Happy Hippo Herbals Review

By: Rob Miller
6 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 12-15-2020

Home » Kratom » Happy Hippo Herbals Review


What is Kratom
How Does Kratom Work
Newbie Hippo Starter Pack
Happy Hippo I
Happy Hippo 2
Maeng Da Elite Green (Hyper Hippo)
Sumatra Red (Magic Hippo)
Sumatra Yellow
Smiley Horned Hippo
Happy Hippo Phenibut
Happy Hippo Herbal Vs. Other Herbal Vendors
Happy Hippo Reviews Around The Internet
Fast Shipping

In this review I’m going to be talking about a highly controversial, but highly effective, substance called Kratom. Kratom is technically not a drug, and technically not a supplement.

It has garnered just as much controversy and negative attention as it has glowing reviews of it being a miracle cure for pain and other problems.

It fits in one of those gray areas I like to call “Supplement Purgatory”.

Specifically in this review I’m going to be talking about Happy Hippo Herbals, which is a medium sized company that sells a wide variety of Kratom strains.

With pharmaceutical companies trying to shove prescriptions like Xanax, down our throat, it is nice to know that we still have access to natural painkillers like kratom and anti-anxiety products like Phenibut.

Related article: 3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

However, with legislation pushing to make such products illegal, who knows when they will be universally blacklisted? In fact, kratom has already been banned in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin, and some parts of Florida.

Additionally, back in September of 2016, the DEA announced that it was placing the alkaloids in Kratom on the Schedule I drugs list, making it just as illegal as heroin.

Remember what we were taught in school? We live in the Land of the Free!

No, apparently not.

If you live in an area of the country where kratom is still legal, great! However, be aware that there are many vendors who sell low-quality products or even counterfeit products so it is imperative to buy from a trusted source. When I buy kratom and Phenibut I go straight for the best, Happy Hippo Herbals, as they never let me down. For me, having access to the highest quality herbals is at the top of my list.

What is Kratom?

Kratom review

For people who have never heard of kratom, I present to you a plant that could literally change your life. Anyone who is dealing with constant pain may benefit by using this natural alternative to prescription pain relievers.

In fact, many people have been able to give up prescription drugs like OxyCodone and Vicodin by replacing them with kratom.

Here inherently lies the problem, as the pharmaceutical companies aim to completely monopolize the health industry and don’t like competition to some of their top selling drugs.

This has resulted in a government lobbying program in order to make plants like kratom illegal. Anyone who has experienced the benefits of kratom or believes in freedom should write a letter to their congressperson so they can properly represent what the people really want.

Unfortunately, many people are having to go back to more dangerous and less natural alternatives that are federally legal because of it becoming illegal in their respective states.

How Does Kratom Work?

How Does Kratom Work

Kratom contains a number of alkaloids including Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine. (Source) Both of these phytochemicals are similar to opiate like compounds, but with far fewer user side effects. This means that people who require pain relief can experience the positive benefits of kratom, without serious withdrawal, tolerance, and constipation issues.

There are a number of different types of kratom, so anyone who is first experimenting with this plant should take advantage of the beginner pack, offered by Happy Hippo Herbals, as it has a wide variety of options to choose from. By experimenting with different versions of kratom, a beginner can choose from a smorgasbord and hone in on the strain or strains that are perfect for them.

Newbie Hippo Starter Pack

Newbie Hippo Starter Pack

People who want to experiment with a few varieties of kratom, from relaxed to active, should try out the Newbie Hippo Starter Pack. This starter pack contains 1 ounce of high activity kratom like Hyper Hippo, 1 ounce of Happy Hippo, and 1 ounce of Sleepy Hippo. With a total of 3 ounces, behold the spectrum of kratom.

Ideally, begin experimenting with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon kratom, as that should be a sufficient dose for most people. If not, take a little bit more in 45 minutes and reevaluate the results.

Happy Hippo I

happy hippo 1 review

My personal favorite strain for helping to get things done and just feel good overall would be Happy Hippo I. HHI is a moderate strain of Kratom that may help support energy levels, as well as pro social behavior.

