Enhance Mind IQ Video Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-31-2018

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Does Enhance Mind IQ really work?  I’ve actually tested it.  Watch my video review, and learn more about the side effects, my personal results, where to buy, and more.

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Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And today’s viewer to be talking about something called enhanced mind IQ. This is what’s known as a nootropic supplement or brain booster, that’s basically designed to help improve your overall cognition and focus. I’m gonna talk a little bit about enhanced mind IQ first. But if you’d like to skip ahead to my personal review, you could just click the link in the description box below and it’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into all the nitty-gritty details of my personal experiment with this supplement. So anyways, enhanced Mind IQ labels itself as number one rated all-natural smart pill. According to them, we start to experience a loss of brain power right around the age of 30, and some of the symptoms of this include memory loss, difficulty concentrating lack of focus, and decreased energy levels. Of course, some of the benefits of this supplement basically include the complete opposite. Stating that enhanced mind IQ can help with intense focus, enhancement mental clarity, improved energy levels, and advanced cognition. They briefly mentioned on their homepage that it’s been seen on news outlets like the New York Times, NBC, CNN Health, and USA Today. But what’s interesting to note is that when you try to find an article about enhance mind IQ on any of these sites, you actually come up short. I searched the New York Times website, which you can literally search for articles all the way back to like 1851, and I didn’t see anything on it there. I also searched CNN health, and the only thing that came up was some article about how smoking pot on a regular basis causes changes to your brain, and may even lower your IQ. Lastly, I checked the Chicago Tribune, and pretty much found no mention of enhanced mind IQ at all on there either. So anyways the official ingredients list in enhanced mind IQ contains a proprietary blend of ingredients that they call a cerebrex. I think I’m pronouncing that correctly, cerebrex blend. This plan includes amino acids like l-glutamine, l-carnitine, and l-tyrosine, and other natural ingredients like dmae, taurine, ginkgo biloba extract, phosphatidylserine and Bacopa monnieri. There’s really nothing revolutionary about this blend. You’ll find a ton of other brain boosters that contain similar ingredient profiles, many of which I’ve actually personally tested myself I did a quick search to see what others were saying about enhance mind IQ, and the vast majority of feedback was not very positive. We have about five reviews of enhanced mind IQ that people left on our site here, and almost every single one of them rated it as one-star. Another site called paya, has about 25 reviews of it, and the average rating on there is about 1.3 stars. So you could start to see a trend here as far as its overall effectiveness and the feedback that people are giving about it. Despite all this, I figured I would give enhanced mind IQ a fair shake and try it out myself. I ordered a one-month supply off their official website, which I believe is tryenhancemindIQ.com and I believe it cost me somewhere around like fifty-five dollars or so. The directions on the enhanced mind IQ label are actually a little bit contradictory. On the one side, it says that a serving size is two capsules and that each bottle contains 30 servings. But when you turn the ball around it actually says as a dietary supplement take one capsule daily. So I wasn’t really sure if I should take one or two capsules, so I decided to just take one capsule for the first few days and then if I didn’t feel anything, I would basically up the dose to two capsules a day. I tried enhanced mind IQ out for about two weeks and I gotta say I really, I didn’t feel much at all. I didn’t experience any increased concentration or focus, I didn’t have any sort of mental clarity, I didn’t seem to have any effect on like, you know, short or long-term memory. I don’t see any mention of how long it takes for this stuff to kick in, at least on the enhance mind IQ website, but I, you know, I basically figured after two weeks I should have felt some sort of effect, which unfortunately did not. Based on the enhanced mind IQ reviews that I’ve read up to this point, I really was not very surprised at that. Anyways, that’s pretty much all I have for enhanced mind IQ as far as my personal results. One thing I did want to mention is that you should be really cautious if you decide to get the free trial of enhanced mind IQ. A lot of guys thinking they’re getting a free sample when they’re signing up for this, but this is actually not the case. You’ pay something like five dollars for the shipping of the trial bottle. But what many of you have actually probably missed in the very fine print at the bottom of the page, is that they’ll actually end up charging you eighty-nine dollars and ninety-two cents, fourteen days after you’ve ordered. it says so right here in the terms and conditions, which like most guys, you’ve probably completely missed. There’s actually a lot of reviews on enhanced mind IQ that are basically a bunch of dudes, who are just really pissed off that they didn’t realize that they were going to be charged for this. So really the only way you can stop them from doing this is to call the customer support phone number and cancel it. And I’ll put the phone number in the description box below if you need it. So anyways that’s all I got for enhance mind IQ. If you have any questions just leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. And thanks for watching, and I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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