Dominant Testo Review – 4 BIG Reasons To Stay Away

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-28-2020

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Dominant Testo Review – 4 BIG Reasons To Stay Away


The Fake Article
What Is Dominant Testo
Dominant Testo Ingredients
Do You Need a Testosterone Booster
Dominant Testo Reviews
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons

If you want to be ripped like a professional athlete, do what they do. Eat the same things they eat, do the same workouts they do. And take the same supplements they take. Sounds simple in theory, but it’s really anything but. Professional athletes have nutritionists and cooks choosing and preparing their meals, and they have teams of trainers designing and managing their workouts.

They can afford the best of the best when it comes to trainers, food, exercise facilities and workout routines.

But the supplements – that’s where your average guy wanting to get ripped can come closest to doing what the athletes do, right? In truth, the answer is a little more complicated than it may seem. If you believe everything you read on the internet, you might think UFC Champion Conor McGregor relies on a supplement called Dominant Testo, but the truth is it’s highly unlikely.

The Fake Article

Almost every day, I have readers asking me what I think about some incredible new supplement or stack they just read about at the “ESPN News” website. The question is almost always the same. It goes something like this:

“Rob, I just read about “Great New Product” in an article at the ESPN website. LeBron James swears by it. It sounds too good to be true, right? But if LeBron uses it, it must be good, right? He wouldn’t let them use his name if it weren’t true, right?”

Dominant Testo LeBron James Image


Their instincts tell them it’s too good to be true, but their “logic” tells them that a product couldn’t possibly get away with falsely claiming that it’s used by a celebrity. LeBron would sue their ass, wouldn’t he?

And that’s why these companies get away with it. These companies are such small potatoes that their fly by night internet ads that come down as quickly as they go up don’t even show up on LeBron’s or his people’s radar. And it’s not just LeBron James. I’ve seen these ads using sports stars from Colin Kaepernick to Tom Brady as well as other celebrities famous for their physiques, like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

The most recent one of these “articles” to come to my attention used Conor McGregor to promote Dominant Testo.

Dominant Testo Conor McGregor Image


The blatant lies got me so fired up I wrote a comprehensive expose about the whole scam: No, Conor McGregor Did Not Use That Supplement

Another fake ad I saw floating around that talked about this supposed miracle supplement was this one:

fake testosterone cure ad

When you click on that ad, it takes you to a website that appears to be the Fox News site at face value.

You’ll see all sorts of B.S., like this product cures erectile dysfunction, it permanently retains testosterone, and that the sharks agreed to a $1.5 million dollar deal with the supposed founders of this supplement, the “Kim sisters”.

I debunked the entire thing in this article.

Clearly, I’m no fan of this kind of marketing, but it’s our job to review supplements so you can know the truth about what’s in them, how to use them, and whether or not they work, so despite its use of this scammy tactic, we went ahead and found out all we could about Dominant Testo.

Dominant Testo ReviewWhat Is Dominant Testo?

Dominant Testo is a natural testosterone boosting supplement that promises to improve your workouts and recovery so you can get the kinds of results you see on professional athletes and celebrities. If you take this pill every day, you’ll be rewarded with:

  • Explosive workouts.
  • Insane pumps.
  • More muscle mass.
  • Faster post workout recovery.
  • Increased natural testosterone.

And like all testosterone boosters, Dominant Testo also promises to boost your sex drive and help you achieve better, longer lasting erections, much to the enjoyment of both you and your partner.

The website puts extra focus on the benefits Dominant Testo can provide for your post workout recovery. It states that the formula provides all the essential nutrients you need to replenish yourself during this critical time, leading you to faster muscle gains.

While it’s true that post workout is a crucial time, it’s unusual for a natural testosterone booster to make this claim. For this reason, and because it’s the best way to know what to really expect from a supplement, let’s take a look at the complete formula.

Dominant Testo Ingredients


Dominant Testo Ingredients Image


While the website doesn’t showcase the ingredient list in a prominent way, they do provide the needed information, which is more than I can say for a lot of its competitors. Here’s the list along with a brief description of the accepted benefits of each:

  • Fenugreek (300 mg). Fenugreek has repeatedly been shown in tests to not actually boost testosterone, but to mimic the effect of increased levels. A recent study shows that it’s done by increasing the uptake of creatine within your muscles. This means more strength during workouts, leading to better results. While there isn’t a firm standard, common dosage recommendations run in the range of 500-600 mg per day.
  • Tribulus Terrestris (300 mg) is another herbal ingredient that has historically been thought to increase testosterone levels. The mechanism was thought to run through the pituitary gland by increasing the output of Luteinizing Hormone, which would then signal the testes to release more testosterone. As is the case with Fenugreek, it seems that there isn’t so much an actual testosterone increase with Tribulus as there is a mimicking of its effects. Unfortunately, studies have failed to show a connection between Tribulus Terrestris and testosterone or athletic performance.
  • Horny Goat Weed (100 mg) is much more closely aligned with sexual performance improvement, including better erections. It works similarly to a PDE5 inhibitor like Viagra, allowing blood to fill penile cavities and remain longer than it would without the help. But just like the other two herbal ingredients, Horny Goat Weed does mimic the effect of increased testosterone.
  • Vitamin B6 (10 mg), Magnesium (225 mg) and Zinc (30 mg), better known as ZMA, is believed to have a positive effect on actual testosterone levels, and is commonly used in testosterone boosting supplements (especially magnesium). There hasn’t been much research conducted, but I did find a small study of 14 healthy young men, showing that serum testosterone levels were not increased when they took ZMA.  Nevertheless, it’s believed that it does mimic the effects of boosted testosterone.