For me, it seems to work very effectively at helping me get stuff done, whether it be physical or mental work.

Occasionally I will mix Happy Hippo I with other strains like Happy Hippo 2 (more on that one below) and Magic Hippo.

Happy Hippo 2

Happy Hippo 2 review

Happy Hippo 2 is another moderate strain that seems to help me get stuff done. The interesting thing to note is that, while Happy Hippo 1 seems to help with both physical AND mental work, Happy Hippo 2 seems to only help me get physical work done.

When I take Happy Hippo 2 I don’t feel any sort of surge in concentration or focus, it just seems to help motivate me to do physical activities.

Everyone responds differently to different types of Kratom, so you may have a totally opposite effect.

Maeng Da Elite Green (Hyper Hippo)

Maeng Da Elite Green

Maeng Da is the most popular strain of kratom, as it offers a surge of energy. The Maeng Da provided by Happy Hippo Herbals has been processed down to remove the stem and vein that is generally undesirable. The final product is a vibrant, green powder that is the freshest available to people in the United States. At a price of only $15 an ounce, this is the best way to experience high grade kratom.

I’ve personally used this, and I think it’s one of the best strains Happy Hippo has to offer. Just be advised that it does have a tendency to cause anxiety, so try to use the lowest dose possible when using this strain.

Sumatra Red (Magic Hippo)

Sumatra Red Magic Hippo review

Sumatra Red, otherwise known as Magic Hippo, is an excellent strain of kratom that needs to be experienced in order to believe it. There is a reason why it is called magic.

Many take this strain to experience both the euphoric and pain relieving properties of kratom.

Personally speaking, this is probably my favorite strain for relaxing, reducing anxiety, and helping with sleep.

Sumatra Yellow

Sumatra Yellow

On the complete opposite side of the spectrum is Sumatra Yellow, a version of kratom that results in drowsiness. Taking this version of kratom before going to sleep should allow the dreams to set in quickly.

For me, I didn’t get this effect.

In fact, Sumatra Yellow is probably one of the only strains that Happy Hippo has to offer that I didn’t get much of an effect at all.

I’ve only used it a handful of times, though, so it may have just been a bad batch.

Smiley Horned Hippo

smiley horned hippo review

This strain is characterized as “very slow”, which means that it provides the most relaxing, anti anxiety, pain-free effects.

I can confirm this.

Magic Hippo used to be the slowest strain I’ve ever tested, but after testing Smiley Horned several times, I can confirm it is the slowest strain Happy Hippo carries (from my personal experience, at least).

For me, the effects of this version hit pretty swiftly.

Usually it can take as long as 45 – 60 min. to feel the full effects of ANY version of kratom.

Not so with this one.

Smiley horned seems to hit pretty hard, usually taking just a few minutes for the initial onset of effects, and topping out after about 30 – 40 minutes.

There are so many other versions of kratom to choose from and each have their unique effects so beginners should experiment until they find the strains that meets their needs.

I plan on updating this review with more strains as I test them.

Happy Hippo Phenibut

Happy Hippo Phenibut

Phenibut was created in Soviet Union in the 1960s and has since been used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, alcoholism, and a number of other conditions. Currently, many are using Phenibut as a nootropic agent, as it has the ability to improve cerebral function. Since Phenibut is similar to the neurotransmitter GABA, it mimics it in many respects. The real advantage that Phenibut has over other anti-anxiety drugs is its ability to lower stress without making users drowsy or lowering performance.

I prefer the Hippo Phenibut powder because it is 99.5% pure. Available in either powder or capsule form, the relaxing experience unique to Phenibut is great for high anxiety situations. As stress decreases, while performance remains about the same or even a little bit better, it is nice to have this product on the shelf when I need it.

Ideally, only take Phenibut a couple times a week max, as consistent use will increase tolerance significantly. When used only twice a week, 50 g, or about 100 servings, should last more than 3 months.

