Alpha Lean 7 Review
By: Rob Miller
Alpha Lean 7 Review
All weight loss and fat burner manufacturers will claim that their product is capable of delivering the best results.
Of course, Alpha Lean 7 is no exception to this rule.
The manufacturers claim that this product is capable of annihilating your body fat for good.
To top it off, they even go as far as to say it should be used by experienced exercisers only.
Obviously, none of these claims are unusual when it comes to the supplement world.

But we still wanted to know how effective Alpha Lean 7 really is when it comes to showing results.
So we threw ourselves into the deep end to find out all we could about this product, its ingredients, the company behind it, and whether or not it’s right for you.
In this review, we examine whether Alpha Lean 7 is truly able to achieve for you what it claims, or if it’s just another scam product trying to take your money.
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1. What is Alpha Lean 7?
Alpha Lean 7 is a supplement used for burning fat.
Its manufacturer, Hard Rock Supplements, claims that it helps in boosting thermogenic activities.
Hence promoting weight loss.
The company also says this “blowtorch” for fat reduces food cravings and thus limits daily calorie intake.
Cited benefits include:
- Enhances the metabolism, hence promoting faster calorie burn.
- Aids in reducing water retention.
- Boosts mental focus and concentration to help you work out efficiently.
- Helps elevate the mood.
2. How Does Alpha Lean 7 work?

We are told Alpha Lean 7 is able to provide these benefits due to the ‘coordinated effects of its primary ingredients’.
That might sound pretty fancy to the average customer.
We’ve heard it all before however.
So in this section, we take a close look at each component of the formula and whether or not there is any basis to what the manufacturers are saying.
Caffeine Anhydrous

This powder is commonly found in almost all fat burners, due to its stimulant properties.
It increases the production of lipolysis, which leads to the burning of fat as fuel.
Caffeine also suppresses the appetite, thus limiting the hunger cravings.
Besides this, caffeine is known to increase mental focus as it directly affects the central nervous network, brain, muscles, and heart.
Dandelion Powder
This powder works as a diuretic to prevent redundant storage of water in the body.
While this may reduce the number on your bathroom scale temporarily, it is not a healthy—or effective—way to lose weight.
Dimethylethanolamine (DMAE)
This ingredient, also called DMAE, supposedly helps generate acetylcholine in the body, which is a neurotransmitter that improves concentration and focus.

According to WebMD, “it is also used for improving memory and mood; boosting thinking skills and intelligence; and increasing physical energy, oxygen efficiency, athletic performance, and muscle reflexes… and even extending life span.” (Source)
Betaine Anhydrous
Betaine anhydrous helps improve your liver function.
Research has also indicated that it can help reduce appetite, cut body fat, promote lean muscle growth, and maintain healthy body composition.

In fact, one study highlighted the benefits of this ingredient and found that six weeks of supplementation with Betaine anhydrous“improved body composition, arm size, bench press work capacity… and tended to improve power but not strength.” (Source)
Green Tea Extract
Here is another popular ingredient that has been used for improving health and encouraging weight loss.

Green tea extract’s primary compound, Epigallocatechin or EGCG helps elevate oxidation of fat present in the body.
On top of this, green tea is useful for enhancing metabolism and preventing the further development of fatty cells.
L-carnitine is an important compound that moves body fat to the cells so that it can be utilized as fuel. It can also promote mental focus.
This Alpha Lean 7 bodybuilding ingredient is popular with weight lifters.

A study in the US National Library of Medicine claims that “During the past 30 years, dietary supplementation with carnitine has been widely used in order to enhance lipid oxidation and increase exercise performance.” (Source)
Alpha Yohimbine
Alpha yohimbine comes from an evergreen tree in western Africa and is believed to reduce the storage of body fat by improving the mobilization of fatty acids.
And according to WebMD, people also take it to help with “athletic performance… exhaustion, chest pain, high blood pressure, low blood pressure that occurs when standing up, diabetic nerve pain, and for depression along with certain other medications.” (Source)

