bit of caution, as I’ve been burned before.
Overall Effectiveness
I started noticing the effects after the first few days of taking it.
My libido was through the roof for the first 4 – 5 days, and then out of nowhere it just plummeted.
In fact, if anything I think that my libido actually went LOWER then how it was before I started taking Ageless Male.
Just like with my libido, I felt a bit more energetic for the first few days, and then it just sort of seemed to taper off.
Side Effects
The only weird thing I noticed was this sense of aggression and hostility for the first couple of days.
Was Ageless Male responsible?
I don’t know.
But I’m almost NEVER aggressive like that, and it could have been an indicator that my testosterone was surging.
Ageless Male FAQ’s
Are there any side effects?
The main ingredient in Ageless Male, fenugreek, is known to be the safest medicinal plant when taken orally in appropriate amounts.
People generally consume fenugreek as an ingredient in food, but since it is extremely high in medicinal value, it is used as medicinal purposes as well.
However, it does have the ability to produce side effects ranging from gas to upset stomach. (source: Webmd)
The side effects mostly seem to be minor, and “not likely to cause serious, adverse reactions.”

Apart from Testofen (fenugreek seed extract), Ageless male contains natural ingredients like vitamin B6, magnesium, and Zinc.
According to the makers of Ageless Male, the product is completely safe.
But take that with a grain of salt. . .

Remember, I had sudden bouts of aggression and hostility while taking it.
I can’t say for certain it was due to this supplement, but it was cause for concern.
Also, some users such as ‘BlueMetroid’ mentioned above, complain of a whole host of side effects — everything up to and including a cold, lifeless penis. :-/ But these potential side effects cannot be confirmed so easily.
In my searching for other common side effects of Ageless Male, I came across a site called Best Testosterone Brands, and they mentioned “several complaints about this herb [Saw Palmetto].
Some people reported that this ingredient [found in Ageless Male] had caused their liver problems and also became the reason of their impotence.
Some other effects are dizziness, headache, nausea, and diarrhea.” Source
Also, if you’re concerned about hair loss, the ingredient Macuna is an herb that can potentially cause everything from hair loss to high blood pressure, and headaches and vomiting.
But I don’t believe the concentration of this ingredient is high enough in Ageless Male to cause these symptoms.
How long does it take to start working?
Many users never felt Ageless Male work at all.
While others felt it kick in at about the one-month mark.
Here’s what the makers of the product say. . .

Can I take Ageless Male if I have high blood pressure?
The makers of Ageless Male don’t mention complications you might encounter while taking the product with high blood pressure, but there’s always potential for something to go wrong.
They do say that if you are taking medication, or have other health concerns, it’s best to seek professional medical advice.
Couldn’t hurt.
Is Ageless Male a Scam?

As you can see, you’re not the only one who wants the answer to this. And here’s the thing.
The ingredients in Ageless Male are not proven to boost testosterone, as the product explicitly promises.
Hence the lawsuit mentioned below.

Also, the company does that pretty skeevy thing where they put you on auto-debit, recurring payments.
Sure you can cancel, but I would imagine many men don’t.
While it’s probably not the scammiest of scams, use your best judgement before pulling out your wallet.
Are there any known drug interactions?
Remember fenugreek, the main ingredient in Ageless Male?
Well, according to, there are 89 drug interactions with fenugreek. Source

88 of the drug interactions are minor, and probably of little concern.
But the one moderate interaction, an eye medication called Verteporfin, might be important to look out for.
Again, if you have any concerns about taking Ageless Male, it’s best to seek expert medical advice.
What’s the difference between Ageless Male Max and Ageless Male?
Ageless Male Max is apparently supposed to boost nitric oxide by 64%.
If true, this is impressive, as nitric oxide is what gets a man going. . .

Here are the Ageless Male Max ingredients, which are strikingly similar to Ageless Male:

Does it work? Well, I haven’t tried the stuff.
And after my experience with Ageless Male, I don’t know that I will.
Here are what Amazon reviewers are saying about Ageless Male Max. . .

Not bad compared to the abysmal reviews of Ageless Male.
As for the price of Ageless Male Max, you can expect to pay about $10 more per monthly supply.
Ageless Male Vs. Nugenix
It’s the battle of the T-Boosters.Well, to be honest it’s not even close.
I’ve tried both Ageless Male and Nugenix, and I have to say that I’m partial to one of these t-boosters over the other.
Have a look at a thorough review I wrote about Nugenix, which also has my personal experience taking the stuff.
Alright, let’s jump right in.
In the ingredients department, the two products look almost identical. Almost.

You’ll see that there’s an added something in Nugenix that Ageless Male just doesn’t have.
That’s Tribulus terrestris.

Now, Tribulus terrestris is quite the aphrodisiac, and it’s found in a lot of male enhancement products because it’s an all-natural way to increase libido and up your game in the bedroom.
Believe me, I can attest to it’s powers.
I’ve taken Tribulus terrestris in the past, in other forms, and I’ve found it to dramatically increase my sexual activity and, dare I say, performance.
So here’s what happened when I started taking Nugenix.
I was once a super-active guy with tons of energy and stamina, and then things just went downhill.
As you’ll read in the Nugenix review I wrote, my testosterone levels dropped nearly 20% in 4 short years.
And this was during my early thirties!
I started taking it, and the first few days I didn’t notice any changes.
But then on day 5 I woke up with a massive morning wood, and so I knew this could be good.
By the second week the Nugenix really started to work.
I was waking up feeling fresh and ready for the day.
I was motivated physically and mentally to hit the gym and have some of the best workouts of my life.
During week three I was seeing great improvements in my overall mood and sex drive, and my lady was more than happy with my performance in the bedroom.
By week four I felt 15 years younger, and I had dropped 12 pounds!
I stopped taking Nugenix at that time, as I figured it would be best to cycle it for optimal results.
During the next month I felt pretty good, as I felt the product wearing off.
Needless to say, Nugenix works. . . really well.
If you remember, while I was taking Ageless Male, I felt a spike in energy and drive, but it quickly faded a few short days later.
Nugenix kept it coming, day after day.
Others have had similar results, as Nugenix gets much better reviews on Amazon than Ageless Male.

