AKG Stack Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-27-2013

akg stack reviewsThose involved in bodybuilding or regular fitness routines know that supplementation is a core part of the program. What many don’t quite know is the appropriate type of supplementation for their particular needs. For example, do you take something to enhance energy? Maybe you need a boost in muscle development?

This situation is usually the most complicated for the bodybuilder because some are looking to bulk up while others are just looking for a good set of “pumps” each time they workout. When we heard about AKG Stack from NutraBio we were immediately interested. This is because the product claimed to be the most powerful muscle stack available, but one that also helped to enhance endurance and to improve energy levels and recovery times too. This meant that it was probably a good solution for the serious athlete in addition to being an ideal answer for a dedicated bodybuilder. So, we began a bit of investigation about the ingredients and also looked for some consumer feedback too.

Ingredients in AKG Stack

The ingredients list for AKG Stack reads like a “how to” for NO boosting. Nitric oxide is the natural compound made by the human body and it works as a vasodilator. This means that NO is responsible for oxygen and blood delivery to the muscles, so it is only natural that the AKG Stack ingredients would contain some substances meant to boost NO production. We were astonished, however, to see that it contains extreme levels of the materials known for enhanced NO creation. For instance, 3500mg of Arginine is partnered with 500mg of Beta-Alanine and supported by the presence of a whopping 3500mg of Creatine too.

There is also Orthinine Alpha Ketoglutarate for protein synthesis, Glutamine for enhanced glucose and insulin function, Taurine for all around cell volume and dramatically increased anabolic processes, and Citruline for a reduction in lactic acid and ammonia (the two components known for brining on fatigue and muscle burn). All of the materials, we learned, are guaranteed to be the freshest and purest pharmaceutical grade ingredients. There are no fillers in these supplements, and this means that they available for your body’s use at the moment they are needed.

Consumer Reviews and Testimonials

When we began to read consumer feedback about AKG Stack we realized that most of the people using it were indeed bodybuilders, and that most of these people were seriously educated about supplementation. There was a lot of technical jargon, but the basic gist of the feedback was that the formula was very impressive in terms of muscle building and development, that it helped to sustain energy very effectively, and that it was considered a very good value.

Some comments included phrases such as “no nonsense” and “comprehensive” and this made it clear that the users appreciated the simplicity and reliability of the formula. Some of the feedback about AKG Stack, however, did indicate a “sour” flavor and a bit of discomfort because of the need to consume it no more than 15 minutes before their workouts began.

Pricing and Availability

The price of the AKG Stack supplement is best directly through the manufacturer. Currently it can be purchased in a 500 gram container for $35 (which is 65% off retail pricing). When purchased through online vendors it is substantially higher, and often found in alternative packaging.


We believe that the AKG Stack product is worthy of a recommendation. It is one of those rare supplements that comes with guarantees of freshness and effectiveness, and it is scientifically formulated to provide therapeutic quantities of powerful ingredients. The information with which this product was formulated guarantees that it will help to develop muscles while increasing mental clarity and endurance in the safest manner possible.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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