However, Yohimbe also has its dark side, as we’ll discuss in the Side Effects section below.
3. Aside from Those Ingredients, What Else Is in Alpha Lean 7?
Apart from the above key ingredients, we also found the following included in the Alpha Lean 7 formula:
This alkaloid compound was traditionally used as a flavoring agent, but is now known for its stimulating properties.
It comes as an extract from the orchid species Eria jarensis, and is a common ingredient used in pre-workout and fitness supplements. (Source)

Cissus Quadrangularis
This plant extract is popular for its medicinal properties that promote bone and joint health. In fact, it’s the most widely used medicinal plant in all of Thailand.
It also has anti-inflammatory benefits and antioxidants, which can reduce pain after workouts.
According to WebMD, this ingredient “is also used in bodybuilding supplements as an alternative to anabolic steroids.” (Source)

Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract
This root extract is popularly known as the African snakeroot.
It tends to help the user treat fever, diabetes, sleeplessness, arthritis, skin infections, and a rise in blood pressure.
While this ingredient “is used in some workout supplements… countries including Canada and others have banned supplements containing Rauvolfia vomitoria extract from the market… because some extracts contain high levels of chemicals that are prescription drugs.” (Source)
Theophylline Anhydrous

This ingredient is classified as a xanthine drug, which is known to control the breathing passages in the body for treatment of bronchitis, asthma, and COPD.
Since it’s meant to open up the airway for better breathing, we can only assume it is included in the formula to improve stamina. (Source)
Synephrine HCl
We could not find this ingredient printed on the label of the container, but the official website mentions its presence in Alpha Lean 7, so we decided to include it.
Synephrine HCl works as a stimulant to increase metabolism and excellerate fat burning.
It is a powerful stimulant which mimics the effects of the banned substance ephedrine.
In fact, says of this ingredient: “It appears to be a less potent fat burner relative to ephedrine.” (Source)

Anyone who is sensitive to stimulants should be careful with this ingredient.
All these ingredients are included as part of a proprietary blend.
Proprietary blends usually limit the strength of a supplement.
They also beg the question as to why the individual ingredient doses are hidden.
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In our opinion, there are some effective ingredients—but also some perplexing ingredients—included in Alpha Lean 7.
One of the best ways to know if it really works is to find out what real customers are saying.
4. What Do the Reviews Say?

The official reviews do not talk much about the adverse effects of the product.
Customers who have claimed to use it, mostly said they felt powerful effects.
Here are some snapshots from the reviews on the official Alpha Lean 7 website.
Some customers do mention that Alpha Lean 7 did cause them to sweat a lot.

Even the company claims this side effect to be normal while taking it.
This sounds a little concerning to us.
Overall, all the reviews here were positive, which is hardly a surprise!
Unfortunately we struggled to find any Alpha Lean 7 before and after reviews which seemed genuine.
We also couldn’t find Alpha Lean 7 listed for sale on any other renowned e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon.
But there are a few user reviews on YouTube.
While I can’t trust them as totally unbiased (most are just affiliates trying to sell the product), I do like to pop in the comments section to see what people are saying.
Usually the YouTube comment section is a dumpster fire, but in this case it’s helpful.

These two fellas below seem to both like it.
The first guy is pumped about the increased energy without the jitters.
Nevermind the mild sweating, so far he likes it and plans on continuing use.
While the second guy says this fat burner is “stronger than any other.” He says it feels like it has ephedrine in it… and if you recall the ingredient I discussed earlier (Synephrine HCl), you’ll know exactly where he’s coming from.
5. Frequently Asked Questions
Who makes it?
Apparently a company called Hard Rock Supplements makes this product.
But you can search the web high and low for their website and still come up dry.

Are There Any Side Effects?
Hard Rock Supplements recommends that only advanced users should use this product.
This is due to the possibility of side effects for those who are new to the world of fat burning supplements.
The combination of synephrine HCl and caffeine is noted to be potentially dangerous.
Synephrine alone is capable of increasing blood pressure and heart rate, even in people who do not smoke.
Theophylline can also cause side effects like:
- Increased urination
- Restlessness
- jitters
- stomach pain
- nervousness
As mentioned previously, quite a few customer reviews mentioned extreme sweating when taking Alpha Lean 7.
Also, the product contains Yohimbe, which according to WebMD can increase blood pressure even when taken in small amounts.
In larger amounts it can cause dangerously low blood pressure. (Source)
It would be wise to make sure you are staying hydrated if you take this product, especially as it uses diuretic ingredients.
If you are asking yourself the question “is Alpha Lean 7 safe?”, it may be better to get the opinion of your health practitioner before you take it.
Is it a good fat burner for bodybuilders?
Well, from the looks of how the company markets the product, it’s absolutely geared toward bodybuilders and others who are already in extremely good shape.