The reason I keep buying Phenibut from Happy Hippo Herbals is because anytime I buy from another supplier I generally end up disappointed. $20 for 50 g is about as good as it gets for a high-quality Phenibut powder.

Happy Hippo Herbal Vs. Other Herbal Vendors

Happy Hippo Herbal vs Other Herbal Vendors

Happy Hippo Herbals stands out from other vendors around the Internet and head shops due to the consistent high-quality, fast shipping, payment options, like bitcoin, and reasonable prices. People who want quality herbal powders often purchase from them because consistency is nearly guaranteed.

The kratom that Happy Hippo Herbals sells is not older than 2 months and is the freshest product available to people in North America. This is a drastic difference from other kratom vendors, as some are selling products that were harvested over 2 years ago! As Kratom sits on the shelf for a while, the alkaloids break down, and lower the overall potency. This is why buying a fresh product results in a higher quality product.

Another reason why I purchase kratom from Happy Hippo Herbals is because they donate money to the American Kratom Association. Someone has to provide a voice for this marvelous plant that has offered pain relief to many. Consistent ongoing support for this organization is necessary in order to stand up to pharmaceutical companies and maintain kratom’s legal status in at least some parts of the United States.

Happy Hippo Vs. Top Extracts

top extracts kratom review
My personal favorite brand, Top Extracts. Click Here to read my review.

One recent vendor I’ve had a chance to test out is called Top Extracts. Out of the half dozen vendors I’ve tested over the last 2 years, in my personal opinion Happy Hippo and Top Extracts go neck and neck.

All of their kratom strains are relatively similar in their effects, however, Happy Hippo does have a slight edge price wise.

When I say this, I mean typically you’ll see prices of 5-10% more with Top Extracts then with Happy Hippo.

With that said, you can’t beat Top Extracts quality! Click Here to read my full review of Top Extracts.

Happy Hippo Reviews Around The Internet

Happy Hippo Reviews Around The Internet

One of the best places to find out what people are thinking is Reddit, as no one seems to be shy of offering their opinion here. Some have stated that the prices of kratom are a bit higher at Happy Hippo Herbals, but they keep buying from them due to the quality and excellent customer service.

In addition, buying kratom with bitcoin AND getting 20% off the order or paying with Instant eCheck and getting 10% off lowers price considerably, while making the overall paying process simple for both parties. As a side note, customers also have the option to use Visa or MasterCard to fulfill their order.

Many people have stated that Happy Hippo Herbals’ kratom is twice as strong as the competition. In fact, some only consume 2 grams of kratom and compare it to 5 grams of kratom from another supplier. In other words, beginners who buy the Newbie Hippo Starter Pack may want to start out at about 2 grams or roughly 1/2 teaspoon before experimenting with more.

Other comments from users focus on the freshness of kratom supplied by Happy Hippo Herbals, which may account for its high potency. Either way, this company takes pride in its product and realizes that fresher is always better.

Happy Hippo Herbals often supplies more than the stated weight and includes free samples of other types of kratom that are currently available. In the end, consumer satisfaction is what is most important to me and the company has always responded to emails I sent them without delay. To me, this is one of the most important factors when doing business, as I prefer to work with companies that take pride in their professionalism.

Warnings and Contraindications

Since technically kratom is “not meant for human consumption” according to their labels, you should definitely approach it’s use with caution.

coastline kratom not for human consumption

When just starting out, it’s a good idea to limit your use to just 1 – 2 times per week, and keep your doses low.

A low dose would be considered as about 1 – 3 grams.

Typically low doses like this will still provide good benefits, without the potential adverse side effects.

Speaking of side effects, some potential ones with kratom include:

  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased urination
  • Constipation
  • Sedation

(Source: Drugs.com)

Kratom has also been shown to cause low testosterone function in men, which has a whole host of other issues.

You should also avoid combining kratom and other drugs, like alcohol, as there could be negative consequences.

Fast Shipping

According to one YouTube video, shipping takes about 2 days, fast enough. According to the company directly, the product is shipped out in 0 to 36 hours on weekdays.