Now, did it increase my testosterone? Probably only a tiny bit if at all.
But who can complain when you feel like a young buck again inside the bedroom and out?!

So what about the price?
A one-month supply of Nugenix will run you $69.95 (or $57 on Amazon), which is more expensive than Ageless Male at $39.95. But you get what you pay for.

You can buy the product outright, or you can go for the free-trial on the company’s website.Just be warned, if you sign up for the free trial they’ll put you on recurring shipments of the stuff, but you will get a completely free bottle of Nugenix to try risk-free.
Not bad.
Also, both companies offer a great 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the product.
I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now — I definitely prefer Nugenix over Ageless Male.
If I were going to take a testosterone booster consistently over time, I would turn to Nugenix because of the great results I got the first time around.
If you’re really shopping around and want to know my top-3 picks for t-boosters, well here you go!
Have yourself a gander.
What About this Ageless Male Class Action Lawsuit?
Yep. There’s that too.
The fine folks at New Vitality got hit with quite the lawsuit when three men came forward with cold hard facts.
According to, “The premise of the plaintiffs’ complaint is that the defendants marketed and sold the supplements claiming that they would boost testosterone when studies show that the herbs have no effect on the male hormone levels.” Busted. Source

The men were seeking retribution for falling victim to fraudulent marketing.
I couldn’t find any information on what came of the lawsuit, but I imagine the makers of the product settled with the men for buku bucks.
Pros and Cons of Ageless Male
Pros of Ageless Male:
- The Ageless Male website is very professional looking and easy to navigate.
- The product website provides information on Andropause and lack of testosterone.
- There is an interesting back story on Dr. Rosenstein provided, similar to a testimonial.
- The product offers a 100% money back guarantee for up to 30 days after product purchase.
- Information on the manufacturer, NAC Vitamins Inc., is provided on the product website.
- There is a discount offered for individuals who choose to purchase a 3-month supply.

Cons of Ageless Male:
- There is very little information provided regarding how the product works.
- There are only two ingredients mentioned on the Ageless Male website.
- The product website states a clinical trial, but does not mention the ingredient that the trial supported or provide a link to view the trial’s results.
- The FAQ section is very limited and doesn’t provide answers to any of my pressing questions regarding this product.
- The product does not mention whether or not there are any side effects associated with use.
Where to Buy Ageless Male
You can currently purchase Ageless Male from the product’s website,
The cost for one bottle, a one month supply, is $39.95 plus shipping and handling.However, those interested in purchasing larger quantities can obtain a 3 month supply for $79.90 plus shipping and handling.

As far as its availability in local stores like GNC, Walmart, or Walgreens, you can actually buy a bottle in GNC for $45 or a one month’s supply.It’s more expensive because GNC tends to mark up supplements, mainly because of their brand recognition.
As mentioned earlier, you should probably avoid their free trial, however, which will end up putting you in an ENDLESS auto-rebill, auto-shipment program that charges you way too much.
Check out my related article on free trials, and what they’re really all about.
That’s not to say that Ageless Male is a scam, but the recurring billing could turn out costing you more than you bargained for.
Is Ageless Male Recommended?
Based on my personal experience with Ageless Male, I’m a bit torn on making a solid recommendation for it.
It’s got a decent ingredient profile, but that never won anyone any awards.
The reviews on Amazon are mediocre at best, and that is cause for concern.
Out of 5 stars, I would give Ageless Male a total of 2 stars. 1 for the libido boost I got for the first few days, and 1 for the free E-Book.
Speaking of books, if you REALLY want to boost your testosterone levels safely and naturally, you should sign up for my free “How To Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally” ebook.
It’s packed with ton’s of info on natural ways you can boost your natural testosterone levels, without having to rub some cream under your armpits 🙂 Click here to sign up for it now and receive it instantly in your inbox!
Have you tried this product?
Leave your Ageless Male review below!
Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Which testosterone booster is best? -Mike
In my personal experience, Testofuel is the best testosterone booster. You can read more about it in my review here.- Rob
What are the side effects of Ageless Male? -Tim
The most common side effects are the following: increased agitation / hostility, gas, upset stomach, dizziness, headache, nausea, and diarrhea. If you experience any of these adverse effects you should discontinue using Ageless Male and visit a physician immediately.
- Rob
What is the Ageless Male lawsuit about? -Ed
I spoke about it briefly above. Basically, a bunch of guys got together and sued the makers of Ageless Male (New Vitality), claiming that their testosterone levels never rose from taking the supplement. They sued for fraudulent marketing, but I'm unsure of what the outcome was.- Rob
What is the difference between Ageless male and prime male -Bassey
They are both natural testosterone boosters, but they use different natural ingredients to get to the same results. My choice between the two would be Prime Male.- Rob
4 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
Can ageless male hurt a type 2 diabetic ? -Robert
It's likely to be fine, but you should check with your physician just to be sure.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.