And remember, according to the makers of the product, this “Fat Incinerator” is for “Experienced Users Only.”
But… aren’t these just words and marketing hype?
A fat burner is a fat burner is a fat burner.
In other words, sometimes they include few stimulants, and sometimes they come packed with stimulants… but they ALL work pretty much the same way.
So when Hard Rock Supplements say Alpha Lean 7 is for experienced users only, what they mean is you better have the correct physiology and body chemistry to stomach the stimulants.
Enough said.
How Do I Take It?
Take one capsule in the morning before breakfast.
After that, you may take another pill six to eight hours later.
Hard Rock Supplements recommends that you start the dosage with just one capsule daily, so that you can evaluate your tolerance to its side effects.
Can Women Use It?
Yes, women can also take this supplement.
But you might be better off looking into Fitmiss Tone or better yet Hourglass Fit, both are decent fat burner / weight loss solutions for women.

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Where Can I Buy It?
You can purchase Alpha Lean 7 from the official website (which might be difficult to find) and other various online sports stores.
Alpha Lean 7 Amazon listings do not seem to exist.
The supplement is priced at $34.95 for 90 capsules.If you reside in Canada or the USA then fast shipping is available for an extra cost.
Is there a guarantee?

As far as I know, the company does not offer a money-back guarantee on the product.
Alpha Lean 7 vs Hydroxyelite?

Hydroxyelite is another ‘Extreme Diet Aid’ packed with intense stimulants.
According to the makers of the product, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Hydroxyeliteis great for:
- High Intensity Training
- Improving Your Weight Loss
- Clean Usable Energy
- Increased Energy – Strong, But Not Too Long
- Improving Mental Acuity
However, unlike Alpha Lean 7, Hydroxyelite fat burner doesn’t contain either Yohimbe orSynephrine HCl — two stimulants that can potentially do a lot of damage.
But it contains a different stimulant called Garcinia Cambogia.

This is a mainstay in many fat burner supplements, and is somewhat effective.
Unfortunately, it’s not much safer than Yohimbe or the stimulants found in Alpha Lean 7. In fact, WebMD shares that the FDA warned against using supplements with Garcinia as it may cause liver problems.
The research is still out on this. (Source)
A 90-capsule bottle of Hydroxyelite will cost you double the price as Alpha Lean 7 at about $70 a pop.
If you are torn between these two, we’d have to recommend avoiding both of them.We don’t feel either offer value for money.Hourglass Fit is our preferred weight loss aid for women and Instant Knockout is in our opinion the best fat burner for men.
6. Recommendation
Alpha Lean 7 claims to incinerate and blowtorch away your excessive body fat.
But, does it genuinely stay faithful to this claim?
At a price of $34.95, we find this hard to believe.The price tag is simply TOO CHEAP for a high quality fat burner.

The company claims it is designed for advanced users, but we do not buy this argument.
Weight loss is the same for everyone regardless of how skilled you are in the gym, this makes us question the integrity of some of Hard Rock Supplements’ claims.
Moreover, the addition of proprietary blends and stimulating ingredients, such as synephrine HCl, is not recommended.
Excessive stimulant consumption can only lead to adverse effects for users, whether they lose weight or not.
This made us question whether Alpha Lean 7 is safe.

Alpha Lean 7 may have used these stimulants in their formula to promote clarity, mental focus or boost energy; but these ingredients may induce side effects and are not proven to aid fat burning.
The negative side effects that come from too many stimulant heavy ingredients can affect all aspects of your day and are really not worth all of the trouble.
Overall, we would recommend choosing a fat burner that is more TRANSPARENT about the doses of ingredients it contains.
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Additional References
Have You Used Alpha Lean 7? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
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