The longest I’ve ever waited for an order was around 5 days, but that’s because it was a holiday weekend that particular time.


happy hippo herbals

Anyone who has been stuck in the rut of using pharmaceutical painkillers and would like to kick the habit with an herbal alternative should consider using kratom. While no one knows how long kratom will remain legal throughout the United States, it is a good idea to get it now, while it is still widely available. The same is true for Phenibut. While it is still legal in the United States, it is undergoing regulation in the UK. Since Phenibut is a great anti-anxiety supplement, many people can benefit from it throughout the world.

Keep in mind that both Kratom and Phenibut do have potential for withdrawal, so it’s best to limit their use to just a few times a week.

Have You Used Happy Hippo Herbals? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Koko Kratom

#1 - Koko Kratom

Koko Kratom has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices.Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site.

Read more here.

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User Questions and Answers

Hello, what is the easiest and quickest way to take kratom? -Anne

Toss and wash method.  You literally toss a half of a teaspoon amount on to your tongue, and wash it down with your beverage of choice.- Rob

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How fast can I receive my order of Happy Hippo? -Jeremy

According to their website, you can choose USPS Priority Shipping which takes 3-7 business days, or USPS Express Shipping which takes 2-5 business days.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

18 comments on “Happy Hippo Herbals Review”

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  1. Dude you have to try the manga das!! White mang das red mang da and green mang da especially will help you buddy! Please try it I promise it will help with those horrible sub withdrawls.


    1. Hey Cheryl,

      I’m not sure how it works for women regarding libido, but it def has a negative impact on male sex drive. If you’re looking for an effective female libido supplement, check out our over the counter female viagra review here. The best supplement we’ve ever tested would be Her Solution Pills, which you can learn more about in our review here.

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
  3. I’m getting off suboxone. Some recommended I try this.

    Any help on what to use and how much would be so helpful. I’m very new to the whole kratom hippo thing like I said I would greatly appreciate any advice.

    Thank you.
    1. Hey Chad,

      Kratom is a godsend for those looking to get off prescription drugs like Suboxone. Check out Coastline Kratom. In my personal experience, it’s more effective than Happy Hippo Herbals. I would go with their beginner’s pack, it will allow you to try out 3 different strains of Kratom so you can see which one works in what way.

      Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/coastline-kratom-review-my-personal-results/

      It goes into great detail about how to take it, how much to take, etc. And here’s a link to their beginners pack: https://www.coastlinekratom.com/product/beginners-pack/?ref=4155
  4. I have to agree, Happy Hippo is expensive. I have purchased from many other vendors that are much cheaper.

    I have ordered from Happy Hippo three times so far and I have to say that their kratom is in a whole different caliber than the others. I order from them when financially feasible.

    It is definitely worth the extra money.
  5. There is no need to look around for a vendor. Happy Hippo sets the standard and is definitely number one.

    Hiper Hippo is my favorite. It arrived from across the US in 2 days!

  6. Really no question right now, just praise for Happy Hippo. They have helped me so much.

    With their quality and fast shipping, its just plain good stuff.
  7. I had been on prescription painkillers for a long time until I found Kratom. I suffer from SLE (Lupus) and no longer take any prescription medications – at all – period.

    Just found HH and made my first purchase of Kratom. I’ll ring in on how that goes.

    Been taking Kratom for a year, and I’ve had some of the worst out there. Hoping I’ve found my new home at HH.

    Thanks for the reviews guys, it really does help newbs like me, make an informed decision.
    1. Thanks Amanda. Glad to hear you’re doing better.

      Let me know how you do with Happy Hippo.
  8. Happy Hippo really needs to bring the older granular Phenibut back! The original Phenibut was second to none.

    They were the elite of the Phenibut arena, but they switched. Aside from that big disappointment, their kratom has been great.

  9. I’m new to kratom. This is my third order with them and they’ve been exceptional in all aspects.

    1. Hey Allen,

      Generally speaking, any of their slow strains (Bali, Indo, or Sumatra) will provide the most pain relief.

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