Endoshield Review – Should You Switch?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-8-2013

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Endoshield Review – Should You Switch?

Endoshield Overview

Axis Labs uses a tag line of “Performance Driven Nutrition” and they’ve built a reputation as a solid nutritional supplement company for bodybuilders looking to go farther and achieve more.  They make products for weight loss, muscle building, repair and recovery.  You name it.  If it helps you achieve fitness goals, Axis Labs makes it.

One particular product that Endoshield makes is kind of unique.  It’s not a multivitamin per se.  It’s not a testosterone booster exactly.  It’s both.  The guys at Axis Labs said they saw a gap in the area of nutritional supplementation designed for men who want greater strength and virility.  So they filled it with Endoshield.

Endoshield ReviewHow Endoshield Works

Essentially, Endoshield is a multivitamin that also helps facilitate and encourage your body’s own production of testosterone.  So the goal here is optimal health and peak testosterone support.   It works as a complete multivitamin, so you can replace that in your medicine cabinet.  And it also offers nutritional support to your body’s own testosterone production process.  Three tablets a day and you’re covered in both areas.

Endoshield Ingredients

First of all, Endoshield provides a complete offering of effective daily doses of nutritional support.  In other words, vitamins and minerals.  Some of the highlights are Vitamins A, C, E, and all the B vitamins, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Chromium, Potassium, and Selenium.  And not just small amounts.  Well in excess of 100% of daily requirements for most vitamins and high amounts of minerals as well.

Next is the EndoDrive Support Blend which is there to help facilitate the body’s own natural testosterone production process.  Included in this blend is:

  • Vitamin D which is essential for many things in the body including testosterone production.  Recent studies have linked low Vitamin D with low testosterone levels.
  • Vitamin K helps Vitamin D to be more effective.
  • Quercetin keeps testosterone from being converted to estrogen.
  • Boron reduces the presence of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which binds to testosterone, making it unavailable for use by the body.  Basically, the less SHBG, the more free testosterone.

Endoshield Pros and Cons

Advantages of Endoshield

  • It can replace your daily vitamin supplement.
  • It’s made by a reputable sports nutrition supplement company.

Disadvantages of Endoshield

  • It doesn’t directly increase testosterone, so you may need to take it in addition to a testosterone booster.
  • There is no money back guarantee.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Endoshield through any number of online retailers.  The Axis Labs sells it as well, and while they don’t offer a money back guarantee, they do allow you to exchange Endoshield for a different product if you’re not happy with your results.  You’re responsible for shipping charges however.  At the website, the 180-count bottle sells for $39.96.  We’ve seen it for as little as $24 elsewhere so definitely shop around.


If you’re taking a multivitamin anyway, you might as well make it one that supports testosterone levels.  So while we wouldn’t recommend that you replace your testosterone booster with Endoshield, we do recommend that you take Endoshield instead of your current multi.

Have You Used Endoshield?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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