On the whole, I’d say these are all decent ingredients that I like to see in a testosterone boosting supplement, but it doesn’t go far enough. The most effective options generally contain D Aspartic Acid which Dominant Testo does not.

Do You Need a Testosterone Booster?

Back when you were a teenager, your body was flooded with testosterone. The huge amounts fueled bone growth and muscle development, as well as your path to sexual maturity. But once you hit your mid twenties, your levels began their slow and steady decline. It wasn’t noticeable at first – you still had plenty, but after a while – usually around your mid thirties – things start to change.

You no longer have the stamina you once had. Your ability to go out at night, then get up and make it to the gym before work the next day is greatly diminished. Workouts are harder, results more difficult to achieve, your libido is way less than it used to be, and you start to see fat appearing, mainly around your midsection.

This is when most men start to become aware of testosterone levels and their inevitable decline. But it’s normal and natural, so most men don’t require actual treatment. That’s where natural testosterone boosters like Dominant Testo come in. They can really stem the tide and make you look and feel like you’re a decade or so back on the timeline of decline.

Dominant Testo Reviews

If you’ve read any of our other supplement reviews, you know we put a lot of weight on customer feedback, as long as it’s real. It’s hard to beat hearing about the experiences of the customers who’ve actually used it when it comes to solid information and advice.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing of the sort for Dominant Testo. That fake ESPN article we talked about earlier displays what looks like customer feedback, but as we discussed in our expose, it’s not real and it has nothing to do with Dominant Testo.

Where to Buy

If you’re interested in buying Dominant Testo, you can only do so through their official website, but there are a couple different options and packages to choose from.

The Free Trial Option

Dominant Testo Free Trial Image

The way it works is that you sign up for a free trial, you pay $4.95 for shipping, and they send you a “free” 30-day supply. Most customers think they’ve scored something for free, but unfortunately that’s just not how it works.

Here’s what you’ll find in the very faint and fine print Terms & Conditions:

Dominant Testo Terms Image

In case you can’t read that (and who could blame you?!) it says that unless you call their customer service number at 1-877-673-8502 or email them at to cancel, they will charge you $97.99 18 days after you place your order. AND they’ll send you a new $97.99 plus shipping bottle each month until you do contact them to cancel.

I’ve got nothing against monthly autoship programs. What I do have a problem with is springing the program and the billing on unsuspecting customers thinking they’re only signing up for a trial that ends with the payment for shipping.

There are many autoship programs that work just as they should by eliminating the need to keep repurchasing, but often times they take advantage of unsuspecting customers.

Read more in our free trial scam expose, Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

The Straight Sale Option

While the free trial option can be tempting, they also offer a straight sale option for those of us who are familiar with free trial scams. In this case, you simply pay your money and get your product, with no further commitment. Within this framework, there are three choices:

  1. A single bottle (a one month supply) costs $97.99 plus shopping.
  2. If you buy two bottles you’ll get one for free (and then some) by paying $156.76 for 3 total bottles. Shipping is free with this package.
  3. Buying a 3 month supply for $205.75 will get you an extra bottle and free shipping as well.

Each of these straight sale packages are subject to the Dominant Testo return policy, which is actually pretty vague. They say it’s considered on a case by case basis. You have to contact their customer service within 30 days from the date you placed your order. At that time, they’ll decide whether or not you’ll get a refund, and if you have to return your unused product.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Dominant Testo

  • The formula is all natural, with ingredient amounts disclosed.
  • Contact information is readily available, and there is a refund policy.
  • The formula does contain some ingredients that mimic the effects of increased testosterone.

Disadvantages of Dominant Testo

  • It uses a scammy fake article pretending to be used by UFC Champ Conor McGregor.
  • It’s available through a free trial scam that turns into a monthly autobill program, with little notice that most customers tend to miss.
  • It’s very expensive for what it it is.
  • The refund policy is vague and non-committal.


Dominant Testo is a natural testosterone boosting supplement just like so many others. The formula does contain some useful components, but it’s missing important others, namely D Aspartic Acid. On the whole, I would not characterize it as one of the stronger formulas out there.

They use a fake “article” claiming that Conor McGregor uses Dominant Testo to get his great body. I can’t stress it enough. This same article is used by dozens of supplements and stacks. They may use a different celebrity, but rest assured it’s the same article… and it’s always a lie.

It’s only available online through its official website, and as a result, there are no independent customer reviews to help us understand how well it works for people who actually use it. Without honest, independent feedback, we’re really shooting in the dark.

They offer the free trial scam just like the one so many of my readers get caught up in every day. It doesn’t say much for a company when they choose to trick their customers into sending them money each month. And this doesn’t even touch upon the fact that this product costs a ridiculous $97.99 for a one month supply.

With so many strikes against it and really nothing special going for it, why would anyone choose Dominant Testo over all the other great natural testosterone boosting supplements that work, come at a reasonable price, and respect their customers and potential customers enough not to try to trick them.

Have You Used Dominant Testo? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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